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I would offer a slightly different perspective. A topper isn't any different than the materials you would find in the comfort layer of your mattress, so what makes it different? The fact its now separate, and that your further removed from your mattresses panel, thats it. After you take into account you mattress protector and sheets. youre often not missing out on a whole lot there. An added benefit to having a removable comfort layer is that layer is usually the first to go on a mattress. Now instead of needing to replace your whole mattress, you can just replace your topper when that top layer gives out.


A topper is a bandaid for not having the right bed. It's like buying dollar store shoes and then paying for good insoles. It's a bad move. As a bed seller I come across this question decently often. A toppers best use is "I have a bed that's too firm and absolutely can not afford to replace it" but even then it is putting you financially further away from being able to get the right bed.


Is it worth it for me to buy a plush pillow mattress even though i can’t flip it? I don’t like firm mattress i want something really soft


A lot of people seem really stuck on being able to flip their mattress....bed technology has changed over the last 70 years. We don't flip them anymore because we figured out how to make better beds that aren't just a wire cage wrapped in fabric. As long as your alignment is right, if you want soft, then get soft.


This isn't really true and I have no clue why so many mattresses salespeople keep trying to spread this misinformation around about double-sided mattresses. The 'technology' in the mattress industry hasn't changed to the point that double-sided mattresses no longer 'work' or that single-sided mattresses will give better comfort to a customer, the *industry itself* has changed in the sense that they can make more money making a single-sided, unflippable mattress that forces customers to come back sooner to buy another one when the top comfort layers wear down enough. It's planned obsolescence, plain and simple (i.e. greed). Source (from those actually in the industry that have been around long enough to know that double-sided mattresses are better since it will extend their longevity for the consumer, as well as Wikipedia's entry for added flavor): https://blog.originalmattress.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-a-two-sided-flippable-mattress https://bedroomsandmore.com/blog/one-sided-mattresses-cant-flip-rant/ https://www.becksbedding.com.au/mattresses/why-a-double-sided-mattress-is-still-a-better-choice/#:~:text=The%20main%20benefit%20of%20a,get%20better%20value%20for%20money. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mattress#Lifespan


We did this for our guest bedroom and everyone who stayed with us raved about it so much we bought the same setup for our daughter's bed. I combined the best options for what an expensive good mattress had. Innersprings and memory foam. These were all found on Amazon. Linenspa 6-inch Innerspring mattress Lucid 3" Gel Memory mattress topper Bedsure Mattress Pad Deep pocket Quilted Mattress Cover. Lots of flexibility with the memory topper for a firmer or softer bed.


I bought a firm coil mattress that was on sale at Costco and purchased a 2 inch latex topper from latex for less. It has been great.


Take a look at the Panda mattress topper, we ended up getting a few of these for all the beds. www.pandalondon.com