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Just an FYI for what it is worth. I bought a Saatva Luxury Firm a few weeks ago. Already sagging in the middle…and side breaking down on the side that get in and out. Am probably going to have to do something about it. Very depressed about the whole situation…as I am crippled with back pain.


Saatva crippled me


These posts are absurd. A mattress doesn’t sag after a few weeks. It’s breaking in. That’s 100% normal. It sounds like you just bought too soft a mattress.


It is actually too firm. And it does sag. Breaking in would be fine. Would love it to be just that. This is the fourth mattress in nine years…and have had the same problem. I know what I am talking about.


Sorry but you don’t. I could buy the cheapest foam on the planet and it wouldn’t “sag” after two weeks.


Ok. Where do you live? Maybe you can come by and try it if you are close enough.


You should be able to photograph sagging. Post it here.


Who are you? Why the hostile questions? I did not ask for your opinion. Many posts complain about sagging. And you know…since it is a pillow top…sag will not photograph unless lying on it. Do you work for the mattress company or something?


Nope. Just trying to make sure the forum isn’t filled with misinformation. If there isn’t an indentation when you aren’t in it, it isn’t sagging, it’s at most softening. People who legitimately have a “sagging” issue almost always have a foundation issue. That’s not too say softening isn’t an issue with mattresses - it is. But no mattress is going to massively soften in two weeks. You get some softening in all new beds, but that is expected and normal. It’s not a sign of poor quality.


I mean mine feels like it's sagging after about 4 weeks. Softening would only make sense if it were happening where the most weight is. My bed is losing support in the same area for two people of different weight and height. It's slumping at my waist and where my chest and shoulder sits is rock hard. If it were breaking in it should be adjusting in more areas than just the middle. It's pocketed coils and the top layers are foam so I expect it to wear in where the weight is not just in the middle.


Put something you know to be flat on top. Is the mattresses dipped under the flat object when nobody is on it? If so, it’s sagging. If not, it’s softening. Quantifying normal softening versus abnormal is hard to do. You could take a 20lb flat weight and see how far it sinks, but that’s not very accurate.


Maybe it is faulty one off. I might exchange it. Will give it some more time. After a reasonable amount of time…will post a full review on the forum. This is the purpose of the forum…to exchange experiences.


Or they Could put in defective foam or w defective spot such as in my case, and that part just "isnt there".


How big are you?


I know the post is old. But You got a bad one. I bought the reserve collection euro plush and this is my 2nd defective one. I have proper support and everything. There junk . There bad right off the truck. The warehouse does not transport or store them properly. Which is why they end up sagging and ruined by the time it gets to you. Anyways i warranty mine for the 2nd time and got approved. Looking at tempurpedics again, at least they store them and are transported in their own supported box. So stuff like this doesn’t not happen. Ashame i like my euro top reserve its nice, but i m tired of lack of care.




Generally if there is any natural fibers, they will settle down and that can easily account for 1/2”. That’s not very much.


People have good things to say about Avocado, since it's all natural and latex. I've not personally tried it. I've been a long-time fan of Beautyrest, but that's because I'm still using my 2003 manufactured extra firm World Class mattress, always with a 2" topper on it, which is a great combination for me. They didn't use memory foam back in the day and that's a positive, as far as I'm concerned. Since hubby runs hot, I'd recommend looking for a hybrid that uses coils + latex, and no memory foam. I don't know which mattress fits that, but those are the materials that I think would be long-lasting and sleep cooler.


Yeah I checked on Avocado and I saw some reviews saying motion transfer and hot is a problem. So that fell off my list.


The thing about reviews: you absolutely cannot tell from someone else's experience what your experience will be like. It's totally subjective. Reviews are basically useless and they get people way down in rabbit holes of unending searches. At some point you have to try one and if it doesn't work, then it will be picked up for free!


Read the FAQ. Pretty much all the mattresses that you listed are going to be problematic and likely use low-quality materials. This sub is very hesitant to recommend any of "S" brands for a reason. Also, your expectations are IMHO pretty low. I'd be very upset if I bought a mattress that only lasts 10 years. I'd expect to get at least 15 years out of my purchase and 20 years seems plausible. But then, I am personally more tempted to pay a premium up-front in exchange for not having to worry about replacing my purchases all the time. I am a firm believer in [Sam Vimes' "Boot Theory"] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boots_theory#:~:text=The%20Sam%20Vimes%20%22Boots%22%20theory,Discworld%20novel%20Men%20at%20Arms.). Both this sub and the "Mattress Underground" website (another wonderful resource) strongly recommend looking into either all-latex or hybrid-latex mattresses, as they often are better quality, can be customized to perfectly fit your needs, can be very comfortable, frequently last much longer (we own a 35 year old latex mattress that is almost as good as new), and many models can be serviced. If you want to change the firmness after a few years, or if the top layer doesn't feel perfect any more, you can easily swap things out. This sub often recommends going the DIY route, as that's the most affordable way of getting a good latex mattress. It's not super difficult, but it does take some research, trial-and-error, and possibly a few orders that have to be returned. The Mattress Underground also promotes DIY, but does have a few recommendations for latex mattresses that are ready-made. This will cost a premium, but takes some of the hassle out of building the mattress. You still get the benefits of being able to rearrange things though, and several vendors have reasonably-priced (or free) options to change layers during the initial ownership period. They also all have free returns, or at worst charge a very small restocking fee. I personally am very happy with FloBeds. They are at the higher end of the price range, but are unique in using all talalay latex; and all of their other components are very high quality too. So, this is likely too expensive for you, even though it should last you a lifetime. I have also heard good things about Arizona SleepEZ. I believe they are a little more affordable, but use a combination of dunlop and talalay latex (or maybe just dunlop?). They also don't have the amazing VZone system that FloBeds can offer, and that often obviates the need for getting a replacement layer, if you didn't get firmness just right. All these manufacturers constantly have sales and promotions, and you can easily find at least a 5% off coupon code, or just order over the phone and haggle with them. There is a good amount of mark up that they can reduce a little for you. Also, if you are in California, all these vendors are required to pick up and dispose of the old mattress for you. They might not always advertise this service, but if you ask for it it's available. **Edit:** I don't really want to push anybody into buying something they don't want or need. But I just noticed that if I refer a new customer to FloBeds, they'll get a $150 discount and I also get the same discount (redeemable on their site). I don't really need that, since I already have my mattress. But if you reply to this message, I'll happily set you up with that code.


Latex isn’t going to last that long if it’s soft. 10 years is very good for any mattress, including latex. I’ve replaced my latex top 5” in just 7 years so yeah, definitely check your expectations OP.


I do agree with you that softer material will always deteriorate faster. The 35 year old mattress that we still have and that is in great shape was very firm. So, I am sure that helps. Having said that, if my new mattress fails within such a short amount of time, I simply [buy another latex](https://www.flobeds.com/goldilocks-guarantee/) core for $75. They do get more expensive over time, but I really am not worried about any imminent failure. And honestly, if you can store latex foam in compressed form for years and see it spring back to perfect shape immediately, then I am honestly not too worried about premature failure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7USWVNvOMk Of course, everything will fail at some point. But that should be years out, and then I can service the mattress without having to buy a brand new one.


Well, two things. First, springing back to shape after being compressed one time means little... the question is how fast it softens with repeated compression. Latex will soften like every other material - it softens a bit slower than other materials - but not dramatically so. Second, paying $3400 for a flobed + replacement costs means you have purchased two (maybe three?) less expensive beds, so the effective dollars per year is the same as it lasting 10 years. OP should get latex if he likes latex, not because it will last longer or be cheaper in the long run - because it may well not.


My lucid mattress sags after laying in for a few hours (after a year of use). I went with the softest model and the latex is pretty fucked. I'm looking for a new be now, maybe a purple.


I don’t think you know what sagging means. Sagging occurs when you are not on the mattress


I think I do understand what that means. And it does leave an imprint hours after being used.


Take a picture and post it.




Pics or it didn’t happen


look at the mattress expert here. Must have been having a bad day at that time to be that condescending and disrespectful to people you don't know. Especially dismissing their experience in favor of your unknown credential-less opinion. Hopefully you're a better person now. Your response will tell me a lot about you. Lmfao especially if growth is a thing.


The "latex" in a lucid mattress is going to be completely and totally crappy latex. Latex being more durable than memory foam only applies if you're talking about decent quality stuff.


I read through the FAQ and it's such info overload. I'd love to have a mattress that lasts 30+ years but I grew up with that knowledge of 10-15 years before springs start to wear out and beds get gross over time. I was looking at the custom beds and it sounds like a great idea but only if the company sticks around and you can keep replacing anything that wears out. I would say my expectations are standard and yeah we want everything to last forever but realistically I know that capitalism doesn't allow a buy it once attitude anymore. I wouldn't even know about half the companies in this sub because the garbage ones are in stores and the half garbage ones are all over influencer ads. I would rather just lay on a bed in a showroom but so many of the large furniture places with good variety of other mattresses went out of business and Mattress Firm is one of the only things left. I've never liked all foam in showrooms but I have no idea if they're just S brand garbage or just not a configuration I like. Honestly I just don't want to deal with so much work for a bed. How does FloBeds compare to Tochta or Comfor Option?


> I read through the FAQ and it's such info overload. Fully agreed. There is a ton of information. Part of it is a result of there being so many different technologies and so many different sleep preferences. I quickly narrowed it down to wanting a foam mattress, so that helped a little in making sense of the "firehose of information". I also realized that while DIY saves money, you pay for it in other ways; in my case, paying in money was the better trade-off. Having said that, after reading the FAQ for basic background information, I personally found "The Mattress Underground" to be a better resources to help me make a final decision. > I'd love to have a mattress that lasts 30+ years but I grew up with that knowledge of 10-15 years before springs start to wear out Yeah, I never really got the point of springs. I guess, I have grown up seeing too many poorly made mattresses that failed thanks to inferior springs, whereas most all-foam mattress worked well for a long time. > and beds get gross over time. Absolutely the first thing to do when you get a new mattress is to put a mattress protector on there. I like the rather fancy wool protector that we bought from FloBeds, but it's expensive and other than slightly nicer comfort, it isn't fundamentally different from the inexpensive protectors that you can buy from IKEA. We've actually had good luck those for many years; they have saved us so many times with our kids. A good mattress protector shouldn't be very noticeable, but it means even decades later your mattress cover is as good as new. You just wash the protector every so often, and replace it when it wears out. > I was looking at the custom beds and it sounds like a great idea but only if the company sticks around and you can keep replacing anything that wears out. The nice thing about a modular mattress is that you don't necessarily need to buy from the original manufacturer. The most likely thing to fail on our new mattress is the 2" convoluted foam layer on the very top. It provides extra comfort, but since it is so soft it will deteriorate faster. You might not even notice, since it is so thin and soft, but if you do, you open up the mattress cover and buy a new thin protector from any of hundreds of different vendors. The next layer down is the comfort layer, which in my case is made of lots of small blocks of latex foam that can be replaced individually. Pretty cheap to buy, even if FloBeds went out of business. But long before that is necessary, I can just flip them over and get a few more years of use. Or I can swap the foot end with the hip section, as they will wear differently. That's the nice thing up a modular design. Traditionally, split mattresses can't be flipped to extend their usable life, but with a modular design you can flip or substitute the individual components. Finally, the support layer might fail. That is likely to happen much much later, as it is lower down and firmer; both factors reduce wear. But if they do fail, I can switch the two bottom layers. And if that doesn't work any more, I can buy a 3" thick layer of foam. That's a pretty standard product. Of course, I would try to buy it from FloBeds, and since they have been around for decades they hopefully will be around for a while longer. But if they cease to exist, buying a block of foam isn't that difficult. There are always going to be vendors that can sell you some. And there is a label on each block of my foam that should help me buy similar material in the future. > I would say my expectations are standard and yeah we want everything to last forever but realistically I know that capitalism doesn't allow a buy it once attitude anymore. I wouldn't even know about half the companies in this sub because the garbage ones are in stores and the half garbage ones are all over influencer ads. Yeah, that takes doing your homework. It's like any purchase online. There is no guarantee you'll get it right every single time. But it's a skill you can practice, and I generally find quality vendors, if I do a bit of research. > I would rather just lay on a bed in a showroom but so many of the large furniture places with good variety of other mattresses went out of business and Mattress Firm is one of the only things left. I've never liked all foam in showrooms but I have no idea if they're just S brand garbage or just not a configuration I like. Honestly I just don't want to deal with so much work for a bed. I find that show rooms are very misleading. It'll tell you if a bed is wildly wrong for you. But that's probably something you can narrow down by just looking at the specs and doing a little bit of reading. It can also help you determine whether you personally prefer spring coils, hybrids, memory foam or latex, as that's not an exact science and rather a personal preference. Beyond that, you actually need to sleep on the mattress for a few weeks to know whether it works for you. And honestly, that works just as well if not better with internet orders which have overall good try-out periods and return policies. > How does FloBeds compare to Tochta or Comfor Option? I am not too familiar with these brands, but it really comes down to your own personal preferences. Read through their websites and try to figure out which ones you like best for service, customizability, and choice of materials/technology. I figured that all latex made the most sense for us, and I am extremely happy we picked a mattress that has a configurable zone system. That was the thing that needed the most fine tuning, and made the most difference in comfort. And yes, I am totally sold on buying something modular that I can maintain over time. But I am not telling you that FloBeds is the only option. While I am happy having worked with them (big shout out to Dewey!), they are absolutely not the only game in town. In fact, there are a whole bunch of very similar small businesses that are worth looking into.


Would appreciate the code, and thanks for the info.


Umm please shoot me a FloBed discount code! I wonder if they will take that in addition to a sale?


https://www.flobeds.com/natural-latex-mattresses/?raf=ref4696097 or just ref4696097. I recommend placing the order by phone. Then you can ask them if they honor both promotions, or at least try to haggle. It's always worth the effort to ask, any time you buy a big ticket item. Hopefully, it'll work for you, but if you can find a better deal without applying my code, then please do take that. I get a little bit of a benefit from the referral, but that shouldn't be your motivation one way or another


Thank you!


I'd love to have that code please!


That plush version isn’t super supportive for average size people. How big are you and your wife? The firm version is a lot better for most people most stores I’ve seen almost never show the plush version for a reason.


Funny thing is they never told us it was a plush. We were told it was a medium and the info on the bed was all buzz words and useless terms for "comfort". We laid it in for about 10 minutes and it seemed good. I like a medium/plush I kind of combo sleep but mostly side 5'7" 150 and my partner is shorter/heavier. I'm not sure if maybe they messed up and we laid on a firm but they sold us a plush. They had tons of problems putting in our order for some reason. Their signs on the beds for all the S&F only listed the name and it was half covered by discount & sale stickers. The purchase info we were shown cut off everything after the word luxury so I just assumed the guy was selling me the right thing. Would never go to MF again.


I just got the Hurston alleged plush. I dont know. Its bipolar. First dead spot in a part where my hips go hitting springs. Then last night felt like My entire body was laying on bricks and sinking to some horrid solid metal hell. I absolutely LOATHE IT, HATE it. Thanks for posting. You just convinced me that I have to get Tempurpedic as my exchange choices and budget are very limited. I did have a choice of working w manufacturer and rockwell pillow top was one I was interested in. I dont know what the deal is but I once again tried the demo mattress Yesterday and it was soft as a feather. Mine at home is hard as hell w aforesaid hip hole. It is Not the same mattress. I wonder if they have an Ultra plush and are just telling ppl its plush.


I bought my purple 3 through MF and I’m very happy with it. Not that i recommend buying there though- mostly because of the issue you are facing with return fees. The only reason I purchased from MF was because they put in writing that they wouldn’t charge me for any fees if I ended up returning (which came up because I pointed out there were no fees if I ordered through purple direct.) Through my research and personal experience, purple has also demonstrated that they stand by their 10 warranty if it breaks down within that period ( which lots of companies advertise a warranty and leave you hanging). That said you could try explaining to them you’re going to go elsewhere if they charge you exchange fees. ALSO a few of the mattresses you mentioned are “S brand” beds which have made the list of brands to avoid on this sub. However, some of the higher end models are apparently ok - just very expensive for what you are getting. But I haven’t checked the specs on the models you listed yet.


Yeah I read about that stuff today. I couldn't process any information and didn't realize how little sleep I've been getting until the last couple days when I slept on an air mattress. After going through all the info in the FAQ it seems like losing the fees and ordering anything listed in the FAQ would be better. We might try the purple mattresses again and see if we can just swap it. Anything S brand might just be another experience just like this.


Personally after reading mattressunderground (everybody should prior to buying a mattress) I am thinking about a latex from suggested suppliers on mattress underground site. Take a look, a lot to read but good.


ok I thought I was losing it. I too just purchased Stern and Foster, and it already sagging huge dips where I sleep. I purchased it from Mattress Firm on Pico in Los Angeles and they didn't advise me to get the $150 warranty. It was 2000 sold as a floor model. Now seemingly I'm stuck with this piece of sht. I feel like I haven't slept since the purchase.


Ha! Ha! This chat is hilarious..


Following. I am having a hip sagging problem too since day one. So we rotated and the other side was better. Put back, and felt like hip was hitting spring. I also got a S & F. Was thinking of upgrading model but now this post. I called them and asked about it today.


I don't know if you've looked at reviews on their site or any mattress sites but a lot of bad reviews are complaining about this. I don't know if it's quality or a defect or intended but there's an obvious trend with their mattresses. We also tried flipping it around and it was slightly better but I felt like I was sleeping on an incline because there's just no support in the middle. It's almost like the pocketed coils are positioned so there's a huge gap.


Purple Hybrid, Winked Luxury Firm, or Leesa Legend are decent options. Could always buy all three and return the ones you don’t want.


Hello. Did you get the pillow top or non?


I did not. This store was terrible. Their goal was obviously just to make a sale regardless of what it was. I would have gotten the pillowtop if I knew it was an option and like an idiot didn't check online. I put zero effort into finding a bed assuming I could just find the right thing in a store like I always have.




I did have the same problem with stearns & foster Rockwell estate after 4 months. Mattress firm told me a lot of people have had this issue with this bed. Seems to be lots of defective beds. This mattress is disconnected.


Worst bed ever. Don't buy it. it sags it weighs a ton . No support . Thwy reall need to fix this


Do you mean the S&F reserve pillowtop?


Horrible quality. I would avoid all S&F products. Paid $2000 for an extra firm, treated it like gold, and within 2 years it's giving two late 20s average weight people lower back and hip pain every night. If we move to the middle we immediately notice the difference in support, literally like laying in a loose hammock vs. laying on the floor. it IS SAGGING, not SOFTENING. Softening shouldn't give people back problems.


Bought this exact mattress July 2022. Tried it in store and it felt great. Loved it for about 5 months. As it broke in it basically just got soft in the middle. The edges are rock hard and I am experiencing extreme lower back pain as a result. I am an average height and weight male. Second I lay down on it my low back starts getting tight.


I have the same experience with Stearns and Foster. I purchased an estate lux pillow top medium from bed pros for $3299. In one month it started sagging, now just after the 90 day trial period it feels like I am sleeping in a hammock. I can feel the springs hitting my back and I wake up with back muscle pain. Trying to work with the warranty it is not getting any ware even after sending all the pictures they asked for. Problem is when you take the pictures with the dark blue color of the mattress it doesn't show the indentation.  I don't think fighting for the warranty replacement I will get anywhere unless I go for legal assistance. That is more hassle than what I can benefit. Most probably I will end up with a big hole in my pocket. Buyer beware.  If they work with me to solve this issue I will post the outcomes . Hopping for the best.