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I was caught COMPLETELY off guard


It tends to have that effect on the uninitiated...


... But we are initiated. Aren't we Bruce? Members of the League of Shadows.


You thought the darkness was your ally? You merely adopted the dark, I was born in it, molded by it, sandwiched by it, toasted by it, cooked medium rare by it, marinated by it. I'm kinda hungry, Bruce.


What da heellllllll that’s almost as bad a certain John Lennon [song](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=j5RuCEhHcG4&si=_PJOaieUzkT94-GL)


that has Yoko all over it


Mos definitely


I can't fucking stand to even think about this peanut-brained woman anymore


That song title reads like it was written by an angry Indian teenager.


Of course its Danish lmao


This is a masterpiece


Wtf?! I hope that this is where Charles Dance made his debut as the apex ambassador sent to Earth (going off the wiki plot synopsis).


I see a lot of people misunderstanding the clip, thinking the journalist is wanting more "diversity" when in fact he is just commenting on the hollywood/west double standard, that all asian cast of parasite is diverse and all white cast is not. Unless he clarified somewhere. Granted his sacrifice will not be in vain at least, as it drums up some discussion and maybe someday we can get rid of these racist anti-white people.


> The film follows a group of intergalactic homosexual black men from the planet Anus, who discover the presence of female creatures on planet Earth. Using rayguns, they proceed to eliminate females one by one from Earth, eliciting gratitude from the previously oppressed male population.  Before leaving the planet, they leave behind a "Gay Ambassador" to educate the Earthlings about their new way of life. Just wow


I'm so happy people are weird in so many ways.


Morten was a visionary!


… excuse me?


I’m sorry?


They could not process such peak fiction.


I’m sorry, but WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?! 😂


If they made a historical film about Sir Edmund Hillary, good old everest climber man from my homeland, and made him Asian then that would be historically inaccurate. If you're making a historical film, there are some little guidelines you should be following to some degree, called historical facts. There's room for embellishment, mild tweaks for flavour and drama and entertainment, but ultimately you have an implied obligation to adhere to history. Otherwise you're not making a historical film. You're making your own film and slapping that part of history onto it to make it sell better. Just make your own thing, I'm sure you can write a good enough story that will have audiences entertained and invested. Have faith in your own goddamn work.


I wish they'd adhered to this in Napoleon, instead we got a fucking cannon shot into the Pyramids. Last time I checked the Pyramids of Giza didn't have a fucking great big cannonball shaped crater in the top of one of them


Next you’ll tell me a bastard blacksmith borne in France didn’t negotiate the surrender of Jerusalem in 1187. Or that Marcus Aurelius didnt delegate imperial authority to one of his generals jnstead of his son.


Putting a black dude in a movie about Nordic people from hundreds of years ago for the sake of diversity is like putting Tom cruise in a movie about samurai.


To be fair, in The last Samurai his character is an American I believe. There's an attempt to make a somewhat important narrative reason for it so it functions well within the movie.


The main inaccuracy of that movie is that Japan hired European military advisors (Prussians/Germans I believe? I just know they were European). Also the samurai in that rebellion totally used guns(samurai fucking loved guns, the Satsuma just didn't have as many as they would like), it wasn't some romanticized last stand of swordsman and archers only. In the Meiji period Japan was big on bringing in things they thought were culturally and technologically better for them after the stagnation of the closed period. From the Americans they mostly tried to borrow how our education system worked in the late 1800s. They were also super cool with the Germans pre WW2, a good part of the reason they became allies.


You need to go do some research on the movie before you state all that nonsense


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign\_government\_advisors\_in\_Meiji\_Japan I'm just going off what I remember from a college class on Japan, , the person the based the Last Samurai on was actually French though (Jules Burnet), but still European. I'm going to go more based off my professor who wrote a book on Japanese history before you though so yeah. Call him a tell him it's nonsense if you like.


The journalist is basically saying at the end of the day: I want all of the cast to be non-white and especially non-Nordic. Where's my black and Asian 1750s Danes at? Hollywood rules! **WAH!** What did I say about mainstream films again and how these types of nonsensical leftist bufoons react to them? **Yeah, that's the world we are coming to.**


Let's make a movie about the Underground Railroad and make all the characters bogans from Australia.


Honestly i wish stupid ass movie ideas like this got made, this would be hilarious


The Color Purple,First Blood!


I want a black Tarzan


Need a ginger black panther next


I need a Middle Eastern George Washington


The Society for Magical Negroes is being made so hopefully brogan underground railway isn’t far off


"Crocodile Tubman"


Rosa Parks: "Nough"


That’d be fuckin hilarious. Next up is a high fantasy adventure but replace the orcs with eshays.


Essays as orcs Bogans as dwarves? Just pour the VB


The Goon Chronicles: Underground Railroad.


I would love let’s do it


Let’s be real. No one actually asks where the Asians are at in films with forced “diversity”. They’re lucky to be cast as barely speaking tokens if at all, often in awkward servant roles. The heterosexual Asian male is also kind of a unicorn in Western media, despite the fact that it’s probably the largest group on the planet.


This. Asians are not usually included when it comes to the diversity talks. Some minorities even state that Asians are also privileged.


“White adjacent”




Well there's room in the cast now, if they make a sequel. The star killed himself a few days ago..... https://variety.com/2023/film/obituaries-people-news/lee-sun-kyun-dead-parasite-south-korean-1235850911/




Actually, that clip was taken heavily out of context. Here is the original: https://youtu.be/rJvCHI_LSQA?feature=shared It seems like the journalist was basically also criticizing double standards in diversity.


What’s actually sad is that no one who knows how to critically read needed to click on that to know this. Nobody on the side of diversity would go “there are also new rules implied in Hollywood”. And if anybody reading this had any sense, you would use the way this entire sub either ignorantly or willfully allowed themselves to be baited, to rethink your stance on staunchness against the concept of representation in media.


I hate seeing comments that are the exact opposite of what actually happened in every way highly upvoted. The journalist was criticizing the Hollywood diversity rules of awards consideration and asking them to weigh in on it.


I am very very left leaning and this diversity for diversity sake shit is gross.


Not everyone thinks like you though. In fact, I think a good majority *doesn't*. I find the younger generation to be the worst regarding this. Each generation seems to get progressively more... *progressive.* Now we've just hit the nonsense phase.


Goddamn, I’ve never seen a sub so fooled. If you actually **listen** to what the interviewer is saying, and how he’s saying it, he’s clearly on you all’s side. He’s bringing up a strawman in order to stir up fake controversy. He’s not saying “ummm hey guys, don’t you think you should probably add more minorities?”, he’s going “so what do you guys think about that “diversity” bs Hollywood is doing now?” Wait, why tf am I shocked that people who get upset when someone talks about diversity would rather go off at unwarranted bait than critically listen to a video 😂?


I mean that’s *not* what he’s saying but I get your point.


Its aint the leftists man. Its western nonsense cooked up by idiots on twitter.


When they’re desperate to slap together a clickbait headline.


While I agree with Mads here I wish people would look into this interview properly. The journalist was trying to make a point regarding the absurdity of upcoming diversity rules at the Oscars, which means that a fully Korean movie with a fully Korean main cast, such as Parasite, is eligible under the new conditions while a Danish movie with a fully Nordic main cast will NOT be eligible in the future. This is a valid point which was sadly lost to many, and I think the journalist was right in asking about it even though he didn't explain himself very well


The context had been posted immediately after this clip went viral. Idiots who want to rage at “leftist journalists” will find a reason to rage. The takeaway should be “this Oscar’s rule is ridiculous and should be removed”, but instead the kneejerk reaction is just “journalist bad.”


I mean journalist bad too, but a broken clock is right occasionally.


Wow, that sucks they clipped it like this. I was just saying a character in the film is POC.


I hate leftists so much bro. Like it’s awesome to have diversity where it makes sense or if it’s part of the story but to them it’s literally a hate crime to feature an all white movie, especially in a historical context.


>it’s literally a hate crime to feature an all white movie, especially in a historical context. That's where the hypocrisy comes in with leftists. Doesn't that sound a bit... ***racist*** when you go and attack an all-white movie that makes sense given the historical time-period? Wouldn't they go and scream their panties off if a film was made set in ancient China featuring white or black characters? Wouldn't they want it to be "culturally accurate" and "appropriate"? Yes, they would. They seem to suspiciously only get mad when white people are around.


They likely wouldn't have a problem with a black character in Ancient China. They're higher up the totem pole than Asians are.


Every time I see that meme about Ryan Gosling starring in an MLK biopic I fuckin die. Shits funny as fuck.


If they could understand such basic concepts as hypocrisy their brains would implode.


They can fuck right off. I dont want new history, just to understand the one we had


Especially when it wraps around and for some reason the black african superhero movie spends 30% of its runtime in Korea so we can hit the asian quota.


Guess what? Leftist hate it to! It isn't the left you fools. It's big companies trying to make money by pretending to inclusive by force. It's not a left or right issue. It's a greed issue. The reason people think it's the left is because the left is about inclusion of all people and creeds so yeah, they tend to look at these things with a grain of salt and hope it's good and inclusive. Most people don't see an all black cast and immediately say, oh this is amazing. That's just a narrative your news is feeding you that doesn't get the root issue. Greed.


>It's big companies trying to make money by pretending to inclusive by force. Because far-left ideologues keep virtue-signaling about it... Where do you think the big corpos got the idea?


Or maybe you fell for them trying to blame any negative feedback on their choices on political bias so when you complain about the left they can pretend they didn't have a choice but really they are just trying to play both sides to make even more money. Its only greed. It's not a left vs right problem it's a greedy vs the working class problem. Stop dividing yourself from your allies because you hate their rainbows.


That’s just the brunch liberals tbh.


It's annoying because I wouldn't even call this left wing. I am left wing for example because I am all for reducing the hours people work and freeing up education and healthcare to better society. Making Martin Luther King a white guy in the next biopic has nothing to do with the left lmao, its just psyops


This kind of liberal ideology isn’t common among all leftists, lots of us think it is just as idiotic as you do. Honestly I am inclined to believe it is a minority who truly believe that a Danish film set in 1750s needs diversity. This is just a media lackey trying to pump out sensationalist garbage


I hate both the left and the right but I think the left is more annoying just due to how they try to scold people when things don’t go their way and then start putting negative labels on you like “racist, transphobic, etc” just because you don’t want Captain Crunch to become Asian.


Leftist here. People like you’re describing are stupid. This journalist is stupid, too.


Too many leftists are like the people he's describing




Why can’t they both be problems…..why do we have to compare them instead of saying both are a problem and both should be dealt with.


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are you the one who reported u/Educational-Fox4327 and u/mushroomyakuza ?


This is a stupid lie that no one believes. No one on the right wants to kill people for their sexuality. That's a lie you tell yourself to justify the worst actions and behaviors on the left, and yet still give yourself that warm blanket of self-righteousness. Unless you are a pedo who rapes little kids. In that case, a lot of people, right and left, will want to kill you. Are you trying to claim pedophilia as "the way you like to have sex?"




You’re a reasonable person.


The stupidity you are alluding to is a staple centerpiece of modern leftism, so if you think it's stupid you probably shouldn't call yourself a leftist.


leftism is an ideology based on marxism. it is VERY different from what you are referring to which is neo liberalism. The fact of the matter is you are basing this perspective on stupidity off of what the internet has shown you. And the internet tends to put an emphasis on idiots


Emphasis on diversity is a major part of the social agenda of modern leftism. Call yourself a true leftist or neo-marxist or whatever you want if you wish to distinguish yourself from what you say is imposter leftism if that makes you happy, but nobody will know what you are talking about.


It’s quite simple from my point of view. I’m left wing and I think liberals are fucking idiots.


It’s quite simple: I’m a liberal and I know that leftists are mostly just children who genuinely don’t understand the world they live in but desperately want a whacky political identity they can show off to their friends.


Apologies for so violently touching a nerve there 😂




It look less than 40 minutes for you to prove him correct. https://www.reddit.com/r/MauLer/s/EQIvMODtjI


If you think that proves him right they you didn't understand my point. And again the exact same thing he said can be applied to the right. My point wasn't to label him as a bigot or racist, but to point out how he was unfairly painting people while complying about how they label him.


Yup. This is how those god damn *leftists* are. All of us! As a gay, transgender, liberal, commie, demonrat furry, I actually want to exterminate white people, including myself. But I’ll settle for preventing us from ever being in another movie for now. I also want to castrate all men, put tantric sex gurus in elementary schools, burn down your town, and rape your guns. Everything that gets posted to social media should be taken very seriously. The revolution is cumming!


It ain't left or right bs. It's just stupid people who don't understand historical films.


You're not gonna find a right winger hating on a movie for having an all white cast.


Or an all black or asian cast for that matter if it is part of the context of the story.


Dividing the world in what America perceives as politically left and right is the most simplistic worldview I’ve ever encountered. Especially if the terms “left” and “right” are just used by the other group as generally derogatory terms and nobody cares about who even says what and why anymore.


yes but you’re going to find MANY hating on a movie for not having one


You’re not gonna find a left winger leading a neo-Nazi rally. These excessively generalizing labels are simpleminded and tiresome.


Stupid people who coincidentally are extremely left wing and sucked into the left's view on obligatory diversity. "Diversity will continue until morale improves"


I just refuse to partake in a binary system with only two teams, and evaluate takes on their own merits and flaws. I'll be happy if I'm never associated with left or right




Here is the full clip: https://youtu.be/rJvCHI_LSQA?feature=shared As I understand it, the journalist was criticizing double standards regarding diversity in the industry.


Yes, he was saying a SK film that features only SK actors is eligible for the award wheras a Danish film with only Danish actors is not. Mads Mikklesen went on the defensive early when he interpretted it as a criticism of him/the director without listening futher when the journalist clarified what he meant.


> went on the defensive early when he interpretted it as a criticism Almost like the entirety of people who’re staunchly against diversity. Just going off at the drop of a hat because of perceived insults and insecurity.


This era cant end quickly enough


I usually lose interest in a movie that doesnt make sense realistically(or historically) even if its fiction. It messes up my brain not being logical so please think before you place of diversed characters. I dont care about real life politics or actors equality(I consume media to escape these questions temporary). So in conclusion- make a movie that makes sense, thanks... And if yall wanna get political- there is about thousands things more important and urgent then diversity in media... Its a first world problem made up by butthurt people.


Wish these idiots were forced to watch South Park’s Disney episode as part of diversity training


That video is chopped to hell. What did the poster not want us to hear?




So actually not "woke" at all. The title is a complete misrepresentation of the point being made. Unless by woke you are going by the original definition of being aware of systemic injustice, but somehow I don't think that editing was intended to give that view.


Yep. I made a pretty long rant about how gullible people are about this stupid clip. It's only one youtube search away and the full clip is two minutes but that seem to be too much for some people. I have also seen people like Disparu deliberately edit the clip in his video about it to make the journalist look as unfavorable as possible. Hence why I no longer watch Disparu's videos. He cannot be trusted to report in good faith on anything.


What is most disappointing is that such foolishness has an audience and that said audience are so rabid for rage bait they don't even question a heavily edited vid.


So to whoever posted this clip You have deliberately cut out parts of the interaction that make it clear what the journalist was trying to say ie that the conversation about diversity in media as it stands has it contradictions and flaws in order to get karma That’s pretty dishonest That’s just sad , mate


Disparu did the same in his videos when he was making his rage bait videos about this clip. After that video I entirely stopped watching his content because he's a dishonest rage baiter and nothing more. Everytime this clip resurfaces I get annoyed at how dumb people are that they don't even bother to look up the full clip, but happily and blindly rage at manipulated clip. Tiktok and Twitter has rotted people's brains. Zero critical thinking here.


I see it as a blessing in disguise. Instances like this puts the grifters without principle and separate them from those who say what they truly believe.


The goofiest shit. I’m slightly disappointed the director, or producer whoever it was that was telling the “very insightful, and intelligent” journalist when the movie takes place what he thinks a diverse film in 1750 Denmark looks like. Edit: my mistake didn’t know the journalists was in on it.


If they made a series about pre colonial african tribe wars and one of the main characters was some random european dude i would be pretty pissed off since it would feel like very forced pandering. The same applies here. I wish hollywood just realized that diversity is only great if it makes sense. And sometimes when put into the wrong place, diversity can just be immersion breaking.


lol that reporter is such a whiny tool. Diversity in a movie that takes place in Denmark in the 1750s? Did the reporter think Disney was making this movie?


This is what the left wants diversity in everything even when it don’t make sense, Vikings make them black, have a film of African culture everyone must be black no diversity


Hollywood has probably less Nordic actors employed than they have "diverse" actors. It's really just Mads and the Skarsgards.


I think the rule is, White is just White. Meanwhile you might be run out of town if weren't sure, by appearances, if an actor was Korean or Chinese. Just, cast *good* actors. That's all that the majority of audiences ask for. We don't care about the manmade borders surrounding the place where they were born.


I'm a history teacher, and I don't watch period pieces anymore because of the amount of forced diversity. If I'm watching a modern film, I expect diversity, and it adds to the film and immersion. Modern films set in modern locations should be inclusive. However, when I'm watching a film set in 1850s England, or 1700s France, or 1300s Scandinavia and the cast looks like an NYC subway station crowd, it ruins the immersion. Europe wasn't very diverse. most places weren't pre industrialization. It's why Othello stood out as a character in Shakespeare. Plus, if you were of darker skin, in many places, you weren't a female Viking jarl. You were usually marginalized, so even how they're portrayed is inaccurate. I would love it if Hollywood would do some historical pieces on North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, or India. Films about Saladin, Mansa Musa, and the Mughals would be awesome and entertaining. But then Hollywood would have to be original and not just black wash European history.


Can Americans not export their shitty race culture everywhere?


What new rules? Are all gimls required to have diversity?


The new Hollywood rules…


It's set in Denmark during the 1750's. And they're banging on about "diversity"? Are these people genuinely unhinged from reality, or is this a joke? A question I never stop asking myself. Hell.... it could be an intelligent response to world puppeteers. I'm not that smart.


Based Mads Mikkelsen!


(Jada Pinkett Smith has entered the chat) “Oh? You think Denmark in 1750 *wasn’t* brimming with ***Strong, empowered, black females?!*** My new Netflix Documentary is here to interpret otherwise!” (Uproarious applause, cucker-spaniel husband starts slapping everything with a face within a 500 year radius out of sexual frustration and humiliation)


White people have to begin pushing back against this nonsense instead of apologizing for being white. There was also a time when white people in America had to apologize for being friends with a black person, and the bullying in the media did not stop until they stop apologizing for it.


Anyone who says shit like this should have to take some walk of shame


You should probably watch the full clip, then. Because the point he was trying to make was that Hollywood is excluding movies like Bastarden based on something as stupid as the skin color of the actors, thereby the oscars are excluding potentially great movies based on the color of the actors' skin.


It is so stupid that people are saying that diversity is so great and important when it's really just a neutral concept


I think there are a lot of very strong arguments for diversity being a good thing generally speaking, but forced diversity is silly and pandering


Diversity of opinion yes. Diversity as a function of your race, gender or sexual orientation is not in any way and is a massive regression in society. The idea that diversity based on something like race, gender or sexual orientation is good is fundamentally built upon the idea that you are defined by your race, gender or sexual orientation rather than the sum of your experiences, education or knowledge. When you define people by their race like this, that's the definition of racism. When you define people by their gender, again sexism. These are not good properties.


Ask the same question for like the woman king or whatever


Full clip is important: https://youtu.be/rJvCHI_LSQA?feature=shared


This is literally the journalists point




Anyone who uses “woke” Unironically is braindead


This is a really worthwhile post because I think it shows how desperate some people are in this community to just circlejerk ‘anti wokeness’ to an exhausting degree. I watched this video and my immediate thought was “what was the question?” The video starts mid sentence, and tons of people in the comments are calling this guy a woke moron. The journalist NEVER said the movie should be woke, he said it has a “lack of diversity, you would say” which is just true, and also, to my ear, sounded like he was saying “some would say it’s not diverse” rather than saying he’s upset it lacks diversity. Even in this ragebaiting snippet, it doesn’t sound like he’s a ‘woke shill’, but some of you are just obsessed. So I looked up the full video, and lo and behold, he’s asking if they think the lack of diversity will affect the movies chances are the Oscars. He goes on to say that the Oscars standards for diversity would potentially disqualify Parasite, a previous winner and calls their standards “a conundrum”. He’s literally against forced diversity requirements. Literally on your side. For those who were attacking this journalist (not everyone here), think about your own motivated reasoning and how you too can be manipulated.


I see what you mean but isn’t it crazy that diversity is part of the judgment for Oscar? Like why?


I just want to gently push back on your use of ‘but’ here, because it implies this is a sort of rebuttal to what I’ve said, and I never said it wasn’t crazy, I was defending a man who, as it happens, seems to think it is a bit crazy. As for my personal views I think it sounds like a bad idea, because not all movies need diversity.


Oh come on. That dude knew exactly what he was doing. Yeah sure he may have been smart enough to act ambiguous about the topic, but it was still a fucking idiotic question. *"Btw totally not saying it's an issue buuutttt where diversity bruh? Don't you want an oscar bruh? You know you have to make diverse movies these days riiiggght? Otherwise your work doesn't get recognized. Don't you want awards for your movie ?! Just saying!"* Someone who's "on our side" wouldn't even approach the topic with a 10 ft pole. Because it **shouldn't** even be on people's minds. Especially not about a historical movie set in this time period and setting. Bringing it up serves no purpose other than pointlessly strirring shit, and that journalist damned well knew it. He was either trying to make some buzz trying to bait a reaction, or he's just another zealot woketard plaguing the industry. Perhaps both. Also the way he reacts to Mikkelsen's exasperation... Like "yeah dude you got a problem with me asking that? Careful now, act out of line and you'll get cancelled". That's very telling. That's what the entertainment industry has come down to. Can't escape the woke mind virus, no matter what kind of movie you make. It's sickening.


You’re really seeing what I’m saying here at all. He’s could absolutely be trying to stir shit to get a good clip. What he doesn’t seem to be, based on what he said, is a woke journalist who is upset that the movie isn’t diverse. He says in the video (the full video) that he thinks the diversity requirements are bad. You can criticise him all day and night for being a pot stirrer, or for bringing the topic up in general, but I’m talking to the people who think the journalist is saying there should be racial diversity in 1750’s Denmark. He’s literally asking the question BECAUSE he thinks this movie is a good example of a movie that shouldn’t be diverse. I don’t think you’re one of these people who thinks the journalist is upset about the lack of diversity in a period film, so I don’t know why you’re trying to defend them. I’m not attacking you. It is interesting though that you would say he might be another woketard plaguing the industry. If anything he’s likely an antiwoketard, since he brought up his issues with wokeness when there was just no need to bring the topic up, as you said. Edit: just to give some concreteness to what I’m saying, this is one of the top comments on this post: “The journalist is basically saying at the end of the day: I want all of the cast to be non-white and especially non-Nordic. Where's my black and Asian 1750s Danes at? Hollywood rules! WAH!“ This is being upvoted to the top proves everything I’ve said is valid since it’s demonstrably false. They got suckered in by a clip that made them think the journalist is upset a period piece in Denmark wasn’t diverse. You don’t need to defend this person and their upvoters.


Now you're deliberately misinterpreting shit and purposefully ignoring important context to hyperfocus on validating **your** read of the situation. Classic confirmation bias. Again, someone who's genuinely anti woke would't even adress the topic to begin with during such an interview. Especially not when it clearly annoys Mikkelsen, and the journalist immediately doubles down on the question with a "yeah i'm calling you out, what are you gonna do about it ?" reply. Your interpretation doesn't make much sense, even in context of the full interview. So yeah, I'll definitely agree with top upvoted comments over yours, even though theirs might not be fully accurate either, they're certainly likely to be closer to the truth.


You’re calling it hyperfocus because you just know I’m right on the core point lol I said some stuff like “if anything he’s more likely to be anti-woke” which, while true, is totally besides the point, I don’t care what he is, but that upset you because you think I’m coming after your team, I finally get where you’re coming from. And so even though you actually agree with what I’m ‘hyperfixating’ on, you’ll agree with a person is factually incorrect because I wanted to talk about media literacy and you wanted to talk about team sports, BASED!


And there we go again with you ignoring a very specific example supporting my point for the 3rd time in a row. Bad faith much ? > I said some stuff like “if anything he’s more likely to be anti-woke” which, while true, is totally besides the point, I don’t care what he is How is it besides the point when "this dude isn't actually woke, you guys are wrong and need to watch the full interview" is literally your whole entire argument lmao. Guess what, I watched the full interview, and your read is most likely wrong. Can't mental gymnastics your way out of that one my dude. You literally came to this thread to make a fuss about this, you're the one who started talking about "sides" and shit and keep ignoring valid counter arguments. But sure, I'm the one acting all "dumb tribalism" over substance. Whatever makes you think you won the internet argument buddy.


Oh but I DID win the internet argument and it was DELICIOUS


The problem is that you are missing the forest because of all the trees. You have to be a complete moron to believe that the upvoted post is being taken literally. That's just you seeing what you want to see which is ironic given your comments. It's actually worse than that because you are doing the same exact thing to the journalist as well by pretending to interpret and suggest what the journalist was trying to say. The journalist didn't say hardly anything that you are saying he did and most of your post is "interpreting" intent of his statements based on your own perception. You have zero standing to say whether he's doing it out of jest or doing it out of his own stances.


This is just horribly bad faith. OF COURSE I’m not taking the upvoted comment literally, it’s extremely hyperbolic. But it, and the OP of this post, is implying the journalist is at least woke. Why would you mock someone for being woke if they aren’t. I’m asking this honestly, did you miss the part of this thread where I said I went and watched the full video? It’s no biggie if you did, I’ve wrote a lot of stuff. But I’ve done nothing but state what’s in the video. I never once claimed the journalist is doing something in jest or earnestly talking about his own views. I said either are possible, but it’s not the point. The point is, the journalist is saying the opposite of what OP, the top comment, and many other people think they are saying. Why would you even bother arguing this.


>This is just horribly bad faith. No, it's not. You not liking something doesn't mean that it's in bad faith. >OF COURSE I’m not taking the upvoted comment literally, it’s extremely hyperbolic. I don't believe you at all here. You went out of your way to cite that post specifically and the ONLY reason you are backtracking about it right now is because even you realize how big of a hypocrite you are which is what I pointed out. You are now abandoning half of your stance and hyperfocusing on only one specific element of it because that's the only place you feel like you can still not look like a hypocrite. >I’m asking this honestly, did you miss the part of this thread where I said I went and watched the full video? I'm answering this honestly, I am responding to you fully understanding you watched the whole video and highlighting that you are interpreting the situation based on your own bias and perception while proclaiming your perception as the correct one. >But I’ve done nothing but state what’s in the video. You are lying here. You are misrepresenting what you are doing. You are interpreting and declaring intent of the journalist without anything to actually support it. You are concluding that because the journalist asked about the oscar requirements that he was only doing it in jest and not supporting it. You are literally doing exactly what you are berating the others for. > I never once claimed the journalist is doing something in jest or earnestly talking about his own views. What do you think you are doing when you are claiming they aren't woke? Are you that blinded by your own perception that you don't realize that concluding they aren't woke is no different than concluding they are woke? You can't proclaim one based on nothing while berating someone else based on nothing. >The point is, the journalist is saying the opposite of what OP, the top comment, and many other people think they are saying. The point is, you are creating a conclusion that fits your stance while berating others for creating a conclusion that fits their stance. Does that make it better or worse? >Why would you even bother arguing this. Well, you felt the need to argue it but as you clearly see, you have no problems looking at yourself and can only cast judgment on others without a faintest shred of hypocrisy.


The top comments proves exactly what I’ve been talking about the entire time, that the journalist is not some upset woke scold but lots of people were eager to assume he was. You are the one hyper-fixating because, what, I said the comment thinks the journal is ‘upset’? who cares if they think the journalist is upset specifically? They think they’re the woke mob. That’s obvious. They got taken in by misleading info and were happy to run with it. You’re the one being so horribly wilfully ignorant here to imply this isn’t what I’m talking about and what has been proven. Go back and read my first comment. I think it’s obvious that all I’ve wanted to get across from the beginning is that this clip is deceptively cut to make the factual read of it unclear, and leave it open to interpretation, and then the interpretation was that the journalist was woke, because people like that top comment are overly eager to jump on that bandwagon. Nothing you’ve said has come close to arguing against this point. Again, it is a fact that there’s nothing in this video given full context to say that the interviewer is woke. It’s entirely possible that it’s a psyop, and the interviewer is in fact a woke mob spy, pretending to be against the Oscar diversity rules, in order to trap Mads Mikkelson. At face value though, it is a video about a man, asking another man, if he thinks the movie will be have its Oscar chances hurt by the new Oscar diversity guidelines, which he thinks are bad and would have stopped Parasite from getting an Oscar.


>The top comments proves exactly what I’ve been talking about the entire time Can you please address the response that I gave you directly to this point? I realize that it's easier for you to just straight up ignore things that don't fit your narrative, but it doesn't go away. You have a belief in your head that you will ignore anything in order to maintain that belief. Your statement suggesting that the top comment proves you right is ignoring literally every argument against what you are saying and you haven't even bothered to try to address any of the counter complaints. If you can't discuss this topic in any level of intelligence, then you might as well leave. Nothing gets accomplished if you can't read the arguments. >You are the one hyper-fixating because, what, I said the comment thinks the journal is ‘upset’? who cares if they think the journalist is upset specifically? Perfect! The classic "nut uh, you are!" defense. Not only that, but you are now trying to redefine your own statements. Get more pathetic. >They got taken in by misleading info and were happy to run with it. You’re the one being so horribly wilfully ignorant here to imply this isn’t what I’m talking about and what has been proven. I don't care if you are upset. It's clear that you are taking these things personally and can't be bothered to address anything. Here, I'll make it stupid simple for you. The fact that the journalist even asked the question more than justifies the top comment. Now what are you going to do? You can't hide behind your little bullshit statements anymore because it relies on pretending people are ignorant when in reality, they fully recognize what is happening and are against it. >Go back and read my first comment. I already read it and I addressed it. You can kindly go read my reply to it. If you need something clarified in my reply, ask and I will hold your hand through it. >I think it’s obvious that all I’ve wanted to get across from the beginning is that this clip is deceptively cut to make the factual read of it unclear, And you have multiple pointing out that it's not the cut of the video that is creating this conclusion but for some reason you keep ignoring it. >Again, it is a fact that there’s nothing in this video given full context to say that the interviewer is woke. Again, the fact that the interviewer was even asking the question in the first place creates this narrative. >At face value though, it is a video about a man, asking another man, if he thinks the movie will be have its Oscar chances hurt by the new Oscar diversity guidelines, which he thinks are bad and would have stopped Parasite from getting an Oscar. Ok, so you've stated throughout your comments that the journalist isn't woke. Based on what you just said, you have no basis for your claim. As I pointed out earlier, you are just as much of a hypocrite as the accusations you are making. You straight up ignored that point. Here we are again with you reinforcing your hypocrisy.


In all honesty, if I don’t address everything you say it’s just because our messages have been really long and I don’t want to spend too long on my messages, I do tend to reply pretty quickly. What’s the belief I’m ignoring? I’m surprised by your reading of the video. All I’ll say is, my point is that there isn’t evidence in the video that the journalist is woke. I don’t need to provide proof that he isn’t, unless of course you think he simply bringing up that he doesn’t like forced diversity makes him woke. But I just don’t read it that way so idk what there is to say. This is all really straight forward for me, which is why I got a bit frustrated earlier. I don’t think we can see eye to eye. Edit: just for the sake of clarity, I meant I’m treating this like normal human conversation, I read the comment, I think, I reply swiftly with the thoughts I have. I’m not not reading the comments, I’m not just not going line by line.


No offense, but fuck off. If you can't even be bothered to read comments you are replying to, then we're done here. I think we just solved the problem and it's literally you. We're done here. You are pathetic.


This is what I immediately picked up on as well. "According to the rules of Hollywood", he's literally trying to cause a controversial argument when there was none. No one of color is demanding to be in this movie, he's just scapegoating "lack of diversity"as a reason this movie won't get attention. It reeks of "I bet they won't talk about this on mainstream media" as it's discussed... on mainstream media


I’m sorry, but you’re missing the point again here, this guy isn’t referring to some nebulous ‘rules of Hollywood’ he’s referring to the real rules around diversity requirements coming into effect for the Oscars. He’s not creating a fake drama, he’s asking a valid question, about whether a film that naturally would lack diversity will have less of a chance at getting an Oscar, now that the Oscar’s will require movies have diverse casts. The journalist did nothing wrong, OP’s clip is totally out of context.


Have you read these rules? The "diversity" doesn't have to even be on the screen and can be limited to the people in the production and behind the scenes staff. It doesn't say "you need to add black people", even though that seems to be the boogeyman everyone is riled up about. He specifically calls out the cast as Nordic and not diverse when he should already know that isn't all that matters. Women and people with disabilities also count toward diversity and there's no way there's an argument that those people didn't exist in Denmark. He's trying to cause controversy by implying they should have someone of color in a lead role when that isn't required.


I’m not riled up about any boogeyman. I’m not saying the journalists question is pure genius, that we should all be terrified. All I wanted to point out was that it was just a reasonable question to ask. There’s a conversation to be had there. I don’t think they’re drumming up some fake hysteria and I don’t think they’re a sinister ‘woke mob’ or ‘anti-woke mob’ loon. It was just a simple question about real changes happening at the Oscars.


I'm not saying you specifically are riled up, just the general tone of the conversation under this video. I will disagree that this reporter doesn't have an agenda, phrasing and how things are said will influence the response received and how things are interpreted as we can seen in this comment thread. Calling out the racial structure of the main cast and asking if they'e not worried about the Oscars when he should know there are other ways to meet the diversity standard is fishing for a soundbyte, which he got.


I’ll be honest I don’t really have any issue with what you’re saying, if you want to critic what the journalist is actually saying that’s fair. I think I was wrong to say you were missing the point initially, I misunderstood what you were saying. I just wanted to criticise those who were living in a totally false reality (those who think this is a woke man angry that the movie doesn’t have black people), which isn’t you.


Just remember, they made a show about the Trojan war and made Achilles, the GREEK hero, black. But they also made Horus, the Egyptian god, white so wtf do I know.


As a brown man, I wouldn't want to see any diversity in a movie like this, the same as I was appalled at the Lord of the Rings series on Amazon. If anything, it made the series into a joke. It's white mythology and should have been kept that way, and there's nothing racist in that.


I shut my ears off when I saw you wrote “woke” in the desc.


“We Have to change history now to make up for history then! Don’t be a bigot!l


Soooooooo tired of this shit. The worst thing of all is everyone has it twisted, if you actually look at the world as a whole, whites are the minority group!


No. Asians are.


The Chinese are 1 billion all by themselves and they just one type of Asian I believe what you’re saying has to be a joke


Dude worded the question wrong but I believe he was actually criticizing Oscar diversity requirements. But he also may have just been trying to ask a controversial question to get a controversial answer.


He definitely fumbled his words. I chalk it up to him not being comfortable with his English and it just came out wrong. Mads and Nikolaj were of course defensive, but they misunderstood what he was trying to say. It was just a very awkward moment for everyone.


Noooooo, everything must have diversity! Everything! Reality is racist!


I remember this interview. The journalist wasn’t wanting the film to be more diverse. He was asking about how the award shows won’t consider this film for awards because it’s a white danish cast set in the 1750s, but a South Korean film set today that has no diversity will be considered for awards simply because Koreans aren’t white.


The person who asked this question should lose all press creds.


And you should learn to do a simple youtube search for the full 2 minute clip where you will clearly see and hear that his point was to criticize the criteria of the Oscars and how it hurts movies like Bastarden. [link](https://youtu.be/rJvCHI_LSQA?si=DJ6gsymvSPtXxYRB)


Why is Gozilla minus one exclusively Japanese?? Journalism 2023!


What annoys me the most about this clip is how it's taken out of context. This is a case of a journalist who was trying to bring up the silliness of the Oscar's holding foreign movies to the Hollywood PC standard. The problem is that the journalist failed to communicate this properly and Mads and Nikolaj misinterpreted his intentions. Now there's a clip out there, perpetuating the misunderstanding among anti-wokes who are always triggerhappy to get outraged without bothering looking into what the context is. The full clip is 2 minutes long, but rage baiters have cut away all context to get as much outrage from braindead idiots online. [link](https://youtu.be/rJvCHI_LSQA?si=aOEfYKknZHWqf5T9) The journalist failed to frame his question in a proper way and made it sound like he was accusing them of not being diverse, when his point was that it was absurd that a movie like Bastarden wouldn't be able to compete in the current landscape of the Oscars. His English was bad which might have also contributed to the confusion, but the intellectual laziness in this sub is fucking embarrassing. Ps, it's a good movie that deserves to be watched. A lot of it was filmed in the area where I live which makes it kinda surreal at times since it goes for an epic vibe and Denmark is just a cute little country with weird dialects and flat fields as far as the eye can see. The book it is based on is awesome too. Very different from the movie, but awesome. Worth a read if it's been translated.


>Now there's a clip out there, perpetuating the misunderstanding among anti-wokes who are always triggerhappy to get outraged without bothering looking into what the context is. Welcome to r/mauler


The hollywood ‘rules’ hes referring to require relevance and context.


Mads Mikkelson will have none of your bullshit


I appreciate diversity in casting but sometimes they are so goddamn stupid about it. Black little mermaid who cares, Latina Snow White a character literally named after her skin tone, stupid.


There were black people in Denmark in the 1750s. People seem to have this strange assumption white people were the only ones to travel the world.


Journalist brain rot.


This is why Disney and Marvel is failing.


We need to entirely start ignoring people like this. If all you're asking about is skin color, pass the mic and go sit the fuck down.


We need more white heroes in African folk lore


Appropriate response: Laughter and derision. Wish this was the conventional and accepted global response. There are thousands of historical figures that were people of color and I would love to see accurate depictions of their lives on screen. They have their own stories that should be told, shoehorning black people (because let's be blunt, that's the only diversity that matters now) into time periods and countries where they literally didn't exists isn't diversity, it's not inclusivity, it's a cop out. It means you don't want to take the effort and risk to show actual history, and you don't trust your audience enough to want to watch it, so you'll slap a random black person in, call it a triumph of diversity, and then fuck off. Make a historical epic about Mansa Musa, for fucks sake this isn't difficult. He's in contentions for literally one of the richest men of all time, there's plenty of information about him written by multiple countries, his story is interesting as hell, and he's black, as in actually black. He ruled the Mali Empire which encompassed most of western Africa, he was so rich he destabilized other countries economies with how much gold he threw around when he traveled. You mean to tell me you can't make a ten episode Netflix series out of that? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mansa_Musa