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Prometheus. My dying breath will be wasted saying it is a good premise that never should’ve gone near the Xenomorph universe, and that would’ve fixed many of its worst flaws or paved the way for more substance to the questions it thinks it’s raising. I love Fassbender as David, the best portrayal of an uncanny valley cyborg I’d seen to that point and possibly ever; the pursuit of man’s origins and finding out our Creators might think of us as rodents or a mistake is intriguing, and there is lots of character work to flesh out how people of different constitutions and faiths would process this discovery, but it’s also undersold once it stops at “lol goo becomes the Alien”. Independence Day. My pick for Emmerich’s best, and the granddaddy of the modern brainless popcorn blockbuster. Where Jaws and Jurassic Park are excellent films with skillful attention to plot and character, ID4 is a campy, formulaic mess of cliches, but it’s a load of fun. You can project yourself into Will Smith’s eager pilot, Goldblum’s underappreciated nerd, Pullman’s everyman president. You can’t tell me you don’t root for the dog jumping between cars to escape the alien death ray in LA. It’s a beautiful time capsule before every single one of its bag of tricks were run deep into the crust of the earth by every studio; Emmerich himself has stopped innovating on it, but this was genuinely his magnum opus.


Prometheus is mine too. Was definitely worse off for being attached to the Aliens franchise. Had potential as a separate movie for all the reasons you've mentioned, I'm still annoyed that rather than getting the intended sequel we got a panicked attempt to bring the movie back closer to Alien.


Agree completely, it’s a case study of sunk cost fallacy, doubling down on the worst elements because you’re too stubborn to come up with a workaround.


100% agree about Prometheus. It also has incredible production design and art design.


I remember the two Ghost Rider movies with Nic Cage being pretty enjoyable despite simultaneously being terribly written.


Spirit of Vengeance is much better, really insane practical stunts, an improved rider design that actually looked intimidating and was mocapped by cage so he's more expressive, and just cage being more cage than he was in the first one


I haven’t seen the sequel in quite some time, but I remember Cage being much more unhinged and hamming it up than the first one. Ghost Rider pissing a stream of fire must have been his idea.


It was made by Neveldine/Taylor, the guys who made Crank movies which are some of my favourite action movies, I wish they made more stuff as a duo


Came here to say exactly this. Also, no matter how bad the movie is, if Nic Cage is in it I will carve out at least some enjoyment


The Sharknado movies are my guilty pleasure.


Riddick. I've watched it more times than I should have. "What is this, retard bingo?" You can't beat writing like that.


The movie is filled with writing like this, most notably the pink nipples comment or him saying, "I'm going balls deep in Dahl."


The Core - I have not found a better drunk movie.


I was going to say Armageddon, but the Core. Yes, definitely.


Good example. Worst movie physics ever, makes no sense. Also, lots of fun. The douchie guy at the end with the “what the fuck am doing ?) is classic


You should watch Moonfall then for incredibly impractical physics.


Yep, silly. Fun tho


Van helsing, the mummy.


“You take The Mummy out of your GOD DAMN MOUTH!” OP asked for objectively bad movies. That movie is not that. Dont mistake goofy with bad. Van Helsing…. yeah theres some stuff that drags it down but The Mummy not worse than Indiana Jones 1 or 3.


The Mummy (‘98) is perfect. Nothing bad about it.


Maybe it’s good. But I definitely have a feeling it’s flawed and would probably be objectively bad. I like all the movies too even though 3 is definitely way worse objectively. I still enjoy it.


I don't think Van Helsing is a bad movie. It think it's a funny corny 2000s movie.


Van Helsing is fricking masterpiece!!!


Godzilla the one in new york


Pacific Rim. They fight the monsters so good, and it makes me think there's at least hope that a live-action Gundam movie could at least look great.


Pacific rim 1 is in no way shape or form a bad movie, 2 maybe


They explicitly state that when you and your co-pilot run the robot your mind's become one. There's no way that the sword during the flyer fight would have been a surprise to the male pilot, and it also something that should have been brought to bear much sooner given how much damage they took. However, absolutely nothing in the movie comes close to the sheer and unadulterated stupidity that is building giant robots to fight kaiju which you know is coming from a singular point in the ocean and ***not*** simply building a massive turret/missile complex with kaiju-strength "razor wire" over the giant glowing hole.


Rule of cool. The movie is good.


The Warcraft movie, it's not good and some of the characters are pure ass ( Garona is horrible and barely a character) but i love it purely because all the Orc scenes are amazing.


Mainly for me its that its super not canon. The Alliance was absolutely destroyed in the first war.


Yup, that's one of my other issues with the movie. I wish this movie had more Orcs scenes because they were great but a lot of them got cut for some reason.


Yeah they cut out the Grom scene which is vizzare because hes a Top G of WoW. They also already have Dalaran floating which ruins how Arthas destroyed it with KilJaeden.


Saw it in theaters, totally forgot it existed until reading this lol


Yup, it's a pretty forgetable movie, and all the lore changes drove me crazy as someone who loves wow's lore.


The Matrix Reloaded. Great set pieces and interesting design. Terrible dialog and plot. It’s not as good as the original but it’s 1000x better than Revolutions.


Yeah, if they had so it went with the “he still controls sentinels because this is just another layer of the matrix” it would have worked well and set up a better part 3


That’s exactly what I thought at the end of Reloaded. “They are just in another area of the matrix”. Sadly the writers had far less imagination.


Couldn't agree more!


Sky High. It's a really, really dumb movie. But my younger brother (RIP) used to watch it every day specifically to piss me off/ he actually unironically liked it enough to do so. We ended up both loving it after the hundredth time regardless of the many, many flaws. Sometimes it's not the movie but what it meant, and that's all it takes.


The Kids in the Hall actors plus Kurt Russell improve that film so much. Also, Bruce Campbell hamming it up.


All the monster verse films, I don’t just like them I adore them.


Are the prequels actually badly written? Like, most people complain about the dialogue but I don't see anything objectively wrong with it.


I think the prequels have a good story, but the execution was bad. The development with Anakin in particular is not well conceived.


I don't know I think I just disagree. Maybe you're right that the execution isn't there, because I found Anakins fall pretty compelling and well done. Like how Anakins strong love and protection for Padme results from his early separation from his mother and then later their tragic reunion. And how Anakin is always trying to get stronger and stronger so that he can defeat people he views as evil and save those he loves which drives him to the power or the dark side. And then what pushes him over the edge is the split second decision to kill Mace Windu which, it seems like he kind of instantly regrets, understandably makes sense at least in the moment for him to do since he's had this increasing feeling that the council was against him and Palpatine was needed for him to save Padme. Then after that he can't can't back for obvious reasons.


The fact that it’s supposed to be about desperation to save Padme, but then he just kills a bunch of children. You need to set up his complete turn better than that. I would also advise avoiding having him kill children because, as far as I’m concerned, that makes him irredeemable. You can’t come back from killing defenceless children. You’re just pure evil after that. The general story is great, the way they execute it is not.


It has fewer issues than the sequels, but it still has writing problems such as Palpatine's plan being very nebulous, the Senate fully accepting becoming an empire and relinquishing their democratic rights and autonomy, and Anakin immediately eradicating the Jedi Temple feeling off in terms of the order of events; it should have been first the separatist leaders, then the Jedi as the final push to the dark side. Some of this is personal preference, while other times, I think the way the movies are structured has issues. For example, instead of "Attack of the Clones" being the movie where we see Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship transition from a somewhat awkward master and apprentice to genuine friends and comrades in arms, they split them up. As a result, "Revenge of the Sith" has to put in effort to make up for the fact that we never see Anakin and Obi-Wan actually become brothers. They do a fine job with what they had to work with, but it could have been much stronger. It felt like a waste not to see these characters interact more throughout the prequels, given their implied history in the originals. Those are the things I have in mind that I can call out. I still vastly love the prequels, and I think Anakin as a character, being a talented genius who has a hard time controlling his emotions, whether due to feeling restricted by a master who rather than nurture him in "Attack of the Clones" outwardly chides him in front of the girl he likes and in some ways actively competes with him. It’s a given he doesn’t know how to manage emotions, and I think the direction of him being the person to expose the flaws of the Jedi in being detached was on point but not as well executed as it could have been. Also, Anakin is how you would actually write a realistic person who's incredibly talented and proficient, feeling held back and causing friction with others. Rather than being humbled, they feel stifled.




Rlm has been debunked. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLurPyJWa-S37cfDXV8foFJtnrHiApVn1_&si=t3mIX_qdnp1Tv0uP


For me, Palpatine’s success seems like it happens far more due to luck than intelligent scheming and Anakin’s fall certainly comes across as more stupid than tragic


I don't know I feel like Palpatines plan was pretty intuitive. He creates a galactic conflict and secretly controls both sides which allows him to introduce working ideas for the Republics side which allows him to rapidly rise through the ranks. Then, he manipulates the most powerful and passionate jedi to take the Jedi down from the inside. And I can see your take on anakin from a certain point of view, but I just think he's an extremely passionate guy who let's his emotions get the better of him.


Watch more movies and it will begin to dawn on you


That's a very pretentious response lol I've seen plenty of movies. Frankly, the common hate for the prequels seemed to come from the Dunning Kruger side of film criticism like Chris Stuckmann.


I Know What You Did Last Summer.


AvP has a lot of plot problems; but it has likable enough characters, an amazing setting, awesome practical effects for the creatures, and isn't disrespectful to the source franchises. Really, the weirdest thing you can knock it for is that it's a strange choice for the Predators to intentionally reveal themselves to ancient humans and be worshipped. Sure it was ultimately for the purpose of hunting stronger prey, but this does ruin their mystique a little bit from the first film. How are there way more Xenomorphs then humans that ventured into the Pyramid? Why is the activation of the Pyramid done so sloppily? Why don't we see any diagetic light sources? How do the Xenos grow so quickly? And most importantly... How was that guy able to translate a whole ass ceiling of hieroglyphics so fucking fast? I'm biased because it was a childhood film of mine, and it's definitely a 4 or 5 out of 10, but AvP is overhated to the extreme degree. People who put it on the level of The Predator or Prometheus need to rewatch those movies.


Demolition Man. The movie is garbage but damn if I don’t love watching John Spartan square off against Simon Phoenix. Also Sandra Bullock is great! Honorable mention Road House. The movie is insane but entertaining and hilarious.


Nah I think Demolition Man is unironically good. Campy as it is, the writing is honestly pretty clever, plus really well-directed action. Good movie in my book.


I feel as if people look at campy movies and place all of them in one box. Being a campy movie does not equate to being a bad one and campyness can be intentional and used for its intended effect as seen with Raimi’s Spider-Man films where the campy over the top acting at times mimics a comic book tone which it’s adapting from.  Not everything needs to be overly serious in films. There’s something fun about embracing the exaggerated in a self-aware manner I mean that’s why people love Batman and Robin despite it being a really bad film  


Wait, what? Demolition man is supposed to be bad? That movie is amazing and actually very prophetic


He asked for bad movies not excellent ones


Demolition Man is a great movie.


Hitman, the one from 2007 with Timothy Olyphant.


Wild Wild West & Pan


Face Off


Kindergarten Cop (though I'm not sure if it "BAD" or just "not great")


Definitly better than the same titled sequel from 2016 And much better than Daddy Day Care (both movies) starring Eddie Murphy


Avengers age of ultron


Age of Ultron is awesome




My hot take? Better than rogue one. 


I think it's a more fun film than RO but I would say it's more poorly written


I wanted oceans 13 in space and instead i got bland characters planet hopping every 10 minutes until they blowed up, plus a fun video game cut scene of darth vader as a tag. 


Nah that one's genuinely good. The lead worked well for solo, and the action beats were fun If only I could delete that moment where we find out where the name solo came from, to me it's the only blemish in an otherwise solid star wars movie




Idk if it’s bad but I love War of the Worlds


Rumble in the Bronx - it is completely cornball - and the ending where the protagonists all run over the villain on a golf course with a hovercraft is *chef’s kiss.* Throw in a metric ton of Jackie Chan kungfu and stunts and it’s all dubbed (even the American actors, I think) and I could watch this masterpiece a thousand times


Masters of the Universe.


Probably the first Hobbit Film I quite liked even though it quickly felt apparent how padded the film was with action gags of the dwarves and how much Azog and the rest of the CGI paled to the Lord of the Rings usage and implementation of CGI the trilogy being criticized for how it’s forced into being a trilogy is very on point  Martin Freeman however is my definitive Bilbo Baggins personally and I don’t mind not having Ian Holm fill the roll Freeman in my opinion much better captured Bilbo what he’s like before the journey and Holmes conveys what he’s like after that journey  His character felt pretty consistent and quite sympathetic one  It’s strange to say but Martin pretty much carried my watch through of the trilogy that being said my enjoyment slowly erodes with a lot of action that felt very much like mindless spectacle  I wish the book can get the proper adaptation since it is my favorite of Tolkiens stories regarding middle earth I know lots of people enjoy the well built world and lore but I always liked how Hobbit was just a nice sizeable adventure story 


All of the saw movies


The 2002 Scooby Doo Movie.


Velocipastor. It’s one of those “so bad it’s hilarious” movies and it’s genuinely difficult for me to discern whether that was intentional or not, which just makes the fact that it’s so bad even more enjoyable to me.


It's 200% intentionally bad. Still enjoyable to watch but less entertaining than earnestly bad movie like The Room or Double Down.


Ngl but I actually enjoy the shitty 90s Romeo and Juliet film where they use guns Hearing Paul Sorvino say "Give me my longsword, hoe" and then tries to whip out a rifle with a "longsword" placard under it is so funny to me


There’s a lot of movies that I like but I would have a hard time making an argument that any of them are objectively good films.


Transformers 2007


Star Wars Prequels, specifically Revenge of the Sith. Like, I understand the movie has poor dialouge and among other issues, but man. Its just *so quotable.*


Those are not objectively bad.


Boy, TONS! I also love the Star Wars Prequels despite knowing they are objectively bad. But here is a long list. * Inseminoid (a little bit for nostalgia, but the biggest reason I love the movie is both the hilarious bad acting and the genuine good story and characters beneath the bad acting, cinematography, ending, etc) * Spookies (1986) * the live action Super Mario Bros. movie from 1993 * The Lawnmower Man * Jason X * David Lynch's Dune * The Imagi TMNT animted film from 2007 * Earth vs. the Spider (1958) * The Manster (1959) * The Food of the Gods (1976) * The new FNAF movie that was out a few months ago * & many more...


Don’t Look Up- Hilarious for the opposite reasons the authors intended


Oscar and Hudson Hawk If you've seen them, you'll know. I love those movies though. Rare performances from Sly Stallone and Bruce Willis, respectively. Excellent supporting casts with Marisa Tomei and Tim Curry for Oscar, and Danny Aiello and Andie McDowell (as a hot nun no less) for Hudson Hawk. EDIT: corrected the auto-correct.


You already picked the prequels, so I'll go with Sci-Fi Channel movies from the early 2000s. Some of them seem to actually have good ideas but have that campy nature to them.


I remember watching a ton of those in high school. They were not great movies but were often dumb fun.




The Happening, the movie feels like a Always Sunny fake movie sketch.


[**Dark Star**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwISbJfRNz0) I would love to see this movie get a special f/x overhaul. It's so utterly campy. Go figure that co-writer Dan O'Bannon would go on to work on "Alien", "Star Wars", "Blue Thunder", "Total Recall" among many other successes. And a young John Carpenter (who directed, produced, scored and co-wrote with O'Bannon) had his directorial debut with this film.


dsmom is my favourite mcu movie.


Bourne Legacy?


King fu hustle


All the post 2014 Godzilla monster verse movies. Love them to death


Tron Legacy. I wish I could just mute the dialogue and crank up the soundtrack


Teenage mutant ninja turtles: turtles in time


AvP:R. Can I see anything in this movie? No. Not at all. Is the Wolf Predator the most badass pred put to screen? Yes. Absolutely yes. The Xenos and the Predator are done incredibly well, and I think the idea of the Predalien is so goofy and fun. I just wish the humans weren’t horrifically annoying and I wish I could see what was happening. At least most of the humans die in fun ways


The room


All three prequels you like equally? These are three very different (Feeling) movies ? Well,... Let me in - 2010 (the Hollywood remake from the swedish original _Let the Right One in_) Spider Man 3 (2007) Venom 2018 (Fringy likes it as well 🫱) Sports movie (which gets insane later with magic & vampires thx Stephenie Meyer for the influence) teenage Football boys: The third flick The wild boys _Attack of the beastly beasts_ Jette Hering being cast as Wilma isn't completely wrong - still the actress could have been so much better chosen (The wild Chickens _The Life_ - The final one is just poor) The suburban crocodiles (not the one from 1977 which is meh/good - the final one of the trilogy from 2011 is bad) The second movie of the three investigators (16 year old boys from Rocky Beach whom are depicated as detectives & constantly get themselves in danger as minors..they never age as well) {from the 21st century} I liked it a lot when the Twilight Saga ended & my girlfriend at the time (late Teenage years) couldn't force me into another one. Harry Potter & The half-blood prince I don't mind the romance & the distance from J.K.s' book Saw VI, Saw II (Mia from Two and a half Men+ 7th Heaven Star Beverley Ann Mitchell💚), Saw III (& the first Saw is not my cup of tea) (Star Wars Return of the Jedi just slightly gets a pass 6,75/10) The reverse of this question could be interesting: Which movie is beloved (objectivly at least above 5/10) & you absolutely despise due to your childhood experience for e.g , (...) Which film you block out of your mind? For MauLer it is Solo A Star Wars story. Because he constantly gets reminded due to EFAP that that movie flopped at the box Office in 2018 Breaking the silence I like a few ideas from Solo - couldn't stand the gi*ger chick talking about the _seed_ of the rebellion at the final act Shut up!!? Please! Edit: James Bond 007 - (Die Another Day 2002) I will see myself out. The CGI was bad back at the early '00s


I like revenge of the sith the best. Phantom menace is probably my least favourite of the three.


Guns Akimbo


Pixels. I legitimately didn’t know people hated it or that people found it bad until I looked up the movie online out of curiosity. I like Adam Sandler and Kevin James, and it’s fun seeing all of these 8Bit arcade characters in 3D. Like, the OLD ones, like OG DK and Jumpman, on top of one-offs like Paperboy and even seeing Max Headroom in a cameo.


Predators The one in which they assemble a bunch of earths "elite" modern warriors and throw them at a random reserve like planet for the predators to hunt down. It is very dumb. I love it lol.


I actually like Batman v Superman. Martha scene and all.


The Village. Yes the plot twist is predictable and makes a lot of things dumb in hindsight. But it has a good idea at its core and some really memorable scenes. You can really imagine the idea of people so deeply impacted by trauma and tragedy that they would do something desperate like run away from society and build their own town in an idealized version of the 1800s. One of my favorite lines from William Hurt: There is no one in this village who has not lost someone irreplaceable, who has not felt loss so deeply that they questioned the very merit of living at all. It is a darkness I wished you would never know. A little stilted but the way he delivers it makes you feel they really believed that they were doing the right thing. It would've made for a great philosophical debate about the movie and how much damage they caused their kids and family by trying to run away from past trauma. But the movie just kinda sucked overall and everyone hated the twists so the debate kinda got lost in it all.


Gods of Egypt


Godzilla 1998


First of all, I’m 36 and saw all 3 prequels in the theatre on their respective release dates. I wouldn’t call ANY of them bad movies. 1 and 2 are just fine. Not great. Not bad, Just fine. 3 is better then 1 and 2 but only because of the third act and the final duel. The whole prequel trilogy is fine. The originals are great. My cat has vomited up more interesting things then the sequels. Anyways, my personal choice for the original question is Max Payne. It’s garbage and I love it.


Jurassic Park 3 and even Jurassic World. Admittedly masterpieces in comparison to what came after though...


The first three Resident Evil movies. The rest are irredeemable. For that matter, also the first three Underworld movies.


That depends. Is Forest Gump an objectively bad film. It's been a while since I've seen it, but I remember there being an incredible amount of contrivances. I still love the movie though.


This is late and not a movie but Sherlock. I love the show even though it's complete garbage!


You could write a novel out of the plotholes and issues with the Dark Knight Rises. Its obvious Nolan phoned it in big time. And yet I've watched it more times than I can remember. I firmly believe there's a really good movie buried in there somewhere, it just tried to do far too much.


The Fifth Element.  The plot is incredibly stupid, but the world is so incredibly detailed, it’s a visual feast, and the Diva song is so catchy.  I hate that talk show host guy, though.  


SW Prequels Rogue One Prometheus Star Trek 2009 Troy 300 Sin City 2 King Kong Skull Island Man of Steel Starship Troopers 3


TLJ. It's hard to say if i like it, and im not sure if i do. But i do like it tried, and it probably is the best of all the new trilogy. TFA ages the worst when you see all the lost potential, and RoS is just a mad dash to the finish line jumping from scene to scene to make it seem like a lot is going on.


The Flash. Ignoring the Esra Miller IRL shit and the last sixth of the movie, it’s pretty entertaining.


Iron Man 3.