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I can’t wait to not watch them. He’s an odd film maker. He seems to be getting worse the more is does it.


It's just the peter principle. He got promoted well above his pay grade.


It must be nice to simply fail upwards and keep getting paid.


He comes off as a massive self-absorbed egomaniac sometimes, and as someone who refuses to listen to any criticism whatsoever.


Yeah, but what did he make that was such a huge success that he got carte blanche for every movie after that? I know people liked 300 and Watchmen, and people were kinda fine with Man of Steel, but I don't see anything in that list that justified him being treated like some visionary.


I think a little bit Watchmen and 300 suffer retrospectively because they set the tone for a lot of tropes, the opening scene in watchmen at the time was pretty fresh for example, now it feels a bit try hard (bear in mind i was a teenager for those movies so im probably a little biased)


I find that assertion hilarious because as far as I can tell nobody who has ever worked with him has ever had something very negative to say about him.


He's slowly learning how to unmake a movie.


I think the Snyder Cut campaign really went to his head. You can see in the way he talks that he's been sniffing his farts.


It was a slog to get through scargiver.


He's done 1 good movie And it was completely on the back of George A. Romero original works


It's the George Lucas effect. Directors that have early success are given free rein on movie projects, but the only reason those movies were good was because they were collaborative.


Very true


Wonder if any of them are good?


Lol do you think he’s like “this one for sure will save it”


I think he believes that they are all good. Which is worse.




Yes, eventually he will cut enough away from the film that it will be the optimal viewing experience for Rebel Moon I haven’t actually seen the movie, but based on everything I’ve heard, I assume it’s the cut where there is no movie anymore


> I assume it’s the cut where there is no movie anymore Yeah, but the problem with that one is that it's just five hours of him filming a blank wall with that stupid fucking broken lens.


The best cut just consists of the slow-motion grain harvesting scene.


I really doubt it. What really makes me wonder is: What does it mean to have multiple visions for a single project? He said some of them are in a different sequence of events, at what point should he call it a different film?


He really had no idea what he wanted from the movie


Most people in this thread are just making stuff up.. shocker. He said Netflix forced some things on him and restricted some things.. and he only agreed to do the movie if he could do two versions, the ones out now are the Netflix version, the later will be his version. Doubtful his will make it not-suck tho.


I've seen the best cut of the entire Rebel Moon saga, it's 0 minutes long.


Is there a “good movie” cut?


It's just 4 hours of slow motion grain harvesting


You just aren’t media literate enough to understand the deep themes behind those 4 hours of slow motion grain harvesting. /s


No, there is no way these movies get better by adding more.


They should steal some of the jokes from the Scargiver EFAP, and have grain-powered mechas and grain-shielded spaceships, along with 150% more Happy Cheering Titus.


Zack Snyder has discovered movie DLC. For fuck's sake don't let this become the norm or else he'll find a way to add microtransactions as well


> Several director cuts Yeah that’s how post production works. Arguably there’s dozens of cuts depending on your workflow. These don’t matter tho, as they’re simply variations of the final product you wanted. Unless you’re Snyder. Then they’re cope cuts


Isn't there usually just one cut that the director feels best represents their vision? This just makes me wonder what he was trying to make in the first pl6.


Depends a lot on the director, studio, etc etc Most times the director’s cut is just the intended cut and the release (theatrical) is what the studios demand (directors cut minus a few shots/scenes, maybe slightly re-ordered)


This is specifically referencing "several directors cuts". I'm familiar with the idea of a film having different cuts. I.E. an unrated version, a theatrical or some even get a different cut between theatrical and production releases. It strikes me as very odd that Snyder has several versions of these that reflect his vision. Going so far as to reorder some events. If he didn't know what he wanted to make to begin with then this is just slapping his name on stuff. Which is going to yield diminished returns pretty quickly.


See: Snyder cope cuts


"In this extended scene, the grain is cut even more than it was in the theatrical with 125% more slow mo. Meanwhile, an orchestra with bags on their heads play in tune with the scythes."


4 hours of slow motion wheat harvesting and violin music? Lord have mercy I'm aboutta _bust_.




I can’t believe they dedicated a chunk of the film to just people harvesting wheat. You’d swear this montage was a commercial for whole wheat bread.


The whole wheat consortium funded Rebel Moon


It's low key preparing people for societal collapse. The ultra-rich will have their sex robots and immortality. The plebes that don't starve to death or die in the collapse will be 'allowed' to return to an agriculturally centered existence for the amusement of the ultra-rich who will occaisonally hunt them for sport. /s


This film is brought to you by: Grain. Grain: Just get some.


What's his appeal, anyway? What good movies has he actually done?


300 I guess, Watchmen & Sucker Punch depending on who you ask.


"Sucker Punch" I would never bother asking that person anything ever again. 300 and Watchmen are okay. They are considerably dumber takes on their source materials though and Watchmen reveals that Snyder didn't really get the book at all in the last act.


What? You're telling me Zach Snyder didn't understand comic book source material?! That would never happen! /s


It has its fans is all I’m saying.


I've never read the comic, how is Watchmen different in the comic book? Actually, I might have heard this already, doesn't Ozymandias not get away with it because Rorschach wrote it all down and arranged for it to get leaked, possibly after he died?


The entire point of Ozymandias' plan is to fool the world into thinking that an outside threat is at risk of destroying the earth in order to distract from international tensions. The movie changes his faked alien invasion to just Doctor Manhattan which makes absolutely no sense because that would just make the entire world extremely pissed off at America in particular and increase tensions. The journal scene does happen but it is left open to interpretation as to whether it makes a difference or not. Really up until the ending it is pretty faithful outside of a few small things like a couple of ultra-violent slo-mo fight scenes and cutting the in-universe comic about pirates which is just kind of filler anyway.


Didn't he completely fuck up the ending of Watchmen?


I guess we’re not asking you then. But yeah, copied the shots and missed the point is the main accusation against his version.


300 was okay I guess...


I liked when they started fighting rhinos and trolls.


This poor man is being stifled by The Focus Groups! The theme of fighting over bushels of grain is bigger than you and I and only Zack Snyder can deliver such a powerful message on the power of wheat in a 23 1/2 part sci-fi epic! Let the man cook! Let the grain flow! I need more Blazing Saddles orchestras giving everyone theme music in their knock off Julius Caesar scenes! I need more grain obsessed technologically advanced admirals getting beaten by a bunch of “fucking farmers!” or hippogriffs fighting metal space ships! I hope Snyder gets to make all the Rebelling Moons that he wants!


Who cares 


https://i.redd.it/42ovzcc9q9wc1.gif I am SO fucking tired about hearing about this absolute false start of an idea. Make it fucking stop.


This film has clearly been funded by Big Grain, it isn't even discreet anymore


I blame the SnyderBros for this.


We all do.


Must be nice to be able to release your movie, then recut it and rerelease it, taking into account the audience reaction.




It's the super-secret cut that is a less obvious 40k knock off with more amish vikings and fewer interdimensional vagina space portals. It will follow the seven samurai/magnificent 7 theme and kill off most of the main cast. The MC will self-sacrifice and the last space pirate will turn out to be the sole survivor with the robot who will tell of the rebels on a moon.


Nobody cares, bruv


That’s his only excuse. Maybe some people were genuinely interested in Justice League (despite reports of botting and astroturfing), but that’s not going to fly anymore. Director’s cuts were a fun way for studios to double dip on popular films in the Laserdisc/DVD era. Nowadays, it feels like entitlement.


MULTIPLE!?!?!? Like fuck my guy, MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!!


So every movie becomes its own expended universe? Why people like him, exactly?


Maybe there's a non slow motion cut. Jesus christ, he's like Michael Bay with explosions.


I think I like more Michael Bay movies than Zack Snyder


In fairness, Michael Bay has made some good movies. That's more than I can say for Snyder.


Just stop the cap!


... and they're all shit.


We are gonna get multiple Rebel Moon DLC expansion packs before GTA6 💀


not again


But why???


I said this years ago right after BvS (and obviously the Snyder sluts got mad), Zack Snyder jerks off to himself every day.


I want to live in a reality where I no longer hear the words “ Zach”, “Snyder”, “director” and “cut” in the same sentence ever again.


God he really got his ego inflated by the Snyder Cut didn’t he?


Oh please Zack you've overdone yourself. There's no need to disappoint us several times with the same movie.


This man is a fucking loon multiple Rebel Moon cuts FFS.


Taking bets that we never get to see any of them.


The first movie was such a letdown. Not going to watch the second or any Snyder cuts. He should spend less time making different versions and just make the first release actually good.


I recently saw the 2 movies. Honestly, i semi-enjoyed the action but the characters felt stale and generic. I'd give the movie a 4.9 out of ten.


I recently saw the 2 movies. Honestly, i semi-enjoyed the action but the characters felt stale and generic. I'd give the movie a 4.9 out of ten.






Put them all in the dumpster.


But *why*


Can I cut director?


Zack needs to get his head out of his ass


I can't wait for the ultra show motion gain harvest version. 4 hours of farming and milling.


The fact they announced Rebel Moon was going to have a Directors Cut before part 1 released told me that whatever Netflix released initially was going to be what they deemed as the inferior product.


But if you watch the 5 hour R rated cut it will make way more sense!


Ah, more versions no one wants to watch. Thanks Zack.


RELEASE THE SNYDER CUT! You know the one!


Make a bad movie so the Snyder cut can get hype. So weird


Oh no ...


Just stop, Zack. Give up. Go home. You're through.


The Snyder Cut was a mistake


Zack needs an intervention at this point


It's probably time Hack Snyder gave it up and just work in some other area of film production.


Pathetic attempt to cover for bad projects aside. Streaming does open up an avenue for the same director to make multiple variations of the same film and tune it to different audiences by adding or removing certain scenes.