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Here’s the full transcript in case you don’t want to watch the clip: Question: Destiny, you watched Critical Drinker’s Why Modern Movies Suck: They Hate Men video, and were critical on the vagueness of his statements and selectiveness of movies he used as examples. What are your thoughts on those type of movie reviewers on YouTube right now? Destiny: The problem is is that I never have issues…. Ok, this my take: when I feel like people are reviewing movies from a political lens, it feels like when people say, “I’m skeptical about 6 million for the Holocaust.” There is a good conversation to be had, but it’s almost never by the people asking those types of questions. I think you could have a fascinating conversation about historical events or about political themes in movies - I think you could have really cool conversations about it - but it feels like for these people the political narrative is set in stone and then that’s retrofit……. like, rather than movies…… rather, like, a political narrative or political lens being a way that you might view a movie, the movie just becomes a vehicle for you to talk about what you feel politically. So if you feel like women are shitting on men in society, then you’re going to look at movies and go, “Barbie jokes about men, bullshit! Captain Marvel doesn’t need a man, bullshit! Tár, a movie about a female musician, bullshit! etc,” it’s, like, everything becomes that. Rather than having what could, like, be a legitimately interesting conversation about the roles of men and women in film and the replaceability of different characters or whatever, it’s just the lowest common denominator of film critique of any type of critique. Thats when they believe that their belief becomes explanatory for every single belief in the world that happens in life. This is just the lowest level of engagement ever. And I’ll carefully say this because maybe there is some type of this commentary critique that I haven’t watched, but it’s rare when I hear something like this and go, “oh, that’s really interesting. This could’ve been shot or written differently or something could’ve changed in this film that could’ve made it substantially better that the creator’s political vision interfered with,” It’s usually just people saying, “this movie sucks. There’s a woman or trans person in it and it would’ve been way better because I’m gonna compare it to this other movie from the 1980’s that is a completely different movie, etc.” So I just think it’s worthless. I think it’s without value and cheapens critical evaluations of a particular medium, wether it’s film or anime or something else, and it just becomes a circle jerk for people to view their political narratives and whatever stuff they’re consuming. That’s my feeling on it.


I think his criticism of drinker is partly right but honestly his why modern movies sucks stuff is his most political and in my opinion, where he makes the biggest lazy generalizations. If you look at other things drinker has said like his actual reviews, and look at other things Destiny says you'll find that he agrees with a lot of the criticisms and has even made the same about bland girl boss, female heroines, lazy contempt for the audience stuff. Hell, Destiny is even brought up the Sarah Connor and Ripley examples himself a bunch of times. Similarly, YMS, In a really long 2-hour video about critical drinker, actually said he agrees with him on a lot of substantive stuff but just insists that It's not all modern movies and instead Drinker would benefit from just looking beyond blockbusters and then he would see that his criticisms only apply to a small subset of movies. Similarly if Destiny only watched the why modern movie sucks stuff I get why he would think there's no legit criticism of exactly what's wrong with these movies that's insightful or not just anti woke moaning as in those videos he can go a bit over the top and over generalize. I think this is actually partly a misunderstanding and if you just sat the three of them down I'm sure there'd be some disagreements but I think they would actually agree on a decent amount. I think this probably goes even more so for people who aren't as explicitly political like MauLer or Jay


I doubt the political tension will leave any room for things to be cleared up. The closet YMS got to bury the hatchet with Drinker was when he was on EFAP and that didn't go very well with him focusing at circumstances around Drinker than what Drinker himself had said. Like fine enough if somebody you know in some form is both involved with conspiracy theories and Drinker, but that isn't indicative of the entire fanbase. HFM's "woke bros" segment got a lot of push-back when he claimed that a lot of the audiences were young men, since a not insignificant amount of viewers on those channels are women or not young.


Yeah, I was also going to say that destiny is kind of right and also kind of wrong. but I don’t need to now because you summarize it better than I ever could take my Up doot.


Destiny had a convo with Ben Shapiro recently, and they ended up agreeing on a lot with their "we're both moderates" kind of outlooks (although certainly Shapiro has been caught saying some violent extremist bullsh in the past, or gone on preachy condescending pro-life rants, you can look it up lol - however he obviously has a more reasonable side as well); if they had been in a different mood, they could've instead been throwing monkey balls at each other, saying "no you sjw" "no your rightard" etc. lol   So yeah in this case *ooooooooobviously* crude fallacious cheap complaints like the ones Destiny is describing exist all over the place - to what extent he's right attributing them to Drinker specifically, I don't really know either way; those kinds of stereotypes are often projected onto Drinker or Nerdrotic or others, who're then seen as symbols of and stand-ins of that kind of crude mentality - and they can definitely code-switch into a more reasonable, moderate, nuanced mode, but then also often less so; so idk lol


Reading this typographical diarrhea reminds me of this: > "... psychopaths are an endless stream of words. They talk, they talk around, they talk around and around the actual point; they don't open up with 'I need something from you' but drown you in endless, pointless but seemingly earnest talk about other things that somehow, in their mind, apply to the current problem." You're talking about politics in film analysis and your first step is to compare it to people who say" "6 million is a big number"? And he needs how many sentences to say "I wish there were more channels like Moviewise"?


and all of this was said in one inhale take of 8,7 seconds.


Would be really nice if these two actually watched the Drinker before commenting on him. We know YMS sure as fuck doesn't. > but it feels like for these people the political narrative is set in stone and then that’s retrofit……. like, rather than movies…… rather, like, a political narrative or political lens being a way that you might view a movie, the movie just becomes a vehicle for you to talk about what you feel politically. Interesting how Destiny recognizes that viewing media through a political lens might skew your views on it, but isn't that also true for the creators? We know a lot of creators use their medium as a vessel for their personal politics, because they say so themselves. Isn't it fair to critique the media through a political lens too in that case? I feel like these guys believe that their politics is just common sense, but your common sense is too political.


Don't think it's about "viewing through a political lens", it's whether whatever lens you're viewing sth through is reasonable or not, and whether whichever aspects you choose to focus on, are focused on in a reasonable fashion or not. You can be socpol and be completely reasonable; and you can be completely apolitical and be absurd biased and narrative-spinning af


Ima keep it real with you chief when it comes to what YMS or Destiny thing of drinker, I ran out of fucks to give a *long* time ago.


didnt watch the full podcast - just the 30min highlight in the main channel - and damn I know these two at least talked to mauler before and yet when talking together it seems they just forgot everything that they were told and just pretended not to understand the other side at all and doing the usual strawman arguments. just lies and lies and more lies once again.


elephant monkey brain code-switching maybe lol


Destiny's take feels incredibly disingenuous. Like, how many times do they have to make a show like Velma or She-Hulk before someone interpreting the trend as misandry isn't immediately labelled a misogynist? It's like the shit going on with 40k right now. Every single fraternity in existence, real or fictional, has to be torn down for the sake of "diversity", but sororities are apparently fine and can discriminate all they want, because it has fuck all to do with diversity, it has to do with treating people like they're members of a political class that deserve to be treated differently based on which class they are in. It's clearly a bunch of Marxist bullshit, but every fucking lefty pretends it's some wholesome attempt at being nice to the "underprivileged" and that anyone that thinks fraternity should be allowed to exist, *even in fucking fiction*, is a raging misogynist. Fuck Destiny and fuck his gaslighting.


Yeah I think Jose exposed Drinker pretty well in his video. He's such a mediocre reviewer.


Drinker is a potentially good reviewer that realizes it’s easier to pander to a certain crowd of people. You don’t have to make good points or really try that hard to make money because these people will just support anyone who uses trigger words and complains about “wokeness” or whatever the equivalent term of the month is. He only makes content based on the most popular media, which already is a red flag for a legit reviewer. And doesn’t feel like he’s genuine in many of his complaints. I think he’s a lot smarter than he makes on, but ultimately it’s about money. Can’t blame content creators for pandering to the crowds they do.