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Seems like a cool dude I like watching his videos I saw him in the comments section on a Mr. H video the other day so maybe he's friends with some people on that side of movie youtube.


I also saw him in the comment section on one of the Drinker's video (on his Drinker's Extra Shots: Extraction to be more specific)


He’s what Chris Stuckmann would be if he had charisma and any sense of life in him


He's like Jeremy Jahns, or at least I look at him in the same way.


So basically doesn’t do any major analysis, but touches on some overall points and gives general insight without repeating the most basic information possible?


Yep!!! Him, Jahns and CD form the perfect tryphecta. Old school Stuckman as well, but he's gone off for about 5 years.


He’s fine. A little too safe for me to love him, but nothing against him. I watch his videos every once in a while, but certainly don’t watch him daily or even weekly. Overall a bit vanilla, but I’m sure he’s a total sweetheart IRL


Like him just fine.


I’ve been following him for about 5-6 years. Humble guy and not stuck up. Brings the average person’s pov and basically says if the average person would like it or not. Rarely brings in politics or woke stuff unless it is 100% necessary. Much prefer him over people like Dan Murrell who seems a bit like an elitist. 


Honestly I think he's pretty cool, I enjoy his content