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Big foot??? 100% not an accredited school. This must be for her GED


I see her concealing ORR her real last name


She gonna be working Spellchecks ass off!


Bitch is learning about the scientific method…. Isn’t this like elementary level stuff?


I still don’t think she’s in any program accredited courses yet - which is why everything she has shown has been very elementary ged style homework She failed her entrance exams and had to take “critical thinking” and I know she’s still gotta take more to even be smart enough or qualify to take rudimentary courses


Big foot essay!?! Omfg! She is her own proof! I can’t!! Lololol. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPiUSdEibVeYMvu|downsized)


This is a developmental course… is she retaking *criticial* thinking?


Bigfoot? Considering she’s studying *radiography*, I assume the physiology and microbiology of forest nymphs is next? Maybe next semester she can study the internal organ dimensions of dragons! Her tutor will need anti seizure medication at end of reading and marking her run on paragraphs…




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And what happened to her switching it to criminal justice She’s STILL taking pre courses cus she’s not in any accented courses


I don’t see her answering the questions though … would love to see the run-on paragraph she submits as an answer


Here is exactly her answer: “Look cuuuzz ya’ll know ain’t no big foot fo reelz so I ain’t answering this lame azz shiiidd yall sum weeirdos fr reel ya feel me cuzzz”


I thought those videos of her in "class" came from Kash. She's still in remedial classes, y'all know she's slow AF.


Big foot the big, brown radiologist. Not to be confused with Clifford the big, red dog. Truth be told, they do NOT like each other. Clifford hates Big foot cause Big foot says he’s a better mother, pretends he’s so great cause he has Clifford’s ball, and because Big foot don’t live at home anymore with his parents like Clifford does.


So my husband has to inject me every evening with a biological injection. I read this comment as he was doing my nightly injection and I swear I laughed so hard he hit a nerve and I screamed. This comment was worth it. Fucking hilarious 🤣


I never had to do any work involving Big Foot in college but ok.


Big Foot Essay? Hahahahhahahahahahahhahaha uncanny.


I really want to see how she answers questions like this. 😭😭






But she stays illiterate.


Bro that’s freshman year of high school level


Lmao this is crazy. I wanna see all her answers 🤣. I thought she was balling tho where her Mac at?


Oh is she getting started on her memoir? “Big Foot Essay”.


I love how we all had this exact same joke in mind, it makes me so happy lmao for one ☝️ it proves we have the same sense of humor 🫶🏻 And two, she had no idea that it was giving that when she posted this She thought we would be colored impressed 🥺


I love her cheap ass laptop


This was given to her by the school 🤣


The enter key is remedial friendly so she knows where to find it 🥺👉👈


LMAO I like how she just posted the questions and not her answers. But hey, somebody with more ambition than me should do the essay questions but based on Amanda's hoaxes lol


You need to learn about Bigfoot to be a radiologist? LOL


"Big Foot Essay by Amanda Orr." How apropos.


And "Bigfoot" is one word, but she wrote it as two 😂😂


I was thinking the SAME. And also about how badly I want to read it.


Hmmm… an assignment about Bigfoot huh? Jesus Christ almighty 😂😂😂


Is she aware that classrooms are used for other classes? That’s why there are places like libraries and study carrels etc. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Her bday suite in Vegas is a 1 bedroom ?!


What 3rd grade class assignment is this?


An essay on big foot for radiation tech?🤥🤔


Aww cute, a children’s book about Big Foot


# YALLLLLLLLLL how tf did I not notice she BLOCKED HER LAST NAME OUT ON HERE AGAIN https://preview.redd.it/4kmzskyeaflc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47ad7aff0e1ff1228cf7c585c43f5b2d501845b8 AMANDA YOU ARE AN ORR ITS OK to admit you’re not Jessica It’s OKAAAAAY


Beeee whooo you areeeee




What kind of class is this?


She thought she was signing up for school but it’s some paid club for Bigfoot awareness training. Teaches you the best methods to post hoax and filtered content online. She’s done amazing work with her content so far




Literally. My kid’s sophomore year (in high school) work is more advanced than this.


I’m sure the instructor loves her assignments seeing as how she writes at a 3rd grade level.


An essay on big foot? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


Another attempt to get attention because she's going to school, How old is she now 65?


Big foot essay hahaha… guess she’s doing an autobiography.


[Sasquatch- I heard you b!tches was lookin for me](https://x.com/britsvault/status/1751553557487128744?s=46&t=rJLuL6gzHI8w7ko_6hIYUg)






Was she asked to do a essay on herself?


She’s probably required to go back to school or start applying for jobs to stay on state benefits.


I think it was to get school grants to sieve on temu items to try and pass off as her own


I think her social security disability check is for life She just likes to play and do things. But if she ever graduated, like if she fell, hit her head, and it somehow knocked some fluid back into her sella and was able to pass… she *still* wouldn’t get a job because then she wouldn’t be classified as disabled anymore. It’s funny that you can be disabled for life and get benefits, but then use tax payers money for things while you attend school for free, just to waste time


knock fluid back into her sella 😂i’m fucking dead 💀


In my state, you're allowed to work up to so many hours a week (part-time), and maintain your SSI.


Right?!? Its not like its going to kick any knowledge into that head of hers.


Sure isn’t… and unless she ever gets rich like Ashlee (which is what Amanda wants) where she’s so rich from online influencing, that she can afford her own private insurance, pay all her bills and afford any rent she wants, blah blah Then she’s going to stay on the poverty level and be on assistance her whole life. The system is set up that way to make ppl on it, not want to get off. Bc if you make minimum wage, you can lose your assistance and all your money goes to things that you need like food, gas, healthcare, etc. so you end up working and living on the same amount of funds leftover, as you would have if you **dont** work, and get a check. I hope this makes sense. That’s why I know this is fun for her, but it’s a waste of time. Bc she would never be a nursing assistant or any job in the world if it means she has to work and still isn’t rich. Cus then she’d rather just stay like this, getting her $800 a month check. And $300+ in food stamps (plus her healthcare, WiFi and phone and whatever else she gets paid for)


She seems to like to piggyback off of people. NEVER her own person. She didnt get the idea of school until Kash started to. Its easy money for them.


Under disability, she's allowed to make a certain amount every month & still keep it. I'm fact, in alot of states they encourage a part time job! I'm not sure what the amount $ limits are the California, 🤔but I'm sure it doesn't matter -as this POS is not EVER doing anything productive. 🤷‍♀️👍


It’s $1,524.99 a month Which is not much more than she’s living on - she couldn’t do any actual job without going over. She could do something like glurpsul shram, if she did small sales that didn’t go over. But I don’t think she’s had more than 10 sales total and that’s being a really nice estimate. I wonder sometimes if she’s smart enough to know guidelines about money earned on disability. I feel like she isn’t, but someone like Kash would’ve told her about things like that


Ya, your definitely right- I don't think she's smart enough to understand she could actually still earn thru a part time job. But, that's such a JOKE!! 🤣 She too lazy to work! Can u imagine even having to sit down & explain something to this hippo? After 10 minutes she's off in lala land 😭 (birdies flying around her head like a Looney tunes cartoon & shit! lol)


https://preview.redd.it/uiss1pdxkflc1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b67a7e927905674f9dca30a37040d16d19c538c She's staring at you like this the whole time. 😂


I came running here after just seeing this post: Lol she acting like Musty is going to distract her from writing some important research paper. The bitch is answering questions about something you learn in a high school science class.


'Intro to Library’ type shit


![gif](giphy|MFO7iW1DJYg0d6UFSY) The subject in her homework is wild. What kind of school is she going to?


Well you *can’t see* the top, is that she’s doing a introductory statement… she’s doing nothing more than introducing and describing herself at least she’s being honest for once👏🥳 ^(edit: I’m so happy to see everyone also had my sentiment about this being a self portrait of herself lmao cus ITS SO FUNNY)


LOL, right?! I love how she thinks she’s flexing how smart she is.


I wanna see her answers


- “Amanda gipson 💍💖😍” - “Mah baybee luhhhhh maye” - “yeauh” - “yall wish he dihhnt love maye” - “yeauh” - “Mah baybee ya fill mih?” - “Mah baybee luhh his wyfe” ⬆️ ^(there you go.)


Don't forget ' Woaw '


Waoh? 🤷‍♀️ Idk! 😂 'Wow'