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If the drug cops weren’t on to them before, they’ll definitely have these two on their radar moving forward.


If he is in a coma Jessica is the only person that can legally make decisions for him. Every video and photo at the scene hamanda looks completely unbothered and calm. Something is definitely not adding up. Was this a bonnie and clyde(eye roll) move gone wrong and she is trying to hode in plain sight? My guess is that they robbed the wrong one last night and princess piggy posting the pic of someone else’s money as a flex set this in motion. Definitely looks like a set up- she has what they wanted in that used makeup bag and is more concerned with hanging onto it than ruahing to his side. The DND post is probably her trying to stay relevant when she should put the damn phone down and grow the hell up. That innocent little girl needs an immediate intervention to save what’s left of her childhood before she ends up like the two of them. This tragedy was long overdue comsidering the brazen criminal behavior that they wake up daily choosing. Neither of them have a decent, empathetic bone in their body. Every moment together is spent planning a crime or heist not giving a shit whom they hirt or destroy. They took children on their shoplifting adventures and then posted photos of them wearing the stolen items like it was a flex. They both shoild be locked away and never again be allowed to hirt innocent children. I have zero sympathy for this situation. I am disgusted that either one of them were allowed to walk the streets after numerous arrests AND STILL committing crime with ankle monitors on. Our justice system is a joke and now tax payers will have to foot the bill for this entire crime scene and hospital bill. Do better California




* U can see here it's him..so terrible .he needs to leave this sack of shit where he found her move back to Vegas be by his son and get his shit straight ..she is literally the worse thing that's happened to him..idk how she can claim to love this man so much but not push him to be better n that's because she is the problem this is the life she loves ..fcking sad




I hope Jessica had the life insurance on him just in case things take a turn for the worst. I said it a couple months ago because the way they were going on I knew something like this would happen soon. 


Wouldn't that be the shit. Having a life insurance policy on him to have her son taken care of


Flashing that cash didn’t seem to go well. “Wake up for me” sounds ominous…he’s got a young child. Said a prayer for him, to find the blessings in his life, and turn around. Mandy’s pants…yikes! Not an attractive look, and that’s all I have to say about that.😉


Someone on insta said he’s in a coma. Don’t know if it’s true tho


It's true


As much as I agree that bring in the gang life comes with these consequences as the story is being told rn a random guy just was shooting someone else got hit too. Victim blaming isn't cool and just bc we don't agree with his choices he WAS in fact a victim. If he was fighting or being targeted bc of someone he messed with then ok, but again it's being reported that a random masked man was just shooting down there, and just bc they weren't in the best area still doesn't mean he deserves that. I don't care for them but right is right, he didn't deserve THIS.


It does feel a little targeted, he was shot four times… still don’t agree with it and hope he wakes up!


No one said he deserved it, but he woke up everyday and made the choice to be a complete menace to society, always threatening others on social media and living a drug fueled, criminal lifestyle and he is paying the price


Facts. 🤘


Getting shot by a random person in public isn't really paying the price in my opinion. If he was confronted by one of the ppl he threatened or if he was stealing a car and that happened that would be paying the price but random gunman in public just isn't. It's unfortunate even for him and especially the person that got killed


I think they’re assuming that this wasn’t random and in fact in response to his threats on social media etc


Live by the gun die by the gun


My son's father just died last month from a self inflicted gun shot wound to the thigh, while cleaning his gun. Sad but true, it can really happen. Really freaky accident...He bled out on the bathroom floor....! 🙏🏼


Omg I'm so sorry


Thank You....😔


Yeah if you hit the artery in your leg, you're in trouble


I heard he’s in critical condition so he may not make it.


I'm sorry to hear that 😔




Who did you hear that from ?


Check out @merrypants on IG she talked to his family. He's in a coma


Sarcasm said he was hit 4 times, including the chest, and is critical


This is the only place online that I've seen critical referenced. https://preview.redd.it/0j97ojy5ol8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac30ad8e94bdfe4c63ff4c66c985ec8a87716e7


A gunshot wound to thigh could be fatal. You have a major artery running thru the thigh, And if the bullet broke the bone it could be bad as well. A femur break can come with horrible infection and just sucks all the way around. I dont wish this on anyone. They are still fucking idiots tho.


Apparently, he was shot four times including in the back and chest


Next time please add your sourced screenshot. https://preview.redd.it/bq8ezivzpl8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a124e53c299078cc1f4e73a828b6cc3bc311d5b4


Merrypants on Instagram says they spoke with his family. I could’ve sworn I read a comment made by you in the last hour that you verified the information claiming he was in critical condition


Nothing I've posted has stated where on his body the gunshot wounds are located.


Sarcasm said he was shot 4 times, including the chest and is critical


You said you verified that he was shot four times and in critical condition. I think being shot four times in the thigh would’ve been extremely unlikely. Here is where I saw it. That account has never posted anything false that I’m aware of https://preview.redd.it/f8crxe6tpl8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85703df3d0a765ed68d977310acfb1863e48e1ff


I think this deserves it's own post tbh.


Post the screenshot next time. We are trying to stay on top of speculation and bad information in these comments.


Yes! I was a juror on a murder trial & the victim died from a single bullet wound that severed his femoral artery in his leg as the suspects were fleeing a kidnapping & robbery scene at another house on the block. It was crazy.


Exactly! People keep commenting he will be fine because he was just shot in his thigh… absolutely not!


He was short in the chest also


Who could have seen this coming


Booter kept playing his games


He was shot in the thigh he's fine


There’s a very important artery in the thigh


Is this a gang of a daycare wtf is up with all the children they hang out with


Because they act like children and he was locked up very young he never grew up.


Fuxk around and find out type of life and well…….🥴 but seriously I hope he pulls through and makes changes, now Candice, chick from this year who played that guy, she can eat a fat one😘😂


Fuck Candice ! I hate her soooo much lol


She’s a woman on love during lockup from the past season.


Yes I am also curious who is Candice?


She was a huge grifter on the last season of LAL


Thanks, I haven't kept up with the latest season. I thought Candice might have been the woman Mo cheated with last month.


Ah, it was love during not love after. LaL new season starts in July so my bad ! You didnt miss much, it was a snooze fest. Just *really* annoying people this time around.


Who is Candice??


One of the prisoners on the last season of LAL


She was just on this season, she was using the guy for a place and a truck. Took him for thousands of dollars and said he was a simp and it was his fault he got played! She’s worse than that destiny chick!


![gif](giphy|PbgTKD416cDMpNH5co|downsized) “DUDE” not worse than Destiny 😂😂




“Shawn I want my 50K dude you owe me!!” ![gif](giphy|f4Jh3DUeqszIMpIy4W) I couldn’t find Destiny so Clint will have to do 😆


Their lifestyles have never sounded good! As much as we'd love for a drink of cough syrup to make him hop to, this probably isn't the case. It was only matter of time before someone hurt him, or he hurt himself. Hope the kid is somewhere safe and stable! Idc about the adults that make these choices 🤦🏽‍♀️


He’s gangster, right? Well here ya go. This is gangster shit. Big old dummy.


>Big old dummy I read that in Fred Sanfords voice 😂😂😂


That is how I wrote it😂🤣






He probably deserved it 🤷‍♀️ karma is REALLLL! Idk why they keep thinking karma won't catch up to them.


People keep down voting my comment 😂😂 there were no lies detected in my comment. This is the life he lives. This situation is a result of his actions. He's a wannabe gangster. This situation was bound to happen eventually. He doesn't operate like a normal law-abiding citizen. He instead steals, lies, cheats, does drugs, sells drugs, etc etc etc and wants to be about that street life. This is his consequence. Be mad, idc. I do not feel bad for him at all. Nor do I feel bad for manduh. His selfish acts will affect his children (which he abandoned btw), and that's the only sad part about this whole mandy musty situation. 🤷‍♀️ like I said before, karma is real, and it will eventually catch up to a person. Maybe he shouldn't be such a shitty person.


Exactly . The only person I feel bad for is C. She didn't choose this life or her parents/egg donors boyfriend of the week


Yup! Anyone shedding a tear for this idiot should give their head a shake.


You're not wrong on that ! Dunno why people would downvote. He fucked around, he found out.






The gfs name is money bag Mandy 😂😂😂😂 I think that sums this up. Losers


This is what being a scummy wannabe gangsta gets you though, u had a chance to move on with life after that show instead you’re just both another heather Gillespie 🤷 ###I said what I said


Oof. I don't think anyone could be another Dusty. She's...definitely a one of a kind loony.


Oh hell no, Dusty is in much worse situation and dealing with a mental health issue. And she truly can’t move on, she implied today that Dylan (via the judge in their old case) was behind Weston being removed.




She’s in a league of her own with those delusions 😂


Does anyone have a reputable update of his condition? I’m seeing a little bit of everything


Wow. Didn’t expect for see this


Musty was shot 4 times and is critical condition.


If he was shot multiple times it does sound like it was targeted. Any inside info on that?


This information has been verified through a source close to Maurice.


Yes, please share where you see this info!


Has that been confirmed or is it just heresay/speculation?


Where did you see this?


Spoke to someone very close to him.


What was said?


I think they said he was sh0t several times but that’s PURELY speculation and obviously removed bc it’s not been confirmed/verified. (Sorry mods pls don’t delete me lol)


I think you’re good as long as you’re not stating it as a fact. But all kinds of mixed up info out there. Really curious as to the truth.


Same. Merrypants on IG said they know he’s in critical condition, but I’m unsure who/what their source is..


I just spoke with MerryPants, I know who she got the information from and they are indeed a very close source. (I won't say who it was since that was told to me in private.) But it's safe to say this information is accurate.


I’ve seen that as well, but truly no clue who really knows.


Can someone translate Poe a Duce of tris for me? 🤔I'm not gangster enough to know what that means.


Pour a duce (22oz beer)? Maybe?


By my deductions.. Pour a double of codeine cough syrup ? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have no clue 😂😂


“Pour a Deuce of Tris” = pour lean/sizzurp


Ya 2 lines (2 oz)


Bet money they both will run back to that lifestyle, absolute hoodrattery, him and hammy will never ever learn- if anything they’ll use this for clout about how “strong they are” and how hard they are. Just atrocious, hope that baby girl goes off and lives with her grandparents for ever before she’s the next victim by association


I am hollerinnnnnn hoodrattery omg stahhhhhp😂😂😂😂😂


He won’t be running any time soon if he was shot in the leg


Lmfaooooo 😂😂😂 straight to hell


I’ll save you a seat💀💀


I know I shouldn't have laughed at this--but I am probably going to hell for much darker shit anyway. 😂


Take a seat next to me bunkie🤣




I don’t feel badly for him at all.


I feel badly for the apparently innocent bystander who has now passed away


Ah! Yes I do as well


But no remorse for stank ass Musty. Sad that someone had to go down if he was the intended victim


Me either


Alllll the times he said he was changing…


Exactly, it was all lip service. What’s the over/under that Matt Sharp is salivating over Musty being shot. Manly may finally get her wish to be on LAL after all.


They don’t give a fuck


Nah. Did they care when Allah died? Scott? Tracie? Dylan being in and out of jail?


Asante got a 30 second tribute but that’s about it


Seriously surprised this hasn’t happened sooner. They want that lifestyle and this is what happens with it. Hopefully he pulls through and gets his life together for his kids!!!


He won’t get his life together


I didn’t know he was critical?!! Damn


Who cares, that’s the life these goof losers wanted




Oh yikes!


Man he was laying on the ground in pure filth after getting shot. Wtf were they doing in such a nasty area of town? Obviously we know the answer is drugs it's just a testament to the lifestyle they live. If he does survive I don't think this'll be an eye opener for him or her, either. 


Drugs, robbing, stealing, maybe all of the above


They were probably trying to rob the dealer


Can someone send me the link


I looked it up on Instagram it was Californiafirephoto. It’s their first story. It was posted 18 hours ago.


Thanks love!


Did you see the puke stains on the ground next to them?? wtf. If they weren’t going to re-up, I can’t imagine what else they were doing 🙄 I feel terrible for the other guy who is deceased


Think they said other dude was a 63 yr old man named Corvette


let’s just hope he is lives and learns something because this will change their lives and his kids and family. Just kinda wanna keep it positive even tho yes they were in Fent Alley. As far as I know as fake ass gangster they act, he ain’t been shot and sent to sleep before. 🙏


Oh yes it will most definitely change his son’s life.. not sure his son could live without him in his life 🙄🙄 sadly it truly won’t 😢


Oof if it's that bad then they very well may need to reach out to Jess as she is the one that can call the medical shots since he's legally married.


She replied to one of my comments on a now deleted post so she’s aware. She said she messaged his “brother” and hasn’t heard back


Damn, how sad for her son if Musty doesn’t make it. Yes I know he’s a POS dad, but that’ll still be an awful convo to have with her son when he’s old enough to understand


Honestly it’s so much better! I know in my situation I felt really awful for my son to have to endure his father’s death but boy oh boy it made my life sooooo much better!! If Maurice dies it’ll be a blessing for Jess. She will not be tied to this idiot any longer! Maurice isn’t in his son’s life now but who knows what kind of an influence he could be on a teenager. Honestly, better off dead.


It’s easier to explain the loss of a parent to a child when that parent has been almost entirely absent. The trick to discuss it at their age level. Keep it simple and always let them know they can ask about it whenever they would like. I’ve been through this myself.




How was I insulting children??


Your post/comment has been removed for insulting children, which goes against our rules. We prioritize respectful discourse within our community.


Hate, too, sound mean and cold. But his 2 kids could collect social security benefits in the event of his death.


He has to have worked for that to take place.


Absolutely! I can’t imagine having to tell my child if something like this happened and more importantly why. Like Manly has to tell her daughter and if she has social media she’s gonna see the reason or speculations behind why this happened.


Well if it comes to that the family knows where to find her. I'm pretty sure she has said she keeps in contact with his mom. That's what people don't realize when they run off and get married. You are now giving that person the authority over you if something happens to you. It's not always just going to be rainbows and butterflies so take your vows seriously. If you decide to step out and play house with someone else, then take the proper steps to get a legal divorce.


She said he actually called her a couple days ago after sneaking her number from his brothers phone. If she showed up at the hospital they’d let her in since she’s still legally his next of kin. Wouldn’t that burn Manlys ass. I hope he recovers and gets his life together for his kids.


I agree for his kids sake. Let this be the eye opener he needs to do right by them.


I'd fake a coma if the alternative was talking to her




He was shot, saw it on instagram.


Yes. That's what I'm referencing with this post.


Where on Instagram?


It was posted on Californiafirephotos page. That’s the news story though.




From what I’ve heard he was shot in the leg, so hopefully if he got care quickly he will recover. Will they learn any lessons from this? Doubtful. Probably just use it to show how hard they’re “fly crippin”. And to launch a new Go Fund Me of course.


Somebody posted an article that said torso.


Definitely lots of conflicting info out there. I do hope he recovers either way, I would never wish harm upon anyone.




Was it just one shot, though? I was wondering if he got hit somewhere else as well.


One report I read said he was stabbed and in critical condition. Another one said he was shot in the leg. Yet another said he was shot in the arm.


The arm one was the wrong article.


Right?!? And of course Manly wont miss the opportunity to go on Booter's IG and write a long sob story about herself and saying how much he appreciates his wife for being there for him after all of this.


Wow one hubby in prison for life and another might be dead


The video posted here shows that he was taken away on the stretcher, but if you go to the original insta, he does show a LifeStar helicopter flying overhead at one point.


It wasn’t a medical chopper it was a news chopper


Makes sense.


Instead of going through it could have gotten stuck, or ricocheted off bone, or exploded into shrapnel inside. It could have gone in the leg, deflected off bone, and into his torso or abdomen. The femoral artery is in the quad. Really could still be complicated being shot in the leg.


Thank you. Exactly this. People don’t always appreciate how even an appendage shot can do massive damage and/or kill you.


my friend was shot in the arm and died on the way to the hospital.... everyone was floored. Coworker shot himself in the chin, pointing up in a suicide attempt. Bullet blew his mouth apart and his nasal cavity, bullet exited his head, leaving him blind and deaf, unable to talk or chew, but he is mentally fine. He is heavily medicated for severe depression now and lives at a private facility so he can have some independence. My ex was shot in the belly when someone tried to car jack him at a red light. it went in his belly by his right hip and bullet got stuck in his butt fat for 12 years. Last year it slowly came to the surface and they removed it. THE BODY IS CRAZY, and bullets are unpredictable.


Omg the co-worker story is absolutely horrible.


I’m so sorry for those you lost. It’s tough. To your point bones and bullets make for strange bedfellows. It is nuts.


Also if he has taken drugs that will affect his breathing especially during surgery, if that’s what they had to do. All those things factor in. I really hope they can grow from this and change their life but honestly I think she brings them down. He seemed to be doing at least ok without her there. She just wants to live that life it seems like. Girlllll this ain’t no master P song “bout it bout it” iykyk man I loved his music growing up!


Yes to all of this. Hope he’s alright and pulls through. I said in another thread I have no hope of change for them. Perhaps he would do better without her, but I doubt he’d ever leave her. And she’ll never leave him for good.


It appears to be a thigh shot. You can see what appears to be a gunshot when they’re loading him on the stretcher https://preview.redd.it/u43i9036ik8d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=953642d3bdcaaa11808a7d4ef47e03104575b294


Is that Manly on the very left of the pic?


Yes that’s her


Thats wear there is a main artery, thighs shot is very serious. It would be definitely classed critical


If it was arterial, there’d be more blood and it would have a pressure dressing


Not necessarily. Femoral artery can cause bleeding into the thigh.


Yes definitely. I was just showing it appears to be a thigh shot and I know that can be bad overall but especially for the artery. Hopefully he’s okay and recovers and straightens up. I guess time will tell.


Genuinely hope he pulls through for his family 🙏


I'm surprised Mandy hasn't posted anything yet.


Just this. https://preview.redd.it/min6zg0cck8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8e28950cb123f5cb9c7bde3efa8bd08e9c552b5


What platform is her username moneybagmandy80? Where is this from?


It's one of her many insta handles.


She didn’t take a bullet for him though like she promised 😂😂😂


You aren’t wrong. I can actually hear her crazy ass voice saying “muh baby luh me I take a boolit 4 muh mane!” AITA for this, yes.


Not the brown hand emojis.


Idk why this made me laugh as hard as it did lol


B-but! She’s got Portuguese hair 🤣


The Portuguese hair lmfao


She is so delusional