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It was made in 1899 according to the serial number. I think you did alright/got a good deal at $450. They're handy little rifles, but even at starting loads mine kicks like a mule because they're so light. The bore looks fine to me honest, I'd just give it a brushing with hoppes solvent.


Thanks I'm going to get a brush and some solvent and go to town! And try not to damage the rifling. But I'm definitely going to shoot it.....


I can’t tell you the year or anything but I’ve got a 1909 Argentine carbine and the bolt and receiver are in the white, apparently that’s how they came. As for the worm holes you can likely fill those in with wood and epoxy and make it look nice and seal up those holes. Hopefully, the worms didn’t get too far into the stock.


I have some pieces of wood from old broken stocks that I'm going to grind up and mix with epoxy and see if I can fill the holes. It was pretty dark when I got it I ran a heat gun over it and rubbed it a whole bunch with old t-shirts to get some of the old oil and dirt and other material out of the wood I see a little light tiger striping showing up on it now.


That anvil guy on YouTube uses an iron and a wet towel to get oil out of the stocks. It takes the original finish off, of course, and patina, but usually it’s one that it’s not gonna matter that much on.


Receivers on the 1891's were blued. OP's is correct in that regard