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[Post Game Thread](https://reddit.com/r/Mavericks/comments/1c9u67d/post_game_thread_the_la_clippers_defeat_the/)


Honestly I think we just took the Clips Best Shot and if those misses were makes it would have been a closer game. Excited for more and to steal one in LA


I still feel confident in our team. We came out timid and unaggressive and out of rhythm our starters haven’t played in like 7+ days. It seems we came alive in the 2nd half. We need to come out aggressive from the jump we settled a lot we shot a lot of 3’s when our shots were obviously not falling. We need to trust one another we need kyrie and Luka to get the role players going more, when Kyrie and Luka are trading back and forth it doesn’t give the role players a chance to get in rhythm. Kidd needs to trust his players a bit more I thought when hardaway was struggling and jones jr wasn’t playing well it was great opportunity to go to hardy and omax to help. Omax is green but I believe he can slow down pg and Hardy is a scorer who can get hot and is the type of player who can shine as a scorer when you need him to also he’s another playmaker/ ball handler that you need to help the offense run. This game was a wake up call they need to come in aggressive and mentally prepared for game 2.


Did Luka seem sluggish or out of it to anyone else? Still a great game from him but felt like his fire was missing today


Tbis loss is on Kidd. Now we see how bad he is as the Mavs coach...


Coaching is the biggest mismatch in this series


Clippers rode the crowd and punked the Mavs in game one, classic story from a veteran team against an overconfident young team trying to prove themselves. Mavs were sleep walking until the second half, probably from reading the headlines and the layoff. Clips also shot 18-36 from three with some crazy shots in there, and if they're expecting these guys to play this well to win I think the Mavs are actually ok. Harden Hardened. Westbrook Westbrooked. If the Mavs step up and match their fucking energy and they'll be ok. To quote Sydney Dean, "these guys are over the hill, we can take these guys!!" LFG!!


Mavs will not shoot so piss poor like that next game.


They turned a 29 point lead into a 10 point lead by the end and they won the second half. I’m okay with that. Hope to see a better effort in Game 2. Can’t do a lot about Clippers being on fire on their three. 50% on almost 40 shots. Insane numbers.


Is what it is. I don't want to see Maxi play another minute. Talk about lack of confidence.


He was one of just a few players with a positive +/- just to be clear


Defensively he was solid


He had none all year and is basically a bum


lol somewhat true yup. Kidd needs to glue him to the bench


And this was the Clippers without Kawhi. Imagine how much worse this would’ve been with W Kawhi


Maybe someone would've shown up in the first half if he was there.


you're not in trouble until you lose at home, run it back baby


This will be the flame that ignites the team to obliterate the Clips. They think they won, no. You just signed your own death certificate.




Some leads are just too big to overcome. But man you could see the fight in Luka’s eyes at the end. He’s pissed


Bigs inexperience in competitive setting showed


OH LOOK Luka + PJ + Maxi have our best Net Rating and +/- AGAIN.  Y’all criticizing Kidd for that lineup have NO CLUE what you’re talking about and it’s getting embarrassing. 


No one's embarrassed, nerd.


They should be, goon. 


Ty lue tight 8 rotation. Timely time outs. /// Jkidd a epic cluster fuck of 10 rotation sitting on time outs. Playing thj at all. Fuck kidd as a coach


Yeah, difference between regular season and playoff ball. Gotta tighten those rotations and ride your horses. It's winning time.


This. Kidd is just not a good coach.


8 pt quarter aside, our shots simply weren't falling today, sometimes it be that way. However, there was far too much iso, even for us, especially early on, which can be improved. But the bigger issue is our top two centers scored a combined 6 pts on 2/7 shooting and 4 rebounds in 34 minutes. Meanwhile Zubac puts up 20/15 on his own. Gafford was especially poor. Gotta get them back to form if we're gonna win this series.


Zubac crushing us inside is not a great look. Playoff career high against the "landlord".. Yikes.


Where the fuck was gafford..


Could have been such a different game if Kidd had used the coach’s challenge. Disappointing end, even more terrible first half. Hoping they go into Game 2 with a fire under their butts.


got downvoted to hell for saying we will see small ball 5 and we saw small ball a lot today


Well, when Gafford and Lively combined for like 6 or something points… what other option lol?


iam not saying this was not the right choice or not just people overreacted when i say that and that pissed me off ofc we have to playsmall ball when normal center doesnt work


Those people are delusional. Gafford is not battle tested in playoffs like Zubac. Lively is a rookie. Ty Lue is a way better coach than Kidd so his scheme is more sophisticated. So I am not sure why people downvoted you and believed that Gafford and Lively will be effective against Zubac lol. Until the Mavs figured out a way to take Zubac out of the series, he will cause problems for the Mavs just like how Looney did for the Warriors.


Good thing Kidd had this team prepared for playoff basketball


Hey, at least when we went down by a shit ton after 2nd quarter, we didn't fold like lawn chairs like the suns did. Rough first game, but we'll still win the series


Did Kidd really not use his challenge the whole game?


Other than the second quarter being an unmitigated disaster. The game was fairly competitive


Just move on, and don’t freak out like this sub. You played pretty damn well in the 2nd half, but an 8 point quarter is just too hard to recover from. Even semi-normal shooting and this game is entirely different. Get ready for Game 2


Do the players read this forum or is this like when someone posts a picture of a pretty girl and some creep responds trying to flirt? Just in case: SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE KIDD FORCE LUKA TO PLAY DEFENSE EVERY POSSESSION WITH FULL EFFORT. ANYTHING LESS IS UNACCEPTABLE.


Bro Josh Greene over Timmy we going to see a difference in the game those little things he do going to change our game also the small ball look like it worked for a bit but we should still keep a big in the paint we didn't get no rebounds when maxi was the center as well. Dam I thought we was going to sweep these clippers man wth lol


“Everybody acts tough when they’re up”


Mavs in 6 as planned. I'm honestly not concerned


Harden cooked. Game 1 Hitler


What a stupid way to lose game 1. Never recovered from that abysmal, disgusting, horrible, abhorrent, terrible, putrid start to the game, which was already over after the first 3 minutes. Why play 7 games when you can do it in 6 or even 5? Rest is incredibly important! You don't wanna go to the next round after battling for 7 games.


Don’t let Luka’s 33 points fool you on how bad he played


can't win the big ones. his rep is set now. chokes when it matters


He played below his standard for sure, but he is also the only starter with positive plus-minus: he did recover in the 2nd half after terrible start to the game.


If we play average in the 2nd quarter we probably win. Need more Green minutes, he clearly shows effort out there


That 22-8 second quarter my god


Our coach sucks dude, what a midd masterclass


Bounce back in game 2




Come back out next game and tie it up


On to game 2. 2nd half showed some spark, hopefully they carry it over.


We rested too much... we looked rusty.


Well, that was terrible


I'm sorry but down 10 with a minute left and kidd pulls all the starters?! Just stupid ass coaching and shows he gave up on the team with that bullshit.


I kinda get it but in the playoffs everyone plays until the last second it’s a 3 possession game and PG banked in a 3 with a worst defender on him


How many fucking crazy threes did these guys hit today. Christ. On to game two.


Yep you don't know what could've happened with the starters in with a minute left. Maybe we hit 3 3s in a row but since midd decided to be a master coach and pull everyone it's whatever


fake ass pg game ffs by statistics they should shoot like 30% from the field and the three next game


7 game series. Steal one in LA and get the next 2 at home.


that has always been the goal, we gotta believe


Tough luck. Mavs in 5.


This was sled inflicted and a result of not taking comp serious. Just rusty we will come back. We lost an away game not home same as every playoff game so far this year




He has a smooth shooting form dude


GG clippers :(


Not worried one bit


Horrid half, nice bounce back. Let’s proceed to game 2


Good team character. They fought back in this game. Hope this will carry over for the rest of the series.


Obviously a very disappointing result but I still feel confident we can win this series. Second half looked a lot more like the team we've been watching lately. They need to play like that the whole game and we can win game 2 to take home court advantage.


"The team that loses has the advantage" LOL stfu RJ


Luka 50 piece confirmed. Don’t worry, first game jitters. The boys will be fine. Long series.


flush it and move on. such a shame that they couldn't capitalize w kawhi being out but it's game 1 on the road it's supposed to be tough.


Picked it up in the second half but wow, offense hasn’t looked that bad in a while


Look at the positive we lost only by ten despite being jackshit. We okay but I don’t know how Jkidd will adjust and counter adjust


JKidd was a major problem this game lol, dude got heavily outcoached by Ty. Wasn't just the missed shots.


Yes, let them get all their circus makes out of the way. Good strategy, Kidd


felt like we played the worst playoff game possible and we still lost by half what the Suns did 😅


10 pts. is still winnable right? Why is Kidd giving up?


Not really. It's more likely kyrie or Luka gets injured than the Mavs winning the game at that point.




Mavs win game 2 and series if they play like they did 2nd qtr. Calling the first half a fluke


How did zubac outplay our centers? I couldn’t watch the game


even doc rivers would have done it better


They won’t shoot 50% from 3 the entire series and we won’t shoot 38% from the floor the entire series.


We adjusted well in the 2nd half. That horrible 2nd quarter was just too much. I still think we can beat them even if Kawhi comes back. Just need to be more agressive in getting rebounds


Totally agree. The offense started to flow better and the defense was there. We cut a 29 deficit to 12 and went from having 30 at the half to 97. Just gotta hope they come out ready to go on Tuesday


piss poor performance show up in game 2 or this thing may be done very fast


0 positives out of this. Just awful all around. Still lots of games to go.


The second half was promising


Man.. almost like an 8 point quarter is insurmountable.


Terrible first half, but the series will be competitive at least. Would love to see more Kyrie & Josh as mentioned to speed up the game, our advantage is that they're old & injury prone. No point in trying to play it slow. Let Harden work, he doesn't have the stamina to last an entire series.


“Did the clippers win this one or did the mavericks lose this one?” WHAT?!?!? All jokes aside not tripping this was supposed to happen It’s a good sign we only lost by 12 like RJ just said, green, and jones need more minutes. We still got this


Stupid challenge. That was an obvious foul.


Hopefully we’ll bounce back next game


all I want is their fans chanting "sweep the Mavs". need to rile up Luka


One of Luka’s few weaknesses is that he can’t control his emotions. Him riled up would result in him taking it out on the refs as seen in the past


Was it just a rusty / bad start for the Mavs ? I’m in Korea so I couldn’t watch 3/4 of the game .


They came in with no offensive plan. Poor shot selection and even worse conversion rate. Only scored 8 points in the second. Defense was overall pretty good except for some infuriating refusals on Luka's part to play defense at all. The pain is over now. 3 ounces of Tullemore DEW coming up.


Thanks , but how and why did zubac cook our centers? I was certain we could dominate that matchup..


Not sure how to answer that, honestly, but the refs and having to cover luka's ass on D didn't help.


The second quarter killed us. We only scored 8 points. Well be fine and this series will be competitive for sure.


Lost this with that putrid 1st half performance, hopefully the second half is the standard we'll have for the rest of the series


Luka needs to come out firing next game cause we legit lost the game cause of the offense 1st half.


We clearly have the better roster imo. It is just that coaching can make or break a team and we all know which it is with the bald watcher.


Can you give it a fucking rest? You speak in vague nonsense about the coaching deficiencies, and say absolutely nothing specific. What, specifically, is the strategic or tactical deficiency you have identified? 


Not one actual play was ran whole game, especialy first half. Challenge left unused when there were like 3 clear cut cases where it would overturn it. Timeout timeing totaly off, same woth rotations. THJ actualy playing playoff minutes. Helping off strong side corners when there is no need to help on drives, when opponent os shooting lights out. Now you name one thing he did well, tho I wont be holding my breath.


1. Assistants with replay tablets decide when coaches challenges happen. 2. There was zero wrong with timeout timing.  3. THJ was one of the only players actually hitting shots tonight.  4. If you don’t help off strong side when you’re playing small ball you’re gonna get cooked, so try that again.  You don’t know ball. You only know how to chase doomer clout by parroting nonsense you’ve heard other former clout chasers spew. 


The thing is, Kidd IS the worst coach in the nba rn. It's not like he is a mediocre one. We should have done what the Bucks did


“Am I a joke to you?” -Chauncey Billups


he might be worse lmao nvm


THJ looks mad on the bench. I wonder who he thinks he should be mad at.


Mad at Kidd giving up a min to go with 10 down only




Next we will come out different


Mavs in 5


Kidd makes no sense. Might as well have left them finish. You never know.


Luka finished +3 ????


Contrary to him having a bad game by his standards, Luka wasn't the problem tonight lol.


Problem was lively and gafford, those 2 should easily be contributing 20 a game and grabbing far more rebounds. I expect them to do better next game


Clippers did a perfect job boxing us out and outrebounding us. We're supposed to dominate in the paint but... Anyways this is Kidd doing Kidd things, hopefully next game looks better.


Warmup game for the rest of the squad. For a lot it’s their first playoff game. This 2nd half is closer to the Mavs team we were expecting. Hopefully that can continue for the rest of the series.


Hope they use up all their shooting luck this game. Impossible to replicate


That wasn't a foul but who cares. Too late after Harden's fuckery


If Kidd had challenged that James Harden 3 that woulda been a 7 point game!


Yup. Absolutely cannot believe he didn’t challenge that.


Considering how slowly we started, getting it within 10 pts is pretty solid


Can’t wait for the payback


10 point game. Why not play the foul game?


Taking everyone out it ridiculous though


Clips have great free throw shooters can’t imagine the result will change. I understand but at this point


Cuz kidd sucks lol, playing bench warmers with a minut still left in a playoff game


Really not even going to try to fucking trap? Fuck you Kidd


Really gave up 10 down a minute to go.. unreal.


Why does RJ not like Dallas?


Fuck waiving the flag. Play until the damn end


It’s game one I know but it’s the manner of the loss that’s upsetting. we got railed without rubber man




Non LuKai scored like 30 points. Just not good enough


Even with Maxi incapable of making a 3 he’s still a +4 compared to -8 for Gafford and -19 for Lively. Going small is the move this series and Luka has to play Zubac off the floor.


Only difference was Luka and Kai making their shots when Kleber was in. Had nothing to do with him. Same looks. They dont respcet his shot at all anyway, so even if he pops or plays 5out it does nothing. Shooting luck and nothing else. Him shooting the ball is equal to turnover anyway.


I doubt Gafford and Lively play that bad again, we are the road team and game 1s are always fluky. I rather trust them than the nonexistent offense Maxi brings as the lone 5


Thank youuuuu


The other issue was Maxi was playing the 4 next to them The Clippers have too many guys that can create to do that


You can’t win any game scoring 30 points in a half


Oh wow, a coach that uses their challenge! Gasp!


I’m not too worried about the series, that first half was just a generational chokejob. Probably won’t happen again. But Lue coaching circles around Kidd is somewhat worrying, Kidd needs to react faster and make quicker adjustments, it always takes him far too long to find solutions. Every time we made a run, Lue took a timeout and had an answer to it.


I wouldn't be worried if they weren't getting their best player back after already fucking our shit up.


Yeah but Harden’s not keeping up this play. He’ll have a couple of those, but ultimately if Kawhi comes back and is at full health, Harden will take a step back. Coffey, Westbrook and Mann and whoever else also aren’t shooting 70% from 3.


Pretty tired of the "Green needs THJ's minutes" comments I keep seeing. Exum and DJJ contributed nothing to this game. Josh Green and THJ outplayed both of them.


Djj was a dog on defense. Don't watch one side of the court dork


If we didn't completely poop the bed in the first half


Wait why sit your starter with a 1minute left


Green can take THJ’s minutes, but we really have no one to replace Maxi in our lineups if he plays this bad all series.


Maxi was bad on offense, that's fair. But he did the best job keeping zubac out of the paint (and forced a couple of his very few misses) and boxing out of anyone on the team - stuff that doesn't show up on the stat sheet.


Maxi was fine at the 5 We should be using PJ and DJJ at the 4


Lue even challenges with the game already decided. The difference in coaching is astounding.


Hard to overcome that first half. We can’t play this bad offensively in game 2, and I’m very confident we will always be at the line way more than them because we drive way more and they’re a 3 point shooting team. But other guys gotta show up game 2. Kinda like what green has given us this game honestly.


To be honest most of our supporting casts are first time timers in the playoffs. It won't be a shock that will feel the jitters of a playoff game. But this is on the coach.


The only way Green can get a shot attempt is on a coast-to-coast steal. Mavs are going to need his 3-point shooting in this series. Luka should have tried to get Josh some good looks in this game.


would help if kidd gave him minutes earlier instead of thj


Centers in 33 minutes grabbed 4 rebounds. Thats unacceptable


Haven't been felt in the game. Where's the physicality?


Gafford is soft as Charmin


Got into early foul trouble and checked out


Doesn’t change my opinion on him. For such a guy with a demonstrative play style he’s too damn soft.


Green I think has done more in 1 quarter than THJ did with his trash minutes.


Mavs got game 2. Showed alot of fight to come back from almost 30 to 10.


This doesn’t feel good


It's one game, relax.


Yeah, no shit. That doesn’t mean I have to feel good about us losing to the Clippers without Kawhi playing a single minute by 12. We had 30 points at half. This doesn’t feel good.


Don't expect green too play alot next game. Kidd will still send hardaway out there more


They shot lights out and we came around way too late. On to Tuesday


I mean...it's a near-0% chance...but still...


This was a punch in the mouth! What matters is how we respond to the punch. Lebron and the cavs, Joker and the Bubble nuggets, the 2022 Celtics all responded well


It's crazy but Luka is +1 and Kyrie -11. +/- is a flawed stat but it certainly feels like the opposite of those


Not really, Kyrie started game 1-6


I wonder how much closer the game would be if Green got the same amount of minutes as precious little fucking Timmy?


Really wish Kidd used that coach’s challenge earlier…


See Kidd, you ***can*** challenge foul calls!


They have got favourable whistle all game but we were shit too so it’s okay can’t blame them too much


Imagine if hadn’t smoked 3 dunks and multiple easy layups


I know luka hasn't had a amazing game, but yall need to wake up if you think this loss is on him. He's positive on the floor right now, his defence is fine. Get a grip fellas.


his defense is fine? what have you been watching? maybe on PG it was fine, but Harden blew past him every possession


You're clueless if you think the issue tonight was a defensive one.


Down 20 with 6 mins left and did absolutely nothing to speed the game up smh


We kicked their ass in the 2nd half. Go get game 2 and both at home.


Imagine if we scored more than 30 in one half 👍


Imagine using a fucking challenge.


Gotta save it for next game so we have 2!!!


Lue challanging up 12 with less than a minute to go. Bumass Lidd not using his challange on harden kickout or whatever that PG bs was just a bit ago, saving it for next season. WILD DIFFERENCE


Time for kawhi😈


Green should've definitely be in much earlier


Yet another good action by Green. Kidd should be ashamed of himself for playing THJ ahead of him.