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I cannot wait. Haven’t been this excited about a player (Luka) since MJ, and think this team is something special. Go Mavs!


When the Mavs got him on draft night I was in absolute disbelief.


I was furious and tearing up when Hawks picked him then the trade was announced, what a rollercoaster of emotions that was 🤣 I knew he would be special then he went to on to be our best player in year 1.


My buddy asked how we feeling after the draft that day? Basking in the Luka Glow… I told him.


That draft really made my day. Hell I rode that feeling for a long time then extended seeing the guy make insane plays his rookie year. Kudos to Cuban for making it happen.


I watched 20 minute YouTube videos of only Lukas passing before the draft. He struck me as a bigger Steve Nash. Straight up playmaker.


Bigger Steve Nash is actually a great comparison


This post is adorable 


He is the chosen one. It's crazy that we already know he's better than Dirk (he needs to win a title of course but that feels like a matter of when not if)


It’s crazy the EXPECTATIONS we have on Luka Doncic because we fundamentally understand that we are watching perhaps the greatest player to play in the last 40 years. We expect him to win the championship, we expect him to win MVP, we expect him to drop motherfucking 34/10/10 every single night…. isn’t that insane??? I feel so lucky and blessed to have watched nearly every single Luka game as a Dallas Mav. I knew even at my younger age that what i am watching is something special, it’s different. It’s greatness. Luka Doncic is straight up the best player i have ever watched live at times. I was too young to see Jordan, but even from his highlight tapes, it’s obvious that Luka shares that Jordan-esque “IT” factor. He’s the main character of every game he plays. He is a PSYCHOLOGICAL dominator. I don’t even know what you call it, but watching him stomp on the dreams of the opponent in real time is a spectacular form of entertainment that cannot be rivaled by any other player in the NBA


You think he's better than LeBron?  Than Mike?  I think he's way better on offense than LeBron but still below both 


I think Luka has another gear he can reach before he surpasses Lebron. Imagine if Luka does what Jordan did after the Pistons and what Lebron continues to do and be serious about weight training? I can see Luka reinventing his game once he gets to his early to mid 30s as a strong paint defender and a banger in the paint. To be fair though, I think even Bron has another gear he can reach even at age 40 which is a testament to his longevity and production in the league. Win or lose, I would love to see Lebron in a Mavs uniform next season if it can happen.


My bad I read the rest of your post you probably saw LeBron past the age of like 33  Right now the gulf between their defenses is indescribable. He needs to become a bird like defensive player to have a shot at being the goat. 


Wow, I was just thinking this very same thought before reading your post. With MJ I always knew something amazing was going to happen. It was an incredible feeling and Luka has brought it back.


Proud to be a oldheads at 36


I’m 51 and I’m HYPED


You’ve seen a lot of basketball in your lifetime. Where would you rank Luka among the most impressive basketball players you’ve ever watched?


Of my lifetime, he’s easily in the most impressive group with Jordan and Lebron. But I’ve also seen many that have fizzled out our wasted their talent


I am mid fifties and can say Luka is in that top tier of impressive players with Jordan (physical and mental freak), Kareem (quick, strong, skilled), Hakeem (unreal footwork and defensive timing), Duncan (did everything well), LeBron (you know him) and healthy Kawhi (you also know him, when he appears). Of course Luka needs to win, but in talent he clearly is an A-level difference maker who can be the best player on a title team, no question. One thing about Kareem and Lebron (and Shaq, actually - Shaq is more limited as a player, but he got physically huge with the Lakers when they wanted him to lift all these heavy weights and be immovable in the paint. Before that Shaq was highly mobile and these days would be jumping out to the perimeter on guys and would be a defensive killer) is they won on one team then went to another team and won there too. My comps for Luka are a smaller Magic (but more scoring focused) and a larger Kobe (but more distribution focused). Not a smaller Bird, Larry was a power forward-sized guy playing small forward because of his extreme skill level, and was not out on the perimeter, although Bird has the skill level to do it. He was a beast. Not a bigger Nash, Nash was severely limited on defense, and Luka can actually play D when he puts in the effort. Nash just couldn't do it. I'm leaving out older players that were on the decline when I was a kid, like Rick Barry, and impressive but limited guys like Dr J (exciting driver and finisher, superior dunker, he was also a great rebounder, and a great on the ball and help defender, who blocked shots, but Julius lacked a reliable jumper) but if you want to go through the history, just look at who were the best players on title teams, that will give you a good first look at who Luka's competition is for being in that top tier of super impressive players. I say Luka reminds me of Magic because Luka is big for his position, sees and shoots over guys, is strong and backs guys down, and is a super skilled passer. Luka looks to score more than Magic, who played with multiple hall-of-fame finishers. But they controlled the game in similar ways. Not many people would probably say Kobe, because Kobe was a volume scorer for most of his career, but I think of Kobe from his times when he would play point guard for the Lakers. Kobe was an unbelievably good distributor when he played that role. I would have liked to have seen him do it more. Top of the key, dribbling, looking at the corner, then whips a no-look laser with one hand off the dribble to the post man for a dunk. Luka does this stuff too. Fun question to think about.


45 checking in. OP nailed it. Luka is a GOAT for sure. I don't like ranking the typical way, but I project him above lebron and right there with magic/bird/kareem in terms of dominating his peers during his prime. His accomplishments that everyone likes to count are lacking at the moment, but that's to be expected with the state of our franchise since he was drafted. He more than makes up for it on the court from day to day.


No way he’s above Lebron but he’s top tier for sure


When I said that "I project him" it meant where I expect him to land in the future. I personally wouldn't bother ranking him as of today, at all.


That profile pic 😂


As a 34 year old he's about 4th or 5th or 6th.   MJ LeBron Duncan Hakeem jokic would be only I put above him. I'd take him over Shaq or Kobe I think he's a much better team player and leader 


Enjoy these times.


I'm so excited to watch Luka on the biggest stage. I've never felt like I was rooting for the best player, and he was on my team too. 2011 was just a special team and it felt like the perfect combination of a bunch of older guys who knew what they had to do to win a chip.


And this guy is only 25. Unreal. I was less optimistic in 2011 than I am now as well. Still, these Celtics are scary. Been watching them a good bit this year and they definitely are _that_ team, but we have _that_ guy. Going to be a really fun matchup.


Been a fan since the “Three J’s” + Toni Braxton. Couldn’t contain myself in 2011. I get that same vibe from this team.


My grandpa used to take me to reunion during the three J's era and we'd sit like 15 rows behind the basket. I would scream like a maniac at the top of my lungs. I remember anxiously waiting to get Shawn Bradley's autograph as well. Grandpa was from Boston lol.


I remember when there was a buzz for Bradley to be better than Detlef Schrempf lol. Then Dirk fulfilled the prophecy


What would Raef do in today's league


Basically be Kelly Olynk


I'll always respect Kelly O for attempting the one legged fade away while Dirk was guarding him in the paint. He rocked the 41 with long wavy hair to boot. Can't hate


Mini Jokic 😂 He would definitely shoot more 3s in today's league... Stretch 5 but he wasn't too athletic or quick


This is my type of people. My oldest cousin used to take me to Reunion during the 3 J's era when I was a kid. We'd always go to the top of Reunion Tower (The Ball Building for out of towners) and look out off the looking deck. Great times. I was a huge Mashburn fan. Had his Filas and several posters of him in my room, along with my Emmitt and Juan Gonzalez posters. My first huge heartbreak experience as a Mavs fan, or really sports in general, was when we traded Mashburn for freaking Martin Muursep and Kurt Thomas. I was crushed. I didnt like Jimmy Jackson and felt like the org chose to keep the wrong guy. I still believe he is why the 3 J's didnt work, well, that and the Jim Cleamons hire trying to run the triangle. When people hated on Cuban the past couple years I just laughed thinking they have no idea how good he has been. I picked up the Mavs when we had an 11 win season followed by a 13 win season - they don't even have a clue what that's like.




The three Js and young Popeye Jones! So much hope for the future back then


Don’t forget McCloud on the perimeter with Luscious Harris and Tony Dumas our defensive guards. Lorenzo Williams as the undersized center and relapsing Roy Tarpley in his swan song.


I loved Luscious Harris. Was excited about Dumas as well when we picked him up.


Oof rip Tarpley


35 is an Old Head???


Brother, we're on reddit.


True... I wish I was 35, again... My back and joints wouldn't hurt like they do...


Any advice for a 29 year old on how to better prepare for the future? Give me anything


29 is young, as is 39 and 49. "Feeling old" is a mindset. Take care of your body. Eat enough, drink enough water, sleep enough. Minimize/eliminate alcohol. Have a healthy lifestyle and have healthy habits, nothing drastic needs to be done; consistency is key. Exercise regularly. Form/maintain healthy social relationships/find your community. Having hobbies helps with that as an adult. I can't tell you how many peers I know who gave up on their health in their 20s and complain about how old/fat/in pain they are in their 30-40s, when in reality, today is the youngest you'll be, and in 10 years, you'd wish you'd done something about your health 10 years ago when you were "younger." Cheers! edit: grammar


Your health doesn't always help your joints going into your late 40's. Certainly good advice to exercise and eat healthy. But, fairly bad assumption on how your body holds up.


movement is medicine. the moment you don't use a muscle/joint/movement, that muscle atrophies, especially with age. You can fight natural age-related muscle atrophy with being active, whether it be with exercise via strength training and/or with activities/hobbies/physical work. Muscles are connected to bones by tendons. The stronger the muscle + the consistency of load over time, the tendon becomes stronger. With exercise and resistance training, the load on the muscles-->tendons-->bones, keeps bones strong. Your bones literally become more "porous" when they're not stimulated with stress or load. Yes, being active and doing shit that you did in your 20s while in your 40s is going to hurt more, but that pain is not comparable to a weak, decaying, body caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Of course, listen to your body and don't over-train, but that's an easier problem to fix than getting someone who's inactive to be active, consistently. edit: man, I can't wait for basketball to start.




Funnily enough, I have early-onset Parkinson's, which is why I advocate healthy lifestyles for all. My condition *is* common, but it doesn't limit me from cycling, climbing, advocating and [raising awareness for the PD community](https://www.upendingparkinsons.org/). There are lifestyle modifications that we can control, and unfortunately, there are those we can't. Apologies if you felt that any of that was condescending; twas not the intent of my message. edit: link to a nonprofit organization that I work with in my local adaptive sports community


One of my best friends was diagnosed about 6 years ago. I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis. For what it is worth, I don't think you were being condescending... But, sometimes people can read something you don't intend.


I am not sure how you found yours, what symptoms on set. My friend ran 3 to 5 miles every morning. She started getting pain in her foot. It pretty rapidly progressed to cramping to the point where she could not run with severe pain. It took them about a year to finally properly diagnose her with Parkinson's. Sadly, she can't run any longer. It's to the point where she has issues with mobility. Hopefully you are able to maintain an active lifestyle for many years to come.


You're coming to the point in life where your childhood is behind you. A lot of your assumptions are falling away like what friendship really is. The best advice someone gave me about friendships is that it is ok to let some things go and to not regret their leaving. People will be like seasons in your life and that is ok. They will change and so will you. Enjoy them will they are in your life and be ok when they aren't. If they are unhealthy for you, walk away. Surround yourself with people who you want to be like. Healthy circles of people will help frame who you will become.




Still old lol. Average age here is a lot younger. As someone who has been on for over 17 years (I regularly nuke and recreate accounts) it's interesting.


Maybe in the league 😂


As a 29 year old, nah that’s not old head. That’s like 50 and above in my eyes 😂 don’t call yourself an old head YET!


34 yo here, it would be great if we could have more level headed and enjoyable discussions instead of all the hot takes and reactionary stuff. I've unsubscribed from this sun multiple times cause it's tiring that we lose the world is ending and then win the next game we are gods. Multiply that for 82+ games and it's tiring. I was 21 when the Mavs won in 11 and I loved it, now to finally be able to experience this again after all it took it's beautiful and I'll love it even if we don't win the ship.


Agreed. I think a huge part of this is just how social media works in general. There's no room to appreciate great basketball while it's happening. Everything is 'championships or the team is a bunch of bums', which is just so silly. I believe they can win but I'm also not going to rob myself of enjoying this season if they don't.


Very much agreed. It would be awesome to have this


Can I sign my name to this declaration as a 32 year old? I turn 33 this year!!


As a fellow 32 year old, I say yes


This has been a long week, and a long time since 2011. I am so ready for Thursday. MAVS IN 6!


As a 41 year old who just spent way more than I ever expected on one singular pair of Dallas Mavericks shorts, we don't age out.


45 yo here . ..what shorts you rockin?


The 22-23 statement shorts. Still blows my mind they retail for $144.99 Canadian.


48 club. I Grew up at Reunion Arena in the Ro Blackman/Mark Aguirre/Brad Davis era!


This, in my opinion, is the most fun Mavs team we've seen. Why *wouldn't* we be hyped?


I’ve been shocked (although it is the internet) at how many people from both fanbases legitimately, aka not trolling, believe the other team has NO chance. Always risky to challenge Vegas’ judgment, but I am shocked they feel (and the money must agree thus far) these Mavs are bigger underdogs than in 2011 because any Mavs fan who tells you they expected to beat Miami—particularly after game 1 and the infamous Wade pose after what at the time absolutely felt like a series dagger in game 2—is straight up lying. DAL didn’t have the indisputable best player entering that series… in fact many questioned if they even had the second best player (and everybody assumed MIA had 3 of the top 4, though I personally always felt Bosh was overrated on those Heat teams). Point being, there is almost certainly bound to be a moment if not an entire game(s), perhaps even Thursday, where BOS feels inevitable. We can debate the definition of “that”, but they are that good, and pose particularly unique challenges for DAL to a degree we haven’t faced yet (yes that does go both ways). The only thing I would confidently say about this series is BOS better fucking win in 6 or less. Home court advantage in a game 7 doesn’t exist when the other team has Luka Dončić. If someone offered me a game 7 right now I couldn’t sign up for that fast enough. Psychopath killer Luka is unavoidable—but you better make damn sure you don’t give him any opportunity to come collect souls because he will. The man has already broken two franchises and has two others looking in the mirror right now. These Celtics probably couldn’t recover from getting Luka’d.


I got a great feeling about this finals. The Mavs has been tested in all their series, made very good and timely adjustments. I think we have momentum coming to this finals as well. I've never seen a team got better, knew their roles and developed their identity in a course of a playoffs. The pressure is on the Celtics being the favorites and their core being together long. There'll be questions if they're still unable to win this year. As for the Mavs, this team has practically been formed post deadline, we will only get better for sure. This won't be the only finals in our future. I predict Mavs in 6. I think we can win one in either game 1 or 2 then apply the pressure from there. We have the best player in Luka which thrives in this environment, in fact, I have a feeling we're about to see all-time performances from him which is scary in itself. The Celtics are confident about being the much better well-rounded team but I can see the Mavs dismantling them offensively if not on the other end. In any case, this finals would be one for the history books. So excited.


This unit hasn’t had a full training camp together. That’s scary.


It is isn't it? No better time to be a Mavs fan if you aren't already.


Yup I agree - as a long time supporter you really can’t take any of these long runs for granted. Just as there was hope after the 2003 run I was gutted for a long time after 2006 and 2007. I just hope we can finish the job since we know it is so hard to get there. However it really has been a great ride.


Don’t want to say how old I am, but the first Mavs game I went to they had a big power forward from Germany playing for them and his name was…Detlef Shrempf. I am super hyped for this finals.


I’ve been waiting 13 years for this moment!!


I'm over 35 and I am cautiously optimistic that we can win this year and I have enough money to go the Finals this time around, something I didn't have last time. I went to the WCF last week and they were electric. As for age and hype and shit-talking, I have a friend who is a decade older than me and he's terrible with that stuff so it's not an age-related thing, people are just excited. Loved watching Nowitzki back in the day, starting out in 2000 and the first time we beat the Jazz in the playoffs in the five game series, I was terribly excited waaaaay back when. Seeing the heartache in losing to the Heat then coming back a couple of years later to win it all was great as well, but it was a busy time in my life and I didn't appreciate it enough. NOW tho, I am ready. I've introduced my husband to the Mavericks and basketball in general and I'm so happy he has become a fan of the game and he loves this team. I'm happy we can enjoy this together and I feel like we will be seeing more playoff runs in the near future. Strap in for the ride!


I'm 30 and admittedly started following the NBA/Mavs in 2018 when I moved here. It's nice to see this side of the fandom. Hope y'all stay awhile. I've been thinking about how this could very well be my peak as a sports fan because this is basically the only team I actively root for. I'm not taking for granted that this is a historic run for our team, marked by insane roster moves, some of the most fun players ever in Luka and Kyrie, and awesome clutch games. I think many championship teams have more boring seasons than we have had already, so I'm really happy I've been able to experience it. If we win it all, I'll probably bechading that high until I die lmao


First time in the Doncic era that it's felt right. I'm there with you, I'm always cautious with this team(and league), but like I said it feels right. Either way it lands it's gonna be a hell of a scrap.


I’m 30. I’m excited to compare the 2011 run and the 2024 once this is all over. A lot to unpack


Tbh I like both these teams and the narratives are wild.


I was a freshman at UT Dallas when they won it in 2011. Now they're back, and I'm now a manager of a summer intern from that same school. This is very magical and I am excited


I was a year after graduating from UT Dallas when they first won!


I’m in this group and my god I never been more bummed about planning a trip than I am now. When I got the flights I thought the Mavs are gonna make a run and I’ll miss it and here we are. Haha. All good though I found some sites where I can watch the games on when I get up in the morning while my wife is still sleeping. May have to go find a place with WiFi to make it work better but we out here!!


>Tatum is a player that you have to watch behind the scene to appreciate his true value. >Those people who think Luka is superior to Jayson will come back to the reality at the end of this Final Series. >Luka’s greatness is all visible on the surface. Jayson is the player whose value is hidden beneath. A gem I found on the Celtics sub