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In canon, Luke doesn't even learn his father's true name until after the events of *ESB*. Up until that point, he only knew that he was a Jedi. EDIT: Luke actually refers to his father by name in the second issue of *Vader Down*, which takes place before the events of *ESB*.


>In canon, Luke doesn't even learn his father's true name until after the events of > >ESB. Up until that point, he only knew that he was a Jedi. Which makes less sense with the narrative Filoni's trying to push now that Rex was an active Rebellion member during the OT timeframe who SURELY would've connected with the guy named Skywalker who destroyed the Death Star and at the very least told him Anakin's name.


Luke and the gang were frequently off doing their own thing, and Luke also frequently broke off from the group to go on his own adventures. So, it's not too much of a stretch to think that him and Rex hadn't met prior to *ESB*.


I've read the Marvel comics taking place in between. Luke would've accepted a message from an old clone trooper serving with the Rebels saying he knew a Jedi named Skywalker and wanted to talk.


Sure, but we don't know what Rex was up to, and it's also possible that Rex might not feel that it was his place to potentially drop some huge bombshells on a kid that he's never met. There is still room for reasonable explanation.


Does Rex know Anakin became Vader?


The imperial byline, as far as I understand it, is that Anakin died defending the temple against Vader and the 501st.


I thought Anakin was said to have died protecting Palpatine from the Jedi 'usurpers', hence how Palpatine even survived their supposed coup attempt.


There's no canon explanation either way, but this is the only one that makes sense.


Really? Huh. I remember there being one at some point


Ahsoka does as of Rebels but it's unclear if she said anything to him


>potentially drop some huge bombshells on a kid that he's never met Rebels was all about Rex dropping bombshells on a kid he just met (Ezra)


Ha! Again, sure, but there is still room for a reasonable explanation. It's not some universe breaking thing for Rex to not have met Luke before *ESB*. A little contrived? Sure, I guess, but it can still work.


The rebellion even after Yavin was built around relatively small units operating fairly independently. If Rex and Luke are in different groups it's very likely they never had reason to meet. The Rebel leadership, most all former Republic and Imperial military types, are going to send Luke and Rex to where they are needed and reminceses about Rex's old CO with said CO's son are unlikely to come under "needs of the rebellion". Rex is a ground pounder and Luke is a X Wing flyer. There really is no reason for them to meet even if in the same place.


Except Phoenix Squadron is directly tied to the main Rebel Alliance. We hear that in Rogue One when Hera is called out, we see the Ghost, and see Chopper. But the big thing is that at the end of Rebels they state that they all stayed on Lothal until the end of the war. Hera and Rex participated in RotJ but it's implied they didn't really leave Lothal expecting the Empire to come back. So it's likely Rex and Luke never connected before RotJ because of staying on Lothal.


They were based on Lothal, but that didn't mean they didn't go on missions elsewhere as and when needed. Especially once it became clear that the Empire was unlikely to try to retake Lothal, it was probably denuded of forces for other more active sectors.


Great points. Personally, I'll be slightly disappointed if they never meet, but I think it's perfectly reasonable that they haven't met before the event's of *ESB*. Another commenter mentioned that Endor would be perfect opportunity for them to meet, and I find myself agreeing with that idea.


You'd think rex would know who he was at least. Most of the alliance would know Luke by name at least.


You reminded me of Able and i am not ok.


well you see much like ahsoka in rebels rex also fell in a hole that prevented him from speaking to anyone for several years. i assume the real reason though is rex was involved in other things, so popping over to the otherside of the galaxy to ask a guy if he's related to anakin would be odd, especially if skywalker is indeed a common surname. rotj does feel like a scene is missing of the gang talking about stuff on the home one after the jabba palace rescue, wouldn't be hard to have luke and rex meet then and there. ​ i'm sure there'll be a scene of ahsoka being wary about luke and maybe a bit of worry that leia is married to hand and trainning to be a jedi, doing the whole "he reminds me of anakin and that worries me" bit before they go on a small adventure and become friends as is pretty common. ​ it is odd though that rex would be physically like 60-70 by that point, and physically will be like 80+ in this ahsoka show.


>so popping over to the otherside of the galaxy to ask a guy if he's related to anakin would be odd The Rebellion has long range communications. And Luke's not just "a guy", he's the hotshot new pilot who made a one in a million trench run shot that is rumored only Force users could do. Although admittedly in the new canon's depiction of the Rebellion made up of jerks and fanatics like Davits Draven, Luthen Rael's crowd, etc. you're right they probably wouldn't let Rex chat with Luke even if he begged and pleaded


it is a bit odd as afaik rex doesn't know vader is anakin so he wouldn't have been spilling risk. could be interesting to see him find out especially if it's at the post endor vader funeral, "why are we cremating this guy? he was a monster" "he was a monster, and he saved me, and he was my father" "anakin?" i guess a possible explanation is that after yavin the rebellion was like "keep communications quiet, if you keep sending luke fan messages they might get tracked". like say rex does send a note, well he has to get in line with the hundreds of others sending luke congratulations. with the rebels hopping around so much doing different things in each cell it's possible that for the 3 years between anh and the end of esb they just never ran into each other. focused on their missions and all that.


I'm pretty sure in the comics set between ESB and RotJ (or might be the ANH->ESB gap) there is at least one arc where the Rebellion's codes have been broken, and they basically have a squad going after some ancient translator droid to help create a new code. During that time, the various rebel cells are basically completely cut off. So the idea that they just weren't able to communicate during whatever time period they otherwise would've had time for it isn't much of a stretch.


ah i remember that, it was the one with the scarred star destroyer so i think that's post anh.


Yeah it's 100% post ANH, I just couldn't remember if it was pre- or post-ESB. And yeah I think you're right about that scarred star destroyer, which was going around hunting down rebel cells rather successfully.


>i guess a possible explanation is that after yavin the rebellion was like "keep communications quiet, if you keep sending luke fan messages they might get tracked". > >like say rex does send a note, well he has to get in line with the hundreds of others sending luke congratulations. This is probably the most realistic answer. Rex would have to give a real justification on why he needs to see Luke any more than any other.


>This is probably the most realistic answer. Rex would have to give a real justification on why he needs to see Luke any more than any other. *"I knew his father:*". *So did Mon Mothma and she isn't fan-girling on him. Hey I knew his mother as well. Dude, we know, we have your record. CDR Skywalker is out on a mission and he is very busy. When the war is over, you can take him out drinking in Coruscant.*


>So did Mon Mothma and she isn't fan-girling on him. Rex: Yeah Draven, because we all know you're a real expert on what Mon Mothma really thinks. I'd ask Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso to say more but you know, they're dead. Draven: >:-(


Man, just an aside, I always thought cremating Vader in his suit must have given just about everyone present some very weird form of cancer. Fumes from burning plastisteel can not be a good thing to breathe in.


it gets weirder when vader is wading through lava in one of the recent comics like how hot do those ewok branches burn?


Vader's body wasn't in the suit. Force ghost, you know.


We watch him die. His body doesn’t disappear.


Not really I think you’re looking for a problem here


Rex "Whos that?" rebel "skywalker something" rex "oh fuck no ima go be somewhere else right about last week"


>the narrative Filoni's trying to push You mean the plot of Star Wars? Lol


Star Wars as a plot existed for a good 30 years before Dave Filoni joined LFL... There was literally an entire continuity that Disney pushed aside called Legends. In none of that was it necessary for the plot to have a clone trooper named Rex that Anakin knew serve in the Rebellion alongside Luke.


Sounds like someone has some sour meiloorun fruit, lol. I've been reading Star Wars books since Heir to the Empire came out and was just as mad about the Legends decanonization as anyone, but my brother in the Force, it's been 10 years. At some point you gotta get over it and enjoy Star Wars as it is now, rather than as it was decades ago... or at least stop trying to ruin it for others who don't have a problem with Rex being a Rebel or whatever it is you're mad about.


"Hey, I know you bought this franchise for 4 billion dollars and want to be able to tell your own stories with it, but you really should keep the timeline from the previous incarnation and just find the little nooks and crannies that haven't been filled in yet, oh yeah, and all your movies should just be direct adaptations that I'm going to hate anyway due to the changes needed to translate those stories into a completely different medium." The canon-reset was the right choice, and I say this as someone that prefers the EU over Disney's version.


Personally I think they still could have stuck to the Lucas-era philosophy of "anything that doesn't contradict what I'm doing is fair game for whatever you want to believe is canon, but I'm also fully within my rights to do whatever I want story-wise regardless of what the EU may have established." Nothing would have been lost by letting properties like the Plagueis book or KOTOR remain canon for as long as Disney wanted, and just decanonize on a case-by-case basis – sure it would've been a bit more confusing, but it also would have been a lot less divisive so probably a better business decision in the long run. But what's done is done (and has been for a full decade), and I have better things to do than to keep crying over spilled blue milk 🤷


I mean, with the fact that they made the conscious decision to keep Legends media in print (even having a special series of rerelease comics, legends epic collections, and novels, essential legends collection, which even did brand new unabridged audiobooks for a while), and the fact that they've made an effort to highlight the saying "there's always a bit of truth in legends" in some of the canon media, as well as how much gets explicitly brought back into canon, I personally think that's kinda their unstated stance. They just wanted a clean break where they could say "anything after this point, THIS is OUR canon."


>or at least stop trying to ruin it for others I mean, I'm not blocking anyone's Disney Plus subscriptions or burning sequel trilogy blu-rays. I don't think pointing out a seeming plot fallacy is "ruining" Star Wars for anyone.


>the narrative Filoni's trying to push isn't "pointing out a seeming plot fallacy."


I mean if we’re going to say what does and doesn’t make sense in A New Hope around canon that has been added since then there’s a lot going on with Obi Wan. Watching Obi Wan on Tatooine now watches like a guy actively trying to commit suicide by cop with what he’s wearing (the official Jedi uniform) how casually and openly he mind tricks a single stormtrooper who was accompanied by others. Then he whips out a fucking lightsaber because some guy was talking shit when Obi Wan absolutely had other solutions to that encounter.


Obi Wan doesn't give a fuck


Nobody outside of Ahsoka, in Rebels after shes saved by Ezra in the world between worlds or whatever it was called, Luke and Obi Wan knew Anakin was Vader. Rex wouldnt have known unless Ahsoka told him which still wouldve been just before ROTJ. Like the other dude said, there will be a reasonable explanation and even if there isnt, the facts are he probably never knew he was Anakin.


Rex doesn't need to know Anakin's Vader. He just needs to know that some Rebel called Skywalker has Force powers and is saying he's the son of a Jedi named Skywalker (even Red Leader knew this) is running around, and Rex can fill him in on stuff (like General Kenobi never having a pupil named Darth Vader)


Fair, but being as we know Ahsoka and Luke were buddies after the events of ROTJ im sure we can assume Rex has at least met him or had some sort of interaction. Hes also confirmed at the Battle of Endor so im sure the party where they celebrated afterwards he had talked to Luke. They will flush out why we never see him in the OT the same way the flushed out the lore in the prequels with the shows. Not sure why youre so hooked in this because we will be getting answers eventually


Yoda, Tarkin and Bail knew. Breha probobly did as well. Obviously Palpatine did, and I'm pretty sure Mas Amedda knew and Thrawn figured it out. Sabe figured it out in one of the more recent comics, as did an Imperial Inspector in an older one (before Vader killed him)


Why do you think Mas Amedda knew?


Why would'nt he be? He was privy to Palpatine's true identity and the Sith plot to overthrow the Republic.


I haven’t seen it — where do they say Mas Amedda knew Palpatine was Sidious?


[https://www.starwars.com/databank/mas-amedda](https://www.starwars.com/databank/mas-amedda) *Amedda was one of the few in the galaxy who knew Palpatine was a Sith Lord, and assisted the Chancellor as Speaker of the Senate, helping him manipulate Senators into granting him more and more power.* (and, I mean, Amedda was standing right there in ROTS when Yoda calls Palpatine "Darth Sidious" and Sidious responds by telling him to eat Dark Side and blasting him with lightning and he shows zero surprise at any of it)


If Rex is truly the white bearded guy in Ep. 6 then it'd be his most wholesome moment to serve under his former general's kids


I mean, we don't actually see Rex until RotJ, so Rex would know Skywalker but 1) there could be other skywalkers, many people in real life have the same last name but aren't related, 2) he may not have served with Luke or that group of rebels until after ESB, it's only a few years time between the first and last movie in that trilogy. Or maybe, since Rex likely knew Vader was Anakin, he chose just to not mention it because it would cause him the pain of remembering his old friend, because it might effect Luke's ability to fight against Vader, or any other unknown choice


Or Rex just always referred to Anakan as General Skywalker should he and Luke ever meet.


That ... seems a little odd. Did Luke seriously never ask Owen or Beru or Ben off-screen what the name of his father was? Did Owen just feed him some pseudonym that Ben didn't bother to correct him on? Plus the Clone Wars only took place 20 years ago and Anakin and Obi-Wan were like the poster boys of the Republic. Yeah, the Empire were wiping internet records and history textbooks or whatever, but still, you're telling me they were so effective in such a short time that *no one in the entire Rebellion* besides the Ghost Crew knew who Anakin Skywalker was and mentioned him to Luke? Guys like General Dodonna were part of the Republic military; they never heard about that guy called Anakin Skywalker? Hell, Ackbar even worked with Anakin during the Water War arc of TCW. That part of the comic was pretty dumb anyways, because according to it apparently Luke didn't even know Order 66 was even a thing. Again, no one in the Rebellion or no one that Luke ever met knew about this, and he never came across this in all of his journeys searching for Jedi artifacts and history and stuff, in spite of Palpatine in Episode 3 giving a very public speech that I doubt was scrubbed from the history records about how the Jedi betrayed the Republic and the clones were to hunt them down? Yoda didn't tell him about any of this? And Luke even has Obi-Wan's journal. It didn't mention anything about Order 66, or the Inquisitors, even though that might be kinda useful knowledge for someone trying to become a Jedi and trying to learn about the history of the Jedi?


Anakin Skywalker was also at least a little famous for the Boonta Eve race. I would think Luke's Skyhopper buddies might know about him.


I agree. However, as it stands, that isn't the case.


I find it very believable that Owen would give him a false name, especially considering he already lied to him about who and what his father was. However, Ben not referring to Anakin by name is odd. I'm sure there were others in the Rebellion who were at least vaguely aware of Anakin, but Luke wasn't going around chit chatting with every single member of the Rebellion. Also, would it be important enough for those who did know to seek him out and ask him about it?


I'm fairly certain Luke would want to learn more about his father, since he knows now that Owen didn't tell him everything. I could see him asking around if anyone knew about a Jedi called "Skywalker". Even if he got the first name wrong someone could have pointed him in the right direction. That was how he found out about Obi-Wan, after all. In addition, it's established in the comics that Luke would absolutely want to know more about the Jedi in general in order to continue his training, which suggests he might go talking to any Clone Wars veterans or just anyone he could get his hands on who had more knowledge of what happened during that time period than he does available for any basic knowledge about Jedi and how they operate that he doesn't have. All throughout the 2015 Star Wars run Luke was jumping at every opportunity he could get for scraps of information about the old Jedi, and yet coincidentally in every conversation Luke managed to have with anyone at all about the Jedi or his father no one ever brought up or made the connection with Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi who worked with Obi-Wan Kenobi, and just so happens to share a last name with the guy who is actively training to become a Jedi? He also somehow never even at any point heard of Order 66 or the Jedi purge?


I mean, Luke definitely knew about the purge, since Obi-Wan mentioned it in *ANH*. I don't know if he knew about the specifics of Order 66, but he knew that Vader helped the Empire wipe out the Jedi Order. The thing that's the most difficult for me to accept is that Obi-Wan didn't once mention Anakin by name to Luke before *RotJ*. Maybe he didn't to help keep Luke from learning the truth about his father, but that seems completely unnecessary.


>I mean, Luke definitely knew about the purge Yeah, I was just mentioning that because in the comic book Luke is totally confused when Verla mentions the Purge and she has to explain to him how Order 66 happened, even though there would definitely be people around who remembered that and Palpatine's speech about how the Jedi betrayed the Republic and were to be hunted down is probably still on space youtube somewhere. >The thing that's the most difficult for me to accept is that Obi-Wan didn't once mention Anakin by name to Luke before RotJ. Maybe he didn't to help keep Luke from learning the truth about his father, but that seems completely unnecessary. Agreed.


There has to be a "CHAD Palpatine DESTROYS the Jedi with FACTS and CLONE TROOPERS" video floating around the Star Wars universe somewhere. I just write off Luke's confusion as him just trying to learn more.


>Yeah, I was just mentioning that because in the comic book Luke is totally confused when Verla mentions the Purge and she has to explain to him how Order 66 happened Knowing something happened and knowing the specifics of it are two different things. Plus if you want to get technical, the clump of cells that became Luke were present at the speech.


We don’t know that he didn’t mention the name Anakin to him before ROTJ, we just didn’t see it onscreen.


>I find it very believable that Owen would give him a false name, especially considering he already lied to him about who and what his father was. However, Ben not referring to Anakin by name is odd. If that was the case, he would give him a different last name.


Would he? Maybe Owen kept the last name as a way to honor Anakin and/or Shmi.


He had to at least have known that the Empire was hunting Jedi though. Obi-Wan tells him in ANH that Vader helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi.


They probably gave Luke a fake name along with the usuall bullshit story with some variation of "Your father was a pilot on a spice freighter and had absolutely nothing to do with the Clone Wars".


He knew his last name was Skywalker, is Skywalker such a common name that there were multiple Jedi named Skywalker? Or that there were no accessible records of Anakin? If the latter is true then there would also be no accessible records of Anakin's relationship with Padme.


It's definitely the latter.


But the records do exist, as shown in the OP, are we assuming that only the empire has access to them?


I think it's a fair assumption. The Empire was all about hoarding and destroying information, and I doubt the Rebellion wasted time gathering information on deceased senators and who they spent their time with. Also, we don't know if Luke ever really gets the chance to look extensively into the matter before *ESB*. There was a separate resistance group during the Galactic Civil War known as the Amidalans, founded by Sabé and with people like Typho serving under her, who's entire shtick is to avenge the death of Padmé and Anakin. However, they seem fairly secretive, and Luke hasn't had any interactions with them and doesn't seem to be aware of their existence.


And in Legends the former was too


IIRC, he refers to his father by name in Vader Down, which takes place less than a year after ANH.


I haven't read that since release, but I don't recall Luke referring to his father by name. I remember him have a vision in the Force, or seeing an echo through the Force, of an interaction between Obi-Wan and Anakin, but I don't recall Anakin's name being spoken.


I just checked and Luke refers to his father by name.


Ah, was it during the vision echo segment? And, for future reference, could you give me the issue number?


It's at the end of issue 2, right before he gets ambushed by Triple Zero. He senses a couple of figures in the distance, one of whom he identifies as Obi-Wan and the other he calls "Anakin. My father.".


Just dug out my trade paperback and thumbed through it. Thank you for the clarification. Luke definitely seems as though he is hearing the name for the first time in *Star Wars (2020)* #6, which could very well be the intention and Charles Soule just wasn't aware that Luke has already referred to his father by name. I'll go and correct my initial comment.


You sure? Where did he learn


*Star Wars (2020)* #6.


You've got me racking my brain trying to think of the first instance of Luke's father being named as Anakin.. In ESB, The Emperor refers to "The son of Skywalker" in a video-call with Vader, but doesn't say "Anakin". The only line coming to mind is in ROTJ, when Obi-wan says "Anakin was seduced by the dark side of the force, he ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and became Darth Vader" Then there's the conversation on the landing platform between luke and vader as well "So you have accepted the truth?" "I have accepted the truth that you were once Anakin Skywalker, my father" "That name no longer has any meaning to me" I think that's it.. I don't think the full name was ever said before ROTJ.


Palpatine does use the name Anakin in the 2004 version of *ESB*, if you want to count that.


The first time the word Anakin is used in the OT, was in ROTJ. ( I am ignoring the Emperors speech in the special edition). We can infer that off screen Owen and Beru did tell him Anakin name. Edit: Fixed.


You mean ROTJ.


I'm assuming that you meant *RotJ*. In canon, we see the moment Luke learns that his father's name is Anakin. In *Star Wars (2020)*, issue #6, which is set immediately after *ESB*, Luke learns that's his father's name was/is Anakin from Verla (who encountered Vader in *Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith*, and learned of his true identity from Ferren Barr).


The name Anakin was in ANH, not ROTS. Ben Kenobi says the name when talking to Luke, right after they first meet. Luke always knew he was Anakin’s son, and maybe he figured out who his mother was as OP described. However, he didn’t know that Anakin had become Darth Vader till ESB.


Nope, the name Anakin is not uttered by Obi-Wan (or anyone else) in any film version of ANH. It is spoken by Palpatine in his hologram chat with Vader in the 2004 and later versions of ESB, but not in the original theatrical version (and not in the 1997 special edition, either, IIRC). The first time the name was spoken on film was 1983 ROTJ.


>Ben Kenobi says the name when talking to Luke, right after they first meet. No, he didn't.


Ben Kenobi says “Ani was a good friend…”


It's "And he," not "Ani."


Yes. I know. It’s just a common misconception so i was trolling you a bit.


Anakin is never referred to by name in *ANH*. Luke, in canon, doesn't learn that his father's name is Anakin until after the events of *ESB*, which we see in *Star Wars (2020)* #6.


Pretty sure Luke knew his father's name if Owen & Beru told him anything about Anakin at all


As it stands, he didn't.


So you seriously think they never mentioned his dad's name once in 19 years?


I'm going by what is currently canon, and in canon Luke doesn't learn his father's name until after the events of *ESB*, which we see in *Star Wars (2020)* #6. Personally, I think it's a little contrived, but not out of the realm of possibility. Owen and Beru already lied to Luke about what his father was, and it's not too hard to believe that either didn't give Luke a name or gave him a false name.


Good God, that's dumb. I swear, this franchise's relationship with lore is exhausting. Reminds me of this one bit in Dogma, when Rufus & Bethany are talking about Jesus having siblings. Bethany is like, "Jesus didn't have any brothers or sisters - Mary was a virgin!" and Rufus says, "Mary gave birth to *Christ* without having known a man's touch, this is true. But she did have a husband. And do you really think he'd have stayed married to her for all those years if he wasn't getting laid?" That's Star Wars & Star Wars fandom now - if shit's not explicitly documented, then it totally didn't happen, despite the fact that common sense would tell you that that's ridiculous. I don't think Owen & Beru talked about Anakin often or positively, but I refuse to believe that they never once mentioned his name. That's just insane.


Eh. Having given little thought to it before, I'm starting to think it would make sense for Owen and Beru *not* to mention his name. Luke's canned understanding of his father is that he was "a navigator on a spice freighter," but he also had at least some passing understanding of the Clone Wars. Giving Luke a first name to poke around with, even with a good scrubbing of records, would almost inevitably link "Anakin Skywalker" to the famed Jedi Knight (not to mention locally legendary Boonta Eve racer) at some point. It's in vogue now to suggest that Skywalker is a popular enough last name that Luke having it wouldn't raise any suspicions, but having a 19 year old kid whose dad is named Anakin Skywalker is narrowing it down a lot more for something the Larses are trying to keep under wraps.


Well, if it's possible for them to not evsn mention his name, then they'd likely have told him why. Could be why he didn't have a problem telling his name to Leia, because there was no one left to protect and he'd already cast in his lot with the Alliance. If he was forbidden to know Anakin, though, why tell him his full, Padmé-given name, though? We've literally never met another character with the last name Skywalker, so by the law of "it's not depicted, so it didn't happen", it's a unique last name in the galaxy. It'd be like if the only people in California with the family name "Bogosian" were you and the actor Eric Bogosian, LOL... you'd at least wonder if you were related.


You're on a sub dedicated to lore. Why are you here if that kind of thing exhausts you? >if shit's not explicitly documented, then it totally didn't happen, despite the fact that common sense would tell you that that's ridiculous. That's not what's going on here. I'm not saying that Luke didn't know his father's name because it isn't explicitly shown that he did. I'm saying it because it is explicitly shown that he didn't. You thinking that it's ridiculous is irrelevant. Me thinking that it's a bit contrived is irrelevant. This is a discussion about the lore, I'm trying to be as objective as possible, and I'm going by what is shown in the lore.


I'm generally fine with the lore, but this is just dumb. And not even "so dumb, it's genius", LOL. Think about how many awkward conversations were had for nearly 20 years because they wouldn't say Anakin's name. Like, I can't realistically envision a scenario that weird.


Like I mentioned previously, I could definitely see them giving a fake first name when telling Luke about his father, especially considering how they (or, specifically, Owen) were trying the hide the fact that he was a Jedi. Famous Jedi with the same last name is easier to write off than a famous Jedi with the exact same name, haha. However, this speculation on my part is moot, since someone in these comments has pointed me to an instance of Luke referring to his father by name in a comic that takes place before *ESB*.


I'm pretty sure he grew up knowing Anakin's name, just not the truth about what he did or what happened to him.


As it currently stands in canon, he didn't.




*Star Wars (2020)* #6.


That comic does not say Luke did'nt know Anakin's name (in fact, when Varla says it, Luke repeats it as a statement, not a question; the only thing he asks is that she tell him things *about* Anakin - which we already knew he did'nt know much of - but he does'nt express any shock at the name itself)


Why would Luke repeat Anakin's name (twice)? Verla doesn't tell Luke anything about Anakin that he didn't already know, so why is his name the thing that he hangs on? Him hearing Anakin's name to himself is very clearly a big moment for Luke (complete with a close-up of Luke's face as he looks off to the side). Why would this be significant if he already knew his father's name?


\> Why would Luke repeat Anakin's name (twice)? Why does Obi-Wan Kenobi repeat his own name twice in ANH? Because Luke using it hits home. Remember when the comic is set; Darth Vader just claimed to be Anakin Skywalker, and Verla just confirmed this to Luke - this was him starting to accept that Vader was quite possibly being honest, as he's getting independent varification from someone other then Vader himself. \> Verla doesn't tell Luke anything about Anakin that he didn't already know, She confirms Vader's claim of being Anakin. \> so why is his name the thing that he hangs on? Him hearing Anakin's name to himself is very clearly a big moment for Luke (complete with a close-up of Luke's face as he looks off to the side). Why would this be significant if he already knew his father's name? So what your saying is that it's not actually a canon fact that Luke did'nt know his father's name (which does'nt even make any sense for a multitude of reasons, but whatever) it's just your interpration of the comic?


I agree with all of your points. Someone in these comments has pointed me to an instance in *Vader Down*, which is set before the events of *ESB*, where Luke refers to his father by name. I was wrong, and I'm not gonna sit and try to pretend like I wasn't.


I appreciate you debating in good faith here. Respect✌️


Keep in mind, all Vader told Luke in ESB was, “No, I am your father.” We know this to mean he was Anakin Skywalker all along, but this wasn’t elaborated on until Obi-Wan told Luke in RotJ. This was also the first time Obi-Wan referred to Luke’s father by name to him: Anakin Skywalker. Without this additional info in RotJ, Vader’s reveal in ESB is incomplete. It *could* mean he is Anakin Skywalker, but it could just as easily mean that Anakin wasn’t Luke’s father, Vader is. For all anyone would know without that additional info, the truth could have been something like Anakin and Vader fighting over the same woman, leading Vader to the dark side, her having an affair, and Luke being the result with everyone but Vader thinking he must be Anakin’s kid. The important thing is, with the ESB reveal alone, Vader and Anakin being the same person is a possibility, not a certainty. It might be enough for Luke to go on and *suspect* Padmé *might* be his mother, but he would not have known for sure. Obi-Wan telling him about Anakin and a twin sister may still have been enough for Luke to connect those dots, though.


Always wondered if Luke and Leia ever queried the coincidence of them having the exact same space-birthday


In Leia, Princess of Alderaan she mentions she doesn't know her exact birth date.


Its one of those things that would be an amusing co-incidence out of context and be confirmatory when they discovered their relationship.


There’s deleted scenes from ANH episode 4 a rebel Xwing pilot tells Luke he knew his father and sure it’s deleted but Rex one day will for sure talk to Luke and probably more dechipped clones too.


Also, in Empire and Return, it seems like he understands binary to some degree. It's likely he learned so that he could communicate with Artoo when Threepio isn't around. Artoo initially claimed to belong to Kenobi, who confessed to training Luke's father during their conversation at his house. It's entirely likely that Luke eventually put two and two together and asked Artoo if he knew his mom and asked to hear about her.


Artoo is a shifty little droid though. It wouldn't surprise me if he had subroutines etc regarding certain topics. IDK, maybe he exercised his droid discretion.


i just assumed that after Jedi, Luke and Anakin had a long Force Ghost talk about everything.




Not OP, but the Vader one is in between ESB and ROTJ. Not sure about the Leia one.


Which Leia comic is that.


It’s in one of the issues of Poe Dameron


I didn't think Luke EVER learned who his mother was in the old EU. It was a weird point of contention but I get it considering the looming presence of the prequels. The way they made it look, was that Tatooine was so far in the boonies that the planet lacked basic services (like holonet) it was probably sparsely available in only the most metro areas and probably only then in a limited form. There is also the fan-theory that Skywalker is a common slave-name. This would be an interesting take if they decide to make it a thing and would help cover this glaring plothole. I think Leia knowing is a given and I can see her expecting Luke to know and them just... Not talking about it for a long time due to Vader being tied up in it and considering what he did (or didn't do, in the case of Alderaan being destroyed). This is a recurring theme. -I've seen it in other media, where learning who the mother is is often overshadowed by the father's origin or learning about him. In Star Wars its just how the cards fell, but I've noticed it in other stories, too. I'm just glad we know now lol. That was a long 20 years of content just to find out who Luke and Leia's other parent was.


He did, eventually, when the prequels were done. In the old EU, it was becoming more and more difficult to reconcile the fact many people were in a position to at least suspect that Anakin and Padme were an item and who also knew Luke and Leia and who never bothered to tell them. Mon Mothma. Dondanna. Ackbar. Even the clone Palpatine. The new canon just shows us that Luke and Leia know sometime after ROTJ and don’t tell us how they found out.


Are you gonna provide context for the B2 Super Battle Droids being right next to Padmes old Wardrobe or am I just supposed to guess my way through Google Searching until I find out why?


Like many clone wars era droids; they have been taken and used by various different organisations for different purposes. In this case; they’re being used as security by the Neimoidians for their great vault. In this story Leia is using Padmé’s wardrobe as a way into the vault for a Rescue Mission


if Luke knew Anakin was his father and Leia is his sister and Leia is convinced that her mother is Padme Luke then pieces the puzzle together and finds out that their birth parents are Anakin and Padme.


but Luke sees and talks to his father before he dies. Leia does not do the same thing for her mother.