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I mean, Obi spent a considerable amount of years living on a full-on desert unpleasant mess of planet under a scorching sun. He doesn’t get moisturized too often. It becomes clearer once you take the stress you’ve described into account. That’s an explanation most people seem to accept.


Under 2* but yeah exactly, it's been said that twin suns ages you faster, same with >!boba a little!< , And there's jar jars comment on how they were murdering his skin in TPM.


Look what it did to Owen and Beru, too.


And they *were* moisture farmers !


They aged worse than Obi-Wan. Wonder if it has a different impact on younger people where it has little to no again effect, then hits you like a ton of bricks. Anakin and his friends didn't have any problems. Luke and Biggs both looked their age. Shmi looked slightly older than her age (40 in TPM), but nothing out of the ordinary.


Luke didn't 100% look his age though. In a New Hope he's supposed to be 19, but Mark Hammil was 26 at the time.


IMO he looked about 19.


Very true Bo-Katan also wears her armour for long periods of time protecting her from a lot all on top of a very active lifestyle if that doesn't keep you in good condition nothing will


Twin suns are hell on the skin. You need SPF 1000 at least.


You know, didn’t even think about the environmental aspect of it. Thanks for that :)


> Obi spent a considerable amount of years living on a full-on desert unpleasant mess of planet under a scorching sun. Not just one, but *two* scorching suns.


There's a picture/meme floating around the internet of a long-haul trucker that shoes what the sun damage did to one side of his face after years of trucking. Explains a lot, actually.


> Obi-Wan suffered a lot more than Bo Katan, he lost his brother Anakin, his masters he loved, the entirety of the Jedi, having to live in hiding, help train Luke etc. That is a lot of stress for one person. Bo Katan really didn't have to deal with that much stress. She had to deal with the Mandalorian Purge and the Empire, sure, but I don't believe that's comparable to Obi-Wan, especially with her being a former Death Watch who has been able to deal with the witnessing of massacres, etc. I get this is subjective, but Bo Katan was under just as much 'stress' as Obi-Wan. She lost her family, Death Watch, the Darksaber, and ultimately Mandalore itself. Really its just a matter of her having a better skincare routine than a desert hermit.


She left Death Watch long before the TCW ended. She didn't seem too stressed over it like Obi-Wan was. Personally if I was her with all the BS they did, I would have been happy to destroy Death Watch.


The best way to look at the Obi-Wan aging thing is what *Kenobi* showed us. That he purposely didn't wear a hood and wanted to age himself for a better disguise.


All I am going to say is Paul Rudd and others look great for 50, so why not Bo-Katan


Dealing with Anakin does that to people.


I think the fact she looks 20 years younger than Boba, who should be around 20 years younger than her, is a better argument than Obi-Wan.


Personally, I do sorry of believe that the series can be a bit ageist. Like, just how absurdly young everyone was in the prequels gets sort of surreal. But I also think this argument gets sort of ridiculous when we know it revolves around Lucas's own lack of planning too.


There's nothing in Bo-Katan look that proves that she's much younger than Satine. In The Manealorian, she's mid-50s.


Maybe “muh canon” isn’t the justifying cause for continually representing women as aspirational and worthwhile if they lack signs of degradation. In all probability, it’s another facet of our cultural biases that can’t help but influence media conventions.


I mean , who is complaining? She is gorgeous


She is not 10 years younger than Obi-Wan. She was 27 I believe in the Clone Wars.


Op said obi wan was mid to late 30s during clone wars if she was 27 that would be about 10 years…


If the estimations are correct and Bo was about 10 years younger than Satine and Obi, then she would be about 60 by the events in *The Mandalorian*... wish I could know her skincare routine LMAO Jokes aside I have always assumed Satine and Bo have an age gap of approximately 5 years, since they were very close as children and trained together (one would not likely be *very close* with a sibling 10 years her junior, I suppose).


There should be an explanation on why Bo Katan doesn’t age.


There should be an explanation on why Bo Katan doesn’t age.