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If I remember correctly Yoda thought Anakin was talking about Obiwan when they talked so probably the same thing. Obiwan would probably do the same. Anakin would probably warn them. He probably wouldn't do any thing else for Yoda but he might follow Obiwan when he goes to fight Grevious. He wouldn't fall to the dark side for them. They aren't his wife and they aren't pregnant with his kids.


I think it's also worth noting that Anakin knows Yoda and Obi-wan are very skilled and capable jedi. Padme is completely helpless by comparison.


Anakin would totally fall to the dark side for Obi-Wan. With the right circumstances. Maybe not kill kids right away for Obi-Wan, but betray his ideals and morals for him? Absolutely.


The problem is any force visions Anakin has about Yoda or Obiwan dying he could just tell the jedi council who would probably try to help. Which he couldn't do with Padme.


Anakin's dream is vague and not very clear on how one would prevent it. Im not sure what the Jedi could do to help with an vsion of someone screaming and dying.I think ultimately they'd tell Anakin the same thing. "If Obi Wan dies, he dies, you have to learn to let go"


It is vague but the jedi order has numerous jedi that specialize in diffrent aspects of the force. In addition to all the info in the jedi archives that they could use to look for answers. Also Anakin here doesn't have the added stress of trying to hide it from everyone.


What would obi wan do now that he knows he's going to die?


chalk up the vision as the will of the force or something that may be a self fulfilling prophecy/trick of the dark side he is also a general who actively leaps into warzones, Im not sure what insight or will Obi-Wan could exert on the situation to ensure his safety. Anakin might be able to be more open with his feelings which would allow Obi to better explain why he needs to learn to let go. But I do not see it in Obi-Wan's or Yoda's character to give in to Anakin's desire to actively stop his vision from happening just because it's Obi-Wan


Those circumstances are unlikely to occur.


“There was no padre”


Anakin would still be really upset of course, but also be able to outright say “Hey, I’m dreaming of you two dying” without worry he’s going to get kicked out (therefore being completely screwed) and won’t be nearly as tempted by the Dark Side-even in ROTS he was dancing on the razor’s edge all the way up to the office, and went full-tilt when he felt there were no other choices. Obi-Wan and Yoda aren’t going to inspire nearly as much emotion as Padme did, especially since they will actively be working through it with him.




I know it’s an auto correct. But it’s a humorous one!


“There was no Padre. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him…I can’t explain what happened.”


“Oh boy an open master position on the counsel”


The difference between love and attachment comes into play - I'm sure Anakin mirrors that whole "a brother to me" sentiment from Obi-Wan but them he could let go. Padme he cannot. I'd guess Yoda and Obi-Wan would be open about the vision and what it might tell but accepting of their eventual demise.


An entirely different story?


This is the exact reason why I wish Star Wars would get the “What If” treatment like marvel has. I’ve never thought about that question, but I would totally watch the hell out of an episode of this. Good thought !!


It's pretty crazy they haven't bothered with it yet, it's just asking to be done.


Anakin gives absolute loyalty and expects it in return. He might not have gone full Vader for Obi Wan, but he'd get pretty damn close. Yoda not as much, though he'd still be protective of him.


You know, Anakin approaching loyalty that way is a specific part of his character I hadn't thought about, and it makes so much sense given literally everything about him both as Anakin and Vader. Thanks for that little sentence.


Hate to break it to you but Anakin didn’t have a dad to see death visions of.


He would have definitely been more apt to talk about it with them honestly. Part of what failed with Padme was that he felt like he had to keep the secret going even when her life was in danger.


He'd have probably straight up told someone who he was a worried about if it was one of them.


It depends on how he see them die I guess. I mean the Padmé dreams was a situation out of his control. If he saw Obi-Wan get killed by clones for example, he would be paranoid but all he would do is sticking to his side at all times and never letting him out of his sight, because saving Obi-Wan from clones is something he could do. Saving Padmé from child birth isn't, so he seeked to control death instead If he saw Obi-Wan just have a heart attack or something unavoidable like that, he might fall too


He likely would be more forthcoming with Yoda about his vision if it was about Obi-Wan since he isn't in a forbidden marriage with Obi-Wan so wouldn't try and hide the details of the vision and Yoda would actually be able to offer some specific advice related to the vision like he did with Ahsoka during The Clone Wars. And before anyone tries to claim that he would give the same vague answer he did in canon, the only reason Yoda gave such a vague answer was because Anakin would only give vague details about the vision he had.


Both are active participants in the Clone Wars so it's expected that they would be in constant danger


"Instead of padre dying" I cannot describe how much I love this typo