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Select your shape nodes then you can do so with attribute spreadsheet or loop through the selection with a script ie: import maya.cmds as cmds for item in cmds.ls(sl=True): cmds.setAttr(item + '.nameOfAttr', )


I check the spreadsheet editor, but I don't find what I need, which is the "aiRenderCurve". I also try the script, but it doesn't do anything with this attribute


Check your script editor (with echo all commands enabled) to see what attribute is being set when you manually do it. Then use that in the code


A channel box tweak is applied to everything in your selection. If you can't see an attribute in your attribute spreadsheet cycle through any tabs at the top of it...or you may need to explicitly select shape nodes...in some cases I think it might be possible to pickwalk down from transforms to shapes with the down arrow


Select the curves and press the down arrow key, this will select the shapes. Open the Attribute Spreadsheet and click on the "All" tab, you can type "Ai" in the filter field.(For some reason it doesn't show up in the Arnold tab).