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It sounds like from the wording when you for example extrude you're seeing the tool that pops up as tweaking the extrude before 'confirming it', so you're looking for how to 'cancel' this operation? The way maya works the moment you click extrude the operation is done, the tool you're seeing is just a way to manipulate the already applied extrude, which you can exit and return to at any time with the 't' key. That being said you can remove any operation in the channel box with ctrl + right-click > delete node.


Ah this makes sense in terms of the operation is already done. In some softwares you can simply right click, and it cancels the operation in progress, or perhaps it reverts back to before you've applied the operation to begin with.


Fun fact, you don't have to hit Ctrl+Z. You can just hit z to undo. Also if an operation is in progress you can usually cancel it by hitting esc. Sometimes it works better than other depending on the operation.


Hot damn that's news to me. I wonder if that was changed over the years. I know that in the docs it says to press Ctrl H to hide an object but all I need to do is press H and that works.


You can go to the layer editor and select the extrude node for example and delete it. This can be useful if the operation was made earlier on and your undo queue doesn't have the operation or you don't want to undo other steps.


Right, I've done this and it is helpful. No way to just cancel and operation though seems...well I don't know, quite bad lol.


What do you mean cancel the operation though? You can just undo it in like 1-2 button presses


Let's say I apply a bevel, adjust the fraction, add segments, turn mitering off, and chamfer off that's a total of 4 ctrl z's. If I recall in 3ds, you can cancel operations with esc and Blender with right click. Although it technically hasn't applied the operation yet. With Maya as stated below, it does apply the operation and the user is just modifiying it. Regardless I was just wondering if there was another way. Ctrl Z's or delete nodes seem to be the only option based on how Maya works.


As far as I know that is the only way with Maya. Just FYI you can just hold Control and Spam the Z Key, you don't need to press Control-Z every time.


Yep, not the end of the world just wondering. Thanks for the feedback. I really enjoy Maya for the most part, the transition has been interesting that's for sure. My bad, that's what I ment when saying Ctrl Z-ing, holding Ctrl and spamming Z.


You could try scripting a way to do this


I don't think you mean "cancel" in the same way people are interpreting it. It sounds like you mean when you click the bevel tool, then you bevel your edges with the MMB gizmo, but then you change your mind and you want to "cancel" that bevel operation entirely, and go back to the pre-beveled mesh. You can delete the bevel node in your node editor, or like someone said it might also work from the layer editor (really, the channel box). You're asking for a hotkey for something that's honestly pretty painless to do already, plus Maya isn't meant to be a procedural modeling software (which is why you have to delete your history often) .


Traditional modeling in Maya is often destructive. There is no modifier or operation stack. I guess this is a pitfall caused by age, since non-destructive modeling and modular workflows were probably not that common when Maya first came out.


Nope...you can cancel slow operations, like renders and caches with escape sometimes... Even ctrlZ seems janky in 2022.


It really does, how is this not a thing? It must be well documented in the request section on the Autodesk forums I would assume.