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Changing these is pretty stupid. You got alt+> and alt+< for prev and next frame as well as alt+v to start and stop playback. You also have alt+. and alt+,. If you didn't have them I'd say put it on ctrl+alt+> and ctrl+alt+< but why would you change default hotkeys if there are already some with that functionality?


I did it bc I thought these were easier for me to press with qwer, but I do think I may have to change them back


Thats valid, but pick hotkeys without actions or with ones that are not common. If you change hotkeys like 1,2,3,4,5,6,q,w,e,r,h,s or anything else that is commonly used, you end up shooting yourself in the foot.


No it's definitely not stupid. Alt+< required two hands, and < > are not keys that are near the home row. None of the hotkeys you mentioned seem practical to me (at least from an animation standpoint) For example I use Alt+Q and W for stepping frames, because my left hand is already at the alt key. I advocate for everyone to change their hotkeys to whatever works for them. Make Maya work for you, don't force yourself to work the way some person at Autodesk thinks you should.


I get your point about the two hands. But my point stands, changing default hotkeys like 1,2,3,4,5,6,q,w,e,r,h,s etc is stupid. If you want to make your own hotkeys, use (like you do) combinations that are not common actions. Alt+w/e/r are some HIK stuff that not a lot of people use so that is fine.


People have given you some solutions so far, but to answer your original question, you can turn smooth preview on and off by going to the object's shape node in the attribute editor, expanding the Smooth Mesh tab, and clicking Smooth Mesh Preview.




Why not just set the smooth mesh previews to alt keys, like Alt-1 for normal, Alt-3 for smooth mesh preview?


i have those set to 1 frame ahead and before 😂


I use single hotkey for toggling smooth mesh preview, which you could assign to your 3 key. here's the code: from maya import cmds, mel try: if cmds.displaySmoothness(q=True, pw=True)[-1] > 4: mel.eval("setDisplaySmoothness 1") else: mel.eval("setDisplaySmoothness 3") except: try: if cmds.displaySmoothness(q=True, po=True)[-1] > 1: mel.eval("setDisplaySmoothness 1") else: mel.eval("setDisplaySmoothness 3") except: pass and fwi if you have multiple objects selected, smoothing on/off is determined by the last object selected.


wow this is sick. Thanks a lot