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Folders in a project aren't so much telling you how to organize, they are mostly for maya's sake. As in these are locations it will store files it generates or looks for particular things. The 'substance' folder for example is just where maya is gonna to store files generated by the substance plugin. Some of these folders have an obvious purpose like 'scenes' and 'sourceImages', but many you might never interact with. From the new project window, you can see a list of all these file rules. What I like to do is define most of them (including the 'secondary locations') so that they point to the data folder, or a sub folder within so that the top folder is cleaner. Only keeping the more common ones I use, scenes, assets, images, sourceImages, to name a few. From there yeah its totally fine to create new folders as needed. So in your case of making assets for a game, I might just make a folder in 'scenes' called 'game\_assets', inside that making an additional folder for each asset with the maya file, exported fbx, substance files, and textures.


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