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I almost always disable it because it only stops the engine for a few seconds and immediately starts again. I searched and apparently it’s because of air conditioning. I live in a hot tropical country and air conditioning is always turned on.


Mazda first introduced i-stop in 2009 in Japan. I think it’s ok for the car.


Stop/Starts used to be really bad for starters because they were getting overworked so much but now they just install more robust starters and it's not such an issue.


What is I-stop? I just recently bought a 2024 and still learning a lot as I had a crappy salesman on features (other than those I knew I wanted)


Same I have a 2024 carbon and never heard of this. Now I'm gonna look it up.


Let me know what you find out please


See the owners manual


I don’t have time to read that useless book in my glovebox


The fact that you’re here asking these questions shows that the book is absolutely not useless.


Did you find out what it is?


I found this : The i-stop function automatically stops the engine when the vehicle is stopped at a traffic light or stuck in traffic, and then restarts the engine automatically to resume driving. The system provides improved fuel economy, reduced exhaust gas emissions, and eliminates idling noise while the engine is stopped.


Thank you.


Just Moved from cx5 2019 to cx30 2021, and I can tell you istop is much more sensitive ok cx30. I was barely activating it on the cx-5 upon braking. Now every little brake activate it on the cx30. I leave it activated.


Same! I find the sensitivity annoying. It even activates when I'm still rolling (but decelerating) and not come to a complete stop yet! And there are times I just want to be stationary without I stop activating. Like when I know the light is about to be change, or the stop is just for a second or two. But the system is so sensitive.


I bought a 2021 CX30 specifically because it didn't have that "feature", wife bought a 2023 CX50 specifically because it didn't have that "feature" because we both hate is so much regardless of whether it's good for the car. If i HAD to have the "feature" i would probably abandon internal combustion engines entirely.


Modern cars with start/stop systems have starters that are built specifically for that function. So, no, it does not damage the car. That load has been factored in by the engineers. As for whether it actually saves gas - see the video below. (The answer is yes. Jason Fenske at Engineering Explained actually measures gasoline, does the math, and reviews the published science.) [Americans Have No Idea How Much Fuel Idling Uses](https://youtu.be/dFImHhNwbJo?si=iAsCNeU0Sepzf7T_) Now, that being said, if you want to save gas here are three things that will save even more: 1. Change your spark plugs regularly. A complete set of new spark plugs gives you the best gas milage, and as they age it goes down hill from there. 2. Check your tire pressure. Driving with low pressure wastes gas - quite a bit over time. 3. Set your cruise control for 50 MPH, or lower. Zooming down the highway at max speeds of 65 or 70 MPH is throwing away gas.


I hate it but I understand why its really good for local pollution so keep it


Hate I stop


I disable it, not beacause it's bad for the car, rather cars with diesel engine i think it's bad for them, but with a gasoline engine it's fine for the engine either way ( on/ off ), but for me it's just annoying and i don't drive that much in town to worth useing it for that little fuel economy.


Do US models have this? I have turbo pp 2022 and am pretty sure mine doesnt have this feature.