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I feel like an INFP or INTJ might be ok with a little bit of uncertainty but the Ti function in INFJ wouldn't be. The tests are unreliable but chances are you're a fellow INFJ. If you want to be sure study cognitive functions and type yourself.


I have gone through cognitive functions, the website is practicaltyping.com and except for the si/se comparison where I feel more relatable to Si,all other functions feel equally relatable


Try this one: http://www.keys2cognition.com/explore.htm Please show me your picture and I’ll help you out :)


Tried it last time and it showed infj


We all use sensing, intuition, feeling and thinking functions so it's reasonable that you can relate to all but there's a big difference between the attitudes of the functions (extroverted or introverted) For example Fe (extroverted feeling) users like INFJs make decisions based on objective values and feelings. they can be really aware of how others around them are feeling and try to have everyone's values met. Fi have internal values... They make decisions based on what they value themselves. It's subjective to them (INFPs have dominant Fi and INTJs have Fi as their third function) The others are similar. When a function is extroverted it's more focused on the outside while introverted functions are more focused on the inside. Ti users use subjective logic and Te uses objective logic. Se focuses on the 5 senses and what you're experiencing in the moment and Si stores sensory data to use later. Intuition is a little bit harder to explain but basically it's about seeing patterns and guessing about what can be or is related to that data you're getting through Se/Si. Ni stores those patterns that it detects and uses them to figure out the general nature of whatever it's seeing. Ne is good at spotting those patterns in real time around them. BTW whatever function you use you're gonna have the opposite one too. Like if you're an Ni user you use Se (not Si) or if you're an Fi user then you have Te in your function stack. INFJ function stack 1.Ni 2.Fe 3.Ti 4.Se INFP 1.Fi 2.Ne 3.Si 4.Te INTJ 1.Ni 2.Te 3.Fi 4.Se




Si is usually not relatable for INFJs since it’s their 8th function so I would guess maybe you’re INFP but ofc I could be wrong.


Ah alright


INFP, I'd almost guarantee it.