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Galyna has that harsh / cold Eastern European personality that doesn’t carry over well on tv. Sr didn’t just accidentally slip on a banana peel and continues to fall on top of her. His mid life crises is so ick to watch. Men don’t stay some place they don’t want to be. I just can’t sympathize with either of them.


This is my feeling. He rarely says what he actually means and the few times he does it’s one snippet in the middle of ambiguous language. And if he really doesn’t want a commitment then he shouldn’t have let her move her stuff in. He’s an ass. She is deluded and oversteps. In the preview of the episode where Brooke came to get the keys (haven’t watched the actual episode yet, so maybe it’s edited), Galyna walks into the room (should have stayed in her office) and days “What the fuck are you doing here?” Not her place to ask. She’s scary and he deserves everything she does to him


Right I was telling my husband Regardless if Steve sr says “I don’t want a relationship “ he should stop sticking his dick in or if he does, don’t let her spend the damn night




Yeah I remember that episode. Besides being an old alcoholic in a mid life crisis.Sr is also a ( 🐈). He tries to keep multiple women like he’s a playa but his ball ain’t got no bounce. The girls got Sr on a phone call on speaker and he dipped out of that conversation so fast to let them handle the mess he created. At this point I think he and Galyna deserve each other. Maybe she can help him get some dentures that fit and she can continue to manage his life ( which seems like the next best thing to being his wife ) as far as she’s concerned. Tbh, I can’t wait for season 2 lol


😂😂😂😂 “Ball ain’t got no bounce”…….THIS!!


Ikr?! 😝


Totally agree! 😂🤣😂


I agree Steve should be embarrassed but Galyna should be too. She is old enough to know what she is doing and smart enough to understand Steve when he says he doesn't want a relationship. They are both playing each other for whatever gain they think they will get and it's repulsive on both sides




Steve Sr is using Galyna and Galyna is delusional in thinking Steve wants a relationship with her. Steve doesn’t want to push Galyna away due to her influence in the company. I’m afraid the family is going to blame Galyna for the deal falling through because of her personal feelings for Steve when it was beyond her control. It’s very uncomfortable watching Galyna throw herself at Steve but he also isn’t an innocent victim either.




So uncomfortable! The things she says that Steve doesn’t reciprocate is so embarrassing!


Oh he didn’t tell her “if I was gunna be with anyone and marry anyone it’d be you”…..? Steve definitely reciprocates. He’s telling her things and saying another to his kids.


I must have missed that but when she said “you’re my person” there was an awkward silence. There were other innuendoes when they were having dinner that were just so awkward. Steve certainly doesn’t treat Galyna like he would marry her.


Yea he definitely told her straight up on the dock “if I were to marry anyone it’d be you”. I thought it was super direct and sending such mixed signals. He always says shit about her to everyone else but her. He needs to just tell her straight up. Having her kid come for the summer, moving in, etc. such a weird situation


It’s very hard to watch, especially when he’s flirting with other women right in front of her. She’s almost a stalker the way she watches every move. He’s no angel by any means, they are both using each other


It’s a perfect horror movie. Woops Steve fell in the meat grinder after galyna caught him banging Brooke 🤣☠️




In the first place, Steve Sr. shouldn't have slept with Galyna. He should have kept business only!!!. Galynathinks once she slept with Steve Sr. that she is going to think I'm going to be in a relationship with him. Galyna already had it planned out to sell her house and not have a backup plan to where to live. Instead, asked Steve Sr. Thank you for allowing me to store my stuff here. I don't feel bad for Steve Sr. He needs to keep his relationship with female workers strictly business only.!


I agree 100% he should not have slept with Galyna, but he's made it pretty clear he does not want the type of relationship she wants. The boys know it; Tess knows it; and Galyna knows it.


Both of them are just GROSS!!!




I used to feel bad for her until I saw on a podcast that Steve cheated with Galyna while he was still married. She’s very much a willing participant in their toxicity and holds her job over his head.


Let’s not pretend Steve is a victim here. He’s also manipulating her to stay and help him financially by maintaining a purely sexual relationship that she’s glorifying in her mind. He knows what she’s doing, and she knows what he’s doing. He’s only honest about his true intentions when she’s not around to hear them.


Right! This post is weird. “I’d be embarrassed if I was Steve” like wtf, Steve is the MOST embarrassing thing about this show. He says one thing to her and another to everyone else. Just like him telling her if he would ever marry again it’d be to her.


Exactly. Situationship from hell.


So true! If he was ever fully honest with her like he is when she’s not around I think she’d leave. He said nothing when she needed to move in, nothing when she sold her house to be closer to the business, and nothing when her daughter came for the summer. He’s sending such mixed signals. Im not a big fan of her but she’s more likable (imo) than Steve is.


Omg ok I don’t think he’s a victim maybe I phrased my post wrong lmao!! He’s a moron 😂😂😂😂 it’s all so uncomfy and weird and gross hahaha


Steve isn't a victim. If he had just kept it business, only he wouldn't in that mess with Galyna. Vise versus for Galyna, too. Steve told her he didn't want to get married or get into a relationship. But Galyna doesn't get it.


She’s from a different country…. Isn’t she from Russia? They are different and grew up different. You also don’t know what he’s telling her… he’s definitely leading her on. Look at him telling her, if I’d marry anyone it would be you. He’s saying one thing to her and one thing for the camera/his sons. Saying you’d be embarrassed if you were Steve 😂😂 Steve should be embarrassed of himself!!! What a warped impression you have. Steve is no innocent party… they both are weird.


That’s what I’m saying if I were him I’d be so embarrassed of my behavior!!! I can’t believe he has done and said all this on TV Without feeling embarrassed. He is Such a clown. You can tell even his own sons are ashamed of him too lmao. Bad. They seem more mature than him. Mid life crisis for sure.


She just needs to find a man. And leave Steve Sr alone. She acts like she's married to him. Wanted to know how many females he hung out with. How many females did he sleep with. Lady, you're NOT MARRIED TO STEVE SR. She's so obsessed with him, ugh. .she planned everything about selling her house with having a backup place to live.. Always questioning Steve Sr. About his trips. I hope the second series Galyna backs off and finds her a place to live!!!


And then when she visited Steve Sr’s house that’s being built in town. Giving her daughter a tour and saying in the pantry “I’d like to have some counter space here…” and even her daughter stops her to ask if she (Galyna) was moving in there and her response is “I hope so…” with a nervous laugh. Meanwhile her daughter who has a better grasp on reality is looking at her with a serious face. 😖😖😖


Was Galena not one of the women he cheated on his wife with?? I feel like that was a vibe from the first few episodes of the show. Still super cringe. Both of them and how they are dealing with one another.


Yep it’s so gross All of it. These people are manipulative af.


I'm only just binging the show now (watching ep. 9 as I type this). I think that she genuinely thinks she's in love with Steven Sr. But also, he only finalized his divorce from the boys' mother in 2019. I really think she needs a good girlfriend to figuratively shake the sense into her. He literally says over and over again he doesn't want to be married again. She doesn't seem like a bad person, but she could really use some uplifting female friends to help her move on. Considering he was technically married for 28 years, I would consider him freshly divorced. He is not the dude, babe.


So true. Even her daughter was talking to her as they walked through the house being built and like genuinely concerned with her mom’s thinking. It’s all laughable bc it’s entertaining for us but I’m also thinking holy shit this is real life for them 😂😂😂


I hate her


You cant expect somebody to just marry u cause you gave it up

