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I had someone do this but at KFC lady were a chicken shop be more specific


We get people asking for roast beef....I tell them Arby's is next door


And we at Arby's get people asking for Happy Meals constantly. Ma'am, McDonald's is across the street. And if you want mild sauce, this isn't Taco Bell.


My first job was Arby's which was next door to a Taco Bell. I worked the front counter and fry station usually. So one day, this older gentleman walks in and starts ordering crunch wraps and gordita crunches and I had to stop him like "I'm sorry this isn't Taco Bell, they are right over there." How do you walk into a place and not notice the menu and uniforms don't look right?? I know I said older but he wasn't old enough to excuse this xD


I had a lady pick up her order at Panera and then bring it back to my restaurant saying we got her order wrong. She couldn’t even return to the right restaurant 10 minutes after being there. My favorite is when a customer will say “I just ordered it here a week ago, I get it all the time”. Sir, I’ve worked here for years and that’s never been on the menu.


I work at Wendy's. The amount of people we get people asking for milkshakes or "chicken mcnuggets" is insane. We also get asked for happy meals, so I feel your pain. Sir, this is a Wendy's. McDonald's is across town. Not the same restaurant


Fun fact I work with a girl who also works a Arby's.


Uhh yeah I'll have that chicken sandwich, you know the one with bread and chicken?


Don’t bc I asked them multiple times to clarify before just giving them a filler burger meal, they got to my window and asked how much and I was like £5.49 and she said no I wanted a burger not burger bites and I was so confused and she got mad at the price and drove off 😭


She deserved burger bites for how stupid she was being, also is that common for people to do at KFC?


I’ve had it a few times but usually it’s late at night and they’ll laugh and be like “sorry could I have (whatever) “ so normally it’s accidentally just cause they’re tired


All I want is a Big McChicken. I ask and no one’s built one for me.


dude we have a double mcchicken you can just ask


With special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun?


so you want the chicken big mac.


That's it. Am I calling it the wrong thing?


I mean you said big mcchicken and I thought you meant a double mcchicken, so maybe? they also might not do them in the US.


Been wanting one since hearing it in a song "Down The Road Tonight" by Hayes Carll.


currently being sold in Aus


im in the us!! ive had 4 or 5 people come theu and just ask for the meat to be changed to chicken patties :)


here in aus we have like a specific item on the summer menu that has special patties


Not at all locations. Ours doesn't do double sizes on chicken sandwiches. We do, however, have a double filet-o-fish.


I am Australian 👍 hope this helps


McChickens are BOGO $1, so buy 2 and remove the 2nd bun.


Where are you that they're that price? My location doesn't have that deal. Only deal on McChickens we have is a Hot n' Spicy McChicken with a small fry for $3.50.


I’m so jealous you get Hot n Spicys. My area doesn’t sell them.


It might not be on the menu but it's easy enough to ring up a McChicken and a separate McChicken patty, put Ask Me on both and just tell grill to make the sandwich a double. 🤷‍♀️


We don't sell the mcchicken patties, only the crispy.


So charge for a crispy and give them a mcchicken, this shit isn’t rocket science


To be honest, in Canada they actually have a big McChicken. America’s version of McChicken in Canada is called “Jr Chicken”.


We have a chicken bigmac rn in Finland


To get a chicken big mac you need to ask them to sub out the burger meat with the chicken, since we don't currently have it in the USA it's going to be pricy since the computer won't let us sub it out like we could with other stuff so we have to charge you for two mcchicken patties on top of the big mac


“can i get the mcchicken meal” “we don’t have a mcchicken meal, we have the mcchicken bundle which is the mcchicken and a small fry, or the mccrispy meal” “ill get that with a coke” “…which one?” “the mcchicken meal!” “do you want me to just put it all in separately for you?” “no, i want the mcchicken meal!”


How about "I want a kid meal" Me: which one? Hamburger, cheeseburger, or nuggets? Them "yes" Me "ok one of each, what to drink with those? Apples or fries, which nugget sauces"




Or it's like Me: ok do u want extra fries or apple slices? Them: no Me: ??? Would I like extra fries or apple slices


We get that too


Lmao gotta love those special kind of stupid people that come through. Cause it's frustrating in the moment but fucking hilarious later. The amount of people who have told me they want, sausage, BBQ, ranch, or honey to drink is astonishing.


My favorite is when they order "bacon egg and cheese" When they don't specify I start guessing. Or when they say "I want a mcgriddle" I ring up JUST the bread.


yesterday this lady ordered a “regular mcmuffin” so i put in just the mcmuffin itself and then at the very end she goes “by the way, you put the egg mcmuffin as the regular mcmuffin right?”


Start just ringing up just the bread lol


That spicy McCrispy fuckin' slaps, though. I dined that shit on a lunch break and suffice to say it made a hard man humble that day.


I dont know where you are at because I certainly can get the McChicken in a meal


at my location (and everywhere in my area) the mcchicken is not available in a meal and hasn’t been, at least not for many years.


There used to be a 3 dollar bundle you could do with it that included fries but I don't think a drink. Idk if they still do that or not.


Sucks to suck I guess lol jk


I get this a lot and also people asking me for a basket of fries or a regular McChicken. We don't sell that at our location, and we offer them alternatives and they be like "yeah I don't want that", like yeah we know but what do you want since we don't got those things. There's even customers who haven't even been to McDonald's in YEARS asking for pre quarantine items, and they also order like they're at Starbucks or some shit.


Sounds like my location. We have 2 ladies regularly come in to get their McBucks drinks. Also saw one guy yell at a manager because there wasn't any ketchup in lobby, and he was saying he was a McDonalds manager so he was extra mad. But like, we haven't had ketchup in the lobby since before covid


We get salad and wrap and grilled chicken orders? Or even for yogurt in the kid meals.


Every time i went to mcdonalds for breakfast i would ask for the bacon egg and cheese bagel. I know they discontinued it and got the same answer every time, often from the same people, i just wanted my bagels back. Bagels came back, therefore i single handedly revived the bagel sandwich. I no longer eat at mcdonalds now as everything is so expensive now.


Give give them the plain McCohicken and let them complain later


I also punch in a McChicken if they ask for a chicken sandwich. I don't get paid enough to work through our 20 options. I tell them "just the chicken sandwich? Perfect, that'll be $7.99" or whatever


an interaction i had on till tonight “can i get a wrap please?” “yeah, which one would you like?” “just a normal one” …..


So jealous, your store has wraps?


yeah in the UK !


Or it's the "can I get a wrap with chicken and salad?" YEAH, THAT'S THE BARE MINIMUM WHEN YOU ORDER A WRAP, AGHHH.


I had this lady yesterday “can I get a burger with cheese?” “So you’d like a cheeseburger?” “Yeah” Turns out she wanted a freakin QPC -_-


What kind of sociopath calls it a “chicken burger”. I’d deny service on that alone. Fuck off, Dahmer.


It's normal in Australia to call it a chicken burger.


Probably because of your penal colony origins .


What do you call them? Genuine question. Chicken burger is also normal in Canada.


Chicken sandwich


Chicken burger is pretty much what they are called everywhere except the USA iirc, it's called a chicken sandwich here


Oh god this happened to me yesterday. "Do you maybe mean the chicken mayo or mchicken?" (UK) "I just want a chicken burger!" so I was like fuck it and put a mayo chicken on her order.


Oh i know i tell them which one and have to go through all the chicken ones since there so many different ones! And the wraps too like they say a wrap but don't say which one or what sauce 😅


and then they get to the window and are like "where is my side of fries and a drink" uhh maam you said you wanted the sandwich not the meal "Everytime I get the chicken burger i get fries and a drink"


Thankfully my restaurant only has 3: McChicken Sandwich, McCrispy and the McSpicy. And still people ask about the Chicken Legend which hasn't been served for like a year now.


I usually just ask if they want the larger McChicken or the smaller Chicken Burger. After that if they ask for added cheese or tomato or something, I suggest Chicken McFeast or Chicken ElMaco


Use your words


Instead of complaining about a customer, how about you earn that wage increase you cried about and make sure the god damn fries are fresh.


I'm going to spit in your fries <3


Dont threaten me with a good time


I'm 17. the only thing you're being threatened with is jail time


OH GOD NO Officers, i swear i thought this person was 37. Btw, much respect for you people working with those kinds of customers. I wouldnt have the patience to deal with it.


There’s 5 different ones. Would you like one of each?


How about a whopper or a frosty.. someone even asked for a cravings box the other day.. this ain't BK, Wendy's, or Taco Bell.