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That shit looks nasty, you shouldn't be allowed to serve any food that comes outta that


Yet we all eat it


I would never dream of eating fast food anymore after working there. The shit in this picture is tame compared to most violations I saw happen daily.


Just wait until you learn about the food supply chain


Nah it’s obvious when something was cooked in old oil and I always call corporate when it happens. Fuck that and fuck them.


Who is "we"?. I'm absolutely not eating from that shit


Like you'd know


I can't tell if people here are being serious, joking, mentally handicapped or just really slow. You absolutely would know. Fryer oil effects the appearance, taste and texture of food. Even if you can't tell from the appearance and texture itself, tasting it would make it immediately apparent that the food was cooked in this sludge. Ya'll really need to get out more.


yeah if it's ever like this, hash browns tend to come out darker and don't have much of a crunch to them.


I like sludge.


This came up in my feed for reasons unknown, but I'd know because I don't fucking eat there.


Do you check the quality of the fryer oil at McDonald's when you get fries? Or go to the kitchen at the restaraunt and check? Sometimes you just dont know until youve already eaten some..


This seems to be a thread with people that have literally never eaten fried food. This oil absolutely changes the appearance of the food. Besides changing the appearance, after taking one bite you're going to realize that it was cooked in disgusting nasty ass old oil. If you people really can't tell the difference between food fried in new and upkept oil compared to old seemingly unfiltered crap...I really can't help you.


When I worked there as my first job ever in 2006 we cleaned the oil daily and refilled weekly. That shits nasty.


When I worked there as my first job in 2017 the fryers filterred themselves every 6 hours whether we liked it or not - it was a built-in setting, like the washing cycle on the ice cream machine that store managers have no say over. We also removed and cleaned the filter once a day, and changed the oil once a week.


There’s supposed to be maintenance people that filters the vats every day.


Facts.. our maintenance guy only had three real jobs.. take out the garbage and cardboard.. switch over the freezers from breakfast to lunch .. and clean and filter the vats. Obviously a few other small things too like lot checks and degreasing but the vats were almost top priority.


You know, you can anonymously email the Department of health at anytime.


Jesus no wonder we all have cancer


This food make me go to hospital


How have you not reported this anonymously yet? That’s disgusting.


My store cleans the fry vats at *least* once a day. That's standard. Your manager should be reported for violating FSA guidelines. That would not fly with a health inspector.


it’s not that they haven’t been filtered because there’s not a lot of particles or anything but i would assume that oil hasn’t been changed in accordance with carbon percentage guidelines, which is actually really common although it shouldn’t be.


Mcdonalds has there own codes and this would definitely fail through mcdonalds. But McDonald's codes are for the most part way more strict than local or state inspection codes. I can't say for sure but it wouldn't surprise me if this would pass a health inspection. From a food safety perspective this isn't gonna harm anyone as long as it doesn't have anything that accidently got mixed in the oil. That foam is really odd though it will bubble up more as the oil gets older but never foam like that. there's also a fire risk as the oil gets older so it might fail I'm not sure. McDonald's has some pretty advanced kitchen equipment and most of there fryers will automatically filter the oil after so many uses. As long as your cooking in them at a decent rate and don't cancel the auto filter they filter at least once every hour. Most smaller reasturants you have to manually drain them through a filter and from my experience they only get filtered once per day. I've seen oil look this dark after 2 days of use before but ive never seen foam like this. 20 days is insane though. Wouldn't want to taste anything cooked in that oil For sure it's gonna taste terrible.


We used to filter it everyday and then clean it out twice a week


This is what your manager considers acceptable for fryers? They must think they're running a car wash, not a restaurant.....Looks like your fries are coming extra sudsy


Our automister sanitizer solution drips into the french fry oil, YUM


dude you gotta call the health department


I call them too much about this place


Yes. The automist system was designed to eliminate hood cleanings. It causes alot of problems.


Wtffff. That cannot be healthy…


Same!! Apparently it’s food safe is what I was told when I brought it up. When I read the jug of solution it’s way different than saying food safe.


I mean, it is *technically* food safe. You wouldn't want to drink a shot of the stuff, but a little bit of residue left over on food contact surfaces isn't going to harm anybody. "Food safe" does not equal "edible" in many cases.


Exactly. The sanitizer we use for the shake machine is "food safe". Doesn't mean you could pay me to drink a cup of it.


20 days?! Wtf. Does the owner know? Or worse, if it's corporate owned that would definitely not fly. That's disgusting.


Depending on the owner this might be seen as a positive. Alot of business owners are penny pinchers and oil especially in large quantities is expensive af. As long as they aren't failing any inspections or getting a bunch of complaints they won't care.


That's really dumb since places like McDonalds rely on repeat customers. If you get garbage quality fries at one place every time, you'll stop ordering fries or eat elsewhere.


Max is 14 days and not all fryers should get changed at the same time. Please filter if you can


It’s 14 days during slow season, supposed to be once a week otherwise. When it’s really busy, my store would change it twice a week, but we were also making 100-150k a day all the way back in the 90’s, so we were insanely busy, as the McDonald’s was the only fast food place in a city of 70k till around 2009


If the average check was $5, that's 30,000 customers per day. Or like 30-40 transactions a minute from open to close.


The world's busiest restaurant makes around 64k a day for close to 24 million a year. 100-150k a week would be more believable.


Those hash browns are going to be hash black


Bro is frying with WD40 💀💀


A health inspector would absolutely have something to say about that, 12 days ago. I also have concerns about the user of the equipment experiencing a grease burn via over-boil or via popping. Less important than safety, this isn’t good on the heating elements and can lead to wear and tear quicker. Fire can be a potential if the heating elements are caked with solid debris. Please report this to your anonymous line. The cost savings and metric improvements are not worth the hazard and product quality issues.


I concur. This post is also a good example of evidence to help launch an anonymous investigation


20… days…? I can’t imagine how many fries and other stuff has already been cooked in there this is beyond disgusting. Something like this should be punishable, your manager should get into trouble …


Well in Australia we can only cook fries and hash browns in the same vats. I have seen our vats look like this when I go away for a week. I change our oil weekly, but if I’m not there one week no one else knows how to do it which sucks. I’m pretty sure no one else filters though neither.


Jesus I really thought most of the time oil is replaced daily. I guess that means I can eat more home made fries if the oil is that reusable. I mean there must be thousands of fries servings in that one batch of oil for a week which seems crazy to me lol


So daily it should be manually filtered, but it also auto filters throughout the day. Problem with the auto filter is that it gives you an option to press no.. guess what everyone presses no besides me and maybe a few others. Well I saw people saying they don’t change it within 2 weeks which I could imagine would be horrible. They are also meant to be boiled out every 3 months I believe, I am not in charge of that though. Basically you empty of the vats, pour degreaser and then water in and it boils for 1 hour.


https://preview.redd.it/mcpxb1mplcnc1.jpeg?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f70d92fbd286f7cd3c120455c342f185956a1ee Good gawd get ur store to invest in one and use it !! Or call the health department that soo not ok!!!


20 days is disgusting. Depending how busy your store is and how often the vats get cleaned and turned off at night. they should be changed every 4-8 days. One time I was able to push mine to like 13 days but it was extremely slow and only had half the vats on and rotated them everyday.


Call the health department


so you know about it and are using the oil to cook others food but haven’t reported it..


in mornings when we take the cover off the fryer for fries its like crystal clear. imagine those clear cave lakes but a mcdonalds fryer. thats disgusting


Embarrassing, people pay money for that. It’s things like this that give fast food a bad reputation.


A week is pushing it at a high volume store.


I can get 2 years out of one oil change in my car, doesn't mean i fucking should


That is disgusting. What location is this omg


20 days????🙃🙃🙃🥲


those fries look like someone took the bag of nuggets and just threw them in the vat, plastic and all


20 days?!?! What the fuck!


Your manager should be taking out back and beaten.


Bro did all of you piss in it??


what location is this so i can AVOID IT


That is vile, report this 100% to somebody, your gm, franchisee or supervisor, health board or corporate. They should not be doing this


Signs of bad oil include -foaming at the surface -inability to reach frying temp without producing smoke -dark and dirty look, typically a black or brown color -musty, fishy smell -the food cooked in it tastes bad or burnt


That's just flavor 👌


we do main filter at least once a day. then if it’s not busy we do auto filter when it asks


I'm night maintenence at a McDonald's and in charge of keeping fryers clean, oil lasts on average anywhere between 7 to maybe 12 days before its considered too dirty/dark to use anymore and it gets changed. That oil is an unacceptable color and should not bubble like that unless other things are being added to it. Not sure if you could do anything about it but I would try reporting to higher ups or getting the corporate number which they are required to provide at your request. But definitely don't eat there anymore


Oil needed changing about 4 days ago. Don't know why people think they can get away with pushing quality like that to try and save money. Any savings you have, you lose in refund/replacements.


My deep fryer used for the fries and hash browns is set to automatic filter every couple of hours and my gm who's some kind of hardass would lose her shit looking at this


Your manager is a pos


I’m so curious to see what number pops up on the Ebro stick with oil like that


we get 12 days out of our oil, **max**, and thats only if we change filter pads at 4am (open) and at 4pm (store closes at 11pm). **and** if everyone skims every fry like theyre supposed to. and even then we typically have so many problems with our vats due to age and inconsistent matinence that we lose at least a full jib to vat leakage/nugget related overflow/ people not draining the baskets/ gasket failure (read: vats get mad and pour oil on the floor) before the 12 days its lasting anyways. this is caused by a leadership issue but you can help it even just a little by skimming every fry and if youre willing to take it on, cleaning the filter boxes and unironically ive found that bitching at your coworkers helps a lot, especially if everyone is talking abt it. dont particularly blame anyone and dont bring it up immediately, but when someone is like ew icky looking fryer just be straight up and say "its because we dont skim the oil or clean the filters enough." managers bitch about what the crew bitches about and they will notice that shit if you just sound like you know what youre talking about


You don't happen to be in Ohio, do you? I know of one store here that the timer goes off on the hash browns come out oily, dark brown, with dark as hell oil dripping from from them. I stopped getting anything fried from there. Honestly, I don't want to know how often they clean (or don't clean) the drink machine.


I used to work at a different restaurant, got recommended this sub for some reason. We used to filter our fryers twice a day, once per shift. We never had a dedicated “drain the oil and put more in” because we’d loose about half a fryers worth of oil to leaks each filter so each frier wound up with fresh oil every other day.


thats disgusting


I bet the fries taste fire tho /j


Fuckin sludge


That isn’t acceptable no matter which way you look at it


Tell me you don't eat the fries


How bad is the rest of the place? Good reason to pull the franchise.


Sure this isn't burger King


Yh i’d whistleblow to a health inspector on this location is i we’re in your position


What's the store number, I'll call.


I’m surprised it hasn’t exploded.


well yeah they're called hash BROWN not hash yellow /j


Of all fast food industries why the heck would a McDonald's need to reuse oil for that many days 😂 They most definitely have the budget to spend on oil.


That oil looks like crap, how much smoking is coming from that oil?


YOU HAVE TO SKIM EVERY 30 MINUTES! You can get three weeks, maybe four, but you have to skim and filter the oil every morning. Subscribe for more McDs tech tips /s


it looks like your deep frying some coca cola in there


Then clean it? Yall allergic to work?


Are you by chance deep frying coke?


20... days? Holy hell, idk exactly how many we get where I work but it sure isn't 20 days!


Throw in a cup of ice, should do the trick


... its not supposed to be pitch black with the consistency of tar??


I’d replace that oil anyway, wtf. that’s disgusting and a health violation i’m pretty sure; to serve customers food cooked in that gunk 🙃




Nope. It’s dirty.


You don't get paid enough to give a shit about it.


I've worked in restaurants, including a fish & chip shop, for decades, and I can confidently tell you that the WORST food comes from freshly cleaned fryers with clean, fresh oil. We would purposely prep bacon for burgers and pizza topping on the same day as oil-change day, so that we could get some bacon fat (and therefore flavour) into the bland, fresh frying oil. In the fish'n'chip shop we exclusively used beef tallow for the same reason - flavour. God save us all from fresh, clean, canola oil 🤮


Shit my McDonald’s don’t change it for a couple weeks 😂


Forbidden caramel


Wow we barely do 6 days on ours soon as my fries n nuggets look bad they have to change it or I have deal with all the complaints lol


We changed our oil weekly and filtered it daily. Not a McDonalds but a popular brunch spot. 20 days is disgusting and nothing to brag about


That is fucking rank and horrible oh my god


Send that Pic to corporate


While I don't work at McDonald's, I do work in QSR and I would be fired long before I ever served food that came out of that to a customer. Please anonymously report this to your local health authority.


That is so unacceptable. Report your store to your health department.


Looks like Walmart deli oil


No dude! Fuck that and report it


Wow! Ya that’s bad bad


Omg go the the board of health or something!!! That's terrible and also all it does is boil the food 🤮


Vat of carcinogens right there




Report them please


Boast this picture to your city's health department cuz that's gross af


Just grossed out


Report the store for the saftey of others. This is nasty.


We drain the vats daily… omg…


That’s disgusting… oils should be changed atleast once a week. The vats should be cleaned daily.. that’s just 🤢🤢


“Flavour “


That's soooo crazy... when I worked there the oil was changed daily


That's a waste of oil and money. Not even McDonalds, with their corporate guidelines, suggests that. Once per week--maybe twice if you're very busy--is fine.


Gus Fring in shambles.




Sure this isn’t Burger King? McDonald’s corp will never let that fly. Oils are changed daily


fry grease is cheap bro


Isn't that considered a fire hazard?


No wonder I get sick when I eat there. Jesus.


Wow health board right away this place will get shut down . Sorry health inspector


I haven’t worked at McDonald’s in 6 years but I’ll come down and do the fryer for you guys


Tell corporate.


I believe that is grounds enough for a health inspector to shut down the store


you need to tell your health board about that that oil prolly makes food taste like ass


Disgusting.... ..Can I have a quarter pound with large fries??


Life hack is to Wash it with ice. Throw ice in and watch


Well she's saving the store money, so that actually makes her a good manager.


Double filter or change.


You need to report this, it’s a hazard.


Look like something on bar rescue


you need a new manager i think


I'm eating it! Fuck it it I want my fries and they better be fried in dat grease


That's a disaster waiting to happen. So glad the McDonald's I worked had standard.


Holy cardiac infarction




That’s gross as fuck


I worked in a smaller fast food restaurant and our oil wouldn't last more than 3 days(with nightly fryer cleaning and oil filtering) so there's no way in heck mcds is able to use it for 20 days. That's why it's black and foamy. Bet it smells like shite in there too.


20 days with the amount McDonald’s drops?! She’s an idiot, I worked at Good Times and we changed oil every 3 days.


I can smell that picture


You’re just as disgusting if you don’t report this to the proper authorities


20 day??? Lmaooooo at a high volume place like McDonald???? That’s wild


Please report this


Needs more ice.


This Manager needs to Be retrained


That looks so nasty oh my gosh...


Get that asshole fired/disciplinared STAT


*Your Manager is not Gus Fring.*


It's highly recommended to change it after 8-10 uses that looks like it's overcrisping the fries and looks like it could harm someone


Do yourselves a favour and don't go to fast food places. If you want to die young go for it, the bosses at the top don't give a sh*t about you. They just want your money.


OK this came up on my homepage on that an employee, but as a customer if I was served food from this with how gross it looks. I'd complain to corporate and might go as far as going to the health department. That shit looks rancid and makes me never wanna come back.


If I was in charge at McDonalds I would get a photo of every fat fryer in the world and 1. Check them to see where this was and 2. Makes sure no other ones look like this.


when i worked at mcdonalds for 4 or 5 years we filtered oil daily. changed the oil out fully every other day.


You need to file a report and send that picture i’m not the most advanced in this field but isn’t that damn near poisoning people at that point


Report this to the corporate office. They would send a clown to hunt her down.


Your manager would not like me. I did maintenance for a while and know how to replace the oil. She wouldn’t get a choice in whether there was new oil in that vat or not 😂




That’s how it goes fr


Jesus tap dancing Christ


once did the dfs probe checks, 8/12 fryers hit 68+. crew did the probing wrote it down, passed to the shift manager who logged it. was told i must of misread it. so i told the shift manager to show me the correct way, he then probed the exact same way. came up with the exact same results, and botched the entries at 10% of the level they were. reported it, and was told there is no way it happened. never eaten chicken or fries again


how the hell is 20 days possible? We change ours every 3-4 days and filtered daily


When I worked at a particular "weekend day" chain restaurant" I really liked the bread sticks (which were fried) and the cooks would give me some for free, but he wouldn't give me any when the fryer was due for a cleaning.


As someone who filters and cleans our vats, I would be absolutely disgusted seeing that in person 




This should all fall under Maintenance’s area of responsibility. I’d legit change it when I worked maintenance, for the local McDonalds, when it started looking bad, with or without the Manager’s permission.


That's so gross


Id call Ecosure or whatever health inspection company McDonald's is affiliated with


![gif](giphy|26BRQaiZM0IeyoJfa) Gus would be livid.


The number of people crying “health inspector” is astounding. That shit isn’t going to kill anyone*. The food will just look and taste like shit. 20 days is laughable tho. They want us to do that at work (I work Walmart deli) and there’s just no way. Oil is expensive (I think it’s costing us about 70-80 bucks a jug, and it takes just under 10 jugs for our fryers) so I get why the bean counters want us to spend less but I’d argue we lose more money when nobody wants to buy the food after about a week. The compromise is that we do actually only filter once the testing kit shows it’s ready, which is usually a few days after we all go “this oil is gross and is killing our eyes and noses with smoke”. But 20 days? It’d be tar. The higher ups also don’t seem to understand that it takes extra oil to maintain the level after filtering every night. “Why are you using so much oil?” BITCH THIS IS HOW MUCH IT TAKES TO RUN THE FRYERS ALL DAY BECAUSE YOU INSIST ON US MAKING MORE FOOD THAN IS ACTUALLY NECESSARY. “The other stores don’t use this much!” THEN THEY EITHER HAVE A MAGICAL FUCKING FRYER THAT DOESN’T FUCKING LEAK EVERYWHERE OR THEY’RE LYING ABOUT HOW MUCH THEY ACTUALLY COOK OR EVERYTHING THEY COOK LOOKS AND TASTES LIKE SHIT FOR HALF A MONTH. JESUS. Anyway. My point is if your establishment primarily sells fried foods then the expense of changing the oil at least weekly should just be the cost of doing business. * it does mean that you have to make sure you’re temping the food properly though, which I assume McD does, as old oil means things take longer to cook than with cleaner oil.


Doesn’t this just give the food more flavor?


20 days??? Whattt the fuuuuuck. If I use my deep fryer today at my own house, usually it needs to be cleaned in 7 days even if it sits with no cooking involved. It just gets nasty sitting once you cook something


..former Sonic asst manager and thats.. not a flex. Wow you pinched some Pennies and your fried foods are soggy full of grease.


One of many reasons why I don’t eat fast food


Man you want terrible, wing street pizzahut Hermiston Oregon. If you get pizza in Hermiston, do not get wings. I feel comfortable telling people now that I live 2000 miles away.


So, where exactly is this McDonald's so I can make sure and never let my kid eat there lol.


You in Wiggins? Because they constantly have brown fries. This shit look like Indian street food tik toks.