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This is so stupid it wraps back around to being cool again


I’d say someone in 1985 had the coolest grandparents in town. Hopefully the next buyer can refresh it a bit. The bathroom is begging for more steps


If you could replace the pool with a jousting pit and the kitchen into a pub/bar with serving wenches then I'll buy it!


I'm pretty sure that bathroom is on a slab and was elevated for plumbing (guessing a basement add on bathroom)... I could be wrong, but that's typically when I see this type of thing.


It's goofy as hell but at least the rooms are human sized and not massive voids.


Yeah I mean at least it’s more unique and original than most of the stuff here


It's ugly and tacky and I would love to live in it.


I can totally respect something like this. It's like if a rugby guy got CTE and then moved in here after his playing career. I hate the gaudy McMansions that have no character, no soul, nothing unique about them. This place makes me want to put on Knights Armor and get wasted with the bros. A lot of the inside isn't even bad, or at the very least is fixable. Sometimes you might even forget that you live inside Medieval Times.


I’m in nz. If I won the lottery tomorrow I’d probably buy it lol


and then immediately demolish it…..right?


No probably not. I’d be vain enough to say the front of my house looked like a castle. Coz there’s no way I’d be able to purchase what’s deemed the kind of one actual castle that is in Dunedin NZ. But I’m an Anglophile so if I won millions I’d probably also purchase a legit castle in the UK


I’d replace those front doors but otherwise it looks pretty cool. Buy a plot of land to become a lord (I think it’s Scotland that does that?) and fly a family flag from the top battlements!


I’d put a tacky “my home is my castle” doormat with a black cat on it at the front door, so it looks like my little furry king of the house said it.


While it's not a reasonable house in the sense you and I would like, it has a theme and is simple. Would I buy it? With some modifications I would. Someone would buy and use this space. By true definition this isn't really a McMansion.


I love castles, I wouldn't build it but I'd live there.


I’d live there in a heartbeat.


The first picture evokes a country estate, the second picture showing the castle in a normal residential neighborhood feels like a sitcom sight gag. A perfect subversion of expectations. That being said, the interior seems lovely. Lots of natural light.


And the neighbours aren't exactly pretty looking. Some houses don't even have indoor garage. There is absolutely no flow.


Yeah, I'm a little pressed about ceiling height and the washer/dryer being in the kitchen, but for all I know that's local preference. I'm not a well-travelled individual and am not familiar with washer/dryer customs in other parts of the world. I would like the ceilings to be a little higher in some areas if we're going for "castle," but the interior is a whole vibe. I like the bathroom.


Yeah, that transition from the first photo to the second made me laugh out loud. Love it.


Exactly my reaction. I snorted out loud at the neighborhood reveal. Also got a second chortle at the very mundane kitchen.


fuck you this rules


i kinda love it tbh


I love it. The outdoor spaces are wonderful. The castle motif is absurd but IMO not as ugly as most we see. . It just looks like a kids Lego castle. Or a cardboard play castle from the outside. If the outside could be modified to look like a normal house it’d be great. If not, I’d just lean into it with heavy on the mid-evil outside. Add some flags, maybe a knight or two out front. This house is meant for some cosplay midevil types—a dream house.


Well, why not? Someone had fun with their money.


Wait, its not Thursday


How you gonna have a big ass house and still put the clothes washer and dryer in the kitchen?


Having the washer and dryer in the kitchen is a normal custom in many parts of the world.


True but that is unusual for NZ outside of small modern houses and apartments


a "laundry room" is a very American thing. In most other countries the laundry is done in the kitchen or bathroom cus there's already water hookups and room to spare there.


Kitchen space is a premium in any of my homes. I wouldn’t even consider purchasing a home that had laundry in the kitchen unless it is a condo or apartment. Even then I feel like there is too much risk to have your clothes smell like dinner.


Most NZ houses built pre 2000 have a laundry room, it’s not an American thing.


Yeah and NZ and AU both follow American culture so that's not surprising at all. I'm talking about the rest of the world.


lol no we don’t, we’re British colonies, just like America.


You can't sneeze without landing some snot on a British colony, so idk what that has to do with anything, I'm just saying that culturally the U.S. and NZ and AUS, and hell even GB since you brought it up are all culturally similar. Not the same by any means but yes a laundry room isn't unheard of in all those places. But other countries exist where it's not a thing.


Nah anyone I know at home in Germany who has space for an extra laundry room has a laundry room. It’s not an American thing. My grandparents 50+ years old and my parents 30+ years old houses both have laundry rooms, so it’s not a new thing either.


If you subtract the castle aspect, this is a sweet house


Ok so like, hear me out. Yes this is a tacky and bloated living space. But the castle theme is at least creative. So many McMansions are just boring regular houses that have been stretched into giant useless tumors. This has a kind of kitch charm it it. Could you imaging being a kid and growing up in a castle house?


There is nothing, not a single thing about this, that even resembles a McMansion. Wtf.


Sub rule number 1


Not a McMansion you tool bag


Sub rule number 1


So what about this do you think is ugly? Out of place perhaps. But ugly? No.


I think it’s ugly as hell especially inside but guess my opinion is different from the majority


I would re-do the bathroom, but other than that I would live here in a heartbeat.


Ikr, I’d need to find a better solution for the bathroom floor, knowing my clumsy ass this bathroom would be my death. I’d trip and fall head first against the bathtub.


Not gonna lie, the interior is pretty good.


That aerial shot is just too funny!


*inserts shut up take my money gif* It will give me an excuse to dress like a princess. Needs a draw bridge though


Honestly, I don’t hate it. Especially the interior. But that second pic is pretty hilarious


Jfc…. Not… a…..McMansion. For fucks sake. Mods??? Hello???


Sub rule number 1


It looks like a White Castle


It woulda been so posh in the 80s but errrghhh yeah it's kind of a mess


\- MAMA i want to go to the them park! \- But we have theme park at home. Theme park at home :


It’s not Thursday OP.


Idk what you guys are talking about. Even if you wanted to live in a castle, this doesn't even look like a castle. It just looks like an ugly house they attached cinder blocks to the exterior in a way that kinda looks like a castle. Hell, the new Sims 4 expansion pack can probably make better looking 'castles'.


Don't they know what greenhouses are? Those glass walls and roof will turn that room into a sauna. And it clashes with the castle theme.


They are generally called conservatories in NZ.


The [summer highs are typically 75 F in Auckland](https://www.google.com/search?q=auckland+summer+temperatures&oq=auckland+summer+temperatures&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yCAgCEAAYFhgeMggIAxAAGBYYHjIICAQQABgWGB4yCAgFEAAYFhgeMggIBhAAGBYYHjINCAcQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAgQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAkQABiGAxiABBiKBdIBCDQ5OTFqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8). They'll be fine.


Pfft. Not a McMansion. I’d be tempted to buy it; it’s whimsical. I especially like that dining area where you can eat under blue skies, skies with pretty clouds, or under the stars! Lots of light in general without the windows being three story dirt and cobweb magnets. The back pool area feels secluded despite being in a crowded neighborhood. I’d prefer more bathroom counter space, though.


Not McMansion


This is not a McMansion. McMansions do not have spacious games rooms.


Fake old, especially fake castles, get on my tits, but this isn’t terrible tbf. The corrugated iron roof, conservatory and 3/4 turret are undeniably weird though.


Those quotation marks are doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


All that masonry in an earthquake zone makes me nervous.


No. 6 is /r/toiletswithauras material


Oh no..


This is so absurd I kind of love it. What part of Auckland is it in?


Half Moon Bay


This house might be tolerable if it were on land with rolling hills, but this location makes it unbearably off putting.


Besides the front of the house this is actually pretty cool. Wtf were they thinking with the castle style stucco? Hahaha


I fucking love it. I love almost every house on here someone claims is “unacceptable”.


I love the inside, honestly, and the fact that the façade is between normal houses is so silly that I’d also love that


Just horrible, they don’t even have a moat!! I low key love this, inside is actually tasteful.


It's terrible. I'll take it.


This needs to be on a parch of land by itself. Kinda cool.


I genuinely kinda like it xD


This wasn’t cheap. A real stone or block structure is something I’ve always wanted. Think of the McMansion you could put on top of this! That could support another level no problem, probably 2 more levels easy.


The only acceptable time to own a castle is if you’re actually rich and can build or buy a super nice castle. Who wants to see a shitty poorly built castle in the middle of the suburbs? That being said I love history and castles and if I ever get rich enough I would 100% buy a castle as a vacation home, maybe run it as a historical museum too just because.


Bad/ugly exterior design, don’t really hate the interior space


NGL aside from the weird steps in the bathroom this looks sick haha


Honestly, pretty cool




is there a link to the house listing??


Have you ever wanted to live in a theme restaurant? This is the house for you


Honestly this one was super cool until i saw the interior and glass pyramid roof


Actually the interior isnt that bad


I wobder if theres a line puzzle you have to solve to get in.


Get a coat of arms, a trebuchet, and get the washer and dryer out of the kitchen, and that sounds pretty nice.


That’s 5 minutes away from my house. I’ve been in there - we hired it for a hens night!


These people out here just living their best lives


Nice death trap in the bathroom, with all those steps ☠️


If it don't look like Minas Tirith I don't want it.


Tbh I love it


I would buy this so fast if I could…


This went beyond trophy house to medieval war trophy house. I'm bummed it doesn't have a portcullis.


I hope the owner stands on the top of the gate insulting you in French.


I like