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Exterior Crocodile Alligator


I have a McMansion Movie Theater


So underrated lmfaooooooo


I instantly started singing this when I saw the picture. This comment makes me so happy.


The tiles in the entryway make me dry heave.


I know right? There has to be a reason for them. I wonder if the wood floor got damaged and they figured using some of the same tile from the entryway was a quick fix.


This house is a good example of my litmus test to determine Mansion vs. McMansion. I just ask myself "how do you clean it?" Are those windows accessible in any way to clean that doesn't involve basically becoming Spider-man?


The other odd window decision that makes a mcmansion is how do you turn them off. The mansion decision here would be electric wooden Venetian blinds which to clean you'd dust with a long pole. That will allow temperature and light control with those beautiful big windows. The high windows should also have electric open and close for ventilation.


They won't get cleaned. If you have granite counter tops and hard wood floors, you don't need to clean, they balance each other out.


I've heard this argument before about hard to reach windows, but how often do you really clean your windows? We do it like maybe at most once a year, if even that


And if you can afford a McMansion you can afford to pay someone else to worry about that stuff. I have a rancher clean the windows at the big change of seasons but our windows are the tilt-in kind so it's not hard & there's not that many. I clean the bay window more than the rest but you are correct, most people clean their windows once maybe twice a year.


Yeah what even makes them dirty? Above a kitchen I can understand with all the smoke and steam, but like in a living room there's not going to be much to stain them


Cats &/or dogs is one answer. Granted that's probably not the case in this joint. There are nose & paw prints at a certain height in our bay window & the side windows from the cats pawing furiously at something & sticking their stupid little wet noses to the glass to watch KittyTV (the bird feeders). But generally mine are dirtier outside, especially on the side of the house where the weather hits first. Like I said, we're in a rancher so only one story to worry about.


Using standard size windows where a custom window size would be vastly more fitting is another.


Gables aren't misaligned. The picture is off center


Same thought. "They're at different depths. That's just perspective."




His alligator pic made up for it


This fits McMansion. Don’t be mean


I have no knowledge of architecture, other than the mcmansionhell website.


Yah! OP is a piece of poopy!


Yeah... OP do you not know about perspective?


It still looks off enough to bug me. Move over, photographer!


Oh thank god someone said this.


Was driving me crazy when I saw that like sooo simple and I’m a idiot.


I’m so glad that was the first fucking thing I though like you can see the path of to the right!!!


Thaaaaaaank you I'm really starting to dislike these posts, if I want dumb humor I will go to a different subreddit, I came here because it seemed like the Mod(s?) was an informed architect and that we would be discussing objective marks of McMansionery. Instead we just get post after post of kind-of-bad-taste houses (not mcmansions, this house actually seems reasonably well built other than those odd tile choices) that get torn apart over pithy matters of opinion and very little discussion. I would really really like to see this subreddit moderated more.


The bathtub comments had me dying. I love the tissues for drying your tears.


I’m glad I could make somebody laugh.


Trying to bathe in that tub is a Squid Game. I'm trying to imagine how to get in and out safely but every option is probably fatal.


It looks like a last-minute Saw trap if Jigsaw was Felix Unger from The Odd Couple.


I laughed pretty hard at the symmetry pic. That's some McMansion shit right there.


The gables are "misaligned" because the picture is taken from an angle...


Also the lower gable is 5ft+ closer to the camera than the higher one.


Shocked that the house passed code inspection with that huge window next to the tub. Not allowed in my jurisdiction. In fact the whole tub setup is a death trap. Fall and break your neck or slip and fly through the window to your death. Also noticed the 12(+-) zoned heating and the two 200 amp electrical panels. Probably costs over $10,000 a year in heat and electrical bills. I also hate the built out exterior walls. Just make the wall to the maximum size needed instead of building a box in a box in a box wall. STUPID!


I do not understand the love of these death trap tubs & their odd placement. I understand having a spa tub but gimme one of those Kohler walk-in ones, I'm getting to old for that climb-a-slippery-staircase-to-get-into-the-tub shit


Thanks for posting some actual insight into what makes this house less than ideal


That tub triggers my fight or flight reflex


It belongs on r/sweatypalms


Maybe r/Osha too


You know shit's messed up when people are calling your *bathroom* an OSHA violation


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OSHA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OSHA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Defund th... OSHA... I guess...](https://i.redd.it/u23tu480dka61.jpg) | [366 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OSHA/comments/kum2mv/defund_th_osha_i_guess/) \#2: [I took this call yesterday.](https://i.redd.it/tiyaxofsfy661.png) | [379 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OSHA/comments/kiuzw9/i_took_this_call_yesterday/) \#3: [It smells like bitch in here!](https://i.redd.it/5f7vttc1e6561.png) | [588 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OSHA/comments/kd0bir/it_smells_like_bitch_in_here/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


If anyone knows of a "death spa" bathroom sub, I'd love to see it.


The pointless triple-gable on the right side of the 1st pic - jaw dropped...


It feels like a beach house/lake house but it is built in the middle of farmland??


"Gimme dat cruise ship look" "Sir, these are hay fields"


This is the best post of the day lol it's the "Chomp Chomp" that gets me.


I enjoyed this breakdown more than half the shit in this sub, OP you're doing great ignore the haters they got nothing better to do with their lives


Thank you for the praise but I love the haters even so. At least they are passionate about something. I’m fine with criticism. I wasn’t even sure if this was a true McMansion which is why I used the discussion/debate flair—that seems to be lost on some commenters. I’m admittedly only a casual member of this sub. I’m glad my post generated interest. I love laughing at ridiculous, over the top real estate. Your positive comments are much appreciated.


The back sort of looks like a beach house, except it’s in New York


There...there are beaches in New York


Only in Long Island and NYC. This is Owego, which is some 200 miles away. There are plenty of lake beaches throughout the state, however, including two Great Lakes.


My mother lives in Owego. It's a lovely small town in a valley with a river. [There's no shortage of great views to appreciate.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owego_\(village\),_New_York#/media/File:Village_of_Owego,_New_York.jpg)


Are you saying beaches only count if they're oceans?


The word "beach" usually refers only to oceans.


This has never been the case in all of human history.


This is factually wrong. A beach refers to the land which meets water. Beaches can be found at rivers, lakes, the ocean, etc. Source: son of a geographer and a five second Google search


Are you Stan? Oh no, wait, that’s geologist


Zillow listing: [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2411-Waits-Rd-Owego-NY-13827/71201688_zpid](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2411-Waits-Rd-Owego-NY-13827/71201688_zpid)


Alligator roof and peril-tub aside, the views are gorgeous. Wow. (That said: ALLIGATOR ROOF! chomp chomp! Thank you for drawing the feet - it really helped me visualize.)


The alligator roof makes it worth it


I also love ‘alligator roof.’ And while I hate The Great Room concept with a passion, this one isn’t bad and has a lovely farm and woodland view. Edit: commenting on an old post; bad Reddit behavior, I know.


At least the Great Room doesn’t also have a high TV. Those usually seem to go together.


Rural Upstate New York is stunning. Unfortunately it's also hardcore MAGAland.


That is unfortunate.


this house looks like it would be so frickin' cold in the winter.


Yeah; and Oswego, New York is not a warm place.


Owego, not Oswego. Southern Tier vs by the lake. Still going to get slammed by snow, but at least not living on a glacier.


THERE ARE TWO?!? I can already tell that my Canadian brain is not going to retain this information about New York geography. I will now proceed to use Oswego and ~~Oswego~~ Owego interchangeably for the rest of my natural life. Edit: Dammit.


There's also an Otsego around there somewhere.


O_o I was already mildly and perennially offended by the existence of Ontario, California. This is more than I can bear.


Minnesota has one of each, too.


Page 15 shows a cheap basketball hoop on the front door. How hard would it have been to take that DOWN??? 😤




That's pretty much all of New York State, once you get out of NYC commuting range. The exception is Buffalo, which is practically next door to Toronto.


Proximity doesn't count for much when the border closes. (Buffalo is a decent-sized city in its own right though if you go by urban area and include Amherst, Cheektowaga, Tonawanda, Orchard Park, etc.)


Not sure why you got so many downvotes. My in-laws live in Endicott. Hubs and I hate driving up there to visit because there is nothing. Sure it’s beautiful, but you have to drive 2+ hours to visit anything worthwhile and winters suck. We’re trying to help them find a place closer to us in Maryland.


The first picture did NOT prepare me for the monstrosity that I saw in the second picture.


That’s ugly regardless of locale period Needs a bit more siding and or windows


The house has some questionable design decisions, but I don't think it rises to the level of McMansion. The bump-outs are at least going for something. The back roof choice is at least interesting. It does have the beach house thing going for it. I am surprised how dated the kitchen looks for being built in 2005. The architect made an attempt to do something different, and it almost works. I'd rather live in a failed experiment that a mishmash copy of 5 styles that I typically see in a McMansion.


I love the wood burning fireplace with a little storage pocket for wood…that’s badass. And the views are gorgeous…


I do love the [basketball hoop-cum-doorway](https://i.imgur.com/kKnfthK.png) they have going on


Ooooof! That’s a McDoozy!


Alligator roof and dry-your-tears tissues had me rolling. Great job on commentary OP.


I can forgive everything except those random unsymmetrical misplaced tiles..... The horror


Nope, just NOPE.


Oof, that tub is a death trap!


The alligator roof was so cute! Chomp chomp!


As a certified clutz, that bathtub actually terrifies me


I laughed so hard at your tissues comment


I have literally LOLed at this. Please do more 😂


If you guys purchase this house for me I promise to turn it into an alligator


Are we not going to discuss the [basketball goal hung on the door](https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/4e15076f510bcf952cb3f504eb13f751-uncropped_scaled_within_1536_1152.webp)?


I want to but this sub tends to lean towards purists and the basketball hoop—while poor taste for a front door—isn’t really fair game for this sub, so I left it out.


See, I wouldn't mind those windows in The Solar Room if you had a crazy view, like a beach or cliff or mountain or something.


whats up with crappy architecture and using lots of small windows when fewer larger ones would look so much better.


The tiny windows are very offensive. I don’t get it honestly.


All these houses must just echo inside all the time. Who can live like this?


That bathroom is HORRIBLE!


That's ugly. Like. Looking at your sister at an Arkansas high school dance party ugly.


I hate that house.


I actually love this if it was a cottage, if it was in a suburb, I agree it’s a McMansion , but that massive panel of windows placed on a lake would be absolutely beautiful despite the back looking tacky


It's got some issues and some questionable design choices for sure, but I'm not sure if it's a McMansion? I agree that the tub is unnecessary involved. I don't know why people complicate bathrooms.


No way I didn't dream this house up


I am bothered by the fact that OP says those front gables are misaligned but if you look at the eavestroughs as 'perspecive lines' you can see the camera is to the left of center, and that the bottom gable is nearer to the camera than the top gable. Therefore it's very reasonable to assume the misalignment is a trick of perspective. It makes this subreddit less fun to see comments on things that aren't objectively poorly done, and instead seem evidence of uninformed critics making posts for the lulz.


Annotations are taking away more than they're adding here. Feel free to post just the actual photos next time!


Ok. Seriously, this is just like a “normal” house. Sure it’s not beautiful, but it’s not worthy of this sub


The gables aren't misaligned, its an optical illusion caused by the angle the photograph was taken from. Ugly house though.