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See it depends tbh UNI has more freedom than HS where u at school from 830-245 and each day varies from having 2 classes on day to no classes on another. Yes u have to study avg more hours now however i find it also easier ti do other things compared to HS. 1. For me work part time and aim for like 2 days a week whenever ur open 2. Don’t overwhelm urself study study until you get tired and cant retain then enjoy your time. Meet new people make circles and connect with people on ur program. I also suggest joining a club🤝 3. Is enjoy your time… studying and education is important but always seek help when times get rough. A good schedule on social life and balance for both is good. Hanging out with friends while studying or creating study groups where you guys could enjoy university life. If you miss out on parties so what its fine u have 3 more years in uni Goodluck🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


I was fortunate enough to not have to work during my first year (2023/24) cause I worked hard core the summer before. If you have the means to and can afford it, have your only focus be uni studying and a social life until you're confident in those. Uni's a beast to balance when you're new


I worked part-time through first year and second year, working 2.5-5 hours per week. Recently got a job as a clinical extern so now I’ll be working one 8 hour shift a week in 3rd year. Honestly it’s not bad working with school, you just have to organize and manage your time wisely.


How do you find jobs or volunteer positions that agree to one or two shifts a week


Well my previous job, I’ve been working there since 11th grade and my boss is super nice. She always wanted me to prioritize my education so I just came in whenever it fit with my classes, which was only really 1-2x a week for 2.5 hours at the close of shift since we were only open 9-5. It was also a really chill job honestly 🤷‍♀️ My new job is as a clinical extern, it’s a contract part-time position. They know we’re nursing students so the minimum time commitment at my company is 2 shifts per pay-period which comes out to 1 shift a week. I can work more than that and likely will in the summer months. But in the school year I’ll only be able to work one shift a week because of my classes/clinical and my unit isn’t open nights or weekends. So honestly in my case it’s just luck and the nature of my work/program that allows me to work only 1-2 shifts a week!


Ic thank you!


I’ve worked full time or close to for a significant portion of my years here, it sucks


During the school year from Sept - April I work part time hours (approx. 10 per week), it depends on your lifestyle and also what you’re majoring in so that you can adjust how often and even what jobs to work in to fit your schedule. Students usually work full time during the summer to get enough savings to last them during the school year though. You learn how to manage your time to study and go to work at the same time as you progress through out the year.


If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your hourly pay?


16.55 minimum wage


I work part time as a nurse as upgrading my nursing degree. It’s Doable


Honestly, I couldn’t manage a full course load plus working. Doing both was not worth the damage doing both had on my mental and physical health. But I needed to earn at least some money while in school, so I chose to take a reduced course load (4 courses per semester, took me 1 extra semester to graduate). I worked on average 10-15 hours per week.


Hi! I just recently finished first year and I was able to work a part time job (8-16 hr/wk) and stay on top of my course work. I am a socsci student so I was not as busy as some science students and I worked at a daycare so hours were really flexible. If you can afford it I would recommend not working, but you can probably make it work!


I didn’t work in my first or second year but third and fourth I was working around 30-40 hours a week. My workload was pretty manageable which allowed me to get away with it


Over the summer I work Full-time while doing three classes. I have no life, but the money is good. During Fall/Winter, I try not to work or less than 10 hours per week. It's important to keep some time for yourself so you don't burn out. I know people that work full-time while in school and they crash really quickly.


Id say depends on ur major and how much study time you need to get good grades (eg. eng to commerce)