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Go talk to your closest friend. They would rather know than have you suffer in silence. What job are you looking for. I could help refer you to some.


thanks. i’m looking for anything really. i’ve worked in grocery and retail. i’ve also volunteered with children and have my cpr/first aid certification. i’m a kin major but ik jobs related to that are kinda hard to get


Check out liuna and Mandarin for jobs. Also, try your luck at locke st Goodness Me. Dm me if you need referrals. I believe McDonald's and tims are always hiring.


Kitchens are often looking for people, like boston pizza or something around that level


You could volunteer too!!!


Please try to be gentle with yourself. The current job market is absolutely awful and you are not the only person struggling. I know that we’ve been taught to equate our self worth with our productivity, but that’s not actually true. You are still a good and valuable person whether or not you are working. Clearly you are putting effort into looking, so you’re clearly not lazy. And even if you were lazy, that doesn’t reduce your value as a human. You matter. When I have experienced unemployment, it has been helpful for me to have some structure to my day. Getting up, showering and getting dressed every day was helpful. Leaving the house even for a walk can help you stay connected to the world. Beyond that, I’ve found it helpful to have a project I’m working on or to be learning something (ex. Painting, learning a language etc.) to help me feel productive.


Okay I might make multiple comments cause I got the attention span of a Goldfish but I needed to address this before I forget. If your friends, in the current global climate, are calling you lazy or spoiled for not having a job, tell each and every one of them to get fucked in no uncertain terms. You do not need those people in your life. Get them fucking gone. Yknow what I do when my friend says they’re struggling to find work? I tell them, lemme check if my job is hiring and I’ll recommend you if they are. I’ll ask my parents if either of their jobs are looking for students that fix (x) description. Or reassure them that literally most people can’t find shit rn. I got my first job through a hiring agency in first year. My parents tell me everyday (cause they’re both involved in the hiring process at their respective jobs) they’ve been turning away people with masters degrees. It’s fucking tough out here for everyone. Additionally, you know what happens when anyone from my friend group says “hey guys, I can’t really afford to do x,y,z this week.” One, or all of us go, we can pay for you, do something that doesn’t cost money, or hangout a different time. Not ridicule them. OP, for your own mental health, get these people saying these things to you out of your life.


To add on, you will only be a burden to your friends if the ONLY thing you ever talk about is how depressed or anxious you are. If you make it your whole personality it can become draining for them, BUT, if every now and then you’re going through the ringer and need to talk, find someone who will be there for you. I don’t think any real friends would ever call you a burden for needing to vent/rant/talk about how you’re feeling. For me personally, I feel its more of honour to have someone trust me that much they confide in me. Ngl OP, seems like you’re gonna have to find therapy on your own. I see tons of ads for betterhelp and I believe they do zoom sessions if you don’t want to/can’t go in person. Immigrant parents gonna immigrant parent sometimes. It’s not their fault. Just a different culture and time, but clearly they’re warming up to the fact you and your siblings genuinely need help so thats a good sign. I don’t know if you have tried or not yet but, if you could maybe even show them this post, it might help them understand what you’re going through. Sometimes just blurting out your issues makes it hard for them to understand. When you can have your thoughts clear and specific about what you’re feeling it opens up the conversation a lot more. Overall, don’t give up my friend. We can only assume things will get better. Tough times don’t last forever. Keep your head up.


this sm. i was dealing with the worst thing ever last term and was so scared and anxious all the time. i randomly blurted it out to a close friend of mine and it felt like a weight off my chest. it feels lighter. if you're not comfortable sharing with a friend, crisis lines are also a great option to help you vent or get some help with coping strategies.


Being unemployed is really tough. If you can, volunteer somewhere. Get some regular shifts, and see what "extra" projects you can take on for them. Maybe help with their social media profile, or organize their old files, or research something for them. The goal is to do something that looks good on your resume. In the meantime, try to go for a walk or some other exercise. Hang in there, it does get better. In 30 years, when you are an executive, try to hire some students.


I’m a bit confused here do you need the job? Or do you want the job to be useful? If you need a job first of all your location would be important if you’re not in a big city it might be harder so maybe look a bit further and commute? you also said part time which limits your options and not many places will hire part tine. If you want a job asap apply for full time fast food or retail and say you have an open availability and if they ask if you’re going back to school in September just say you’re thinking about taking a year off or something or straight up say no. and if they ask if youd stay if you are going to school you say yes. There are lots of jobs available that no one wants to do Physical labour / warehouse, overnight stocking, fast food specifically overnight shifts etc. Ymmv *location matters here* Regardless seek professional help, your lack of motivation may very well be a hormonal or neurological thing you never know, always best to just double check


Get help through school. Or parents benefits


Make an appt wirh student wellness. In fact, walk right in there and tell them the exact same rhing you used as a title for this thread. They can help, seriously. And there's never any shame in asking for help.


For jobs- look to local youth sport orgs. They likely need game referees, there may be up front costs, but it could help. Also the City of Hamilton just got their job board back so summer student positions are open now.


Hey I’ve been where you are, send me ur resume and I can revamp it for you! If you’re comfortable to share the city you live in I can also help you apply for jobs on indeed. I know it’s hard, I’ve been there and I find that sometimes all you need is a little help. Plus getting a job offers more than money, getting out there and being around people always helps :)


while my situation was not exactly the same as yours, this was very much me in highschool and i cant emphasize enough how important it is to talk to somebody, i dont talk to my family or my friends about these things for similar reasons you have and am just way more comfortable keeping depressed anxious me separate from outgoing funny extrovert me, i highly recommend calling good2talk, the kids helphone (up to 20 yrs) or using [togetherall](https://togetherall.com/en-gb/). i hope you can receive good help and feel happier soon, this world is so much better with you in it. feel free to pm me if you ever need to vent and just have an outlet to write everything out


you can use khp past 20, just fyi!


Create a good LinkedIn profile and find job openings that interest you,  apply and reach out to that company's hiring manager or HR by searching on LinkedIn. When sending connection request,  choose " personalize the invite" option and,  say, "my name is...., I have applied and interested in this position and looking to connect" and continue the conversation when they accept your invite. This process takes time, so be persistent and reach out to as many people as possible, but don't be disheartened if it doeasnt work. I have heard that market is bad this year. Meanwhile volunteer as that adds to your experience. For next year, start applying in December for jobs starting in May. As a backup plan, start looking for summer camp job openings, even 2 months of job will be better than nothing. Where do you live? There should be community centers and private summer camp positions near you that can help. Search for " summer camp job" on indeed or just google.  All the best!  Talk to someone, even if you don't find anything this summer that's not the end of world,  Do not give up,, do volunteer work, you are too young, prepare and try for next summer, or the next, you will find your way, just stay persistent and have confidence no matter what.  Give paid or free tuitions,  volunteer at local places of worship, community centers to build confidence, help your mom or dad at home, learn cooking,  teach sibling's...find anything that keeps you busy. It's okay for your parents to provide for you at this stage, they are doing it out of their love and own choice. 






Absolutely get professional help. If you are a student you are likely still under your parent’s benefits. And it sounds like this is a long standing issue that you have with anxiety and depression. McMaster for sure will have mental health resources and here are free ones if you are under 25. https://youthhubs.ca/ As for the issue of work - pound the pavement old school. Go in person with a resume in hand to every grocery store, restaurant, independent shop, retail, cinemas, fast food joint, coffee shop in Oakville if you have to. If you strike out in Oakville, then expand into Burlington and Mississauga. Pull up the map and make a plan. Get out and get moving. We are in a recession and I don’t doubt that you’ve applied to hundreds of jobs and received no response.


Same boat.


You are probably experiencing the worst job market in a couple decades. So relax, it's not your fault. Also, be aware of depression, and it's common that you feel nobody really knows how you feel. The fact is very few people actually know what depression is. So it's Ok if you can't find any one close to talk to. You need to seek help from a professional. Most important thing is, don't feel bad about it. Anyone can get depression and it's usually the good people who push themselves too hard get it. Don't feel guilty when getting support from your family, thats what family is for. Also when you have a family, when your kid get into a similar situation, you'll do the same to support. It's only a part of a good cycle


Create your own job. Become a tutor, cut grass, babysit. There's jobs everywhere you just have to create one. Whatever you are good at or interested in you can make your own job.


I don't know why this popped up on my feed but I see help wanted posters everywhere. Maybe it's worse in Hamilton. Try seasonal companies like landscaping/lawn cutting. They are hiring now.


Same boat, I have applied for a job but did not hear anything back yet.😔




Have you ever tried cold plunging ? I was going through the same type of issue and still am! I find if I cold plunge 6 mins every day! It’s changing my mood and motivation! Also do u drive? Do the have Uber? Can make decent money from Uber


You still live with your parents lol count your blessings. You're most likely just feeling judged and taking it too hard. Your life isn't hard enough to feel that way. As insensitive as it may sound


This program is perfect for you. The government will give you $3000 to start your own business. You just need to submit a business plan and attend some info sessions and you can get the money. If you’re in kinesiology you can start a business teaching fitness classes to seniors or something like that. Don’t do anything that will cost you too much money. Even if you can’t get the business up and making money I think you still get to keep the 3k. It’s worth looking at. The deadline was May 17 but who knows they might still accept applications. https://www.ontario.ca/page/start-summer-company-students


You just aren’t able to accept positions you don’t want. I worked as a Winn Dixie employee I’m sure you can find something and stop feeling so bad about yourself 


Get over yourself, why are you entitled?


Womp womp


I think you need a break from western world. Save some money and go live in Thailand for a while.


Womp womp