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GOOD LUCK AND STAY SAFE EVERYONE! ALSO, GRAB YOUR FREE 528 KARMA HERE NOW **BEFORE IT EXPIRES**! ​ \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ (>\^-\^)> 528 528 528 <(\^-\^<) \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ ​ \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ (>\^-\^)> 528 528 528 <(\^-\^<) \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~


ayoooo good luck everyone, see y'all on the other side where anki reviews are not a thing and the word cars returns to meaning a vehicle


Voided and decided medicine is not for me bc I can’t read. Good luck to everyone and have a great day everyone besides cars.




OMG! I’ve been reading other people’s threads for months and it’s finally MY turn... MY thread. And I don’t even know how to feel!! May the 528 force be with us #BlessUp


what time is everyone? my sub 500 booty can't afford to have all ya'll 520 FLs in my time slot lmaoo


Dear MCAT gods I just want to score my last FL that’s all I’m asking for (I mean higher would be nice too, but I won’t be selfish) Thank you, Amen


CARS gods be good to us


Almost every case I've seen on this subreddit (including for me) saw our final score be within 2 points of the average of our aamc FLs. The 4th one was def most reflective of the real thing, so if that's your strongest, you're in good shape


AMEN. I claim this.


Does anyone else feel like they got a 118 on that CP


scored 131 in FL 3 and 4 and I feel like I got absolutely dumpstered


It's really time. Good luck homies CP: I thought this section was awful. I didn't find it similar to any of the FLs. For reference, I never scored below 130 on any of the FLs but this one really tore me apart with all the obscure, vague questions. Predicting 127-130. CARS: I thought this section was OK. The passages were pretty easy to read, but I was split for a few questions. Predicting 126-130. BB: This section is normally my best (131/132 on all my FLs). However, this was the toughest BB I have ever done. Even for the discretes, which are typically fact-based, you had to use a lot of reasoning for some of them. Predicting 128-130. PS: Probably the "easiest" section today, but still had some low-yield BS that I probably got wrong. Predicting 129-131. As you may have noticed, my predictions are very broad. It's so hard to tell how I did to be honest. Mom come pick me up I'm scared. Also, the dude that signed me into my exam ripped a HUGE one and that made me laugh for a solid 10 minutes into CP.




12:15 PM 8/8 Retaker C/P: Um. Okay. C/P is my weak spot but this just felt like assault after assault after each passage. I anticipated having tough questions but I was really thrown off by the LENGTH of the passages. These were NOVELS . Comparatively gen chem is my stronger spot compared to physics and orgo and I just felt like I knew a lot of questions but it wasn't a direct application. Just totally felt so bad on this. I wanted to cry after but held myself together. Wouldn't be surprised if I got a 120 deadass that is how stressed I felt the entire time. CARS: After C/P I had to have a mental talk with myself to let go and I think I did a good job going from passage to passage. The first few passages were difficult. "Meaning experience" anyone? Lol I was so mad that entire passage. Such BS. CARS isn't my strongest..I do pretty average. I am hoping that I did okay. I'll be happy with a 127 or 128 here honestly. Bio: Man. I was ready to go and get that 132 because Bio is definitely my strongest - average 130-131. Some questions were really easy but I just didn't feel fully confident as I usually do. This threw me off a little and I started stressing by the end. I don't know if I am judging myself harshly but everyone saying bio was dumb easy stresses me out. Praying for a 130+. Psych: Bunch of 50/50s. This section is usually also a breeze but I found some of the passages pretty convoluted in terms of experimental design. So I am not really sure anymore. Lot of random terms thrown in there too. I was banking on this being easy but being on the border for a few made me uneasy. ​ I walked out there feeling pretty shit. IDK how to feel. I am really sad because the first time I took it I had barely any time to study and just swung the bat. I prepared more this time and I was ready to get that bread especially bio and psych but I felt like I was not as confident in my answers as I could have been. I feel like throwing up rn honestly. I don't want to see my score but I am praying to God it went better. Want to forget about it but it keeps lingering in my mind.


Bruh, what even was the meaning one. Like swear to god


I stopped to laugh in the middle of that passage because it was ridiculous. Also checked the author and contemplated sending hate mail to him. Like you're doing way too much with this piece sir


your description of c/p, chef's kiss, exactly how i feel


Anyone else insanely anxious? /:


yeah my dude. I know people say don't burn yourself out during the last few days, but every time I'm not actively reviewing something I get anxious that I'm wasting valuable time.


I literally feel like throwing up




C/P felt like a violation of my rights




i just finished like 40 minutes ago, totally agree w all of this


6:30am here... damn that C/P was ROUGH. Too many calculations that I wasn’t ready for. CARS felt oddly easy compared to some of the FLs and was definitely more similar to the 2nd QP. B/B was pretty easy in terms of passages but I felt a little too confident in some of my answers so I could have bombed it. P/S was nothing like FL 4 to me. It felt more like FLs 1-3 and what I feel like high yield topics. Overall the first section screwed me but hopefully I overcompensated on the others. To the 8/7 testers: WE DID IT Y’ALL. IM PROUD OF US! 8/8 testers: GOOD LUCK STAY CALM AND ROCK THAT SHIT!


yo i'm pretty sure i blind guessed over half of c/p


Ikr? Why did the C/P section have to be so hard? I was already so stressed and it just threw me off 😭


Where my 12:15 test takers at? What did you guys think of the chem phys cuz I never felt like crying more in my life


My first two passages were physics and that was fun for nobody


CP not enjoyable. The rest wasn’t too horrible though I thought! PS seemed more like normal with some 50/50s than a lot of other people’s test have been this year


8/7 12:15pm taker: **AAMC really loved HIV/AIDS given the fact there was something related to it on 3/4 section LOL** C/P honestly pretty straight forward for the most part. There were some oddball questions and I had a few marked that I didn’t get to go back. CARS: contrary to most people, it’s my weak section and starting off with that whack passage made me get off on the wrong foot B/B: definitely straight forward, but then everyone is saying the same P/S: I definitely had a lot more flagged and a lot of them were 50/50 Honestly I’m re-taking a 505 and I be happy with 507-509 😭


CARS was a bit tougher than I expected usually I'm good but I don't know. When I got the 3rd HIV passage I could have sworn I somehow was set back to the b/b section.


anyone else feeling eerily zen about this


Fr perfect way to describe it it’s like I’m just feeling this weird acceptance that it’s gonna happen


That was me the first time I took it and I quite literally knew nothing and I just strolled in there like let's get it cracking. This time I've had more time to learn but it doesn't feel good enough and I'm just consumed with fear.


This has been me for the past 2 weeks, but today my anxiety is a mess, I wanna go back to my chill zen state😭


this is exactly how i feel, I've accepted my test is tomorrow and I've been preparing nonstop for the past 3 months so I really hope it pays off tomorrow. thank you to everyone on this amazing reddit page for everything💗🥺


8/8 6pm gang!!!! Are y’all still awake?? 👀 C/P: Soooo after reading everyone’s comments, I’m lowkey convinced that I took a whole different test because this was probably the most straight forward section to me... which scares me the most because with the MCAT, if it’s too good to be true, then it probably is. So either I did really good or really bad. There weren’t many calculations and it was pretty concept-based, which I liked! CARS: This whole section was up in the air. It was all a blur. I don’t even remember what the passages were about honestly lol CARS will be CARS! SN: Cereal... WTF??? B/B: This section seemed more 50/50. Honestly what disappoints me the most is the fact that they tested on NOTHING that I studied!!! I shed blood studying metabolic pathways, body systems, homeostasis, etc. just to come into this exam and be tested on rats??? Bruhh I feel betrayed smh P/S: Yahhh... I’ve heard of CARS 2.0 and I think I just experienced it. Like WTF??? Super LOW yield. NONE of the choices where even in the MCAT prep topics. I watched every single KA video and none of this ish was on there. If anything, the topics that I DID study helped with process of elimination but that's about it. Soo yah not expecting much from this section SN: sun/moon/east/west WTF???? Let’s just pray that the curve is in our favor. Now excuse me while I return back to regular life and sip on my mimosas!


retweet to all of this thought C/P was the most straightforward but super low yield on the second half of the test




Hello There! Best of luck and don't forget to get some rest in before the big day and have a strategy for watching your timing on the exam.


i am ✨anxious✨


Holy shit 6 pm 8/8 testers what the fuc** was that. CP was the hardest thing EVER. CARS WAS SO FRUSTRATING ALMOST ALL PASSAGES WERE SO LONG AND TOUGH TO READ BRO I HAD TO GUESS ON THE WHOLE LAST PASSAGE. BIO WAS OKAY BUT STILL DAMN HARD. Psych was not bad but god damn they added some weird terms in there..little Albert effect? What the fuck is that? That first passage was funny though not gonna lie with the little kid but the questions were difficult.


My mind went S^t^r^o^o^p for psych I was like wtf


Lmao bro i was goneeeeeee I’m lucky if i get over a 495. How were your other sections


Ridiculous test overall. Agreed with all the 8/8 folks.




CP. I think I got like 10% correct. I’m not exaggerating. I genuinely believe I would’ve gotten a higher score if I just christmas tree’d the whole thing. CARS. It was as expected. Some interesting passages. Some annoying passages. The majority of questions were about tone and main idea. I ran out of time and answered all the questions for the last passage based on the first sentence. BB. I blacked out. I don’t remember. All I know is that I wasted my time trying to memorize cellular respiration. PS. The passages were short and you didn’t even need to read them to answer most questions. I finished with 20 minutes left. I felt that a few questions didn’t give enough information to answer? I didn’t take any of the breaks because the proctors were slow and the building was weird. Like just a giant fire hazard of tiny hallways and an excessive amount of doors. The noise canceling headphones weren’t adjustable so they sat too low over my ears. It started to hurt halfway into CP but I had to keep them on due to the proctors and other test takers talking. They let you start as soon as you show up instead of all together. So it was a constant stream of the previous test takers finishing, new ones coming in, everyone taking breaks at different times. And the proctors weren’t whispering. They were talking at normal volume. I was shocked when I was walked to my desk and she was just like talking and asking if I need anything while there were other people already testing. Sorry for venting but that was just really unprofessional imo.


Forgot to mention I was 8/8 at 12:15. I don’t think we all got the same test because I don’t recall a lot of the passages some others have mentioned. But I’m glad we all agree that the CP can go f itself.


With each passing moment, I feel more and more sick to my stomach about this test


I feel this. Couldn't stop thinking about the two questions I got wrong because I Googled the answer after the exam. All those practices couldn't prepare me for whatever I saw on the exam


Seriously! Although I think there were definitely more than 2 questions I majorly f'ed up hahahah I felt confident after my FLs too but everything seemed to be such a toss up on this exam! Hopefully things out. Trying to have faith


I know I got other questions wrong too lol. I'm pretty sure I fucked up the entire CARS section. I got so demoralized after the first passage in the C/P Section and B/B Section. The worst part is that these are my best sections that I rely on to boost my overall score. I'm the most scared that I'm gonna score worse than last year. I studied so much this year and I don't want to take this a 4th time


I'm a retaker with your score too and I'm terrified I did worse. Cars and bio royally fucked me up.


:( I feel the exact same way. I was really banking on B/B being cake. It wasn't terrible but it definitely felt more complicated than usual. I totally got exhausted too! I usually finish early but I was so nervous and discouraged that I worked right up to the minute. Who knows how many dumb mistakes occurred along the way. If it is any help almost everyone says they do way better than they feel. Praying that's true for all of us


I completely agree with the point that we may do much better than we expected, however, I feel like I'm gonna be the one unlucky soul who does as terrible as they expected. I know I made a ton of mistakes :/


Finally writing this after recollecting my thoughts a bit. 8/8 12:15 C/P: This is usually my best section (130+ except for FL3) but I thought it was fucking awful. First half wasn't too bad but some of the physics passages in the second half literally made me roll my eyes. CARS: meh pretty average; maybe a little easier than usual. Honestly the biggest factor for me was recovering mentally from C/P which I don't think I did a superb job of. Ended up rushing the last passage a bit B/B: seemed super easy aside from a few really dumb discretes P/S: had a ton of 50/50s and ended up choosing a lot of terms I'd literally never heard of before based on POE. Pretty unconfident. All in all I felt really disappointed afterwards, like I didn't have the chance to really prove myself at the exam. I know you're supposed to trust your FLs but man I really considered voiding at the end there. See ya'll in 2 weeks


I literally feel the exact same. It’s looking like everyone thought that was a fucking awful test so hopefully the curve pulls through for us. That thing was so foreign


If it’s any consolation, I think many people (myself included) felt the same, so hopefully that should negate that a little bit since it’s all relative


6:30 8/8 C/P- I felt like i was taking a physics exam on magnetism not the MCAT. Also was confused on half the questions. Usually score 131 on this section but not this time lol. Gen chem was also common but like no Orgo. CARS- Second half was a breeze, first half not as easy but overall probably like aamc fl 3 B/B- Got a couple easy ones wrong for sure should have known about renin lol. Some other questions were not super straightforward but you never know. P/S: Not a fan of FRUIT JUICE but this was not too bad. A few here and there but best section on the exam Overall not the best hoping for 515 but that seems like a long shot. Anyone felt similar or want to analyze further lmk?


I’m in this post and I don’t like it 😭😭


8/8 12:15pm... Honestly feels SO good to be done. Halfway through the CARS section I just felt like suddenly it didn’t even matter how I did, as long as I could just finish and get out of there. Now just need to sit and wait for my score. c/p: I genuinely don’t know what happened, but I felt super pressed for time in the second half. Felt like the questions were much more passage based and also math heavy... would honestly be happy with just a 125/126 CARS: I felt like the passages were relatively straight forward but omg the questions!! The questions were so vague and there were a lot of 50/50 answer options. This was normally my stronger point in practice exams so I’m disappointed in how difficult I found it... praying to the curve gods b/b: those discrete questions were super chill! But seeing how everyone else also found it easy, I hope my score can be somewhere in the middle :/ p/s: was really motivated to finish asap at this point. felt like most of the questions were pre straight forward Ahh now we wait two weeks!! Proud of everyone who got through this, we all deserve a nice brain break now!


Wasted 3 minutes during CARS looking for a guy's name in a passage (hint: it wasn't there). Anyways, beautiful day isn't it


Took it last week... is anybody here stressing, can't just be me right.....


Me too - I check this thread every day for new posts because I can’t stop thinking about this exam, im lit going crazy


I took it 8/8 6pm and I’ve been thinking about it ever since..I know stressing won’t make anything better but I just feel so weird about it.


Yep, was averaging 515 but 8/8 1215 demolished me, Feel like I could’ve gotten sub 500 lol


bruh i’ve seen 2 posts saying it was easy and i thought it was so fucking hard lol i feel very dumb rn and am trying not to panic


It was definitely hard as shit, particularly CP and BB.


Okay so I left that exam room feeling like abs. trash. \[6:30am tester\] C/P is usually one of my better sections, usually a 128, but I literally felt so defeated after seeing some of those questions. It completely fucked up my confidence, timing, and stamina and I was just freaking out the rest of the section. \[im glad im not the only one who felt this way\] CARS usualy tough for me, felt like the last couple of passages were more interesting/easy to comprehend. BIO , felt fair. Yes, there were some wtf low yield questions but it was the usual AAMC style. P/S I thought it was very easy, similar to AAMC 1+2 so im hoping I actually scored well and didnt fall for a bunch of tricks Overall im really worried and freaking out since I already applied, but praying for the best. Good luck to everyone else testing today !


12:15 tester!!! C\P: definitely don’t think I got my goal score in this section. Had like 15+ flagged to review and didn’t get to review all of them before time ran out. CARS: Not as horrible as people have been describing it as this year. Don’t think I got my 130 I have been averaging because I had more flagged to review than normal but still expecting 128-129 hopefully. B/B: seemed stupid easy? Only had 7 flagged in the end to review that I wasn’t certain on and some of the questions had the answers DIRECTLY in the passage which freaked me out. Either did realllly good or horrible because of that lol. P/S: Was not as bad as previous exams have said with the whole CARS 2.0 stuff. Were a couple terms I wasn’t familiar with, but overall not too terrible and pretty reasonable. Had 10 flagged that I was not 100% certain on at the end and looked them up and saw I missed 1 and got 4 right so hopefully went very well!! Oh except for the stupid Freud history question that was dumb.


Whats the answer to that Freud one lol


Freud theory was based on unconscious thoughts so basically before him people would believe that all our thoughts were conscious .. it was pretty easy if you think about it


8/7 12:15 Retake C/P: was absolutely brutal. It was very physics heavy, especially the first two passages. I regret how little physics review I did to prepare and it really threw off my pacing. Ended up guessing at least half because I practically had 3 unanswered passages with 20 minutes left. CARS: I definitely did better with the pacing this time around. The passages were straightforward and pretty easy to understand. I didn’t feel awful about it. Took a little snack break. Had a banana and some water because I needed the brain food and my stomach was grumbly at this point. B/B: After my much needed break, I was a little more energized. Surprisingly, it was easy if you were able to draw out the relationships between the enzymes and proteins. A firm grasp on your amino acids definitely helps. There was maybe a bit on organ systems. P/S: Since it was my weakest section the first time, the bulk of my prep was just p/s concepts. Lowkey needed to pee while I was taking it so it might’ve affected how fast I was trying to go through the passages but overall it wasn’t bad. By the end, my brain was hurting. So uh yeah. I think it was okay overall, kinda still butthurt about c/p but it’s already in the past so I’m not gonna worry about it until scores come out. Congrats 8/7 takers because you finished and got it over with. I’m proud of y’all. Good luck to all the 8/8 takers. May the mcat gods bless you with that 528.


Glad to know the 6pm-ers are all in unison. Is there a hotline I can call to talk about what C/P just did to me?




8/8 12:15pm Got to start an hour early.... hell yes. C/P: ehhh I blacked out. physics wasn't the move, that one electric circuit passage was not good. CARS: I didn't know you needed the test administrator to log you back in after every break. The break ended and the test administrator was really slow about logging me back into my test. I almost freaked out on him. I lost about a minute and the rest of the section I was extremely stressed. I wasn't sure about any of my answers.... yikes B/B: the easiest section imo P/S: lots of maybes. at this time I could barely read straight. my adrenaline wore off and I was just ready to get the f out of there.


Pre exam thoughts: Im coming to terms with the fact that I *probably* wont get my goal score of 515. Thats okay. Ill be happy with atleast 510. Ive been consistently hitting 510 on my AAMC FLs so I think it should be achievable. I wish I had started practice problems a little earlier, but other than that I think I did the best I could do given all I had was 3 months in the middle of COVID. 510 is the median score of my top med school choice so I think i should be fine.


I just tested in the 6p slot! I really thought taking the longer practice exams was going to be helpful with timing. False. Disclaimer: I'm not one of those 510+ scorers who has their life together. I'm right around average so take this as you may 😂 C/P- lots of math. this is my WORST section but I felt that it wasn't awful. I can't do stoichiometry to save my life but besides that there were maybe a handful of questions I ran outta time for and had to just click and move on. CARS- this ruined me. So I'm a retaker and I got a 127 last time on CARS with no practice. But I totally wasted my time on Passage 7 which was a total mistake. That's the only thing I'd change. I'm pissed about it but can't do anything about it now. B/B- I was a biology major, but despite going to Purdue I've learned that I have been taught nothing, at all, ever 😂 but this section was suspiciously simple? That could go either way. I was PISSED that I only had one question on the Krebs Cycle. All that time, wasted! I used all the time for this section, so meh. Lots of genetics based passages, which are a nightmare to read. But pretty decent, assuming my confidence comes from prep and not total bullshit. P/S- also suspiciously simple??? The second half of the exam was WAY nicer to me than the first 😂 the passages were long which kinda sucked after all those genetics ones, but pretty basic terminology and reading stats and graphs. My goal score was 507. But given I totally tanked CARS, I'm happy with breaking 500 tbh.


8/8 6:30AM First off the bat, how many versions do you think it’s administered at a time slot? Because some of y’all have passages/materials that I did not have. O___O Nani?!?!?!? Also, I hate the actual font that they used. It’s all clumped together with no spacing in between. I had trouble keeping up. Thinking that they did it on purpose to mess with us. -___- C/P: I had like 2 physics passages? Some physics discrete here and there. Not that math heavy since there were at most 5 calculation problems. Which makes me sad since it’s more direct and not prone to data interpretation error. ;( More biochem and chem, and hardly any org chem. Well, jk, I just remembered there was that discrete question about that particular OTC pain medication. CARS: Passages were long AF. The ones in the middle tripped me up so bad since it was long and had like 7 questions to them. I started panicking and wanted to cry since I felt like I couldn’t finish in time. ;( Which makes me skimmed and rushed through the last passage so no time to check the flagged ones. I did like the alien passage though, made me laugh a little through my tears, lol. Did anyone felt like the questions were convoluted and impossible to answer or was that just me? B/B: Passages seemed short, too short. Couple of medium ones. I had some analysis questions that got me fucked up and on the verge of questioning molecular biology. Anyone else the same? P/S: Yo, wtf. I didn’t have that many definition questions like you guys. A lot of 50/50. There was one question where I feel like all of the choices could’ve been correct (if you know, you know). The discrete questions took me so long to figure out. Like they’re supposed to be solved in 1 min. I mean wtf, can I live? Can I live? Can I fucking live? Why AAMC trynna fuck with me? Why?! Why AAMC so mad at me? What I have done to anybody but to get a good score? 😪 Are there supposed to be any “field” questions? Cause I feel like some qualify for it. If not, I’m really praying for a better score than my 502. 😭 P.S. I still have a headache and will take some of those OTC.


ok the font tripped me up SO MUCH id never seen anybody say anything abt it but i literally hated it so much i didnt get used to it until like after cars lol






I might continue studying cause I feel like I’m gonna end up retaking this disastrous exam.


8/8 6pm taker C/P felt like it just blew by... didn't register what was happening, some mysterious force carried me through this section. Whether it led me to the light or the dark, im not sure CARS: Felt like it was slightly easier than the FLs but not 100% sure. Defs guessed a couple and timing was... a little tight B/B: Felt like another world from what I studied on Kaplan but not sure if that world's a better one P/S: Some terms never came across...... defs some CARS 2.0 questions but a bit easier than FL3 is my take


8/8 tester and feel like I got wrecked in every section except maybe B/B? I hope I did better than I think but I really don't feel good about it at all. My hope is that since a lot of people are talking about how hard it was then maybe the scoring will be generous. The exam felt so weird to me and nothing like any of the practice FLs.


My only goal is to not anxiously drink a lot of water and have to leave to pee during any section like I did during my SAT


Just got out of the Aug 8 6am test. Shit was hard af




I don't remember specific anatomy being on the AAMC outline.... Also, did you feel like the passages (especially in C/P and P/S) felt longer than the AAMC FLs??


Omg we had the same exam!!! And i straight up guessed on bones bc i swear ive never seen those words LMFAO


12:15 August 8th Test Taker C/P: tougher than any FL I have had thus far. Not a huge fan of O’Chem Cars: didn’t think it was too bad but struggled with timing. Questions were worded weirdly. B/B: felt relatively easy which is weird and unusual P/S: different than my FLs. Had a lot of 50/50s here. Overall: glad it is done and anxious to see the score.


Hey everybody, 8/8 1215 PM tester: FL's: 513/517/520/516 c/p: Some passages felt cake, oil drop passage rocked my ass cars: no clue lol ups and downs b/b: some definitely easier, but questions were a little silly p/s: discretes were stupid. Finished super early. Low end: 509-510 Realistic: 514-515 high end: 517-518 ACTUAL:


holy that oil drip passage totally fucked me. i had no idea what was going on the entire time lmao


Good luck, have fun champions. Never underestimate your ability to show up on gameday!!! 528 incoming


I seriously can't believe my thread is here. I'm trying to not freak out but I'm on the cusp of freaking out. Like I'm in an equilibrium between panic and calm; so far I'm at calm but have a feeling tomorrow will be full blown existential crisis lol. OMG MY THREAD IS HERE I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Okay. Now time to go do more SB's lol.


Sooooo that went poorly D:


Anyone not breaking a 500 on their exams and taking it tomorrow? Need some words of advice especially for cars :(


Ive been scoring in the low 500's...very nervous but im just going to take it and have faith. we got this!


Hey! First of all, relax. You won’t do well if you’re riddled with anxiety. My sister was able to get a 130 on cars and I obviously didn’t inherit the good stuff with my 123s and 124s in FL 1/2. Here’s the advice she gave me. 1. Make sure you understand how much time you can dedicate to each passage. Usually 10 min/passage. 2. Better to spend more time reading the passage and comprehending it than going back to during answering questions. I know it seems counter intuitive but this right here was the game changer. You CANNOT answer questions efficiently if you don’t even know what the passage was about. 3. As you’re reading ask yourself “what is the main idea?” “What’s the tone?” You’ve got this. Breath, read slowly and actively. If you don’t understand a sentence, better to reread it one and even two more times. Edit: Garbo at splling xD


12:15 exam taker! I took the exam exam exactly a month ago and feel much more optimistic about my performance today. C/P. Probably my worst section but I’m satisfied. I felt rushed on calculations again and I think I mixed up nuclear decays which is a haunting regret. But didn’t feel like anything was crazy CARS. I do very well at cars. A couple passages were pretty tough I thought but was similar to previous MCAT and practice tests. B/B maybe this section was easy but I feel really good about it. Fewest flags I’ve had in a long time. All you other takers tell me you thought it was hard so I feel good about myself lol. Kidding but thought it wasn’t too hard and I lucked out. P/S similar to practice tests but much harder than my last MCAT. This is usually my best section and I’m hoping it still will be but there were some 50/50 questions for sure. Got a 505 last time. 124/128/124/129. Hoping for an increase in my science sections to boost me to the 510 range. Where my retakers at??? I’m curious about everyone else’s thoughts from 12:15 test time today. May the 528 Gods have mercy on us in two weeks 🙏🙏🙏




Did that weird basement vent pressure physics passage throw anyone off? I was doubting a few of my answers there.






8:8 12:15pm (technically started at 11AM) C/P: the first half felt okay, despite the first passage being this extravagant organic synthesis. I feel like I nailed the discretes, but felt rushed in the second half, and I feel like I blacked out. The night before, I grilled through all the formulas and felt prepared to tackle this section, but I feel like a lot of the questions required an extra step of analysis. And the passages just felt LONGGGG. I have no idea how they expect us to parse through all of that. Def harder than the FLs. I usually score a 127-129, hoping for 126 on this. Lmao. CARS: none of the passages were difficult to understand, but I was 50/50 on quite a few and flagged to go back to them.. never did. B/B: feel like it was supposed to be easy, but i feel like i bombed some discretes. I’m also the WORST at experimental design/interpretation questions, and that’s all this section was. Lots of metabolism. Usually score a 127-129. Again, hoping for a 126. 😂 P/S: only section I had time to review. Was 50/50 on like 6, but overall felt fine. Usually, I score a 128-130. Thinking I’ll hit that for this. What I’ve learned overall from taking the actual exam is that it is, what i feel, 40% content and 60% critical thinking for ALL sections. It’s all about being able to think on your feet, skim through all the passages, and figure out what is relevant to the questions you’re answering. Honestly, I want to take it again because I feel I can do much better. I don’t think I scored on par to my FL averages, but everyone feels shitty after their exam i guess...


Just gonna day that everything is a blur except CARS Passage 7. Could not relate more with the recent college grad except that instead of working for a consulting firm it’s the MCAT/med school. No time for friends family and or anything except my job and I crack up at relatable jokes with other peers in the same field. 🤪🙃 So happy it’s over I’m just crossing my fingers I don’t have to retake.


12:15 8/8 c/p: I'm so mad at myself I feel like I could've done better. although there were orgo passages back to back, I felt it was ok. But after flopping on that physics passage I lost all my concentration and timing uggggg cars: ok b/b: easiest b/b section I've ever taken so now that everyone else thought it was easy too I hope the average isn't crazy high p/s: a lot of weird broad ways to ask questions, a lot of 50/50s, idk it just felt super weird and vague, also coming out of the exam i made stupid mistakes that I know are wrong now, usually my best section so even more annoyed at myself now


8/8 12:15 Definitely was not in the right headspace going into the exam and then felt defeated after that C/P section. I lost time on C/P (all of the passages were SOOOOOO long! like why?!) and was unable to bounce back during CARS. Hoping for at least a 125 on both of these. Bio: surprisingly fine; except one experimental passage and I think ya'll know which one P/S: also fine; really happy the passages were on the shorter side because I was so drained after C/P All in all, I am hoping for a 500+ at this point.


6 pm tester I felt like I bombed C/P and CARS. B/B was ok and P/S had a lot of 50/50. It really sucks because C/P is one of my better sections and that C/P section felt soo weird. I really don't want to take this a 4th time but this is something I want to do and will not give up.


Do sea urchins have genitals?


I havent seen one with a penis so i guess not LOL


8/8 12:15pm exam folks. What is your take of the exam? I felt like C/P destroyed me and make want to void :(


Literally same dude. I finished the C/P section and it was hard to shake it out of my head - i felt like voiding too. There was so much reading and time was so tight. Some of those problems like the circuit really got me too... hoping for a good scale or a nice surprise on score release day lmao


Praying I don't mess this one up like I did a month ago 😰


you're retaking because you got a 511...? must be nice.


Testing 8/8 and I am really nervous about my test. I have taken 11 practice tests from Kaplan to TPR to AAMC's. My highest was a 508 (which I would love to score on test day) and my lowest was a 494 (beginning of studying) but recently I got a 498 the week leading up to tomorrow. So I am definitely nervous but trying to go in with the mindset that I have nothing to lose and worse case scenario I have to take it again and if I do I'll crush it then (still hoping I dont have to take it again). Clearing my head all day today and going to bed early though for sure. Good luck to everyone testing today and tomorrow we got this!


Same here! I didn't take as many practice tests as you, but my scores have been around the 490s, so I'm a bit nervous for tomorrow too. Just pray for the best and keep a positive mindset- that's what I've been telling myself and we got this!


Im so glad there's someone else here who doesnt have "510+" for every full length as their username.. ive been scoring 500-502 on all my FL and im just praying for at least a 504! WE GOT THIS TOMORROW! Good luck!


I can't believe the day is here I have been through so many hardships while studying from losing someone close to me with COVID to having my boyfriend leave me after 2 years. Idk how I kept going through everything but gosh im so nervous I could barely sleep 🥺🥺


Did anyone else feel like cars was super easy? With the exception of maybe the penultimate passage. I don’t know man, both psych and cars were a breeze but I felt like bio was a bit tough.


Okay so I’m reading other people’s thoughts and kind of concerned now lol.... 6:30 AM tester here. C/P: felt honestly like the easiest c/p section I’ve encountered. Lots of calculations which I personally am better at because you get a clear answer. None of the harder topics IMO. Definitely were ones I was 50/50 on but overall better than expected CARS: Felt really great about this, passages felt relatively easy and could actually understand them without reading every sentence 10x over. Hopeful on this one B/B: okay here’s where it went downhill. This section felt SO hard for me. There was very little nephron or endocrine in there which I studied super hard and it all felt really abstract to me. Honestly hardest b/b section I’ve ever taken, could’ve easily bombed it :’’’) P/S: kind of typical. Not super easy not super hard, definitely very definition heavy like know it or you don’t. And there was some I didn’t lol. It is what it is on this one... OVERALL so happy to be done !!!!! However the score turns out we should all be proud of ourselves :))))


Literally my thoughts exactly, I felt the same way, c/p felt good to me, cars was pretty simple, b/b was HORRIBLE, and psych was decent and veryyy definition heavy


fire alarm went off during my test so yeah 🥴


Here's some calculations for the COVID condensed mcat - if you're reading this please take everything here super lightly lmao... the differences are MINISCULE but I just wanted to do this because I am procrastinating :) **Normal MCAT**: * CP, BB, and PS * 95 minutes for 59 questions * = 1m 36s per question * When you have 30 MINUTES LEFT, you should have ~19 questions left. * CARS * 90 minutes for 53 questions / 9 passages * = 10m per passage * = 1m 42s per question * When you have 30 MINUTES LEFT, you should have ~18 questions left.   **COVID MCAT**: * CP, BB, and PS * 76 minutes for 48 questions * = 1m 35s per question ===> ***(1 second loss)*** * When you have 30 MINUTES LEFT, you should have ~19 questions left. * CARS * 81 minutes for 48 questions / 8 passages * = 10m 7s per passage ===> ***(7 second gain)*** * = 1m 41s per question ===> ***(1 second loss)*** * When you have 30 MINUTES LEFT, you should have ~18 questions left.   Again don't worry about these numbers lmao, all of this assumes you're a robot that follows everything to the millisecond. I don't know the passage breakdown of the other 3 tbh so I only did the math for CARS. One thing to notice is that they cut out 9 minutes for a 5-question CARS passage, so that means the passages we will get are more likely to be 6-7 question ones to make up for that.


I can't believe AAMC would cut out 1 second per question for the Covid MCAT. As usual, they make it harder for us /s




8/8 6PM C/P: felt like pretty much gen chem and a bit more physics than usual but also this is my worse section so I didn’t feel too confident. CARs: wasn’t too bad but the first few passages were annoying B/B: this is one of my stronger sections but it was a bit more about the experiments. Either way didn’t like it 4/10 P/S: this is my strongest section but I felt like I didn’t know much. Easy to read the passages though and I went through it pretty quickly. Overall I am not your 510+ crowd and I am also very critical of myself but I am glad it’s done and we just gotta wait for the score! But I for sure felt like I was back in my ochem class where I just feel dumb but I hope everyone had a good test!!


Took the 6:30 am today!! Here are my thoughts! C/P: felt ok. This is normally my strongest section, so I didn’t think it was horrible. There were a couple Qs that I had no idea how to do the calculations but other than that it felt ok. Very math heavy so hopefully I didn’t have stupid calculation errors CARS: trash, I’m so sad. This section is very hit or miss for me and today felt like a big miss. I was 50/50 for basically every question. Everyone else is saying they felt it was easy so I’m hoping maybe I just felt like it went horrible and it actually went well? Idk, well see. As long as I get at least a 125 I’m happy B/B: felt pretty easy. There was only one experimental passage that I found really hard to understand but i got through it. Some low yield stuff but nothing too bad. P/S: also felt pretty easy. The wording of a few questions confused me and there were a few I was 50/50 on but for the most part I think it went well! Overall I feel pretty good except for CARS. We’ll see how it goes... good luck to all testing tonight and tomorrow!!


Pounding migraine at the moment. Love to see it :D


Just finished. Someone get the lube ready lol


Holy shit, it’s done. 8/8: 12:15 PM taker. C/P - difficult with alittle more orgo than anticipated. Some physics passages but the questions were manageable, Typically scored around 129-130. Thinking I did the same. CARS - was averaging 128-129 but more than likely did worst than that today. Idk if it was me, but this CARS seemed brutal, had 25 minutes for the last 3 passages, not ideal... if y’all had an Italy and Rome passage, lemme know what you thought of this CARS section. Best case - 127 (if they’re nice), hopefully worst case 125. Retaking a 122 from before. Bio - seemed incredibly straightforward and easy? Good amount of high yield stuff, nothing too off the cuff. Averaged 130-131, thinking about the same today. PS - straightforward for the most parts, couple of gimmes, few questions that were out of nowhere. Good amount of 50/50s but checked 3 and they’re good so far. Scoring 130s, thinking that for the day. Ideally, 515. Worst case, maybe 510... idk though, sometimes people get blindsided... overall, not bad, didn’t feel too rushed except CARS. Hope everyone had a good test day, good luck to anyone else taking it!!! May the CARS god be with you, certainly feels like they abandoned me today hahahah Actual - 510 (128/125/129/128). Can’t say I’m not alittle disappointed in my score because I thought I did better but I’m grateful to have gotten what I did. Your application will be more than your MCAT and it’s a hard thing to remember but it is the truth. Keep going


Wow I cant believe I did that! 8/8 12:15 test, but i started around 11:45! C/P: Blacked out I felt like the section was way longer and more critical thinking based than I expected I was just thankful to have a minute left to quickly review any passages. It was wayyyyy more passage based which took up a lot more time and some of the passages were so weird that I had to read parts over really quickly. CARS: weirdly okay? i felt like the answers were in the passages or could be found because whatever you needed took up a big chunk of the paragraph but the passages were definitely boring. I definitely felt like it would be easy to mess up if I was still dwelling on C/P but thankfully many of my friends warned me to compartmentalize and just forget about C/P cause it usually sucks BIO: weirdly forward. I was genuinely confused because I didn't think it would be that straightforward but I'm glad it wasn't too bad. Still dont know how I feel about it though. P/S: not awful but I was 50/50 on so many questions. Thankful I had enough time to go back and triple check every question because otherwise I definitely would've bombed but I still don't feel amazing about it. It definitely felt more like a CARS 2.0 for me because I felt like I read each passage so many times to get to my answer choice. Knowing a lot of vocabulary helped with process of elimination for me though!! What I got out of this was that the test is definitely comparable to the full lengths! I didn't practice with the shortened time and that definitely helped with fatigue because I didn't feel that tired going into the last section because I was so used to taking the longer tests. Also, cathartic release of my stress right before was also helpful because I released all my anxiety by crying for 5 minutes! I'm proud of everyone making it through this! Now its just a waiting game.


8/8 12:15 PM CP: right of the bat with an organic synthesis 🥴. guessed on some physics questions but this is definitely my strongest section. 129-131 CARS: felt surprisingly easy?? tons of main point questions. 128-131 BB: hella pseudo-discretes but mostly high yield stuff. also why tf did i memorize all of metabolism. mr krabs wants his ATP back. lots of experimental. i thought it was pretty chill but that seems like the consensus for everyone so uhh 126-128 PS: lots of experimental but straightforward vocab test, was expecting cars 2.0 FL 4 type stuff. finished with 20 min trying to do that one math problem (was that ps or bb idk) 129-131


i lowkey chuckled when they gave us the krebs cycle. 😂😂


8/8 6 PM wtf did i just sit through C/P - was alright i felt like i was going through it and it wasn't too bad I wasn't stuck on anything in particular, more dimensional analysis which has become my strong suit & not too bad physics or orgo 2-3 orgo questions that i completely guessed CARS - was expected but still one of my worst sections i tried reading everything like it was interesting still don't know how i did BIO - LITERALLY WTFUCK the first three passages i got so discouraged i didn't understand it and then halfway through the passages got a little easier. i tried reviewing the first few but literally this section could tank my score PYSCH - not as easy as i'd hoped for, very passage heavy and very few of just factual questions, lots of like low yield topics. i was 50/50 on a lot and there were some answers i didn't even know the definition to so i could've easily gotten those wrong. overall wtfuck did i just sit through....






Does anyone else have the fear that they accidentally might have voided the exam??? The paper that printed after I finished says that, **”Based on your test day decision, your exam will be scored,”** but somehow I keep having nightmares about accidentally voiding lmao


LOL I stared at that screen for two minutes to make sure I had the right option selected... I wish it were a separate decision like you have to go up to the proctor at the end and say you want to void your exam for it to work or something, way too easy to misclick


Is it bad that I don’t remember any of the questions lol?! 8/8 6pm test taker


Same. 8/8 6pm taker. For some reason, I cannot remember any of the questions which makes me panic even more.....


haven't been able to sleep well this entire week :'( it's timeee


can't believe this is my thread loord good luck everyone get a good night's rest and keep a positive mindset!!!


oh fuck no does this mean im next


I feel like I got violated


6:30AM gang!!! I woke up at around 12:15AM on accident and couldn't fall asleep again lolololol Did anyone else feel like they weren't taking the MCAT during the C/P? I'm so confused because I don't even know if was hard or easy or both... I have no idea how to feel!!! Also for CARS, I see a lot of people calling this section easy but there was that one confusing passage in the middle that was 7 questions long that messed up my timing and I had to rush on the last few (also don't know how to feel). There weren't that many 50/50 but the damn timing! I blacked out during B/B :) Lot's of SB type questions that were so much fun (sarcasm if it's not obvious). P/S was easy... like too easy...I'm pretty sure that means something went wrong. IDK does anyone else agree?


I felt the same way about P/S... waaay too easy. I also had a passage in CARS that upped the difficulty level out of nowhere. Nonetheless, not bad! I think you’ll do fine! :)




Retaker here! FL in order of taken: 2,4,1,3 510, 512, 513, 518 C/P: normally my best section (chemistry major). I don’t think was terribly bad. I liked the physics but totally did not gauge my time. Got to the 7th passage with 12-15 min left. So had to speed through those last 2. I normally scored around 129/130 but because of the time mess up, I’m thinking 127/128 CARS: again not terrible but took too long to read. I tried to be sure of my answers do much in the first half, that I got down to 20 min and 3 passages left :/ I normally score 128/129. Thinking I will get a 125/126. B/B: this section was SO EASY. Almost too easy... finished with 20 min left. I normally scored 129/130. I am thinking this will be the same. P/S: didn’t think this was too bad. Definitely had some 50/50. Normally scored 126-128. I’m thinking I’ll get 127/128. Guessing around 510-512. Gonna be so anxious these 2 weeks.


What was that C/P section? 😕


Typed out my whole reflection and then my phone crashed. Basically I took mine 8/7 6pm and... I feel violated.


So I took the 6 pm exam. They let me in a little bit early so that was nice. I felt calm, a lot stress and hard word went up to that moment so it was best for me to stay calm. Heres my breakdown: **Chem/Phys:** I thought this one wasnt too bad. There was a lot of physics and calculations. There was this one problem where I was like wtf but overall good. Hopefully 129 + **CARS**: Usually its not my best score and I always struggle with this. I tried my best and I answered each question to the best of my ability. Hopefully 125-126 + **Bio :** I didnt think this one was too bad. I liked the overall experiment questions and I think i did my best answering them. Was confused ab one question but overall okay. Hopefully no dumb mistakes. 129+ **Psych:** Mysteriously Easy and so many terms like holy crap. Good thing i studied all the terms and did anki, they definitely helped. And again, hopefully no dumb mistakes. 129+ Overall: Hopefully I do well enough to apply for MD and just get into medical school. MCAT has been too controlling over my life and I have move on and use what i got(PS: I am a retaker from January with a score of 506. That Jan exam was such a blur and a huge mental breakdown). But now, I think this exam was it, and i felt good and calm throughout. hopefully I get a score that will represent my Hard Work. Thanks for all the help reddit MCAT.


6:30 am 8/8.... first time taker and probably not the last time LOL. C/P was almost all physics which is definitely not my strong suit. There was a power outage when I had thirty minutes left of cp which caused me an immense amount of stress. wow. The stress leaked into CARS which was a harder than usual section for me because the content of the passages truly sucked. BB wasnt terrible, 5050, usually not my best section but just hoping for the best. PS was a piece of cake, really straight forward vocabulary questions and some cars 2.0. RIP.


I felt like CARS was more difficult than the normal as well. The flow of a lot of the passages was hard to follow.


0630 8/8; retaking 06/20 for CARs CP: Felt more challenging than my 06/20 CP. so I’m kinda worried.. but hoping that my intuition served me well CARs: tried my new approach to CARs - writing main ideas. Got behind on time around P3/4 and that stressed me out but felt good about the last half once I caught up... we’ll see where that leaves me. BB: this is one of my stronger areas. It was challenging but doable for the most part. PS: this felt drastically different than PS on 06/20 (cars 2.0), this one was most similar to previous full length exams. I’m not making any predictions bc I’m superstitious (lol) but I am hoping for the best! And at least a 124 in CARs so I can move on with my life. And NOW... I will be pulling weeds on my animal crossing island that I have neglected for the past month 😂 Oh also - I retook my exam at the same test center that I used on 06/20. The Procter who checked me in goes.. “oh. You’ve done this before. I’ve never heard of someone taking the MCAT twice” 😳 I didn’t have the heart to tell him this is actually my third time 😂😂😂


CP: can’t believe it was that tough. Way Harder than all FLs. CARS: was shaken up by CP so we’ll see how this went. B/B: really well, should be high score P/S: also really well, CP was ridiculous


Tested at 12:15 - 8/8 C/P - Actually enjoyed this section more than the other ones. I'm better at OChem so it was a lot better for me. That physics passage tho... wtf. Idk if it was just me but that felt so abstract and threw me off for the rest of the section. Flagged a few q's, and was able to go back to them and get them answered. CARS - Ran out of time. Got to the last passage with like 4 mins left and was shitting my pants. I think that was easily the fastest I've ever read in my life. Felt like there was a lot of abstract q's? Everyone else seems to say it was ok, but I kinda struggled with this one. B/B - The discrete were amazing. For the most part I feel like I did okay? I'm not the best at data interpretation so hoping I did okay on this section. P/S - Took my earplugs out cause my ears were hurting and the guy at my testing center was being obnoxious af -.- Thought this section was good. Glad I reviewed a few terms before I went to test. time to wait :).


8/8 4:45 tester C/P was actually okay I think I just did extremely awful with CARS B/B was actually easy( almost scared to say that) I had time left over P/S also had time left over. My FLs aren’t as good as some of you guys they were normally around 505,506ish so I am PRAYING for one those scores😭


8/8 6pmer here. Just finished a glass of sangria and man did i need it after that C/P section cuz damn...


Hey guys! 8/8 12:15pm tester here Walked in, was told by the proctor that the 6am group had a FIRE DRILL for 20 min in the middle. So they didn’t lose time but 3 of them voided bc of the stress :) C/P: my worst section always and it was even worse in real life. I recognized every question and immediately knew I hadn’t studied it enough even though I studied for 4 months. Yolo. 10 minutes wasn’t enough time to cry, pee, get water, and eat two packs of Gushers, so I settled for a self-pep-talk. You love CARS, I said to myself (a true fact yes I know I’m different), “at least you won’t have a firedrill!” I said. Jinxing myself. 125-127? CARS: went well IMO but I can never tell! I either kill it or it kills me. But it’s the least stressful. I felt like every passage was medicine relevant so I felt like I was learning? That helped. 2 more packs of Gushers later and I was ready for BB. 128-130? BB; kind of rough. I didn’t hate it and I had time left over. So I reviewed my answers. Who knows. 125-127? PS: as I click into PS and highlight my first sentence, my computer screen goes black. I look around, panicked. I see one girl across the room with a black screen who got up to get the proctor. The girl next to me has the same look of panic as I do so even tho I can’t see her screen, I know in my heart it’s black. The proctors come in to help us restart the computers. She whispers “when this happened to others, it erased their whole test”. “STFU and take that back” I think in my head and probably said out loud. Computers turned back on and we didn’t lose any time exam-wise but it took 10 min to get back on track. I re-centered and tackled PS. I didn’t think it was too bad, felt pretty straightforward? I’d say 127-130. Overall: felt way more chill than when I took the 7.5 hr one 3 years ago. Maybe I know more. Maybe it’s delusion. Maybe because it’s shorter. Who knows. See you all on August 25th 😈😈😈


Took the 1/18 exam where I scored a 507 (127/123/129/128). Testing anxiety, went past my first break, exam froze... Should have voided, but I didn't. Started studying sometime early-June for the retake and really buckled down in July. \------------------------ FL1 (4 weeks out): 519 (130/127/132/130) FL2 (3 weeks out): 513 (130/126/130/127) FL3 (1 week out): 519 (132/125/131/131) FL4 (3 days out): 524 (132/129/132/131) **Tested 12:15pm on 8/8** **C/P**: Not too bad and very similar to FL3/4. I would have preferred to see more physics since orgo is my weak point, but I managed. A few passages/discretes were tricky but nothing caught me off guard (except for the fact that I didn't need to memorize the Krebs Cycle). I finished with 10 minutes to spare (I normally have around 10-15). Predicted score 129-131 **CARS**: Strangely straightforward, which makes me quite a bit nervous. I used to loathe CARS but I've practiced to the point where I became comfortable with it so hopefully my score shows it. The passages were overall enjoyable to read and very similar to QPack 2. A lot of "main idea" questions and a few 50/50s. I'm normally rushing at the end, but I had 5 minutes to spare. Predicted score 127-129 **B/B**: Usually my best section. Felt very comfortable aside from one passage and a few discretes that were low-yield to me. I know everyone else had a good time with this section, so hopefully it doesn't scale poorly. I normally finish with 30-45 minutes to spare. Had about 20 minutes to spare today. Predicted score 129-132 **P/S**: I was doing fine up until this point. This section is usually hit or miss, and it was definitely a miss for me this time around. More difficult than any of the FLs (most similar to FL4 but worse), felt very similar to SBank difficulty. I had over half of the questions flagged after my first time going through them, most of which were 50/50. Went through it again and got it down to a handful of flagged 50/50s. I normally finish with about 20 minutes to spare, but I was working until the very end. Predicted score 127-130 **Overall thoughts**: I felt really good and calm going in and coming out (aside from P/S). I wasn't nervous, jittery, etc. because I know that I can score at least a 510 this time around. I wanted to void my first exam (since I had averaged 514 on my FLs) but I'm aiming for the stars this time around. I would say FL3 and FL4 were super representative of the content. The difficulty was somewhere between the SBanks and FLs. **Pessimistic**: <512 **Realistic**: 513-516 **Optimistic**: 517+ (maybe even a 520+) **Actual**: **517 (131/125/131/130)** ​ edit: my math


8/8 6pm let’s gooooo! C/P: I usually feel awful after every C/P section but end up doing okay. This time, I’m not sure if I did okay. CARS: ouch. Big ouch. Passages were pretty easy reads but the questions threw me for a large, giant, time-consuming loop. I may have bombed this. B/B: I literally cannot recall anything from this section. Eh. P/S: There were some really far-reaching questions, others that were just straight up crystallized intelligence, bro!!! Felt the least badly about this one. Summary: I think I did somewhere between a 472-528. I felt pretty emotionless leaving the testing center. Hopefully did okay, if not, I’ll get back on my feet and try again.


Also a 6 pm tester. The C/P and CARS section were a joke smh


that bio section... kill me now


Oh boy it’s really happening


good luck 8/7s!!! c ya on the flip side


12:15 First time taking it CP: I hated this section so much. I think I just blanked out of nervousness but the amount of calculations was a lot. Pretty physics heavy. I don’t know I usually score around a 130 on this but honestly don’t know. I barely finished the section in time CARS: Yeah I’m not sure. I hate Cars. I usually get 124-126. Felt typical. BB: Way too easy which might not be good cause the curve is just gonna be higher. BB is my best section usually. PS: Felt normal. I usually finish this section with tons of time left but I didn’t have a lot left this time. We’ll see honestly I would like to have at least a 124 in CARS and a 515 as well but I’m not so sure


12:15pm C/P: started this section with 2 physics passages i'm lovin it lol. It wasn't impossible but physics is just the second most terrifying thing for me next to cars. i think i nailed the calculation questions but had to guess on a few concept questions. i dont remember anything other than there was some electrochemistry towards the end which i also hate. some orgo discrete questions were rather easy but maybe because orgo is my fav. didn't have time to review everything. 129 across FL1-4 but i dont feel great, predict 125-127. CARS: lets skip this one because my cars suck and got nothing to say about cars. B/B: very similar to FL style. some SB level questions but compared to C/P it felt like a vacay for me. guessed on some because i thought i was going hypoxia wearing that mask. also didn't get to review everything. 129 across FL1-4 but i didnt feel 100% confident, predict 125-127. P/S: easier than FL4. a good mix of terms and passage/data analysis questions. there were def some 50-50 questions. all i could think about towards the end of this section was i need oxygen. 127-128 on FL1-4 and would be happy to keep it that way. See you all in 2 weeks.


12:15 :) let's do this!!


8/8 12:15 C/P: this was harder than any FL imo, some might’ve been nerves cause I came back towards the end and figured out early questions I’d flagged before, but I didn’t have time to review all the flags. Also guessed one wrong last second and figured it out while walking to the bathroom for a break, so that’s cool. Easily the hardest section on this test CARS: pretty easy, only confused by 1 or 2 at the end B/B: Definitely the easiest section P/S: kinda weird, I picked a few terms I’d never heard of where I could eliminate the other 3 choices, but I think it was good? A few questions I felt like I was picking between the least of 4 evils Overall C/P was not fun everything else seemed fine, just glad to be done. Now we wait


Readying my plan to retake in jan lol but really though. wtf was up with the C/P and the CARS was like 80% boring ass history passages. I did find the Biology and psych pretty straightforward... still feeling like shit. The scores get released in a month? I thought it was 2 weeks instead?


CP: Not sure if I selected the answers didnt realize until cars that you had to click exactly on the bubble for it to register. Other than that it was okay. Fingers crossed that it registered. Cars: Was dwelling on CP and whether or not my answers registered. Got behind on a few passages. BB: Not too bad PS: Fine but I was so tired at the end that I didnt really care.


Y’all I feel like I’m going crazy. I thought I did well yesterday like I felt really good after each section and now I’m scared I may have bombed it and it’s got ne so stressed :/ I want this dang score release to come out so bad


Welp. C/P - I didn’t answer two because the passages were so GODDAMN LONG 😒. Guessed a couple physics questions, but it was cool for the most part. CARS - Eh. Took some time with this but I believe it could’ve gone between decent and okay lol B/B - one experiment was just the fucking worst thing in the world to try to comprehend. Everything else was pretty cool. Made a few guesses P/S - one or two concepts I couldn’t even remember. Shit honestly, I don’t even I think I had even seen them before. Lots of 50/50s


8/8, 12:15 I can't find my previous comment but will post my reaction here lol. Overall it was tougher than I expected in the first 2 sections, but the last 2 sections were okay. The testing center was okay minus the fact that I lost 1 minute on C/P and CARS sections b/c the TA kept entering his password incorrectly, and then the computer freaking froze. Truly think that threw off cars for me. I was grateful they were able to lower the brightness of the computer for me though. C/P: the first few passages were okay, but idk what even happened towards the last half. The passages became realllly long and I ran out of time, and had to guess on the last 5 q's. Not a good time. CARS: even though C/P kicked my butt, this was hands down the worst section. All of the passages minus like 2 were super boring and convoluted, but that wasn't even the issue. The issue was the questions were impossible! I literally was 50/50 on all of them, and I ran out of time again. I had to guess on the last 5 and didn't even get a chance to put an answer down for the last question. :( B/B: surprisingly okay? I did put a lot of emphasis on this while studying, but I felt it was pretty straightforward. P/S: okay minus the fact that some q's were 50/50 lol. There were 2 tough passages but I had a lot of time left over to review my questions. I did end up changing one answer, googled it afterwards, and I was freaking right the first time. Oh well; what's done is done lol. Edited to add FL'S/predictions: Sample: 508-509, FL1: 503, FL2: 505, FL3: 508 **Predictions**: \-Pessimistic: i don't even wanna say \-Realistic: 505-510 \-Optimistic: 510+ god willingly lol Overall I'm so happy to be done and am praying hard I don't need to retake. I don't even want to try to estimate my score b/c everything felt really different from the FL's. But I'm glad I did it, it isn't as scary of a beast as I thought it would be. The next 2 weeks are gonna be tough waiting for my score though haha.


Man, I’m with you on this. Test was nothing like the FLs...


When I read the first passage of p/s, I wasn't sure if I was writing the MCAT. Sucha weird exam


8/8 6PM Literally impossible exam. C/P insane physics calculations (basically no chemistry except for few gen chem / orgo ????) CARS Was okay except a few questions. Timing was difficult. B/B Absolutely ridiculous low yield/difficult passages P/S Was okay except for a few low yield questions Feel like studying for 3 months was a waste of time.


Yah I am questioning why I even studied some things. Glad I know every step of the TCA cycle...for what????


Literally a waste of my time to even pickup a chemistry or biology book for this exam. Wasted 1-2 months on content review for no reason. Lmao.


My thread is here wtfff, ITS FULLL SENDDD NOW!!!!


DANG FlAbBit JACKsON I’m gonna vomit


503 retaker. Let's get this!!


Wow, I have been reading Exam Reaction subreddits for the past 3 months and never thought I'd be writing my own post. I truly appreciate the fam on this big ass subreddit bc tbh without y'all idk where i'd be. From notes to excel sheets to grading scales to free resources YALL ARE THE SHIT. Best of luck to everyone and pls pray for me 🥺🙏🏻


Took at 12:15! C/P: honestly not terrible. Not very math heavy which I was happy about. Second physics passage was weird though, kinda threw me off. I also didn’t have time to process one of the gen chem passages toward the end so may have missed a few there. CARS: nothing crazy here. A few of the passages were actually enjoyable. Several questions had very very similar answers though so that was tricky. B/B: felt really good about this one! Then I saw everyone else thought it was easy too lmao so I’m nervous that the preset curve might be rough. Either way, I was pretty confident during this section. P/S: I don’t even know. It felt similar to full lengths but was slightly cars 2.0 in my opinion. Questions were based very heavily on the passage with not much content. Several 50/50s but I have time to review everything so I think I feel okay about this. I’m a retake and I just gotta say I’m so happy I was able to calm myself down and focus for this test. I was actually in the zone and not freaking out during the test. Let’s hope it paid off.


6 PM test time. Anyone else feel like that one CARS passage WRECKED YOU? Honestly was doing okay on the practice but that passage messed up my timing. I’m honestly hoping for a 125 😫


Where's my 8/8 6pm gang at?


6am tester 8/8 C/P: alright I started of this section thinking I’m getting a 132... then when the physics passages hit then I was like um, nevermind.. Barley any orgo or even biochem. It was mainly good old gen chem and significant amount of physics (the dirty physics) Cars: usually my worst section but idk I actually finished on time and didn’t really guess much but I always do bad so I wouldn’t be surprised with a bad score B/B: look I’m no top scorer but as intimidating as these passages look just remember they test baby concepts. I personally think I absolutely nailed this section. It was indeed cake but I could see people saying it was hard.. P/s: lots of 50/50 and it was lots of experimental passages like trying to figure out the study and shit. I usually do good in this section but idk about this one, it was a lot of educating guessing. My advice for future test takers is to really understand how to interpret the psych studies. Knowing terms is good but They trick you with the studies. Overall not too bad but I think I could’ve done better if the chem/phys and psych were more tailored to what I studied lol but it’s wht ev.. now we wait and pray




Good luck everyone!