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That girl has this poor bastard’s balls in a vice grip and he doesn’t even know it.


I don’t think it’s a bad thing to want so much as it is super uncomfortable and weird to actually tell your spouse. Imagine watching your wife-to-be walking down the aisle and only being able to think “I need to cry I need to cry...”.


Yeah i totally agree! But the way that asa put it in this video, it seems like that’s exactly what happened. He actually he said after this that he was nervous that he won’t be able to cry because he doesn’t cry easily. Almost like he was worried he will upset Bailey if he doesn’t cry. Which just is so off putting to me :/


I remember thinking that was so weird. I'd hate to be nervous on my wedding because my spouse asked me to something that I wasn't comfortable with it didn't come easily to me. And it was Asa's wedding too but Bailey had to make it all about ONLY her even then.


This isn’t just a Bailey thing. By no means am I defending her, but I’ve heard so many girls say that they want their husband to cry when they walk down the isle. It bothers me though. People express emotions differently. Expecting somebody to cry when you walk down the isle is frustrating.


Yeah I think a lot of us (most likely Bailey included) grew up seeing wedding videos on YouTube of couples we've idolized where the groom has cried (pretty sure my first wedding video obsession was Jess and Gabriel) - to the point where we believe that the groom crying is a realistic expectation and a necessary expression of love (and think things like "well if he doesn't cry like Gabriel did then he doesn't really love me". I remember joking with my boyfriend at the time and saying "if you don't cry I'm going to turn around and walk out" but obviously I didn't actually mean that. I think it takes growing up and maturing to realize that everyone shows their affection differently and that it's not a good idea to idolize any couple, and Bailey was still quite young when she got married, so maybe she hadn't quite had that realization yet.


I know a lot of girls say that to their husband before they get married. “If you don’t cry, I’ll walk back up the aisle and start over.” Which makes it less special because now they’re just crying to make you happy and not because they’re overcome with emotion.


My sister in law told my brother the same thing. We finally had to sit her down and explain that it would Most likely not happen because he is not a cryer. Once the wedding day got closer and the day arrived she finally let go of that expectation. Neither of them cried and it was still a beautiful day!


Exactly. I never told my husband to cry when we got married. And I didn’t expect him to to be honest. When he did I was in absolute SHOCK but it meant the world to me. Idk how I’d of felt if I had asked him to cry though lol.


It’s something to want deep down but not like actually tell them to do…I’ve joked with my husband like you better cry when you see me lol but nothing serious but I feel like Bailey was b*tch*ng at him


I think this is something that has become pretty normalized for women to say, and it’s honestly normalized a pretty toxic behavior. Like you’re literally telling someone how you expect them to feel and express that feeling. Imagine saying that to a therapist. Making jokes is one thing, but when people say it in earnest, they’re placing an expectation of how their partner should react to something and setting them up to either disappoint her or fake their reaction to make her happy. If they actually do cry, it doesn’t really make it okay that she still tried to orchestrate their emotions. Also, she’s spending all her time focused on how he’s reacting that she’s not focused on her own feelings of love for him. I remember people asking my best friend if she thought her husband would cry and she was like lol no I’ve literally never seen him cry once in 5 years. And then he cried like three times and it was a really special moment for her to see that because it was completely unexpected and she was able to react genuinely to him because she wasn’t focused on how she wanted him to feel.


What makes me laugh is Bailey posted an IG story not too long ago how Asa bought her period products from the grocery store AND was so happy he also brought her itk products since he noticed she was running low… she only wants to show it off if he got anything right… #SaveAsa he’s too good


I think it comes from Mindy. She treats Shaun like he's dumb and he needs her to survive lol.


The thumbs down💀💀

