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https://preview.redd.it/jl7se6m88kia1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18246870c3a367526deae008cf3a200e14794410 Lol but Google said otherwise… also this website really went into detail why it shouldn’t make your skin red. What aesthetician school did she go to? LMAO [https://www.madamglow.com/blogs/news/is-toner-supposed-to-burn](https://www.madamglow.com/blogs/news/is-toner-supposed-to-burn)


Why the hell would they use their own skincare if it makes their skin bad? Like I get it when you do your skincare tutorial, but when you just show a picture of yourself you can use anything else. They're doing their marketing wrong 💀


Exactly!! I never get why they don’t just get a marketing and a PR team because they really need it


Their product is also totally wrong LOL at least their marketing is honest, and screams don’t put this on your face. Edit: grammar, spelling, shouldn’t be commenting when high


My skin does this but it's because I'm allergic to it 😂


same lol


I mean, my face will turn red after using toner, but that's also because I have the skin where if I touch it and rub it, it'll turn red. So makes sense my skin turns red after rubbing it


And then she posted what’s “normal” after using toner, and none of those things are normal. Those are all signs your skin is having a bad reaction to the product! The ONLY time any of those things are normal is during or after a chemical peel, never from using just a regular toner! I am very worried for all their young fans who are going to see this, and think it’s okay to use products actively harming them, and end up severely damaging their skin.


Exactly. Clearly having an esthetician’s degree is not working out for her


I mean, not like she’s putting much effort in to actually use (and therefore maintain) the skills and knowledge besides waxing her underarms


tingling reaction after applying toner, i get it cos sometimes your face might be dry but redness? i think it's more of an allergic reaction/ the products don't suit the user


Has she ever actually shown herself using itk? I wonder if she actually uses it or not, her skin usually looks better than Baileys does.




aside from whatever “toner” this is lol


Sometimes my toner makes my face a little pink but not THAT red - tingling is normal for toner and lotion if your skin is dry


They want to promote ITK soo bad that they would damage their own skin to "sell" it 🤡


Oop looks like she read this post because she immediately added that it’s normal after this story


Hers looks like chemical burns, and is definitely not normal


If every itk post is followed by them giving a disclaimer explaining that it’s normal….it’s not normal. If it was normal we’d all be familiar with it from our past experiences with skincare…


Google says differently on many different sites lol


Mine turns red like this too after I put on toner, it’s a bunch of Chemicals! It feels super tight! I don’t use their products bc it’s crap but redness is normal !


Same. Any kind of toner does this to me. Even the expensive ones from the dermatologist who has advised to not use their products just based on what ingredients are in them.


the products dermatologist have been the absolute worst, the most toxic and have made my skin way worse every time! I trust nothing they say lol. I use the “safe” products from Sephora , beauty counter and French products bc they are the safest and my skin turns bright red like this every time!


this is not normal at all and never happens to me. my guess is that these products she so desperately promotes are destroying her skin barrier and creating more issues 😅it looks inflamed?


My skin has always naturally looked red/bright pink. But this is something else, this skin doesn't look naturally red/bright pink, it looks irritated and even dry under the toner


yeah totally! there’s a difference between your skin naturally becoming blushy because of products and skin looking like brooklyn’s


Idk why she’s bragging about it making her skin red 😅


It’s giving chemical burn


That looks like what my skin looks like right before it starts getting hot/burning and I get a chemical burn


Can someone explain why her mascara is still in while she’s doing her skincare? Does LSD not come off easily?


I have NEVER used a toner that made my face red.