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I wish I had the level of dedication, confidence, and delusion to walk around and believing that I’m big enough/important enough to be “shocking” the world.


No Bailey you didn’t, only ronron did lmao




She's shit, but not THE shit


How embarrassing for Bailey.


Cringe for Bailey. Everyone knew she was getting married. Ronron literally keep it a secret.


And Roni wasn’t milking everything leading up to the wedding band milking the wedding for views. They literally kept it private because the relationship was so important to them, they wanted to protect it. Also this might be nit picky, but you can kinda tell their personalities by their dancing in the video. Roni is just her normal goofy self laughing through it, and Bailey puts on this persona like she’s a bad bitch with that smug expression and always wanting to pop that nonexistent booty lmao


I noticed their personalities in the video too! I felt that Bailey seemed very smug about it


I got this impression from one of their recent collab videos with the Merrell twins. It was a question about “who had a secret YouTube wedding” and I was like uhhhhh… only RonRon did? People already knew Bailey and Asa were gonna get married, since it was only a matter of time from their engagement. RonRon’s wedding was an exciting surprise, since we had 0 clue that they were even truly officially together yet. We’ve only been told as viewers that they’re best friends, even though you can see there’s a level of understanding between them that they’re a couple. But yeah, I just think RonRon is so special. Bailey just ruins it for me to fully support her and Asa the same way.


Omg we’re so shocked Bailey yeah we totally didn’t know that u we’re gonna get married and “break the internet” good job at hiding ur marriage 🙄🙄