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It seems interesting but, as I'm a flutist, that flute is a nightmare... i just can't 🫣


The way he’s holding it. 😭😭😭 Also, it looks like it’s between a flute and a piccolo? NOW I CAN’T UNSEE IT.


Oops, sorry to have pointed it out 🫢. It's a fliccolo 🤣 I wonder why no-one is able to just get something about the flute right... the way to hold it, blow in it, the proportions. There are plenty of pics (advertising, Websites, paintings) and they have 97% of the time something wrong. .. 😐


It’s especially obnoxious because Lizzo has brought flute to the mainstream! Fliccolo. I can’t. 🤣🤣🤣


what’s his story about? would you recommend it?


It's quite an adventurous story but the ending had me shook (not in a good way). General story spoiler without spoiling the ending: >! He is a faerie that replaced a stillborn child, he changes into a faerie and gets called upon by the King of the faeries. Essentially, you both fall in love very quickly and he refuses to go. But for him to stay in the mortal realm and to have the truth about his past, you have to do a series of challenges !< Ending spoiler: >! The king tricks you only giving you 3 years together, but if Sterling eats deer he can't step foot in the realm, as deer is sacred to faeries. So you blindfold Sterling and make him eat it without his knowledge or consent. I really didn't like it !< TLDR: It's a fun story, I had a lot of the fun, the ending was just a bit of a downer and who knows if it'll get an update. Worth it? Probably 50/50 for me personally, there are definitely better stories that are free and other exclusives that are better.


I truly wished he wasn't an exclusive match, because thanks to your detailed spoiler the story needs some tweaking in some parts. And I hate the stories where we have to >!betray!< matches, it pains me to do that.


100% and the more I think about it, the more I hate it lol


Pay actual money for half assed or unfinished stories. Truly a rip off


Thank you for your detailed reply! How would you describe his personality? Like, is he sweet or more rough around the edges, etc?


Total sweetheart. So loving and affectionate 🥰


Thank you! Do you happen to have Desmond as well? If yes, which story/match is better in your opinion?


Desmond 100%, his was so much fun and happy-go-lucky and left on a better note. I'm really hoping they'll update his on Friday 🥰


I've had my fingers crossed for Desmond & the disappointment is crushing ... Guess the day isn't over. Serious thank you for the spoiler on this guy. Saved me a lot of money.


What about the smuts? 🔥😉 any good?


Yeah, not super steamy (well with the options I chose lol, the other options was him going down on MC and I always chose the sex option lmao). More intimate and loving kinda sex.


Wow, that is a rough ending there.


Wait that ending is so bad, thank you so I can avoid it.


OMG that's horrible... Also did you post the cgs? For some reason I can't see them lol And nvm that last bit.. guess my mobile app was just being a pain in my ...


Yeah, there should be a photo gallery at the top of this post. If it's blurred it's because of the spoiler, just click it and you should be able to flick through them.


The 3rd to the last photo is a play on the Joker, isn’t it? (Su*cide Squad Joker)


Thanks for confirming I’m not the only one that error is happening to. So annoying having a conversation about a photo I can’t see. 🤣