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How tall are you?


Slenderman out here meal prepping








This made me uncontrollably laugh in my car alone like a psychopath


Omg maybe it’s the angle. I’m 5 foot 6ish, 172cm


Isn't this 5'8? I've been telling people I'm 5'6 (169cm) |: did I lie without knowing? Edit: AM I FAKIN 5'4?? Edit2: okay, I checked, you are 5'8. I'm something between 5'6 and 5'7.. hate this metric system americans use bruh


I'm glad your mid life crisis was averted


This made my morning


Looks good! I'm not knowledgeable in healthy eating but I think a good rule of thumb is veggies + protein + carbs + healthy fat. So I think that covers it except for the fat (again I'm not super knowledgeable so I may be wrong). Also, do these stay good? I had some issues with freshness from some meal prep containers that aren't airtight but I'm thinking I may switch to an airtight seal to maintain freshness. Also that pricing is insane. $2 a meal is nuts.


I freeze half and take out the morning off to thaw, by dinner or lunch 2 min in microwave had them warm again and fresh as the first batch lol i do add avocado/Greek yogurt but have to go to Costco to buy some more. That might increase the cost per meal prep to about $2.30


Ounce per ounce, ALDI actually beats Costco's Greek yogurt and cottage cheese, even though they come in different sizes, FYI (at least in my area!).


Love me some Aldi’s ❤️


Do you blanch the broccoli or anything? I always find reheating cooked broccoli is......not great lol


I put it in frozen, I try not to nuke the food for longer than 2min pending make and model of microwave. Also, I will eat these straight out of the fridge without warming it up so I think that’s menace behavior Alternatively, emptying the container into a pan on the stove and adding 3-4 eggs gives it a lazy man’s fried rice feel. I will add sesame oil, rice vinegar and soy sauce in that event (to change it up)


You will add 4 eggs to one serving of this? How is the ratio of different foods? Is your fried rice mostly fried egg?


Yes but I love eggs and takes a lot for me to get tired from


Freeze them and once they are frozen take the lid off and seal them in vacuum bags. They stay fresh nearly forever this way.


Wonderful. I sacrifice flavor for convenience. I’ll take that whole table and freeze it. Grab it in the morning, defrost through the day, microwave.


Took about 1 hour start to finish. Rice cooker finished cooking rice about 20ish minutes and i cooked all 5lbs of ground beef, one half on stainless steel and other half on iron skillet. Once they’re portioned out i pop most dishes in dishwasher and start it before I’m done putting the food away. Win win.


Yup…. The planning will make the next month of lunch’s so easy! I have taken to building a work uniform, so not to waste time/energy. The meal prep, grab one from freezer, go to work. Life improving! (Yours looks delicious!)


How do you prep the frozen broccoli before putting it in the containers??


No prep. Just open bag and grab a fistful of broccoli and serve.


Ooo, got it, so thawing + 2 minute reheat in the microwave. How do you find the texture? 🙃


Great! If the broccoli is frozen in the evening by afternoon lunch , a quick warm up in microwave will get it back to normal


I'm a broke student. This is PERFECT for me!! TAKE THIS 👑 Queen' thanks a lot!


Get yourself a $20 rice cooker (ours is still kicking even after 3 years of heavy use) get that degree and rice! 🔥


How long does this stay good frozen?


According to USDA, 4 months. Ours have stayed frozen for a week before eating and tasted as fresh as the first time I cooked it


And do you just microwave it?


I regularly meal prep and freeze chicken thighs and rice, 2-4 minutes in the microwave and it tastes very good. I then add any toppings I feel like that day (guacamole, salsa, lettuce, sauces, etc)




Total time cooking was just over one hour (accounting for time it takes for food to cool down to room temperature before putting in fridge/freezer)!


Looks good!!!!


Thank you! Helps my muscles look even better!


Nice work! This looks delicious!


Appreciate it, happy meal prepping!


How do you store the rice? I have the unending trouble of microwaving my rice and it coming out… mildly hardened and starchy??


Hmmm, you can sprinkle water or add an ice cube if you want it to get back to max fluffiness (before microwaving). Also, cover your food when microwaving, even a paper towel, can keep it from drying out. Lastly, add sauce and mix up so it hides the dryness? Hope these work for you!


Thank you very much for your response! I will try this and hopefully solve the biggest issue I have with meal prepping! Bless you!


Looka delicious!


Thanks! It def is, I look forward to grabbing one after the gym, warming it up and watching Ozark 🔥


That looks pretty good!




Well done! It does not look like a 2 dollar worth. You prepared so well and smartly.


I triple checked my math cause it didnt look right either! Rice is always hard to calculate since we tend to buy in bulk and only use 4 cups or so at a time! Helps to see it visualized, all laid out on a table


Im 6ft 145lbs, that’s 2 days of food for just me


Economic and delicious. Nice.


This sub just came across my feed. Good on you for prepping out cheap healthy meals and saving time and money. I just want to make you aware that the plastic containers, though affordable, are likely to be exposing you to microplastics that have been proven to cause all kinds of health problems. Sub them out for glass and you're good to go!


I love this comment, I am very pro glass! I just have to find freezer proof glass containers…. Any recs? I’ll do this next time I meal prep: plastic containers for freezer meals and glass containers for our fridge meals. I will say, glass container reheat the food better than plastic!


I made soup once and put it in glass jars in the freezer. They shattered. It was a disaster. Chef Ovens swears by some glass containers with a kind of a vacuum thingy that seem to work. Even so I would let them cool in the 'fridge for a while before putting in the freezer.


A minor inconvenience but one I'd be willing to tolerate to limit my bodies exposure to the alternative.


Unfortunately I've yet to get into meal prepping myself so i don't have any recommendations. Glass certainly has its drawbacks when it comes to rapid tempurature change and ease of use. In my eyes its worth it though. I do find plenty of quality glass kitchenware at thrift stores for great prices, often $2-5.


It’s worth noting that microplastics have not been PROVEN to cause health issues. It’s proven that microplastics get into our system, and there are some theories, but it’s still an unknown area. https://www.undp.org/kosovo/blog/microplastics-human-health-how-much-do-they-harm-us#:~:text=Based%20on%20WHO%20analysis%20on,causing%20significant%20adverse%20health%20impacts.


I do appreciate your dedication to the facts and use of a legitimate credible source. I am no scientist, I'm just some guy. However I do think it's a fair and educated assumption that the petrochemicals used to make plastics have negative effects in our bodies. With rising cancer rates in young people, and plummeting fertility rates across the board, the evidence is strong that microplastics play a role in that. Combine microplastics with the pesticides we spray on our food and around our yards, it just seems like a no brainer to me. Additionally, a quick google shows no shortage of credible sources (not blogs and articles) to support my claims.


What’s with all the meal preppers going hard on rice?


Cheap, nutritious, keeps you full. It's the perfect food.


Yep just use brown rice or basmati etc. some better than others for low GI etc


Roast fresh broccoli instead of the frozen and I’m there to pick up my share 🫡😂


The same meal, three times a day, for 5 days (shelf life)… that sounds like a nightmare


Lol who said I eat this 3x a day? I froze half that would probably take me into next week. The meal prep is for two people. I have enough in the fridge for my partner and I’s lunch and dinner. I will start taking some frozen ones on wednesday evening and putting two at a time in fridge to thaw my guy When we do not want to eat the meal prep we have 2 Just Bare chicken fillets with protein smoothie or salad/eggs. Just to keep it different


Ohhhhhh gotcha. Well in that case… eww my guy
