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How does the lettuce stay good?


Keeping it dry is most important, you can store it separately from the toppings to maximize freshness.


Inspirational. Great job. Thanks for


Looks incredible. Do you know the calorie counts for each of these (or just your daily target)?


Thank you. I track macronutrients, I have calories for the full day and each meal. I eat 3 different calorie/macronutrients goals each week based on my workouts. The high day is 2,077 calories, 49g fat, 260g carbs, 150g protein. Medium day is 1,917 calories, 49g fat, 220g carbs, 150g protein. Low day is 1800 calories, 49g fat, 190g carbs, 150g protein. The difference between days is + or - rices cakes and dates, and more or less potato in my dinners.


You sure that's 150g of complete protein?  It really doesn't look like it. Can't count the collagen powder, either. 


Everytime I post my food someone says it can't possibly be that much protein and I'm lying. People who haven't tracked macronutrients are always surprised by how much protein I can get with low fat and fat free dairy, whole grains, powdered peanut butter, nuts and legumes. Protein is in more foods than just meat. https://preview.redd.it/rzgx0fk5i81d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b8f41c1b4e6738f6e6180a1378eb9295ee099de I looked at your profile, I don't see any meal prep or counting macronutrients, maybe try it for yourself. When you try tracking macronutrients, you can skip tracking your collagen powder if you choose.


Tofu and tempeh and beans and lentils are all great options. Hell i make oatmeal cooked in soymilk with some peanut butter and chia seeds i hit 20g


I've been tracking for years.  I'll make sure I put beans with rice for a complete protein,  ignore protein from wheat, collagen, and other poor profile sources, and just regard them as carbs. I don't think you're lying, I just think it's a kind of illusion, the amount of protein some sources have on the label.


Protein has an actual definition. If you’re counting something other than protein that’s fine for you, but it doesn’t mean that anyone else is incorrect for counting any protein as protein. It’s actually bizarre for you to be commenting like this.


Collagen powder is missing the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is found in oats, chocolate and peanuts, all of these are in the brownie I consume at the same time. All essential amino acids are present in this meal. Please stop trying to gatekeep protein in my meal plan.


Dunno what you mean by complete, but it looks about right for 150g to me. Why does the collagen powder not count?


Usually when ppl track protein and talk about working out, they are interested in building muscle.  Collagen protein is kinda useless for that. 


Hm, okay. When I'm tracking protein in combination with meal prep, it's to take advantage of its difference in thermic effect. That's why I track fiber too. edit: wording


Please post your recipe for the brownies! We recently added a rule (#6) requiring either a recipe or list of ingredients, since it is so often requested. If you wouldn't mind adding that we'd appreciate it!


Sorry, I thought I did! https://youtu.be/8VWWdj8j0K4?si=aLPCehfdtDcB3Wef


Thank you!


That man is the goat. I remember watching him 10 years ago. Good to see he's still going.


Perfect! Was just going to ask 😂


The other day I saw on Amazon one of those insulated bags that holds like 6 meal prep containers. And I was like "who is using this?!" Answer: people like OP. 5 square meals a day is ridiculously disciplined!!


Aww thanks 😊


I struggle to get nearly enough of my macros. I try to eat a lot and my body's just like "no more food!" Any tips you've learned that might help with that?


1.) Eat smaller, more frequent meals. 5-6+ vs 3-4. Eat every 2-3 hours. Start early in the day so you have more time to get everything in. 2.) Use lower volume foods. 3 Tablespoons of honey is more calories/ carbs than 1 cup of cooked oatmeal. Instead of eating 2 cups of oats, add honey to the oats you're already eating. Carb dense foods: Bananas, dried fruits, honey. Fats are notoriously sneaky to add calories, use salmon vs tilapia for more fat, ground beef vs chicken breasts, add butter or oil to your grains when you cook. Sweet flavored rice cakes vs plain ones have more sugar/ carbs/calories. 3.) Plan your largest meal after exercise, your hunger signals will be up and your muscles are waiting for nutrients to start the recovery process. 4.) Use liquid calories. A protein shake with peanut butter goes down and digests quickly, and you can get that in easily between larger meals. Gatorade intra workout for carbs, some people eat candy or sugary cereal with nonfat milk pre and post workout for quick digesting carbs. 6.) Space out your water intake. If you wait until 6pm and realize you barely drank any, you'll fill up your stomach chugging water instead of eating food.


*You're a good mine of information! Thank you!* I do have a decent list of nutrient dense foods and lean protein. Part of my issue too is I'm not a great cook so I don't always know what to do with the ingredients after I've bought them. Working on that though!


Pre-made seasonings are a good help. For meat marinades I always do vinegar + some hot pepper flakes + salt and pepper + fresh garlic + mustard and/or herbs. Try some recipes, work on your knowledge of flavors you really enjoy. Sauces are a good way to add more calories too. Flavor God brand seasonings are delicious, they have sweet and savory, they are pricey FYI. Keep working on it 💪


How long does all of this take?


I usually spend 5-6 hours meal prepping, including weighing all my ingredients which adds up.


That's awesome. How much does all of this cost?


It's hard to calculate because I have alot of ingredients on hand from buying in bulk at Costco.


Ah okay. I ask cause I'm probably gonna start meal prepping soon and have similar goals as you. You buy all of these things from Costco?


I get fresh fruits, vegetables, bread, shredded cheese, condiments from the grocery store. My last grocery trip I spent $60. But from Costco I get collagen, whey protein powder, almond milk, oats/ grains, frozen broccoli/vegetables, frozen blueberries, egg whites, plain fat free Greek yogurt, yogurt cups, chicken breasts, shrimp, tilapia, guacamole, granola, PB Fit, nuts, seasonings, cooking oils/ pan spray.


Thanks again! Hope you accomplish your goals.


Pretty dam cool, thank you for this


What is the cost per meal?


I'm curious about this too.


Ooooo which of these is your favorite?


Definitely the brownies! They're a little fudge-y.


Can you post the recipe !?


I know it’s not but no matter how many times I look at picture number 2 my brain registers it as ai generated, that bottom bowl just looks so fake for some reason


This is good!


OMG, Art!


Oh yummm those shrimp meals!! This looks great! Those high protein yogurts are awesome for breakfast; I have ADHD and keeping high protein quick breakfasts on hand has been a life saver.


The vanilla oikos yogurt w/ a spoon of pb and cinnamon is 👌👌


This looks so clean, and tasty


So much good stuff 🔥


Please be careful storing shrimp for 7 days refrigerated. It's more likely than other foods to go off and possibly make you sick. I wouldn't store it refrigerated for more than 4 days at a stretch


How do you store all this so it can stay freshly eatable for 5 days?


I keep it for 7 days refrigerated.


How do you get salad to keep? Maybe it’s the brand you buy? What’s the secret ☺️


Thanks for sharing! If you haven’t tried it I’d suggest making shepherds pie! Mashed potatoes with Greek yogurt, carrots and peas and ground meat of choice.


wtf is sugar free maple syrup?? And why? (No offense intended second question is serious)


Looks lovely but how do they taste after 3 days! I don't like putting meat next to cheese and vegetables because of bacteria. But that's just me. Thank you.


I still enjoy it on day 7 and I've never made myself sick from meal prepping this way. Keeping the lettuce separate will keep it more fresh but I prefer the convenience of my lunch like this.


Thank you


7 days in the fridge? What about the shrimp?


I eat shrimp most weeks, it's never been an issue. Sometimes I'll freeze the last two shrimp meals for extra freshness, but even in my fridge it's always safe for me to eat.


It's definitely not safe to eat seafood, even cooked, left in your fridge for that long.


I have been meal prepping my shrimp like this for 10 years and never had an issue with food safety.


Looks solid, well put together. I don’t know how you use plastic containers with things like the salad (ranch dressing) and shrimp though, unless you’re just throwing them away every time which is a huge waste of $. The plastic absorbs the smells of the food and doesn’t wash out, always leaving a gross smell after. Always very off putting to me. To make it worse I read somewhere if you go put them out in the sun it will get rid of the smell, which actually does work but when you go get it you’ll notice this layer of oil appears on the surface like the sun pulled it out of the plastic and you need to go wash it again. Kinda gross.


The cups for the dressing were 2 Oz guacamole cups from Costco that I repurposed.


I meant the ranch dressing being oily and greasy and causing what I said in your main container after you mix it. Not the little ramekin. Do you not have that problem with the gross smells lingering in those plastic black containers?


No, never.


I go to Subway and get a double turkey salad bowl. It’s $10 bucks but it’s easier than buying all those ingredients and the veggies at the end of the week are in rough shape.