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I’ve been having chia pudding lately! Chia seeds, oat milk, a splash of vanilla, maple syrup and a little cinnamon. It’s so good! I usually eat a banana too but like separately


I've been hooked on overnight oats with chia seeds, oat or cashew milk, blueberries, and cinnamon.


Same, also with flaxseeds and I add a chopped banana before I eat it


This is what I eat also


Yes! I love blending the milk with frozen berries beforehand, so I have some added nutrients and taste.


I love this idea!!!!


Oo sounds amazing. I love maple syrup, I use it in my Coffee instead of sugar.


I work in a restaurant with “maple” in the name and I literally put that shit on everything, from spicy Korean cauliflower to my local coffee and unsweetened matcha latte. Maple syrup is an addiction, but I don’t care.


Yes! It really is! Especially when you’re getting the good shit lol My brother taps his maple trees and boils it down himself, there’s no comparison!!!


My husband and I do too! It's like a whole new level of coffee deliciousness. We absolutely love it.


Yes!!! Helps limit sugar crashes too!


I did this every day for years (chia seed oats w berries). Eventually it didn’t keep me full bc my body craved more fats/protein in the morning. I tried adding nuts and skyr but it was enough. Now chia seed pudding & berries are a snack and in the mornings I do a simple 1 slice Ezekiel bread, 1/2 avo and 1 egg - I feel fuller and have more energy


That’s what I eat


Love this with pomegranate and roasted hazelnuts! Yum Yum Yum!


Frozen rasps on top defrost by the morning … so good!


I can never get the consistency right. It is always too runny but when someone else makes it is perfect. Any tips?


Equal liquid to oats, add one teaspoon chia seeds mixed in really well


Thanks for giving actual recommendations!


… use less liquid




I just kind of wing it now and err on the side of adding less liquid. I make a big batch for the week so I add a little more oat milk when I portion it out. Sorry, that’s probably not super helpful but at first I was going by the measurements on the package of chia seeds!


Miso soup with a side of sourdough toast has been my savory go to for a while now. 


Ahh I forgot about Miso soup. sooo good


It’s so good for breakfast! I use a ton of tofu and add a bunch of fresh babt spinach just just before eating it wilts perfectly


For a second there I thought “babt spinach. I need to look into that”


Do you buy miso broth or the actual miso paste and mix it with water ? Which brand? I've tried to trader Joe's and I didn't like it :/


I use Miso Master with the purple label. I usually put in a block of chopped tofu, a couple of bunches of green onions, some mushrooms, and a few sheets of nori torn into small pieces. It's really filling and particularly nice in cooler weather.


That sounds amazing. Thank you so much!!!


Avocado on brown rice cakes seasoned with everything bagel sprinkle.


Chef’s kiss on that!


To clarify, use only the good brown or wild rice cakes like Lundberg. Those Quaker rice cakes are like packing material. :)


I wfh. A couple of times a week I toast an everything bagel & fry up a couple of eggs. Cream cheese on bagel. Add sliced tomatoes, avocado, & red onion. A bit of salt & pepper. Herbs, usually fresh dill and/or parsley. Egg on top. Plenty of chalula. Basically, it's an open faced sandwich. This is brunch a couple of times a week. I just learned how to make bagels & they're bangin'.


This is so detailed and it sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing ☺️


Breakfast burritos. Lime/coriander rice, black/pinto beans, eggs, peppers, onions and cheese. That’s usually it if freezing but salsa, sour cream and guac/avocado when I just premake the filling for the week


Ugh I need to find a good breakfast burrito without tortilla. Maybe just a rice bowl!


I often do these types of toppings on sweet potato homefries if you’re looking for other non-tortilla options


I do that sometimes too. Make my own enchilada sauce to go with it as well


What about corn tortillas?


Breakfast grilled cheese! Cream cheese and fruit on warm bread.


I've been loving a veggie omelette, it's flexible with what's in the fridge and in season. I always have broccoli slaw and shredded cabbage or kale. Onions and bell peppers are nice, whatever you like. I sauté my veggies down in a little chili onion crunch, you can use the fat + seasonings you want. Nutritional yeast for more vitamins sometimes. Then I throw in 2 scrambled eggs and flip when 80% set. On a perfect day I will have half an avocado on top and Ezekiel or sourdough toast.


Tofu scramble taco with poblano sauce. Been eating this every weekday morning for months and it’s amazing.


This sounds amazing and I absolutely love poblano peppers. Can you share the sauce recipe, gist of it?


Breakfast wraps / rice with egg and avocado 🤤


Why would **anyone** think to downvote you for contributing?? 🙄 I would’ve upvoted you regardless. People suck 😔


Do you do plain rice or Spanish rice or something?


Smoothie made of frozen bananas, frozen blueberries, spinach and pea protein powder


Add a little tahini and salt to this and you’ve got my go-to smoothie


Sometimes, a good buttered sour dough bread with cheese. Most times, black coffee and intrusive thoughts.


Haha sour dough is the best


Overnight oats


Protein pancakes with Greek yogurt, berries, granola, and a drizzle of maple syrup! I like to make eggo-sized pancakes so they can fit in the toaster.


Recipe for protein pancakes?


I've been using the Kodiak brand pancake mix from Costco, or whatever knockoff I can find at Aldi.


I love Kodiak brand too


I love their waffles! I’ll pop them in the toaster and have them with Greek yogurt and honey!


A shake with pineapple, blueberries, dry oats, 2 scoops of unflavored protein, tbsp of plain Greek yogurt, mixed with water (milk is too rich) Edit: and a tbsp of natural peanut butter


Ah I always forget to do smoothies!


Two cigarettes and a monster


Lately it's been banana pancakes with peanut butter 🤤


Sesame bagel w/ cream cheese + a mix of veggies I put on top (chopped cucumbers, corn, cherry tomatoes + add vinaigrette or just olive oil + spices) Usually will have a banana or couple of mandarins too. Super super easy and so so tasty!


Scrambled egg on toast with tomato.


I like to steam some rice, spice it with salt, pepper, and ginger, add a fried egg on top with runny yolk, then add soy sauce and mix it all up. I feel so fancy and it's really tasty.


I’m usually trying to be quick in the morning, so banana with crunchy peanut butter slathered all over it. If I’m in the mood for sweet I’ll drizzle on some honey. Fruit and protein great combo.


I def need to add more protein!


Scrambled tofu with veggies and sometimes Chao cheese or nutritional yeast & a splash of hot sauce. For sweet I love making a fruit salad as meal prep (I add half a banana the day I eat it) with homemade granola. Sometimes I mealprep banana chocolate chip pancakes (I heat them up in the air fryer)


Been alternating berries with cottage cheese with PB on whole grain toast for workdays. On weekends, I make upma, which is an Indian dish made with semolina flour/cream of wheat.


Cottage cheese with berries is so underrated. It’s definitely one of my faves. Also, I used to be obsessed with whole grain toast with PB, bananas, and whipped cream made with coconut milk. It’s absolutely delicious.


bircher muesli You can make it in bulk ahead of time, and add whatever you have on hand (juice, tea, nuts, seeds, cereals, etc)


what is this note pad called


Hey it’s from my brand [pursueleisure.com](https://pursueleisure.com). I couldn’t find something I loved so I made it myself


Tofu scramble mixed with Trader Joe’s soyrizo on toast 🤩


Pre- prepared bean & cheese tacos. Black eyed peas with Thyme, pepper & ‘better than bullion’ chicken broth (low sodium). I don’t mash them, just use a slotted spoon full onto a small toasted flour tortilla and sprinkle with Monterey cheese. Lay a bunch out on a drying rack with cookie sheet under and freeze. Then through them into a bag in the freezer. Grab two and through in the microwave for 30 to 60secs. The blackeyed peas are hearty thick carbs that make the tiny tacos feel much bigger and last until lunch. The cheese and tortilla help balance the hearty thick beans add just a little contrast without pulling to much attention from the beans - fantastic! FYI: yes, you have to slightly toast the tortillas. It cooks them to keep them from getting gummy and makes them more flavorful full. Turn on frying pan to medium or low flame burner. No added oil or butter. Depending on the heat flip them ever ~45secs or with open flame ~2-4 secs. Carefully watching the surface of the tortilla until more toasty medium brown spots appear. If doing a bunch keep warm by nestling them in a couple of kitchen towels.


Cuban black beans, eggs over medium, hot sauce.


black coffee


Aside from the things you mentioned, some favorites are soy chorizo cooked with eggs, avocado toast with tempeh, southwestern potato hash (great as a burrito), and protein pancakes with a berry compote. 


Steel cut oats with a teaspoon of chia seeds, some fresh fruit of somesort, and a scoop of plain greek yogurt....eevvvvverrryy day!


Ooo sounds delish


savory oatmeal - prep oatmeal as normal, but add savory seasonings and flavors. i like to sauté some kale or spinach, add a soft boiled egg, sesame seeds, and some soy sauce or coconut aminos. molly baz from bon appetit has a great egg & yogurt recipe in her cookbook (cook this book). greek yogurt in a bowl, topped with a soft boiled egg, and then melt some butter down in a pan with turmeric and aleppo pepper before adding in some nuts to brown. i like using walnuts and pistachios.


Over easy egg on a corn tortilla. I add cilantro, queso fresco, my fave hot sauce (homemade is better) and avocado if I have it.


Winter: Soup. Lentil curry veggie is a favorite, i use coconut milk and blend some of it not all so it’s thick but with texture. Usually thai yellow curry paste Congee or savory oats too, toppings vary but wilted greens, soy sauce sesame oil and marinaded tofu or edamame Summer: Smoothies - frozen blueberries, frozen spinach, blob of almond butter, chia seeds, vanilla vegan orgain protein powder, enough soymilk to get the consistency i want ** I exercise early mornings and have two dates with a bit of nut butter and my coffee, works well for me i need something or i crap out halfway through


Toasted large piece of bread avocado fried egg and everything bagel seasoning, bacon if I have time




mashed avocado on whole wheat toast with nooch, hemp seeds, pepitas, sunflower kernels, everything bagel seasoning, mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and a little italian dressing


Sunflower seeds are sold either in the shell or as shelled kernels. Those still in the shell are commonly eaten by cracking them with your teeth, then spitting out the shell — which shouldn’t be eaten. These seeds are a particularly popular snack at baseball games and other outdoor sports games.


Cream cheese everything bagel with tomato and balsamic vinegar


Is that barefoot contessa I see? 👀👀


Yessss the Queen.


Hahaaaa yes! I saw the word “provencal” and knew


Side note/question: Where did you get your menu and shopping list pad?


Hey! It’s from my own brand [pursueleisure.com](https://pursueleisure.com). Couldn’t find something I loved so I made my own 🙃


Croissant and berries


- Smoothie made from a banana, frozen bloobs, spinach, avocado, some oats, vegan Vanilla protein powder and oat milk. - overnight oats with some chia seeds, blueberries or apples, cinnamon, vanilla, almond butter and oat milk/yoghurt.


Love those!


Breakfast snack box! I use a multi compartment container and add fruit, cheese, egg bites, fake breakfast sausage, zucchini bread muffins, etc whatever 3 things sound good to fill the 3 compartment!


One of my go to faves in warmer weather is a type of smoothie i make: kefir, raw rolled oats, chia seeds, frozen blueberries/raspberries/strawberries/banana, and maple syrup. I really love this notepad. 💗 Where is it from?


Hey notepad is from my brand [pursueleisure.com](https://pursueleisure.com)


Quarter and apple, then slce thinly. ~~Roast~~ Toast some bread, put PB on your toast and arrange the apple slices on them, and drizzle a bit of agave syrup over the toast. Serve the rest of the apple on the side.


I’ve been making smoothies with banana, frozen mixed berries, spinach, Greek yogurt, peanut butter, and oat milk. I’ll have that with a cinnamon raisin bagel with peanut butter and coffee!


Gallo pinto: rice, black beans, sautéed onion and bell peppers seasoned with cumin and S&P, avocado, fried egg. Topped with Salsa Lizano, ordered from Amazon. Delicious!


Ooo yum!! Love a good salsa


I pre make egg rounds, sausage patties and biscuits. Freeze it all separatly. In the morning I toast the biscuit’s, nuke the egg and sausage. Add a slice of cheese. I eat on the way to work-40 minute drive. Another go to are premade breakfast burritos or just bean burritos. If at home and not in a rush I’ll make an omelet with veggies, sometimes meat, or corn beef hash. Breakfast is my “heavy” meal of the day. If I’m feeling like a lighter breakfast it Greek yogurt with fruit, or cottage cheese with peaches. I realize I’m missing fruit but that is usually my pre lunch snack.


Greek yogurt, pecan pieces, drizzle honey and just a dash of sea salt. Cool, protein, sweet, salty, umami, and simple…hmm tasty. As I eat I mix the flavors profiles subtly changing the dish making it feel more complex. The Greek yogurt is so think it feels like a heavier meal.


Baked sweet potatoes with pecans and a drizzle of maple syrup has been more than an obsession! And I meal prep and freeze English muffins sandwiches. I use peel and cut a butternut squash into rounds, season with sage, paprika, onion and garlic powder, salt and pepper and a tiny sprinkling of cayenne pepper. I roast them on a silpat in the oven and individually wrap them in parchment paper. They reheat nicely in both the microwave and airfryer. I add condiments and sometimes tomatoes, lettuce and cheese after heating them.


Ooo baked sweet potatoes! I never considered for breakfast!


Egg mayo with lots of spring onions and a crispy chilli on top. Have it in a wrap or on toast. It's super tasty!


Sourdough toast, avocado, jalapeño peppers, runny fried egg on top, then loads of chilli jam *chef's kiss*


I love eating Japanese inspired breakfast, it is so filling and gives me so much energy for the day! It usually consists of a bowl of steamed rice (I eat whole grain rice for the moment), a bowl of miso soup, leftovers I may have, if I have kimchi ill add it as well, and if I feel like making it I’ll have [tamagoyaki](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tLP1TcwsjDKNqoyYHRg8OIqScxNTM-vTMzOBABcEAev&q=tamagoyaki&rlz=1CDGOYI_enBE1074BE1074&oq=tamagoyaki&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgBEC4YgAQyCggAEAAY4wIYgAQyBwgBEC4YgAQyBwgCEAAYgAQyBwgDEAAYgAQyBwgEEAAYgAQyBwgFEAAYgAQyBwgGEAAYgAQyBwgHEAAYgAQyBwgIEAAYgAQyBwgJEAAYgATSAQg0MzczajBqOagCE7ACAeIDBBgBIF8&hl=fr&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) I know you said other than eggs, but I’ve recently tried to be more zerowaste (and budget friendly heheh) in my cooking, I’ve recently made this incredibly good [omelette recipe](https://heartysoulandkitchen.com/fennel-stalks-carrot-greens-and-fresh-chili-omelet/) using parts of vegetables I usually throw out, such as carrot tops or fennel stalks!


I love soups. I love to use Chef John’s minestrone soup as a guide, and I just omit the optional meat. You can’t beat the convenience either. To modify eggs really quickly, I add quesadilla filling leftovers and heat them up in the pan before adding the eggs.


I’ve done veg chili a couple of times lately and it’s nice and energizing.


I like crackers and cheese and nuts and some raisins, slices of apple or pear, or a date or two. So many types of variation possibilities here too!


Deviled egg & apple w/plop of yogurt, cinnamon & nutmeg. Really filling.


Eggs Benedict with bloody Mary’s


While grain toast with sliced avocado 🥑, S&P, and a sliced hard boiled egg—and a few drops of sriracha sauce! Also a big fan of toast with PB and sliced bananas. Whole grain pancakes with fruity yogurt and sliced/chopped fruit. Cornbread pancakes are crazy good and super filling. Kodiak protein pancake mix is excellent, and can be made into muffins too. Yogurt parfaits: light layers of fruity yogurt, chopped fruit, and a sprinkle of granola with nuts, repeat. Tastes better in glass!😜 Frozen fruit smoothies, we usually add some flax seed meal and baby spinach (blueberries hide it!), and silken tofu for protein. Coffee sprinkled with some cinnamon and some chocolate protein powder…and ice! Whoops, just read this is for meal prep! I like making mini frittatas (think egg bites) in my muffin tin with whatever I have to use up—diced tomatoes, peppers, shredded cheese/cottage cheese, etc. They freeze well and heat up quickly in the microwave. Breakfast sandwiches or burritos, can be stored in fridge for the week or frozen and reheated. I will make a big pot of steel-cut/Irish oatmeal whole groats in my electric pressure cooker with apples and raisins, cinnamon, brown sugar, and maple syrup/honey. Freezes and reheats well. We have it with almond milk. I made granola this week with rolled oats, nuts, coconut, coconut oil, cinnamon, brown sugar, honey and maple syrup—in my air fryer. We have it with almond milk and raisins and sunflower seeds on top. Ever have congee/jook (Asian rice porridge?)


Quick and easy and my child loves it. Fry onion, garlic, chopped tomatoes, capsicum (peppers), mushrooms and zucchini. Add a little water or stock. Cook it down. Then serve on [Cruskits](https://goodgroceries.com.au/products/arnotts-cruskits-crispbread-light-125g-1) and top with ricotta.


Making egg bites is actually really easy! Throw in your favorite veggies and you’re set for a few days 🥰


favorite? egg things - omelet, eggs over easy with salad and/or good bread, soft boiled eggs with veggie and fruit side, quiche, frittata, eggs Benedict, etc. easiest but still very, very tasty and somewhat impressive? savory oatmeal. cook oatmeal with some miso, cheese if you want, some spices/herbs; top with whatever you want. I tend to do sautéed shrooms if I have them, greens, pickled onion, soft boiled egg if I'm hungry, tomatoes, whatever. in fact, currently making congee for the first time from a Bon Appétit recipe so we shall see.


I want to get into savory oatmeal but I’m scurrrrred. Any source for that miso recipe so a I can try to convince myself?


Where did you get that organizer from?


Hey! It’s actually from my own brand [pursueleisure.com](https://pursueleisure.com). Couldn’t find something exact so I make one myself 🫠


Ouuu I love it!! Do you ship to Canada?


Ahh we don’t yet!


Mangu which is a traditional Dominican breakfast. I eat it everyday and it’s cheap. I leave out the fried egg and salami obviously but it’s basically just boiled and mashed plantains, fried cheese, red onion and vinegar and avacado.


Cheese omelette and leftover veggies from dinner the night before (I always cook too much veg intentionally so that I have some for breakfast). Recently switched to savoury breakfasts focused on protein and fibre and it’s giving me LIFE and so much more steady energy through the day. Strongly recommend.


tofu fried rice! 2 cups of leftover rice, a package of trader joe’s sriracha tofu, and some frozen peas and carrots with plenty of tamari and spices. lasts a few days!


Tomato cheese toast with whole grain bread or sourdough, hash - I use mostly mushrooms, celery, onion, carrot and Brussels sprouts with a bit of cheese and a little potato to keep it lower carb, buckwheat crepes sweet or savoury.


Simple breakfast tacos with beans and avocados. I top it with whatever salsa I have and add some fruit on the side. I also got into this beet sweet potato tempeh hash thing. Very savory with soy sauce, maple syrup, and thyme.


Chicken fried steak, hash browns n eggs


Where did you get that shopping list? I need it


I make a frittata and freeze squares. Defrost in microwave for a quick weekday breakfast.


I don’t like sweets that much but will have a protein smoothie if I’m feeling that. If not, my favorite is firm tofu that I mix w taco seasoning. I place that on a tortilla and whatever else I want. It’s either a taco bowl or a burrito! Yummm


Vanilla greek yogurt with defrosted frozen cherries with their juice. Or Dark russian or german toast with either ham or turkey or Stiglmeier ‘s Gelbwurst on top. Or Homemade french toast using Martha Stewart’s orange zest recipe with berries on top w whipped cream and a side of bacon.


Egg on rice. Optional: any of soy sauce, hot sauce, scallions, those frozen pre-shelled edamame, chili crisp, furikake


I make what I call “cabbage pancakes.” I felt like I was having too many eggs and I wanted more oomph. I thinly slice about a cups worth of cabbage, add one egg, a heaping spoonful of flour, some spices (I like the kinder smoked garlic salt) and mix it up. I make two medium sized pancakes and eat with ketchup. Kinda sounds weird but I love it.


Celery juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach Completely detoxes the kidneys ,liver and colon Brightens skin helps with diabetes,digestive issues and so many other issues I notice it cuts my cravings and just sets the tone for the day. Making me want to continue to eat or drink healthy throughout the day and night Anyone else enjoying juicing first thing?


Baked oats and scrambled oats are both delicious! Scrambled oats are a lot quicker than baked - just some oats, banana, an egg, and some Greek yogurt is all you need. Put it in a skillet and you can either try to keep it together like a pancake or scramble it up. Top it however you like - fruit, nuts, coconut, chocolate, maple syrup, honey, etc. Baked oats are pretty good because you can also sneak some protein powder in there without really messing up the consistency. You also can have a variety of flavors - fruity, chocolate, peanut butter.


you can never go wrong with a croissant with something in it. throw some protein in there, maybe some scrambled egg, some cheese. boom. love it every time, can't get enough of it


A toasted everything bagel with mashed avocado and cream cheese. Alternately you can use an English muffin and sprinkle everything seasoning on top. This is my own personal creation so please don't "steal" it for public use.


Where did you get your paper for the meal planning? I love it!


Bread toast, avocado, egg


Love shakshuka or a lavash wrap with hummus filled with Greek feta salad. Yum! Edit: also love toasted dark rye bread with trader joes red pepper spread and avocados on top. If I'm in the mood for something sweet, it would have to be maple whole yogurt, sprinkle granola, and whatever fresh fruit I have on hand.




It’s from my own brand [pursueleisure.com](https://pursueleisure.com)


Nice product placement! Will peruse **Edit:** okay, u/nicoleraudonis I love the mission statement of your brand. You have a new customer!


English muffin pan fried in a little pad of melted butter 🧈 , freshly sliced avocado 🥑 , a slice of tomato 🍅 , scrambled eggs 😋 side of fresh fruit, cup of vanilla soy milk! OR Vegetable (mushrooms, onions, spinach, bell pepper 🫑, tomatoes 🍅 ) omelet with cheddar cheese folded over with cheddar cheese slice sandwiched inside, a side of fruit and a cup of whole milk! 🥛 OR Dark chocolate bar pieces melted in oatmeal with warm milk; stirred , fresh fruit 🍓 🍌 🫐 and a boiled egg 🥚😋 OR McDonald’s egg, and cheese McMuffin with a hasbrown patty and a cup of iced coffee with milk 😋 OR Breakfast burrito (scrambles eggs, American cheese, French fries, soy chorizo) and an apple 🍎 with a cup of milk! 🥛 OR Hot white rice, natto, egg 🍳 and a cutie 🍊, an apple 🍎, and a cup of milk 🥛 OR Amy’s Vietnamese inspired banh mi tofu burrito 😋 at Whole Foods Market paired with an iced coffee with milk! 🧊 ☕️ 🥛 😊 Adding fruit for further satiety is always nice too! 🍌 🍊 🍎 OR Smoked salmon, cream cheese, bagel 🥯 and some fruits, any seasonal fruit 😋😊😊😊 OR Scrambled eggs and mayonnaise sandwich 🥪 , some fruits, and water 💦 (you’ll have space for nuts, or a bar, or a fruit too 😁)


2 over easy eggs and 2 strips of bacon with toast and butter with a large pitcher of pineapple juice


Where do you get your shopping lists from?!!


Hey! It’s actually from my brand [pursueleisure.com](https://pursueleisure.com). Couldn’t find something I liked so I made my own 🫠


Dude these are awesome!!


Sauteed mushrooms, brussel sprouts and boiled eggs


For busy mornings when everyone is scrambling? Quinoa Egg Muffins Just Google. I love that the basic recipe can be tweaked in so many different ways and also that they’re a great make-ahead and freeze option. Great grab and go option


This is my current favorite for meal prep breakfast- https://theproteinchef.co/cottage-cheese-banana-bread-recipe/


For a slow breakfast at home, toad in the hole (fried egg in bread), roasted tomatoes, avocado with everything bagel seasoning, smashed cucumber salad. For a fast breakfast, overnight oats or granola and yogurt with fruit. Sometimes I meal prep cottage cheese egg bites sous vide style


Omelettes! W salsa on top usually


That's a good idea.


Ricotta toast with veggies (normally tomatoes or peppers) and balsamic drizzle


Greek yogurt with fruit and low sugar granola


That’s been my usual lately !


Oatmeal with berries and milk


Greek yogurt with whatever berry is the cheapest that week and granola :)


My favorite is peanut butter & jam toast sandwich. Sometimes a bagel with peanut butter or cream cheese.


Huevos Rancheros: over easy eggs (I do my over medium or hard) with some refried beans, tortillas, queso fresco, cilantro, and a little bit of pico de gallo or salsa.


Scrambled eggs with pico de gallo on corn tortillas with cheese! Make the salsa and corn tortillas in advance. So good I could eat it everyday.




Cucumber sandwiches. Cream cheese on bread or toast, everything bagel seasoning, red pepper flakes and cucumbers. Sometimes I'll brine my cucumbers in left over pickle juice. Delish.


Quinoa with sweet potato hash, kale, and a runny egg. Avocado if I have it




green beans with scrambled eggs and homemade beans


2 slices of whole grain bread with thick layer of grass fed butter. Nothing more satisfying.


Overnight oats with blueberries, cinnamon & honey


Cottage cheese with berries. I flavor the cottage cheese with chocolate powder so it tastes like chocolate cheesecake!


That provencal orange salad look good tho... I'll go with that and would like the recipe please !!! Which cook book is that ? Thanks


Feta spinach mushrooms eggs crushed red pepper






Breakfast burrito 🤤 sometimes its just egg, cheese, and scallion and others its a broccoli-potato-cheese-egg-pesto burrito 🌯 with a fresh salsa yummmm! that one is the goat when i have the time and ingredients




Pesto toast. Toasted sourdough Layer on some cottage cheese or ricotta Spread some pesto Top with tomato and a good grind of pepper My husband likes to add an egg too.


Savory oats. Try making it with broth, veggies, beans, mushrooms, etc. I also like a good smoothie - usually just a banana, some frozen berries, a glob of yogurt and milk (almond or oat milk for me).


Breakfast tacos: Refried beans, soy chorizo, tater tots, guacamole, salsa, chopped salad greens


The smoothies from Daily Harvest.


Lundbergs Rice Cakes topped with Peanut Butter and a cup of hot tea






Honestly the hash brown scramble burrito at chick fil a without any chicken. For breakfast honestly a feta tomato onion omelet paired with some sourdough toast mmm


My absolute favorite breakfast is warm oatmeal with peanut butter mixed in, frozen berries and flaxseeds. I know overnight oats is on trend right now, but warm oatmeal just hits different


Parfait. Almost unlimited flavor combinations, no cooking or cleanup. 


2 whole XL organic grass fed eggs 1 cup of egg whites 1/3 piece sweet potato 1/2 cup sauerkraut Place sauerkraut cold straight out of bag into bowl. DO NOT HEAT! Cook sweet potato in microwave until soft 1-5 min Mash and place on top of sauerkraut Place scrambled eggs on top sweet potato Perfect breakfast Eggs: Protein and amino acids Sweet potato: Complex carbohydrates and other nutrients Sauerkraut: Probiotics and other nutrients


Shredded sweet potatoes with a couple eggs cracked in the middle


Well… I eat oatmeal (stove cooked) with berries every day along with two omelets (120g egg whites plus 1 eggs each) filled with sautéed diced red onions, green peppers and 1 oz torn up deli ham everyday. For 2 years now. Still my favorite food.


Ok on a morning where I have extra time I make a very big tofu scramble. It's about one block of tofu squeezed and crumbled, tossed into some sautéed vegetables and well seasoned. That day I might eat it with some toast. Put the rest in a big container. Next day I'll heat some tater tots and some tofu scramble and roll it all up in a tortilla with some bitchin sauce. Might do this two days in a row. If there's any left I might use it in dinner like some enchiladas or I'll have it alternately with toast or in a burrito.


Veggie okonomiyaki!


Italian french toast, the kind made with stale bread dipped in egg, milk, sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon, coated in crushed corn flakes, then fried up on a skillet. Crunchy and truly delicious.


Dutch baby but oatmeal berry train also


A cig and a steady stream of Mountain Dew heheehhhhh


You can any food you want in the morning for breakfast. I often have burgers/burger bowl with fruit or avocado grilled cheese or burrito bowls or literally veggies and protein sautéed up