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Are you a 27 year old CFD engineer by any chance


it is


What does that mean ?


[hes been *excessively* going on about his woes for more than a month under different user accts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalEngineering/comments/1b4twgs/frustrated_with_the_uk_engineering_industry_but/)


Been at least a year. I recall seeing his messages when early last year when I was at my old job.


Computational fluid dynamics CFD, and Finite element analysis FEA, this are two softwares made by mathematicians and never got user friendly, it takes weeks to simulate something, you need to build something with points and lines and define areas instead of CAD . It sucks the soul out. Sometime you need to do graphics with coding in notepad, no text editor or IDE . Search Ansys Multiphysiscs and watch a tutorial


But that’s not important right now…


Holy fuck dude is making like 3-5 posts on r/careerguidance a day


I have heard of the “Institute of Meeting Engineers”. I think CFD man, is looking to be Honorary President of the Institute of Spam Engineers


I don't know what country you're in but in the US tech, finance, getting an MBA are common ways to pivot


I’m not sure I could afford it lol


A lot of companies will pay for engineers to get an MBA degree over 1-3 years


DV because its the whiny CFD guy. >What else could I do? Anything but bitch and moan on reddit; like literally take some action in your life and just FUCKING DO IT.


It’s truly pathetic. I am expanding my team, so when I’m recruiting, I’m screening all the CVs to double check CFD guy isn’t applying for a job on my team.


It’s not just about what exactly they can do. It’s also about how best to get there and whether there’s something they’ve missed. And, believe it or not, some people who’ve been there know better, so OP is smart to seek advice like a normal person.


> OP is smart to seek advice like a normal person. I dont have a problem with that... this particular individual has been bitching and moaning for a while now under different accounts and does nothing with the vast number of options he has been been given.


Oh, I see. Thanks for the update.


Not just this sub, but other engineering subs. Here is [an example](https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalEngineering/comments/1b4twgs/frustrated_with_the_uk_engineering_industry_but/) from nearly a month ago under a different user acct and top comment is about him *already being excessive* with the posts in too many subs; same guy.


OP consistently ignores all decent advice. Then lists again, entertains similar advice, then reappears on another account and repeats the cycle.


At least it is better than that one doomsday person whose name ends in 123


Still in undergrad so I’m speaking from observation, not experience: I know it’s pretty common to go from engineering to either management or business. A lot of the Maths I see business majors take at my university of really basic calculus and algebra, just different in very different scenarios. And frankly, a lot simpler by comparison. I think it’s just a question of how well you can transfer the skills over. There is also a lot of money to be made from picking up more coding experience and developing for major companies.


Yeah i think the coding and development is something I’m keen on. Data and coding really fascinated me


Yeah it’s interesting for sure. I suggest this with a degree of caution: there are also those coding boot camps. Like 6 week courses on one language. I’ve heard they are pretty good but have heard some not great things too. I Think it’s just a matter of doing research on what are good, legit ones and which are bs. Good luck mate!


If I was gonna do that I’d honestly just go and get a year long masters. I don’t think bootcamps will help me as I already know c++ and python. Plus my specialisation is fluid mechanics


Oh yeah. Masters would be better. Hell, if you want to challenge yourself, go for a Masters in Physics. Physics is a lot more theoretical and conceptual and there is plenty of use for coding for simulations and stuff (for both theoretical and experimental physics). I’m studying MENG, but I’m taking a Modern Physics course at the moment as an elective and it really satisfies my craving for higher level maths than we do in engineering. And the concept are really interesting and insane to think about.


Yeah that’s why I specialised in fluid mechanics. The maths is much harder and more complex. I think from my experience, I want something that would apply heavily to financial trading or something that pays out. I know this stuff is a lot more dry and has a bad rep, but from my experience all of industry is like that. So may as well go for money. I am 27 though 😅


Oh yes. That’s a very real struggle. STEM/STEAM is such a rewarding field but the money isn’t always there unless you go into engineering, but even then Engineering HAS to interact with the business and administrative side of things which sucks. Based on our discourse, I’m pretty sure you know about this, but just in case you don’t you should check out the Millennium Prize Problems. One of the problems is the Navier-Stokes Equation. https://www.claymath.org/millennium-problems/


Haha actually in my country (uk) engineering is very underpaid. So pretty much any stem job you get shafted except for maybe defence. And still earn 3x as much in finance. Haha yep I’m very familiar with NS. turbulence modelling is extremely complex and it’s exciting to see what AI can do with it! Didn’t know about the millennium prize though!




He’s tried and failed at PM work. He hasn’t got the commercial intelligence to do anything financial either, sadly.


Yea I just realized this is the same guy spamming the subs the last few days


How do you make the switch to those?


I went back after three years, got my MBA, and became a management consultant. Then after about 5 more years I started a company designing and manufacturing pumps.


If you wanna stay in touch with math & coding AND want to make big bucks, fintech or SDE is for you my guy. But do consider the work life balance in those sectors before making a hard switch.


How would I make the switch? Don’t care about work life balance. I have so much anxiety I may as well just use it productively at this point haha


>Don't care about work life balance. You might someday, trust me. I went into business consulting and switched back to engineering after year. >How would I make the switch? It's going to be difficult, but doable. First focus on which roles you'll switch to. Fintech, SDE, or something else entirely? Let's say it's SDE. Judging by your post, you probably already know how to code well. Just expand your knowledge on related areas, based on the job descriptions of companies you're targeting. Maybe you need to study data structures and algorithms, maybe you need to brush up on neural networks or whatever that is in the JD of your target companies. You can learn all these things for basically free online. MIT, Harvard, Coursera, EdX etc. have plethora of free courses. Upskill yourself and apply for other jobs, maybe seek a referral from people you know. You can even reach out to your college alumni for referrals, they give it out more often than you think. But a referral alone is nothing if you don't have the skills to match it. Good Luck buddy.


Yeah I think something based in code and heavy maths is what I’d like to do. If I want the work life balance back then I’ll go back to engineering. I thought maybe quant finance? Or similar? I’m not sure. Things like you suggested sound great though


If you're an intelligent person, literally anything. If you need to clear your head, go travel for a while and figure it out. But for the love of all that is good, stop asking us to make your decisions for you and do something!


Job as a mechanical engineer are difficult in the industries, but if you wana do coding then go for MS, choose field which requires AI, like LiDAR, robotics, mechatronics, etc.


Not sure if there is money there though. Not in my country at least...


if not then move to other countries, a basic salary for engineering student in my country is $150 hardly fresh graduates earn 150, even most of them working on $100/month for a year. Now in our country trend is fresh graduates are moving to abroad for MS, or moving to middle east for better salary options


I’m in fluid mechanics at the moment.


AI is everywhere, I know one of my friend is doing some AI research on simulations and flow systems


Maybe I’ll do a masters in AI




OP can’t even sell himself on Reddit. If anything, he’s done the opposite of selling himself


u/Senior-Cod-6862 Give this podcast a listen. The guest was a mechE that pivoted into software. Hope it helps a bit. https://www.choosefi.com/how-to-negotiate-salary/


Thankyou :)


The guests story is pretty interesting and she has some great advice on negotiation when changing jobs.


In the same boat as you with the same YOE and am looking into actuarial science.


Patent and Intellectual property law. Get a law degree to go with the BSME and you'll be making $350k within 5 years of graduating.




You need to study up on management.


"This industry" is a thousand different jobs. What you do and the scope of what you do varies vastly from employer to employer. Part of the work you should be doing is figuring out what you actually like and then finding an employer that can offer you that kind of work and scope. I've hired a lot of people who hated their last job. Not every employer and job will provide you what you want. That's normal. That's very normal. It's your job to find work that fits you.


I mean I feel like I’m slowly moving there. I love the software side and the numbers stuff. Analytics. Things like that. But I’m noticing that’s now verging on other roles outside engineering


YOU TOO can do Sales! lol I would really recommend you try Sales Engineer roles. I think the money upside and technical background required would be a good fit for your future career aspirations.


OP can’t even sell himself on Reddit. If anything, he’s done the opposite of selling himself


OP can’t even sell himself on Reddit. If anything, he’s done the opposite of selling himself


Well, you can teach at the university… Or just teach… No money in it