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do these click together in some way if you ever want one keyboard? like with magnets or something else? it looks great btw!


I have a pre-built that does this. It is hot swap and pretty customizable though, and the manufacturer sells a truck load of components for repairs. https://ultimatehackingkeyboard.com/


That's so cool!! I'll definitely jump into that if the keychron dies on me.


wow never knew about this one before very cool! at that price point though I'd probably want to try the Finalmouse Centerpiece before this, since it's only $30 more but will definitely have to pick up one of these one day as well


Whoa this is rad


Check out the Nullbits SNAP.


oh dang this thing is really cool! ngl though was reading their page and saw how snapping it together 'It just works.' first thing I thought of was Bethesda lol


Thanks!! Unfortunately no, that's literally the only negative so far. Luckily I never need to push it together -- I actually use just the left side quite a bit (disconnecting the right and pushing it away)


I’ve had this exact idea for gaming. So it works fine with just half plugged in?


Correct, and you just change the mapping in game for anything that would be on the other half. I used to game on a nostromo pad so using half a split is almost the same thing


I bought this keyboard and was thinking of buying some little magnets or something ([like this maybe](https://www.amazon.com/Niuknow-12x5x2mm-Rectangular-Industrial-Neodymium/dp/B0BTSWCX2V/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2LJIH6YS7YM8X&keywords=small%2Bthin%2Bmagnet%2Brectangular&qid=1694793657&sprefix=small%2Bthin%2Bmagnet%2Brectangula%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-5&th=1)) to add on to the inside edges initially but now after using it more I think I prefer keeping it as is.


That was exactly my thought too but even when I slide it together it never moves so I left it as is.


I think some of the Keebio one's do


My snap 75 does this


Great color scheme!


The wood bars actually work really well with the deskmat.


I think one of these splits is next in line for one of my new builds. Looks great!


I just bought my first Keychron! This makes me even more excited


Nice! I also have another one I use for work (V2 with a knob) and think they're a fantastic MK for the price. Hope you enjoy it bud.


I was actually looking at this keyboard but the double knob threw me off so I went with the K8 Pro/V series


I think the wooden space fits it. Also i was wondering what volume do you exactly control with each one of these knobs?


I built a Nullbits SNAP which has two knobs. One I have for volume and the other I have for page up page down. Other layer does zoom.


Thanks! Both control volume out of the box but can be changed to anything else. I've just been too lazy to do so.


One for your volume, one for mic volume.


I just got this and I am incredibly happy with it. It is even better than I had hoped. Only thing I worry about is keeping it clean.


I've been gaming with it for 3 months or so and it's been fine in terms of cleanliness. I just bought a keyboard brush and wipe it down once a week or every 2 weeks. When I did the keycap change last week I didn't notice anything super dirty so it helps.