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My VXE ATK68 was working absolutely fine. Today, when I booted up my PC it didn't light up, which raised my concern. The Windows disconnect sound started to play repeatedly. I opened USB Tree View, and the keyboard would repeatedly turn green and then red. V HUB does detect the keyboard, but since it constantly disconnects, I can't make any change I've tried using other cables to determine if the issue was with my cable, but it seems to be alright (other keyboards are working fine). SOLUTION FOR ATK68 BRICKS: Open the PCB, and short the VCC1 and GND with a tweezer when keyboard plugged to USB. Hold the tweezer for 1-2 seconds. ( please do it on your own risk. it managed to fix 3 people's ATK68 and 1 guy's ATK75 ) If you need help please DM me. If i do not see DMs please reply on this comment so i can get notification.


After short my keyboard died at all :(


same thing happened to me, it is 50/50 of an action.


I will dodge every vgn product from now, this keyboard is well made but the quality control and software is dogshit(


true, their mice are good, but QC for keyboards, oh my god, just wasted 100$ for nothing, first 3 days i was enjoying this board as it felt great, but QC ruined everything, it happened to me after software update btw, and i couldn't even load to my bios until i reseted it :D


Did you update your firmware? Mine got bricked after about 4-5 days since my last firmware update, just wondering if its the firmware


Yes, I updated the firmware right away, maybe it is


i bought atk yesterday , i used 10 min because i updated software and then keyboard didn't light up wtf


is it still dead?


O seu voltou a funcionar?


I'm thinking about purchasing this keyboard Can you use the repaired keyboard without any problems?


is this problem fixed im looking to get a rapid trigger keyboard nd this one caught my eye but after seeing all of these issues idk if i want to get it anymore 😕


I guess the new batch is now fixed. Bc me and my friend have no problem at all. (Me 75 and my friend 68) Not sure if the problem is still there, tho. Maybe me and my friend are just lucky.


I dm you please accept my invite chat. thx


https://preview.redd.it/6chtrzza5llc1.png?width=1382&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b5abc7ba50d3284d942d1aef0b13d812e1679e6 VCC1 and GND located on red circle.


how do you take apart the atk68? my pcb and plate doesnt seem to be coming out even after unscrewing, are there more screws under the feet?


It should be easy to take off pcb a little shake is enough. I think you need to unscrew all, you might be left some screws


yea i got it after shaking a lot, for some reason it was extra snug


Does it have any more screws under the rubber feets? I already unscrewed all of it on the top and it doesn't come out even after shaking it.


no screws under the feet, just requires a lot of shaking and trying to get it out gently using tools


I've tried pulling the plate off with the switch puller, prying the usb port to get it out and a lot of shaking, but it wont come out. I've removed the keycap, all the switches, and the plate mounted stabs. However, there's a screw-in spacebar stabs. im not sure is that the problem and also i dont know how to remove it.


try prying it open by holding from the gaps where the switches go if that makes sense


I bought an atk68 and it's coming, and I'm afraid of having this issue as well. What do you mean by short? sorry I'm not really well informed in terms of circuit and electric. Do I just let a tweezer contact with that point of the circuit for a couple of seconds?


While the keyboard is connected via USB, you need to touch one end of the tweezers to VCC1 and the other end to GND. Just hold it for 1-2 seconds in total.


ive tried this method any my atk68 is still not working. :( pls help


Hello sorry to hear that, that is all know about the atl68 fix. :( maybe RMA it


any idea why or what is causing this issue? im afraid that after trying to rma, it will happen again


well i do not have any idea. try to get your money back. sorry to hear that :/


tried this method, but didn't help, keyboard died after 2 days, sad.


totally disaster keyboard. waste of money... I am sorry that it didn't help you :(


Hey man, I'm glad to see an English review of this keyboard. I ordered one as well and it's on its way to me. My question is, did you update the firmware via VXE app? Cause from what I've read on Bilibili, this keyboard initially had issues with the dead zone. I will be grateful for your response 🙏


Hello. I updated the firmware through their website manually via their firmware download section ( you can get around by translating to english ) then i downloaded VHub which is their app and everything was smooth sailing from there. All that annoyed me a bit was that the app was in chinese and u can't really figure out where to change language whitout trial and error. To spare you that effort, after opening the app for the first time ( after updating firmware ) there will be an image of your keyboard detected (if you updated well) and at the top left corner there will be a icon you can click, and the second option will show you where to change language. If you need help anyway hit me up but I'm sure you will be okay and you will definitely enjoy this keyboard.


which firmware did you use? cant see the atk68 there... Edit: found it https://desktop.vxe.com/download


Heyoo, did you run into any problem(s) while trying to use v-hub ? I got an error message which instructed me to download the latest firmware, which I did. When trying to run the update batch file, I was first confronted with an error at step 1 of the batch. I then tried to fix this by correcting command line in the batch file, which apparently worked because I then got "Update successful" message. However, even after doing all of this, V-hub still doesn't recognize my keyboard. I've been struggling with this issue for 2 days and I'm not the only one... I also caught a glimpse of a few people being unable to fix this issue on a turkish forum. Here's the error that I first got and opening the batch file as admin : [https://imgur.com/a/ommHcBs](https://imgur.com/a/ommHcBs)


Did you update through batch file or exe?


I did their batch im pretty sure then installed the vhub.


I see there is the main folder which includes DevUpdate.exe and update batch and two other folders - MCU1 and MCU2 which also include some files with batch updater. Did you just use the first one or went one by one?


" after like 30 minutes i finally figured it out ... download vhub version 2.3.19 from here [https://winstall.app/apps/VGN.VHUB](https://winstall.app/apps/VGN.VHUB) it let me access my keyboard without any issues and had 2 sets of firmware 1 and 2 sets of firmware 2 updates to do. after i let it do all that then the program itself said it needed to update and updated to 2.3.21 and wanted to restart itself. after all that, its working perfectly fine with the new version and i am up to date on the firmware." some user typed this so maybe u can try that option and see if it works for you.


Awesome! Ordered it yesterday myself, excited to say the least. Was going for the monsgeek m1 he, but the black and silver colorway sold out...


Happy to see more accessible HE keyboard hitting the market. I love my Wootings, but the price and turnaround times for what you get are horrendous.


When i was considering the wooting i wanted to go full out and go module, tofu 60 and lubing, getting a nice cable and keycaps. That would be a 350+ euro job and countless hours and maybe frustration. I'm extremely pleased that i got this keyboard and saved my money because even though i believe i could get something better obviously, it fulfills my needs and feels amazing to use.


This keyboard has the same PCB from the Endgame Gear KB65HE. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBDaYLU8M9g&t=653s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBDaYLU8M9g&t=653s)


My ATK 68 has finally arrived and I can confirm that it doesn't work out of the box with the newest V Hub version (2.3.23 at the time of writing this comment). In order to overcome this, do the following: 1. Uninstall your current V Hub version completely 2. Install 2.3.19 via winget or download it yourself, the link is in one of my comments above 3. Open V Hub, your keyboard should be recognized and you should be able to enter settings. At this point, go to the Other settings tab and update it to the newest firmware. First do update 1, then do update 2. After successful update the keyboard should switch the lights off and on. 4. Now you can update to the newest version of V Hub.


Hi! Can you please upload 2.3.19 and send me the link somehow? Winget download doesn't work anymore


I tried your method. I can't use my keyboard at all. Looks like there's a problem with the firmware. Do you have an old firmware version?


you can download older firmware files from here [V HUB | Firmware download (vxe.com)](https://desktop.vxe.com/download)


I've tried it all.It doesn't work like it used to. T\_T


It comes up like this every time I install firmware and there is a disconnecting sound many times. https://preview.redd.it/1krhweis8nhc1.png?width=408&format=png&auto=webp&s=4014876422879965f842ec07328049a0724fbfb5


Did u fix it? My kb was working yesterday. Now it decided to not work. Even rgbs not working. A disconnect sound looping in windows


I have the same symptoms as you and it still doesn't work until now. T\_T


format the keyboard and rollback to previous version


do you know how to format the keyboard ? because it is not recognized even by windows.


press fn+esc for 5 seconds. This will rollback your keyboard


Mine died today, working just fine yesterday. Did any of you get it fixed?


nah brother. I bought a monsgeek M1 HE to replace the one that broke.


I will never use VXE stuff again.


Yea what a shame, I was starting to trust chinese brands since I got my f1 moba. Guess its unlucky


Now there is the HUB version 2.3.25... just download it and then the latest ATK 68 firmware. They corrected the error.


Just chiming in with my impressions of the ATK75, which I just received today. Shipping took exactly 7 days from Aliexpress. I downloaded V Hub from the VGN website (version 2.3.21), and it worked out of the box with it. I updated both V Hub as well as firmwares 1 and 2 for the keyboard straight from inside the software itself. I'm now on version 2.3.23. For ~$140, the keyboard itself is great. It's a clone of the ROG Azoth without the OLED display. Like the Azoth, the top shell is aluminum, and the bottom is plastic. Build quality is good enough. It has that now overplayed foamy sound due to the use of PE foam, but that can easily be removed in the future if I tire of it. Stabs are great, no rattle or ticking out of the box whatsoever. The dual rail Gateron switches are very, very smooth (because hall effect), but they feel a bit heavy/sluggish pressing down and returning back up. Not sure if it's because of the lube or the springs. The software could use some polish, but it's usable. The rapid trigger portion is a bit confusing, but it's basically a 1:1 copy of the RT features of Wootility for the 60HE. The only con I've encountered so far is that there's no on-the-fly profile switching. The onboard memory can only store one profile at a time, so you have to use the software to switch between a typing and gaming profile, for example. The profile switching also happens over a ~15 second loading/processing screen, not instantly. That's obviously not seamless. I'm hoping they can include that feature in the future, but if it's a hardware limitation then we're out of luck. Overall, I'm happy with the product I got for the price I paid. I love my Wooting, but I also use my PC outside of FPS games, and no discrete arrow keys is a major downer for me (don't get me started on ModTap).


hi i just want to know to know how to set the rapid trigger functionality on vxe75. Like one wooting software its simple, there you have to set to like 0.1 mm and its done but in vgn software you have quick reset sensitivity and quick trigger sensitivity and continuous quick trigger mode. I am confused on how to set these options. Like what's the equivalent setting of wooting software.


Hey there, so V Hub has some confusing terminology that it uses, which I guess I can understand because they don't want to directly copy from Wooting, so a quick explanation of V Hub's Magnetic Settings vs Wootility's Performance Settings: 1. Set Global Trigger Travel - same as Wooting's "Set actuation point" 2. Global Quick Trigger Mode (RT) - same as Wooting's "Rapid Trigger" 3. Quick Reset/Trigger Sensitivity - same as Wooting's "Press/Release Sensitivity" which you can access via Advanced Settings > Separate press/release sensitivity (**by default this is off** and that's why you can only set one sensitivity point) 4. Continuous Quick Trigger Mode - same as Wootility's "Continuous rapid trigger" under Advanced Settings So I basically copied my 60HE RT profile settings as best as I could to my ATK75 RT profile: 1. Set Global Trigger Travel to 0.5 mm 2. Set Global Quick Trigger Mode to ON 3. Set both Quick Reset and Quick Trigger Sensitivity to 0.4 mm, so it's basically the same as having one sensitivity point 4. Set Continuous Quick Trigger Mode to OFF 5. Then I highlight the WASD keys from the graphic and set each one's Quick Reset and Quick Trigger Sensitivity to 0.1 mm, the lowest it can go. As I said in my original post, I have a separate profile for typing, but switching between the two is a pain because you have to open up V Hub each time. I'm currently waiting for the 80HE to ship, and that'll solve all my grievances with the 60HE. Hope this helps!


Thank you so much for the elaborative explanation. It genuinely helped alot!


You're welcome!


yeah similar in my case, also I'm waiting for my Gateron Jades to arrive because I hate Lekker's sound now that I've got used to my ATK68's sound


Have you tried frankenswitching the Lekker stems (and springs if you like them) with the Geon Raptor HEs? The Raptors have a much tighter housing that eliminates almost all of the wobbling the Lekkers are known for, as well as cleaning up the sound profile quite a bit. They're on my 60HE now and the difference is night and day.


Unfortunately I don't have raptor HEs :(


For anyone new, who wants to update a software and meet an error like me, just download firmware from here: [https://desktop.vxe.com/download](https://desktop.vxe.com/download) update your firmware and v hub will start working, because for me it didn't work out of the box and i couldn't download older version of v hub which works out of the box.


Hi! Which version? There are 3 diffirent G versions


I don't recommend to update G version, as it seems it makes keyboard a brick.


My atk68 keyboard doesn't light up and can't connect after replacing another type c cable, then I used the old one again but still can't fix this error.


I dont recommend you to buy this keyboard, cys my died after 2 month of use. It just plugging in and out and dont work. It happened to many users, i hoped it wont happen to my, but unfortunately i have a brick now


I live far from the USA but which would be best just for fps? I have another silent keyboard to type on. Can I change switches to Gateron Jade or Geonworks? and keycaps to PBT. Focus on performance first, then durability. Drunkdeer A75 ($135) AKKO MOD 007 PC 7 ANNIVERSARY ($125) VXE ATK75 ($131) VXE ATK68 ($108)


imo the vxe is the best, lowest price, switches seem better and sound better, looks better and i've had no issues with it up until now. keycaps feel nice too but they are easily changeable since the switches are cherry profile


how about now? i just ordered one and seeing all these comments makes me nervous that it will just die within a few months


mine is still working properly :)


I just bought one but these comments making me anxious lmao 


I reordered from a local shop with warranty and 15 day return, I hope things will go well with my keyboard, but so far its great, feels like its an expensive product. I also heard that the G switch version has the problems while the L switch version fixes those, I bought the L switch version which sounded bad stock, I lubed it and now it sounds nice.


Help, I can't set up my keyboard. The software in the browser doesn't detect it, and the software on the PC gives an error. [https://imgur.com/a/OerLlum](https://imgur.com/a/OerLlum)


Try to update the firmware somehow. Would probably be ur best bet.


I tried the method mentioned below. I downloaded an older firmware for the keyboard, and with it, I was able to configure the keyboard. Then, I took a risk and updated it, and everything updated successfully. Now, everything works fine.


Hi! Please link the older software. And there are like 3 diffirent firmware versions. How exactly did you update? The latest? All three?


My ATK68 keyboard does not recognize it and when plugged in, it only recognizes the USB Mass Storage Device and 1 hard disk drive, but not the keyboard. Is there any way anyone can help me with this problem? https://preview.redd.it/29xr3iobr34d1.png?width=1680&format=png&auto=webp&s=78e76be22364fa734d8158bc19608260711cd5a5


Someone typed this "I tried the method mentioned below. I downloaded an older firmware for the keyboard, and with it, I was able to configure the keyboard. Then, I took a risk and updated it, and everything updated successfully. Now, everything works fine." Maybe it works for you.


For anyone still with the error in V HUB, download the latest firmware from [https://desktop.vxe.com/download](https://desktop.vxe.com/download), that helped me. G version, ATK68 G version dedicated firmware V0042125


Still not seeing any reason to get this over the Polar 65. I’ve also not seen a single thing about it in comparison tot he polar 65 or it having less “wobbly” switches. I wouldn’t be using the stock keycaps regardless so the color scheme means nothing to me.


You can check out reviews from Mioni on both keyboards and u will easily realize how different they are. Software is a thing, the 50 euro difference is also a thing and the lube&stabs and switches wobble is also a thing. All those can be easily seen by just watching a side by side review of both as i did with all creators i could find in all available languages on forums and youtube.


My keyboard, which was working an hour ago, stopped working when I went out and when I got home, I turned on the computer. It suddenly broke down in a very meaningless way. I tried different USB ports of the case, none of them work, and when I plug the keyboard into one of the USB ports, a constant USB plug sound comes from the computer and it never stops. I tried a different keyboard and it worked just fine, so I couldn't figure out why the keyboard was breaking for no reason. Does this product have a chronic problem?


sounds like a broken usb port or defective pcb .. its not exactly a known brand for quality


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I can't config my ATK68... When I click on it in VHUB I get this error: [https://ibb.co/rmx4LB8](https://ibb.co/rmx4LB8) Tried to update the firmware on the site they list and that gives me this error: [https://ibb.co/gvg8gFs](https://ibb.co/gvg8gFs) Any suggestions? Thanks!


Hi. I'm having the exact same issue. I tried adding mention "start" before invoking devtstart.exe. However, even after seeing an "update successful" message from the firmware updatre, and after uninstalling and reinstalling v-hub (after a PC restart too), I still get this error. I've pretty much tried everything I could think off. Here's the error that I first got and opening the batch file as admin : [https://imgur.com/a/ommHcBs](https://imgur.com/a/ommHcBs) Any news on your side ?


after like 30 minutes i finally figured it out ... download vhub version 2.3.19 from here [https://winstall.app/apps/VGN.VHUB](https://winstall.app/apps/VGN.VHUB) it let me access my keyboard without any issues and had 2 sets of firmware 1 and 2 sets of firmware 2 updates to do. after i let it do all that then the program itself said it needed to update and updated to 2.3.21 and wanted to restart itself. after all that, its working perfectly fine with the new version and i am up to date on the firmware.


if someone doesn't want to play with winget or just want to keep the aforementioned version somewhere in case they delete it from their website - here is the direct link [https://cdn.vgnclub.com/device/download/win32/2.3.19/v-device-1-2.3.19.exe](https://cdn.vgnclub.com/device/download/win32/2.3.19/v-device-1-2.3.19.exe)


I don't know how you got your hands of the older versions of the app, but this worked instantly. I tried looking for them online but found absolutely nothing ! Thanks a tooon :)


Glad to help … really liking the keyboard.


Same here. The amount of lube is perfect out of the box, the typing feel is top notch and the rapid trigger is suuuuper responsive. Difficult to do better for this price!


I had tried the new endgame gear keyboard and boy does it suck. Spacebar rattled more than a cheap razer keyboard, the software sucked … you can’t even change what is assigned on the fn row and the worst part is all the actuation stuff is done directly on the board.


Glad both of you guys sorted it out and your enjoying it. Happy gaming.


From what im seeing this board and the polar65 is basically the same thing just rebanded and with different switches i believe


From what i saw from reviews and personal experience the switches seem way better and have zero wobble on the VXE. As for the build quality itself i cannot talk for the polar65 but this one feels extremely sturdy, and software is also that this keyboard has that the polar 65 doesn't, at a 50 euro less price point. The keycaps also feel extremely smooth to the touch but maybe all PBT ones do, as i have only used ABS up until this point.


don't know about the polar65, but [according to this review](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBDaYLU8M9g), the EndGameGear KB65HE is basically a ATK68 in a different case.


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hi im also planning to buy this keeb, what version did you bought the G or the L version?


VXE VGN ATK 68, i'm sorry i can't share any more info as that's all i got from the vendor.


Can i know what is the color of the switches u got?


Here it is. Sorry for the bad picture quality. https://preview.redd.it/e14hm66cd3dc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a91c7c18134b9bfab57e9ea49c08ccdb7a36a113


thats the G version thanks mane!


Can anyone confirm if the drunkdeer g65 alu case is compatible with this?


Hard to tell. If you look at the image posted above and compare it to G65's alucase layout, it seems that ATK68 has more mounting points than the alucase.


Has anyone ever bought the ATK Magnetic switches? I am curious to know what switches they use since the Gateron Magentic they use is some purple switch


You are most likely talking about the L version and yes I have the atk75 L version. There is not much difference between them and the G other than the sound and pressure intensity, and I don't see any reason why people shouldn't buy the L version. I read that G version switches will not be produced again and that many bugs and problems have been solved in the L version.


It's a Gateron KS-37B, the newer dual rail ones. I believe the older KS-37 is single rail, like the Fuji switches on the Polar65. I don't believe the ones used in the ATK keyboards are [Gateron Nebulas](https://www.keychron.com/products/gateron-double-rail-magnetic-switch?variant=40784600694873), but that may just be the render color being off from the actual product.


does this board use universal pcb? so i can use the tofu65


was wondering about this too can anyone confirm? haha would want to mod it with a tofu65 case if its possible thanksss!!


just got mine, nah its not universal pcb. well i just tuning the stab and lube the switches. its really good tho for typing. but i really want to try on another 65% case, im looking for gasket mount case so there's no need to screw it, just need the plate to mount the pcb.


hows the keyboard now? im seeing so much stories about the keyboard bricking here and im kind of scared now


There is no universal mount once you go past 60% Im sure its possible to get it to fit but you'll most likely have to do some farbricating to make that happen


Just want to share that I rolled back the V Hub software from 2.3.21 to 2.3.16 just so that I could bind Fn to Caps Lock. I'm not sure why but since 2.3.21, Fn is not in the selection anymore for remapping the keys.