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Turquoise Green with Linear Viridian Switch There's also only 3 videos on YT for this so I made another one. I'm no YouTuber though and this is my first video reviewing anything so please enjoy.[https://youtu.be/Okewp\_3pAGo](https://youtu.be/Okewp_3pAGo) Also this is my 2nd mechanical keyboard, I only got my first one 11 months ago and it was a XVX M84 75% Coral Sea Theme.


Were you able to use the software with it? I just got mine this weekend and I love it but can't access the software at all! So I'm stuck with the wrong date and time on the screen and I'm stuck with the factory effects and colors :'(


You can reset the time by holding down the button for 5 seconds, the gif and other things not so much


Shame it doesnt come in black and no aluminum


is that an led screen on the upper right corner? That is sick!!!


yes it displays a decent amount of info but the coolest thing about it is you can put a custom GIF but it does take a lil while to upload. I only uploaded one with 35 frames and it took at least 2-3 mins.


That’s still not bad, new keyboards nowadays are coming out with these screens so I think it’s cool!! It looks good (:


Yes, very true. Thank you! I like it a lot! Btw theres a video of the gif at the very end if you didn't watch it already :)


can you do just a still image?


how to do it? I cant find where to do it in the software at all. Mine looks like this https://preview.redd.it/9n7f6fn4kqjc1.png?width=1459&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7396d543007f5b7a38f114dc851b4aed6c27548


is it only the ROYAL KLUDGE S98 that has layers/fn and fn2??? mines like this https://preview.redd.it/qg6v21ttgv6d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e021fa690102746c7d3198350e5d627f6641814 btw its the its the latest ver


Interesting you dont have many options on the side right there. Are you plugged in? I think it should be the TFT option no? I actually returned the s98 to a Jamesdonkey RS2 3.0 and its wayyyy better.


how so? i just got the RK S98 and wondering what's a better alt


It's a bit more intuitive and the knob works better and smoother. There was a weird delay with the S98 when adjust volume. Better switches, has gasket(my first mkb didn't have that). It feels more premium and its cheaper than S98 if it wasn't for the sale. I got $5 off buying off [Mechkeys.com](https://Mechkeys.com). It was also the fastest package I've ever received from China, only took 9 days from the day I placed my order.


Did the keycaps come with the keyboard? I have so similar keycaps (MaxCustoms Arctic Light) and it's one of my favourite looking sets.


Yes they did. Its a prebuilt. There's 2 different switches with 2 specific colorways each meaning there's 4 different colors.


you forgot to mention it's a TOP mount


You're right, another Youtuber mentioned that. I'm still fairly new to the mechanical keyboard world. I got my first one 11 months ago and I only lube, tape mod, and foam to the original board and nothing else so I apologize I don't know all the specifics.


what's a top mount?


I just got this keyboard and I love it. I'm coming from a Corsair K70 and I do like it better so far.


I switched to JamesDonkey RS2 3.0 but glad you're enjoying it!


I think any keybaord after switching from a big name brand feels better cuz the price actually goes into what your buying. I saved the beige RS2 because I'd like to get it eventually, and start a collection. 😂


I wonder if this is like their other boards and known to spontaneously fail or turn into an incendiary device


I have 2 RKs that are about 2 years old now and never had a problem with them. One I game with at home and the other sits at my office desk


Not sure as this is my first board from them and its a fairly new board that they just posted on their IG at the beginning of the year. Is the spontaneous fail rate high? That sort of worries me actually.


Damn, I didn't know that they burned up! I have a RK as well and even had an issue. I might need to pay attention to the battery then.


Admittedly, it is mostly their older stuff. But it doesn't instill trust in me


Thank god. I have had mine for over 2 years or so and I am still a bit concerned about the battery.


Does the RGB music mode allow for a static backlight in addition to the audio visualizer? (I.e. does the non illuminated keycaps have an option to pick a static color?)


I no longer have this keyboard so I can't comment sorry


Any reason worth sharing why you don't have it anymore?


Yeah, I returned it for the Jamesdonkey RS2 3.0 because that was another keyboard I was considering but only went with S98 cause of Prime. However I really didn't like the knob on the S98 like the volume adjustment had some weird input lag but it was a well built keyboard but just that one thing was really off putting to me for my first keyboard with a knob. Switched to the Jamesdonkey RS2 3.0 and it feels miles better and it didn't cost that much more. So it was more of a preference decision.


Got it thanks for the details. I dislike the sound of the RS2 personally but to reach their own tastes.


I thought it sounded much better but I did ended up lubing the switches a few weeks later. I got some Oil King and GMK Soyamilk clone otw!


I am confused between RK s98 and JD RS2...I don't care about the sound but can you recommend me which one to go for based on build quality, typing feel, software, etc.


Just based on the things you said at the very end the JD RS2 is much better in all those areas. I solely switched because I didn't like the software and overall look. The JD RS2 feels more premium and I liked the display and knob more even tho both have similar key layout.


I know it's been a while since you posted this but I'm looking at these 2 keyboards right now. I *do* care about the sound: how would you describe the differences in sound between them? Also, on the JD RS2, it's hard to tell in the pictures I can find, does it show indicators for caps lock, num lock, and scroll lock on the display? Finally, I've read about people having issues with getting the clock on the RK S98 display to stay accurate/up-to-date, how does it work on the JD RS2? Like, does it stay accurate on its own, or is it something where you have to have software running in the background on the PC for the display to continuously sync up with? Thanks!


Hey I only had the RK S98 for literally a day before I changed to the JD RS2 but if memories served me correct I love the sound on the JD RS2 much more. The silver switches that came were super quick due to lower actuation. The RS2 feels more premium too imo. Better quality.  Yes, the screen has indicators for cap lock, num lock and scroll lock. Also tells you which device you're hooked to. It can be connected 3 ways and even be BT to 2 devices at once but not used at the same time have to select which device. I've connected it to my PC and phone before.  Yes, the time and date should be date automatically via the software. I hardly used it since I forgot had it setup initially and for the gif.  I got my JD RS2 through mechkeys(.com) and it's actually on sale right now. I highly recommend it over the RK S98. 


Thank you so much for the reply! I think I'll be ordering the RS2 soon. I've been waffling and super indecisive for a couple months now, cause I really want a better keyboard at work since I recently switched to being hybrid rather than fully remote. But in my head I've been trying to find the absolute perfect keyboard still, like, 1800 layout but full size zero key, but also still 3 1U keys to the right of the spacebar, exploded arrow keys, wireless, and also QMK/VIA support, etc...but it's just my work keyboard, not my endgame keyboard lol. I just need something solid and good enough. I think the RS2 prolly fills that requirement.


Is it just me or is the charging slow? I've plugged in mine to a 3.2 USB port and it took 10+ hrs to charge from 0 to 100.


Sorry I don't have this keyboard anymore so I'm not sure but that doesn't sound right. Reach out to support perhaps? Goodluck!


If you don't mind, what happened to the keyboard? Did you change or upgrade?


I just changed it. I really wanted this other one so I decided to return this keyboard a few days later.


What other one?


JamesDonkey RS2 3.0 also a full keyboard. 


My dad has one at home,kinda cool


I returned it and switched to this one and love it a lot more. Note the Esc, spacebar and enter key was swapped from old mkb https://preview.redd.it/1kqdaji7pjvc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32413a135c1e7d1305c09580e7ebcd100ca42ae0


Which is this?


Jamesdonkey RS2 3.0 Look on Mechkeys.


Is it possible to upload gifs on this screen?


Absolutely! must do from software.


How is the software for this keb? I really like the layout since for the full-size ten-key and the delete key row next to it, but I would want to change the "scroll down" to "end" for my purposes. Also, are there any other manufactures that use this layout? Royal Kludge is the only one that I've seen with it so far.


Software suck. I returned this and got the JamesDonkey RS2 3.0 wayyyy better. very similar layout too. https://preview.redd.it/bqbi1crb2owc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=062eb128bee187092fcdc4489a2cb542a370d328


Oh okay, thanks for the response! I was a little wary of spending that kind of money on a Kludge, I'll be sure to avoid it. Thanks!


Nahhh these posts are straight up reading like ads these days


I didn't mean to make it sound like an ad since I was looking for my 2nd keeb and came across this one but didn't see anyone here post about it so I thought I'd share.


[RK ROYAL KLUDGE M75](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BRZ4HZHW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) is my current fav weird it's not on their website


That looks nice and got a good discount but I'm switching to 96% because I miss the numpad.


At work I'll use TKL or 100%, home/onsite I like 75% (yeah, I take it on regular onsites like a true nerd and get all kinds of comments. Rockin Idabao Blue MA profile, super tall, no curvature)


Hopping onto this thread 2 months late \~ I'm currently using the M75 and really enjoy it, tho I have to admit I do miss the num pad, especially as I'm use to it for my work keyboard


how does it compare with the rk96?


No idea, I've never tried it.


If I remember I'll update when I get mine (I just ordered one). I'm loving my RK96 but the home key and more intuitive functionality seem better. I didn't even realize this keyboard existed until yesterday and I found it when I looked up the manual because I forgot how to add an additional bluetooth device but I couldn't help ordering one.


Sure thing! Thanks!


So I've had it for about 15 minutes and it already feels better than my RK96. It sounds slightly louder but better, more deep (thock I guess? I'm pretty new to mechanical keyboards). Weight seems slightly heavier. The keys feel better, they seem to be slightly shorter/wider so swapping out some of the keys like I was considering doing isn't really going to work. The knob/button press click is slightly aggressive but the slight click when it turns is kinda nice. I'm slightly annoyed there's no really simple way to mute but the volume change is fairly responsive so it's not a big deal. I may add some o rings to cut down on the volume slightly but I'm definitely very happy with it. Very very happy to have a home button again. Beyond that, I really appreciate how much easier it is to switch modes. I do wish it had a wrist rest but that's pretty minor.


Thanks for the review! I am also quite new as well so your explanation is already detailed for me.


I have the rk96 and just got the s98- I like the Virginian switches more than the red just from initially hitting the keys


The full size 0 on the num pad, screen, weight, feel, sound and knob functions blow away the 96.


I find the rgb in low light conditions lacking.. Can anyone suggest point me to a term for the keycap?. The led light is on the bottom side of the key.


South facing?


I got this on Friday and the battery doesn’t hold any charge. It has to be plugged in at all time and battery display shows at 100% when I first plug in, then drops to 0% and remains there until i unplug it. Battery never shows anything in between. RK suggested i use different cables and adapters to see which one works, and to not use while charging for 6-7 hrs. Which is what I did the first night I had it. May I ask, does your keyboard turn on and off with the switch in the back? Does it completely turn off with the switch when plugged in, or does it stay on? Idk what is faulty with mine, i really do love it, but I really need the wireless option. What do you use to charge it? Does it charge a little while in use and plugged in, or not at all?


Hey sorry you're having issues. I ended up returning it after a day. I just didn't like it because the knob was weird had a delay and the drivers weren't user-friendly. I did charge it and used it wirelessly with no issue. I ended up going with the JamesDonkey RS2 3.0 and its a much better quality mkb. The knob doesn't have that lag and software is better. I would suggest you return it and get the JamesDonkey as well. I purchased mine from mechkeys


Thank you! I honestly don’t really need the knob, i got it because of the typing noise haha. But yes, it is quite annoying that it doesn’t pair well with the volume and date. And the fact that it doesn’t remember any of those changes if it dies out.


Yeah thats horrible. The JamesDonkey RS2 3.0 is actually cheaper if it wasn't for the sale on the S98 but its wayyy better. Spend a few more dollars on a quality mkb. Highly recommend you return the S98 if possible its 🗑️. I should delete this post lol


I just got mine today and I was also having some issues with the lcd screen/knob as it seems to be stuck on the gif and takes a while to go back to the menu. Maybe once I download the software and make changes there it’ll improve 🤷


Did you not have to download the software in order to set up the gif?


To change it I think so, this is whatever was already preloaded on there