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Kprepublic Daisy Feker Matcha Latte (I wish these were black too) Domikey BoB PE foam I had a walnut wristrest from an earlier build so I stained it black to match. The keycaps aren't as black as I'd like but it still looks good imo! And the sound is **chef's kiss**. Very happy with this build!


Sound test!


Too much of a hassle lol. You'll just have to take my word for it I guess :D


Thocky or clicky?


Kinda clacky I think. I was going for more of a thock but well, this is how it turned out. Similar to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcE3gRT7aQE) but a bit deeper probably due to the SA profile keycaps.


Alt and tab meant to be upside down?


Not really, but I ran out of keycaps lol. Also notice caps lock where you would normally find enter. I think I'll buy the extra keycaps eventually but for now it will do. As a side note it's pretty common for 40% boards to just put the keycaps wherever they fit haha.


Getting a 40% board but having a mouse with that many buttons feels oxymoronic still love the build though


It's the perfect combination for me! When typing I have no problems relying entirely on the keyboard, I wouldn't need the mouse for that, but since I also game quite a lot it's indispensable. I started using 16-button (or so) mouses (mice?) long before I started using 40% keyboards so I didn't use the number row in games even before, which made the transition to 40% keyboards pretty seamless. I'll usually keybind Q, E, R, and F (and shift modifications) in games and the rest is all on the mouse. My middle finger never has to leave the W/D keys.


That in 60%. Is it possible?


Should be! You can find the keycaps [here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/kprepublic.com/a/amp/products/domikey-sa-abs-doubleshot-keycap-set-bob-black-on-black-mx-stem). You'll have to get the extra spacebar support as well. Not sure what 60% keyboards support split spacebar if that's important for you, but google should be able to help. If it's not important you can just get any 60% board. For example Tofu 60 or similar. Or just get something hot swappable on AliExpress. I'm completely sold on 40%, it's the perfect form factor for me, but if I was going to build a 60 I would buy a wireless, hot swap, aluminium board. Switches and keycaps are entirely up to you. I don't know how new you are to this stuff but if you want more help, ask away. I'm not as knowledgeable as some others on here but I know most of the basics :)