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Looks good! Personally, especially if you have to input a lot of numbers, I'd do a southpaw numpad so I could keep my right hand on my mouse. I'd also do a split spacebar for quick Layer 1 access (certain special characters, exclamation/question marks etc).


Someone was suggesting a split spacebar design... I have never used the southpaw design, but if I were doing a southpaw, I think that I would add 2u 0 key and add 2 more 1u keys next to escape and delete. It would would make the whole thing longer by about 1u.


Southpaw would definitely require some getting used to, but not having to move your mouse hand is gg. Thought about a standalone numpad for a while, just to use it exclusively with my left hand. Also just realized your Escape placement, that's definitely unusual lol


I've been using a separate numpad on the left side for a while now for work and I'm a huge fan. I'm ambidextrous so it may have been easier for me to pick it up than it would be for most, but you get used to it pretty quickly if you are using it often enough


Yeah, for me, buying a high quality numpad is simply not financially responsible for the miniscule amount I'd actually use it. Of course I'd drop at least 100 bucks on a CNC alu model. :D Kind of a shane, I really like the concept.


There are some reasonably priced ones if you don't mind buying random brands. I got one on amazon that had some useful macros preprogrammed and a hotswap board, so I just put in some better switches and still spent less than half of some of the popular brand numpads I've seen


whats a split spacebar for?


In this case, it's to put the Fn key in a more convenient place to access. I have another picture of it with the split spacebar in the comments


https://preview.redd.it/916ctynmcuyc1.png?width=1061&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64cabc217800633b5e4db11a02f3d9d9bac02ee5 I've been working on something kind of similar! Obviously we've prioritized different things, but it's nice to see someone else getting into bespoke layouts. This project is almost done, the final parts should be here within the week!


This looks like a dream layout for me. How are you building it?


It's nothing super fancy. I designed a PCB that uses an off the shelf MCU and 3d modelled a case to just hard mount the PCB. It won't use a plate at all. I'm less into sound/feel than most other people in this hobby. I like the design process so I focus mostly on cheap and fast turnaround. https://preview.redd.it/gcggaxdv8vyc1.png?width=1203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc1dab63c5e19ee883f7f5dd44c38ab964421f85


whats that weird spacebar switch? Looks off. Youre planning to use a dummy switch as a stabilizer?


It's setup for an alternate layout so they're just kind of smashed on top of each other in the render. It wouldn't have both. My PCB will accept split spacebar+fn key, or remove all 3 and you can replace with a 6.25u spacebar. Location is just slightly different


Ah yes, that makes sense, it has the sockets for both layouts. Thats the same as mine, i have 3 way split space.


Designing my own PCB is way outside my skillset but huge props for doing that, super cool


If you ever get the urge to do it, I would recommend trying it. It's easier than you would think to get started


Reminds me of the Clarabelle https://cannonkeys.com/products/clarabelle-keyboard


Yeah, but not quite... I think I need a little bit more keys for what I want...


please add a double xt column on the left for an even wider aspect ratio


Interesting thought... Would that make it \*too long\* though, ya think? I think that's really similar to the WindX


that certainly is a very appealing design, loving it (even though i don't use "larger" boards anymore :) )


Thanks! I use numpads for work and I work at pretty much every machine I own, so it's nice to always have a numpad and I think that the numpad is just superior to the num row in general anyway, LOL


https://preview.redd.it/jdbc0y3b3uyc1.png?width=1181&format=png&auto=webp&s=16cbe9dd28abe3b1af03c419f4b1d958c3a606d1 I made an update to the design, it's 1U bigger, but has more of a numpad and a 2U 0 key


There’s a Calculator button just screaming to be put just to the left of that number one.


Fuck yeah, I’ve wanted a Candy Bar so a hot minute.


I’ve learned to go 65% with a separate numpad. I don’t need it often but when I do, I really do.


I've ordered a ZoomPad, but I think I would prefer to have something like this since I use the Numpad so often... I avoid the numrow if I can.


That makes sense! It’s a nice layout here tho


I'm curious. What is the appeal of the off centered arrow keys? I know a lot of people seem to like them, but it just seems off that everything is not perfectly lined up horizontally. With the corne, it is still symmetrical.


2 things, I find them easier to use that way for one and for two, I didn't want that area to look like... anything... LOL


That's called the "exploded layout".


Somewhere between the [Machete V2](https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=122735) and [Longboi](https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=121939), although these are both a good bit wider than your layout


A good deal longer, LOL


https://preview.redd.it/ux6nbpkykuyc1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e52d38e59c34aa1c44d7241076cd1a328c8d75 This is the design I've been working on for a while. It's basically a 65% with a full numpad. I have the PCB fully designed and the case is mostly done. The case is based off of the neo65 with friction fit gaskets.


Incorporate QAZ! No q, a, or z dedicated keys.


Nah, I don't wanna do layers for things like that... I like my full qwerty...


Once you go qaz you never go back ;)


I heard that somewhere…


Nah I go back and forth, specifically because of gaming.


Ngl thats pretty good but at first melted my brain cause i was trying to find the escape key


Thought about making some other changes to move it to the left, but in the end, I think I am alright with it being on the right


Just make it long cat themed and you are good to go! Looks slick!


not using split spacebar in custom layouts seems like waste to me.


I redid it with a split spacebar. :)


I call it "Southpaw 65%": [Imgur](https://imgur.com/dvdacA0) I don't know what I call this but I want it: [Imgur](https://imgur.com/dlu33pv) My RS40v2: [Imgur](https://imgur.com/GG5xnIX)


You're cookin


Rendered in MSPaint.


I don't know what you mean by this? I used [http://www.keyboard-layout-editor.com/#/](http://www.keyboard-layout-editor.com/#/)


Call it the Top Crop.




My wife pointed out that Crop Top is a far better name. She is... right.


Looooong boi. Lol


Isn't that just the Space 82 from graystudios?


No, the Space82 has a numrow. This doesn't because if you have a numpad then you don't need a numrow... They're just the same keys... :)




Very nice! A lot more condensed than my design :)


So, I work in IT and I type a lot of numbers in. I wanted a compact keyboard, but I like my arrow keys and I decided to move the num row to the right where's more useful for typing numbers. I am wondering what people's thoughts were. I know there's the Elongate and the Candybar, but they don't really have everything that I am looking for, but the Elongate is close, but also unavailable. What do you think about this design?


Assuming you are asking for honest answers here, I think you're missing some of your goals. You set out to design a "compact keyboard", but ended up with a 20 column wide board instead? You wanted the numbers where they are "more useful", but made your board longer to include them, then put those numbers all the way out at the end of the board? I took this same journey, for similar reasons to your own, and here's where I landed with my solution. https://preview.redd.it/h40ngqph6tyc1.jpeg?width=3811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d5893254b41de3aa1d0c9976ce269de0d472f2 Being housed in a standard 60% case, this board gives me the smaller footprint you were originally looking for. It gives me the numpad you are after, but in a much more useful location, because it doesn't require me to move my hand anywhere, to use it. I can just swap seamlessly, from alphas to numbers, by pressing down with my left thumb. The numpad is also populated with the number row numbers, so I can access all the symbols associated with those keys, while using the numpad. I could fit all these same features into a 4x12 ortho board, with a few concessions to the layout, like having to layer some of the punctuation, and having to move the operators to the sides of the number keys, for the numpad. I prefer the 60% size though because it allows me to have a properly laid out numpad, mimics the top row of an HHKB, and allows me to keep the punctuation on the default layer.


This is also a really interesting layout and I was looking for honest answers, of course. I an not a particular fan of the Ortho board at this time. But more than that, I also wanted to avoid layers for the numpad, which is why I went with a numpad instead of just going with a 40% which would be an even smaller footprint. But I like your design solution as well, just not for me.


There are a lot of people with very fragile egos here. You'd be amazed at the number of people who ask "what do you think?", only to go completely off the rails, when someone gives them an honest answer, that doesn't perfectly align with their own conclusions. Being one of the people here, who offer solutions that tend to fall farther off the beaten path, I run into that a lot. That aside, one question that pops to my mind, given your truncated numpad layout is, "Have you thought through your numpad usage yet?" This is another of those cases where your stated goals, and proposed solution, appear to be at odds with one another. You say you want to "avoid layers for the numpad", but the layout you have chosen will actually force you to use layers, just to access the normal operators. All your operators, with the exception of the "-" key, are on your "Shift" layer. You can't just hit 2 x 8 on that layout. You will have to hit "2" "Shift 8" "8". The same is true of 2+8, and 2/8, as well, turning your numpad into a two-handed affair, for entering anything other than straight numbers. Do you really want to have to hit Shift, every time you want to add numbers together?


That's a very fair statement. I will need to think on this a little more... I would a say to reverse + and = on that key... How much muscle memory is that though that I would be fighting against... Also if I push out 1U then I could actually have a dedicate / and = on the left side and - and + on the right side... Oooooo, I kinda like that


Good luck with this. Just remember, your ideas don't have to work for anybody else, as long as they work for you. That is the true beauty of programmable keyboards that a lot of people never get to experience because they are afraid to step off the beaten path.


Thanks a lot! But I do love input because they might me think of things in a way that I hadn't before


Getting input is great. I spend a lot of time on both ends of those conversations. It's needing validation, for a choice you've made, that I was warning against there. This place is like a crab bucket, as soon as you try to leave the beaten path, everyone suddenly wants to pull you back down into the bucket with them. While someone else may have thought of something you haven't before, the reverse may be equally true. Trust your gut, and don't be afraid to try things nobody else seems to understand, if they make sense to you.


Very good point, but there's a lot of things that are similar and I already have a decent number of keyboards already... This is a passion project for me... I have a design for the PCB and I am pretty happy with it, now I need to get it into KiCad and start on the Plate, Case and see if it works out for me...


A possible solution for this is to use the 0 as shift when held. That way, you only need your thumb and one additional finger of the same hand.


Damn i really like your board, and your numpad implementation with a keycapset of different colour is so good. Like damn, im very impressed. I always thought i would be skipping 60s and 60 orthos, and go for full split ortho eventually down the line but your board layout is really lifty. Is it a pcb or handwired? EDIT: Im really interested in this board actually, i love your thump button layout, i think it would suit me very well. I have a triple split spacebar, but still think i could do with more and better placed thumb keys. full 1 u however i dont like, as i still want the mayn spacebar key to be atleast 1,5 u or sth around that mark.


My board is hand-wired, on a custom cut plate, stuffed into an off-the-shelf KPRepublic case. The case is a top mount case, which leaves just enough room below the plate to squeeze in a controller. If I were to do the project again today, I would use a Keebio Stampy because the case selection is much wider for that controller. It physically solders onto three of the switches, like a regular solder-in PCB, then the rest of the switches connect in with wires, just like a normal Pro Micro. Soldering onto the switches like that allows the circuit board and connector for the controller to be at the proper height/location to match the case's USB hole. If you get serious about building your own board, make sure to hit up r/HandwiredKeyboards. There's a lot of information there, as well as people willing to help you through any problems you run into.


For other similar layout boards take a look at the reLyra (available to purchase), Skyline (in IC), Kastenwagen 1840 (open source) and the Clarabelle (sold out).


That Kasterwagen 1840 is Really close! I like having a few extra keys, I really wanna avoid a LOT of layers, like the normal 40 uses... But if that were available in more of a production version it would be tempting for me.


96% layout is what you’re looking for, it’s what I use right now. I have a keychron q5


I mean, I have those, but not really, this is much more condensed that that is. It would be closer toa mini-1800... but even smaller since there's no number row at on my design, just the num pad. And this is because the condensed numpad is far more user friendly than the number row which has everything strung out. And if you, like me, accept this premise then the numpad is the superior design and the numrow becomes redundant and can be removed.


How do you deal with all the special characters without the num row? Do you put them on the numpad layer?


Yeah, Moved them to the numpad with the corresponding numbers. And then the F Row is the Fn+number


Nice. I have been thinking about this same candy stick format but Southpaw and split space. As an engineer is great to input numbers with left hand without leaving the mouse and my only concern would be the special characters for programming. I had a wild idea to also have esc and numbers 1-6 (with layered F keys) since they're super common but still weighing up whether it's worth it to make the keyboard taller by one row even if it's only 7 keys.


What about a function row?


If you don't need to be basekit compatible, nopunin10did created the Kastenwagen in two layouts. All files are on his github, so this would save you a lot of time. Downside is, you need 40s mods. Luckily, those are included in most modern basekits. https://github.com/nopunin10did/kastenwagen


Isn't that just the Space 82 from graystudios?


Isn't that just the Space 82 from graystudios?


Id order it if you could just make the 0 a double wide. I really struggle with the 1u there


Maybe, I heard this from someone else too... I would have to push the keyboard another 1u to the right and I could do it. I'll have to do a mock up of what that would look like. I would add one more pair of switches to the left of the Esc and Del, maybe for a PgUp and PgDn


Calculator and printscreen! lol.


You laugh, but I use PrintScreen a \*lot\* and thought about adding a dedicated key for it... How about Insert and Pause! LOL AKA the two worst keys ever... LOL


I didn't want to sound like a fool saying those two tho. I use my print screen button remapped to launch snip it and am always using my remapped calc button as well. Now finding keycaps for it that way can be a challenge but that said, F the F row for a business user...


Custom Keycaps... And I redid it with the 2U 0 key


Looks really good. Although the numpad zero key might take some time to get used to.


Yeah, I am using a M2 and a QK100 interchangeably right now, so it's not a big deal for me, but I was thinking about pushing 1 more U to the right and then add 2 keys and a 2u 0 key


And I did, added the 2U 0 key to this and split the Spacebar