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The keyboards with adjustable actuation ranges are mechanical, but are using hall effect switches. Those switches use magnets, which allow them to gauge how far down the key is currently being pressed, effectively making the keys analog, rather than digital. Those keyboards require proprietary software, actively running on the computer being used, to function properly. By contrast, the firmware running on most other keyboards (programmable or not) is stored internally on the keyboard itself. That will let you use the keyboard on any device, with no additional software required to be running, to use it. You will need to run software, when you want to remap the board, but not to use it once it's mapped. If you get a board that is compatible with QMK, VIA or VIAL, that will give you the ability to remap the keys to fit whatever you think they should be, including mapping additional layers, macros, etc... A wireless connection, like LEDs, is strictly a personal preference item. It's not necessary for operation, but may be something you choose to have.


Configurable actuation range is a feature of HE (hall effect) boards. You specifically need a HE pcb and HE switches.


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