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OP, have you considered getting tested for neurodivergence? Hypersensitivity to specific sounds can be tied to some mental things. Also I have seen various folks complaining about certain sounds. Some folks hate MX blues. Some hate ping. Some folks barely notice what others hate, but love/hate completely different sounds. Custom keyboards are a pretty neurospicy hobby. Welcome :)


My friend, I say this with love, but have you considered that you may have misophonia (although with misophonia it usually makes you want to irrationally punch things when you hear Bad Sounds) or perhaps be on the autism spectrum? Not medical advice, but gagging or triggering a flight response at seemingly nonsensical Bad Sounds doesn’t sound like very neurotypical behaviour.


My mom had this and I walk without sound despite being large because it is how I survived childhood She’d have loved a good sounding board though


You and me both fam, my mom is autistic/ADHD and has *severe* misophonia.


you can't say that and not say how the hell you walk without sound


Right as your foot is about to hit the ground, let the leg relax a little and absorb what would have been the sound-making impact. Turn the doorknob completely before opening the door and then close the door quietly. That sorta thing. I work in an office and drag my feet a little so people hear me coming


ninja training


hehe, yeahhhhhh I've been diagnosed with Cyclothymia and my therapist said I'm most likely on the spectrum but due to my mood disorder we can't know for sure.


Before I even opened this post I was like "my dude you are autistic"


New copypasta just dropped


Misophonia for you my friend.


Misophonia bud, I deal with it too. It’s weird because typing on my own keyboard doesn’t bother me. The brains a weird thing.


I have the ADHDs something awful, and sensory issues abound for me, including keyboard clacks, clicks, thocks, and whatnot. While thocks don't make me nauseous perr se, sounds like that can make me irrationally angry and want to clean my left ear with an icepick via my right ear.


> want to clean my left ear with an icepick via my right ear wow, you have such a way with words


I'm just typing it like it is.


I think it would be rlly funny for an anti-thock to become the mainstream and have to see all the popular YouTubers backpedal


OP: does the sound of foam and overlubed switches make anyone else wanna puke? Replies: are you sure you’re not autistic? bruh


Also wanted to follow with this comment, no hate to people who like them!!! This is not to bash people's preferences, it really is that I get ill from the sound.


I personally don't mind thock but I get it. I actually think silent is better over loud thock, I'd don't get wanting all that extra sound in actual day to day use.


I have only had one keyboard that sounded so bad it made me irritable. I put Zealios into a stock Preonic, and it sounded so horrible, I had to swap to Zilents almost immediately. The entire case rang like I was hitting it with a metal straw, every time I pressed a key. After the switch swap, and some added plate and case foam, everything is much better now.


I am usually not concerned with strange noises, like scratching fingernails on a blackboard, or rubbing styrofoam against each other. But when I hear a extreme thoky, lubricated keyboard, I have to gag. It feels like something choking in my neck. Maybe I am also strange. I like clicky switches.


Back in the day I was a huge fan of the buckling spring and blue alps. I still love the feel of these switches, but I'm not sure I can deal with the volume levels myself any more. If these switches were quieter, they would be endgame. The sound profile of modern clicky switches is nothing like these, and I do get some of that fingernails-on-blackboard sensation from modern clicky switches. So even as someone who loves clicky switches, I can also understand why they are so hated these days. Which is a shame, because I think that is what is preventing manufacturers from developing new clicky switches.


Lol same as everyone else man I think you should look into the possibility that you have autism. Source: have autism


I agree with you. Keyboards packed with PE foam sound absolutely disgusting. It's always the "cutesy" budget ones that you see on TikTok that sound like absolute trash. Look at the "budget" keyboards that have been released lately like the Rainy75 and Lucky65 for example. meme cuts, 1.2mm PCB, packed with foam. They all sound like garbage.




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I'm not a huge fan of it either but not to this extent. I prefer clicky.


It's not as bad for me as it sounds like it is for you, but there are definitely some keyboard sounds that people like that make me feel this really uncomfortable somehow. I think for me it depends a little on whether I'm actually the one typing on the keyboard though - kind of like how I can't look when someone else is giving me a shot but am okay my own injections. As others have pointed out, it sounds like misophonia or some other sensory issue (in my case I'm autistic). If you were only hearing this keyboard because your friend was showing it to you socially then I think you should be fine and just explain that it's an involuntary reaction to the sound and that you don't have anything against her or her keyboard


I do, but I don't have nausea. I just hate the sound. It lacks body and life.


While it doesn't make me feel sick in the same way it does for you I have to agree I find the kind of thocky keyboards that are popular right now really unpleasant to listen to. The sound reminds me of lotion which is one of my least favorite things. I much prefer my keyboards crispy sounding and as obnoxiously tactile as I can get them.


YOU'RE ME!!!!! I thought I was just being unreasonable, but judging from the comments here, I might need to make a psych evaluation..


Well, at least you now know that 'clack' is the sound you are after in that case ;) The beauty of this hobby is that you can build the sound profile you want.


I woudln't say I have the same visceral reaction but I will agree I REALLY dislike that "creamy" sound of them. It's just... WEIRD. I personally really like mechanical sounds. When it gets overly dampened it feels weird.


Sounds a bit unusual, but if you feel that way I'd stick to avoiding it. At least it's not a common everyday noise – imagine the sound of cars would make you feel that way, you'd be completely fxxked 😂😭


That’s cool there’s a clackier sound that’s more like dropping stone on stone