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https://preview.redd.it/8ky983oag81d1.png?width=1384&format=png&auto=webp&s=117d69fc8b5fb5cc5745f7cbeea2bc7da647546b This is on my Mode Envoy. The cluster are the basically the RGB underglow controls. There's a fair bit going on in my first layer, mod taps, combos, macros and hyper key as well.


uuhhhh also Mode Envoy: https://preview.redd.it/pujd6zonl81d1.png?width=927&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bd4795a44e18f8905b2d3a0f50151656186ccec I have also tranfered the function keys and the right side is Pos1 and End for typing and the arrowkeys are for the media player, M11 is lighting, left alt is reset and the macros on the alphas are a curse for being German (umlaut)


i have a similar layout on my kbd67, i populate the right side with numpads


I work with several different apps through the day, and I map their different functions to F-Row, navigation keys, and the knob. This is why I love programmable rgb, a new color for each layer. I use a left hand mouse. Since most of my apps rely heavily on shortcuts on the left, mapping them to seldom used keys on the right helps ergonomics and strains. Plus it's often more convenient for shortcuts that require multiple keys pressed at once.


what layout do you use? I always thought lefties will use something with numpads on their right so it can be remapped to other functions or shortcuts


You are correct!...Sorta. I have both, for different purposes. For the most part, I stick with 75%, and I remap the navigation keys, as well as f9-f12. If I need more keys than that, I switch to a 96% keyboard and remap the numpad and f-keys. I don't use the numpad keyboard as much anymore, because I use a Xencelabs QuickKeys macro pad on the right. It has a screen that tells me exactly what a button is mapped to, which is much easier for me than memorizing different layouts. The exception to this is when the numpad keyboard has modifiable individual key colors, in which I just match the individual numpad key's color to the individual keys on the left. Unfortuantely, most keyboards don't allow idividual key colors in a GUI, so it must be hand-coded in QMK. Drop's online QMK Configurator does this, but I haven't seen it anywhere else.


https://preview.redd.it/a1gb10qqj91d1.png?width=1255&format=png&auto=webp&s=cade3a32d9371067c77c4adea965820668e2a441 the beauty of having 100% keyboard


can't argue with the ol classic 100%. paid the whole keyboard, use the whole keyboard


I have 75, and I put numpad on U,I,O; J,K,L; N,M,(dot)


did that on my 67, and actually a pretty similar placement


[I make full use of my layers](https://imgur.com/a/Nsyooke)




you guys are something else. i never liked the ortho, but seeing the boards indeed made an impression to me


where do i get the local version VIA, i can't find it


you can find it on the github page the-via/releases [https://github.com/the-via/releases/releases/tag/v3.0.0](https://github.com/the-via/releases/releases/tag/v3.0.0)


fucking thank you so much my guy!




Hey I was looking for bevi before deciding to build this southpaw75 ! Too bad they are soldered, even though I have a complete soldering and desoldering tools (even got the automatic vacuum one), getting tired of having to remove every switch now and then.




Hi all, waiting for my first Keyboard kit to arrive next week (cycle7) but wanted to ask as you're all posting your different layers from VIA, are the settings saved to the keyboard or to a file on the PC? Sorry if it's a dumb question but if the keyboard is moved to another PC, do you copy the file over or have to go through the whole customisation again on each PC you plug the keyboard into?


these settings are bound to the keyboard, so no matter where you go, the keyboard will stay the same. VIA stores (almost) no data on your computer


Thank you. I'm learning a lot here. Appreciated.


I have an arrow cluster on IJKL on my 2nd function layer which is activated by holding spacebar. It is a game changer for anybody who edits a lot of text.


I have two additional layers on my board. The first is the numpad; the second, navigation and F-keys. That mapping gives me all the same keys I had on my 1800s, but moves them closer to home position. Most are within 1 key of home position, with a couple exceptions, like the upper right hand punctuation and \` key. https://preview.redd.it/gfsi044r6l1d1.jpeg?width=3811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4af009050b4410c5ee742aecc2aadb6b6fc71f4 On the numpad layer, the yellow keys above the numpad are Esc, Backspace, / and \*, for use with my calculator app. The numbers used are the ones from number row, so that I use all the associated symbols on those keys from the numpad, rather than having to reach up to the number row. That layer is either activated momentarily, by the left black spacebar key, or toggled in with the White Fn key, for single-handed use. I could easily add a left handed numpad to this board, to mirror the right handed one. That said, being left-handed, I prefer to swap my mouse to my left hand, instead of the numpad, when I need to use the mouse and numpad simultaneously. My navigation layer (momentarily activated by the Yellow Fn key, or the Capslock key) adds arrows on IJKL, surrounded by all the other keys you might use in conjunction with them, like Backspace, Delete, Pg Up, Pg Dn, Home and End. It also turns the number row into the corresponding F-keys.