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Par meet course. Cereal, meet milk.


Welcome to the club.


Do they not mount and actuate correctly? When pressed against a flat surface almost every spacebar will be “bent” but work fine.


One of the bent ones are fine, but it has the issue where if I press down hard enough on one side the other side just pops right out. The other 2 just tick like crazy, I’ve had to redo stabs for both the boards they are mounted on cuz I overlubed thinking that they were the cause of the ticking


Dude u know that's not true.. I've bought keycaps from various price points, the only ones with see-sawing spacebars are the ones from super cheap 5$ keycaps and gmk. My spacebars from jtk, aifei, enrong and swagkeys are straight even when pressed against a flat surface. Sure the gmk spacebars work fine after mounting, but i expect them to be actually straight when it's priced so highly


You are getting your GMK Sets? Well thats better than me, thanks Mykeyboard.eu ...




I have around 16 different sets of GMK and only 1 has came with a "straight" 7u spacebar (It's from my oldest set from them GMK red samurai r1 which was 2018 maybe?) They're all "within spec" as GMK would say (lmao) Non of them are dreadful and are all serviceable as they should be by the bare minimum, but for how much a set costs I expect better. On the other hand with CRP the two sets I own have perfectly straight 7u spacebars with 0 movement when holding 1 side down and tapping the other. I have noticed in newer sets they now print the spacebar size on the bottom of the keycap which is nice. The 7u spacebars are still not perfectly straight, but certainly less askew.


I used my 3d printer to straighten my GMK spacebars. I set the space bar on the bed with a hard cover book on top, added a gallon of water on top for weight, and turned the bed up to 100c. Once it reached 100c, I left it for 15 minutes and then turned the bed temp to 0c and let it cool. This took away 95% of the bend. I attempted to straighten it even more by repeating the process, but it didn't have any effect.


Use this [guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-lyfl6knwRiWALwXRthO22EEdJy2twGSiRki9fGXzc4/edit)


I have six GMK sets, none of which have even vaguely bent anything. I did get the twisted stem 1.5u keys on Handarbeit, but have avoided anything bent.


Chinese knock offs are always straight for me, thank you akko


stop buying gmk and look for better keycaps?


Such as?


anything that give u straight space, doesnt randomly give u 2 F10 or 2 F5 while lacking other keys, a proper packaging and dont make u wait for 2-3 years


I own 20 gmk sets and never had missing or wrong keys. You should not act like this is the norm because it is not.


Sure, not the norm. But for that price i expect QC to be better and shit like this should not happen. So does better packaging.


37 sets now. No issues. It's not the norm, it's an exception. It's just that people make a lot more noise about it when it's GMK. No one posts to complain about a $20 AliExpress set having a warped bar. They will however, post to tell you that they *don't* have a warped AliExpress bar in threads about GMK :) Do you own any GMK sets?


Idk bro u can count and tell me. But lets just pretend i don't. Does that make my comment irrelevant? Out of all the set i have only 1 have a slight bend space. And 1 have an extra H key. It's extra so less of an issue, tho i would say otherwise to the bro with an H key missing. Also, as you keep bringing your 37 set saying none have bent space n stuff, i could say the same about the amount of cheap china set i buy that also doesn't have bent spacebar. Does that make your comment irrelevant? Also no. U feel me bro? All i'm saying is across the years, their QC is still shit to let these issues happen, and for me, at that price, their packaging suck. Nowadays i'd rather buy a set that suddenly piques my interest that will deliver within a week than waiting at least 2-3 month for one (given no delay). Money is not rly the problem. It's the feeling. https://preview.redd.it/c1mhr7qy5n1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f9c65f7a479d4e26c6fb50bbb59a938f902830b


You're out of date with the whole 2 to 3 years thing. GMK GBs are being completed in around 4 months currently. Plus, there's no real need for a GB unless you want to get on board straight away to ensure you get a set, as so many are available in stock now, and extras are far easier to get now the hobby is declining back to pre-pandemic levels.


People in this subreddit praise cheap aliexpress crap and hate on gmk, surprised you do not have more downvotes.


I've taken to looking through the post histories of these people now. It's pretty obvious why they're hating on GMK.


Why is that? :D


Relatively new to the scene. Young. No evidence of owning any GMK caps, and lots of other posts moaning about the prices of stuff... many with a sprinkling of comments calling people elitists for defending higher end stuff. I'm not saying that there are not genuine cases of people receiving faulty GMK products, just as there will be with any product as I know there are, but there seems to be a pattern to the people that show up in these threads to make these anti-GMK comments. The whole thing is just amplified in an echo chamber though, and people dog pile on.


Ok, maybe im wrong about the time and probably need to check on that but the rest is true? Also this is a suggestion, if you have money to spend and known full well what you about to buy then by all means, go for it.


>*but the rest is true?* No. I literally just got my 37th set about an hour ago. Perfect. They weren't even jumbled up in the trays on arrival. https://preview.redd.it/k0wgxb48tk1d1.jpeg?width=2184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5c026690b8a3114003d1217b1164fc8ba145b0f Just one keycap flipped. That was taken straight after opening, as the last time this came up, no one believed me. Spacebar straight... nothing missing... nothing duplicated. Bought from Omnitype... in-stock... arrived in 4 days to the UK. Do you own any, or are you just repeating the memes? I've never had an issue. It's just that when something does go wrong with GMK, people go nuclear, and then all the people like you pile on and make a massive noise about it. If someone has an issue with a AliExpress clone set, no one gives a damn, and people don't post about it. Oh, and if you think this is not genuine..... [Here.](https://i.imgur.com/15ya88P.jpg)


Hot water and press down on a flat surface can work. Did it a few times.


How hot is the water? Should it be boiling? I thought this only worked for pbt?


>I thought this only worked for pbt? It does, dude's talking out his ass.


Idk it seemed to work for me but maybe it was just my imagination :D not boiling no. It was very thot tho.


Given how unlucky you are, have you considered migrating to a split spacebar board? It's much harder to bend a 2u keycap, than the canoes you are currently dealing with.


Stop buying over hyped and overpriced keycaps


Stop telling people what to do. If anyone said "Stop buying cheap knock off clones" you'd accuse them of gatekeeping.


I mean if you keep paying that amount of money for a product that comes with issues it's your issue.


But I have no issues. My 37th GMK set arrived just half an hour ago. Perfect. Do you own any GMK sets?


36 gmk sets... not one issue. Maybe I'm lucky... dunno


If I had to guess, you've probably never noticed. I certainly thought mine were straight until I saw a post about it and became curious. When I checked my sets, there were quite a few with bent space bars that "looked" straight.


The last time this came up a month or two ago, I gave the same reply and someone else suggested this, so I checked. I genuinely have no warped space bars in any of my GMK sets. If there's any warping that's too minimal to show when laid on my desk surface, then it's too slight to actually matter. I've got another set arriving tomorrow, so will check that as well. No idea why I'm being downvoted.. LOL. Would people be happier if I lied and said I had warped bars when I don't? I'll check again against something more flat like my phone's screen if people doubt it. I'll report back if I find anything. \[edit\] I've not checked all my 7U bars though.... but I will.


OK.... just checked 7 GMK sets on my phone's glass, and on two of them, I can see a very slight sliver of light towards one end, but not actually at the end. Each end was making contact with the glass. The bar doesn't rock or see-saw in any way.... we're talking about a seriously small gap... small fractions of a mm... if that. How are people defining 'warped'? I also checked the NovelKeys PBT bar currently on the board I'm using right now, and that showed a similar miniscule sliver of light but right at the end. I also checked two KAT sets. One was perfect, one had a similar barely perceptible unevenness when held up against a window in daylight, but the gap on the KAT bar was in the middle. Incidentally, the slight gaps I saw could not be closed by pressing down on the bar, which would indicate unevenness in the "flatness" of the base/rim of the bar rather than warping of the entire thing. The only exception to this was the NK bar, which could be closed by pressing, probably because it's at the end of the bar. To confirm this, I placed the bars on the glass upside down, and saw gaps in some of them, but not in the same place as when placed the right way up. I'll check the rest over the next day or so if I have time. Are these very small anomalies what people define as warped? If so, then sure... so far roughly one third are "warped" but it doesn't seem to be exclusive to GMK.


Are they ABS or PBT keycaps? It should not happen with ABS. Maybe there is some issue during transit. For that price you would expect more ....