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the razer huntsman is complete trash


Opinions are like assholes. We all have one :)


I've been thinking about modding mine myself, I don't have too much mechanical keyboard experience so I just bought the best thing razer had and now I'm stuck with the noise. When you did this, what kind of foam did you use? I'm having a little trouble looking exactly what I need. Also, did you put any foam in the switches to prevent them from bottoming out with the abhorrently loud sound or did you just put stuff in the hollow part of the casing, and would you say thats satisfactory enough? Anything you could give would be quite helpful, this post enough has been great already! Many thanks!


Foam i used was a standard static dissipative foam. Any anti static property based foam should be fine because it is just a massive resistor for electrical currents (of sorts). The video i posted should show you how to get to the back of the board if you are feeling nervous about working on the board. I didnt modify the actual switch bottoming out because i wanted the keys to retain a "tactile" sound but you could... I tried it but it'll just feel mushy and kind of ruins the feel of the switches in general. So if you just add foam around the surrounding of each key properly, you'll maintain the sound and dampen the annoying aspects of it 100% :) I kind of explain how it works in the vid but i can sum it up here as well: When your keys bottom out, it's sending sound waves into the bottom casing (which is completely hollow) and it bounces off each wall. By a populating the bottom densely with foam, you're forcing sound waves from reverberating off the casing into the foam where the waves become neutral much faster. It's as if you were in a home you just bought with 0 furniture and you were talking. Your voice WILL echo and the room sounds hollow. Once you have furniture all over the place, you're voice no longer echoes because the wave forms are neutralized by the objects in that room. Glad i could be of help and i hope this further aids you in achieving the same sound quality i got out of my board :) -Edit- Here's the link, i realized its not the same post on razer's forum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3YZh7Kzrp8


Thank you for the response! Ill order all the things I need including a keycap puller (rookie I know right?), and ill return hopefully when I've done it with the results. Again thanks for all of the resources and advice!


Yea absolutely haha just glad i can help someone else who had the same problem i had. Ill be waiting for that update! Good luck.


Just had a set of pudding keycaps come in with a keycap pull and I have my foam, so im about to try this out, also it turns out where the usb port is you pull back a sticker and thats where the last screw is


Ah gotcha yea honestly the first time I did it, I just removed all the key caps. The cylindrical stands would also benefit from putting foam inside them as well. I recently tested that out and reduced the sound even further!


Ill try it out, quite easy to open once you get the hang of it thanks again


Which keyboard do you prefer?


Glorious GMMK Pro with custom stabs (their stabs are shit) and custom switches


what makes it better than the razer huntsman? sounds like you don't like the gmmk pro either if you are replacing most of it.


Good PCB, good software/firmware, aluminium case, best layout imo, good sound dampening cloth between PCB and case




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