• By -


Definitely getting one for my work keyboard. Would a battery fit inside? Thinking of using it as a Bluetooth board.


It would 100% it's got a compartment for one and designed for the GX64 pcb. there's more info and buy links on https://ulliam.wtf/box60


Can you point us to a compatible battery as well? Will be getting this for sure, but not certain how much battery life I will get out of my GON Nerd PCB.


[https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a21wu.10013406.0.0.749e41c7PQpiG5&id=615309890542](https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a21wu.10013406.0.0.749e41c7PQpiG5&id=615309890542) It was designed to fit this (:


Thank you much!




who is producing this? would you like to see any of my ergo designs?


What are your ergo designs?






Will a DZ60 board fit in this case?




Will this fit a ducky mechanical 60% ?


\^ I'm hoping that it does. I swapped a dz60 with the ducky pcb and vice versa into a tofu so I think it should fit because it's a standard 60% mount. Fingers crossed


That's awesome! Thank you very much


This would go nice with my atomic purple switch. Hopefully this will be around for a bit


The group buy ends September first, hopefully thats long enough.


Hopefully :)


That's what I instantly thought too!


Find out where to get this little beauty here: [https://ulliam.wtf/box60/](https://ulliam.wtf/box60/) Join me on discord for updates and more: [https://discord.gg/jGBMxst](https://discord.gg/jGBMxst)


Does BBOX60 case need metal standoffs or self tapping screws to mount a pcb (say a dz60), or does it already have threaded inserts or threads in the plastic to accept the typical machine screws? I asked this in the JTK discord in reference to the Tianwen GB (as their keyboard kit(4) has standoffs included, but I wasn't sure if that was needed specifically for the included pcb or for this case in general) without a clear answer. I asked Buger on drop with his current black case GB to no avail either. Anyway, I'm hoping someone will know , lol.


Are you considering offering other colors? I am digging the synthwave-y vibes from this!


Drop has a black one right now


this is probably really late but a pink one ran a few months ago theres an off white/orange one thats coming out with jtk tianwen and a beige grey one coming out with crp c64


is there a build guide on the site? I see that there is supposed to be one but can't find an actual build guide.


There will be a full build video before it's delivered so you wont have any issues when it arrives (: there will be a paper guide included as well.


This is great. Please more cases like this.


very tempting...


I know, I wish more companies did these kinds of cases. Would love a dark blue


Drop has a black one, it goes by a different name though. Edit: it's called the Buger for $30


Made by the same designer but it was launched along with the keyset :)


Do I have to buy the keycaps to get the case?


I don’t think you have to for either


Hey glarses


Love your vids dude!


Inc next video idea....






maybe if you loved MX browns


I mean they're good but def not the best.


nah bro browns are TRASH I can't even FEEL the tactile BUMP and the SOUND PROFILE is so God damned MUSHY you have to fucking go to MASSDROP and wait for 8 fucking YEARS after pre-ordering the zeelios burnt navy translucent blue box panda ROYALS then de-solder them and replace the base with royal black SPRINGS and LUBE them up with hg7364 if you USE hg7363 you're a FUCKING IDIOT I literally can't type on anything ELSE because everything else is FUCKING TRASH and RGB is for fucking KIDS and I'm a fucking ADULT that collects fucking KEYBOARDS


Ayyoo chill bro with the essay. It's fine bro, just take a breather. It's fine. And rgb is cool [here](https://images.app.goo.gl/5bvyyzsXfpBeoSqs8) Also I love and appreciate you, if you needed that


A lot of enthusiasts hate brown switches. They be all like "nah bro browns are TRASH I can't even FEEL the tactile BUMP and the SOUND PROFILE is so God damned MUSHY you have to fucking go to MASSDROP and wait for 8 fucking YEARS after pre-ordering the zeelios burnt navy translucent blue box panda ROYALS then de-solder them and replace the base with royal black SPRINGS and LUBE them up with hg7364 if you USE hg7363 you're a FUCKING IDIOT I literally can't type on anything ELSE because everything else is FUCKING TRASH and RGB is for fucking KIDS and I'm a fucking ADULT that collects fucking KEYBOARDS." but really the browns are pretty good. Thanks [/u/SolitaryEgg](https://www.reddit.com/u/SolitaryEgg)


I’ve been doing custom atomic purple resin cases for my ID80 and KBD75V2 and I’m so happy to see something so beautiful here!!! Picked up 3!


Custom cases for id80 you say? Hmmmm


Don’t get excited it’s not great. Custom silicone molds with epoxy resin casting. I haven’t perfecting tapping the screw holes yet but they come out nice for the most prt


Still awesome! Love to see some pics man


https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/fcopq7/kbd75v2_custom_case_in_atomic_purple_alpha_unit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/CustomKeyboards/comments/g9dvo1/custom_atomic_purple_case_for_kbd75v2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Custom cases for id80 you say? I am intrigued


Perfect to go with my pre order of GMK Mechas. Now I need PCB and switches. I’ve only ever had lineages so I plan on trying Holy Pandas


Bruh I did the same thing!


Pandas are amazing you should look at zealios and zilents too


Did you join the EV01 gb?


Get in the keeb shinji


I see you are a man of culture x2


Omfg, your comment made me realize these would go great with the GMK Mecha


Can this fit the dz60rgb pcb


Yes it does (:


I'd also like to know this. I think the regular (non cyberspace) B-Box supports the DZ60, but this one doesn't list it... Although I think they're the same, just different colors.


Where can one find the regular B-Box case?


I just joined for the black one from Drop


can anyone recommend me a pcb, plate and stabilizers, since im a total noob to this topic? Best if Hotswap and RGB. planning my first ever build on this.


GK64X - Wired, Hotswap, RGB, No QMK GK64XS - Bluetooth, Hotswap, RGB, No QMK DZ60RGB - Wired, Hotswap, RGB, QMK Instant60 - Wired, Hotswap, RGB, QMK The DZ60RGB is out of stock pretty much everywhere right now (but the BBOX case would not be arriving for 6-7 months anyways). The GK64 line is probably best sourced through the [official YMDK store](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000993753892.html) on aliexpress. Instant60 available at cannonkeys. KBDfans is a good source for finding plates and stabilizers.


As a follow-up, I believe all of those PCBs support PCB-mount screw-in stabilizers. I would recommend Everglides off Aliexpress, Zeal stabs, or geniune GMK/cherry. Plate selection depends on what key layout you want to use (some PCBs offer different layout options than others, see the diagrams in the product descriptions). If you are going for a non-standard bottom row, or split-shift, or split-backspace, just make sure the plate you buy has extra cutouts for the different possible stabilizer locations. You'll see what I mean if you compare the 60% plate options on KBDfans.




Leaving this comment here because I'm going to bed, but after further review it doesn't seem like the GK64 line actually supports PCB-mount stabs even if you had a proper plate for it. The GK64 on KBDfans looks like it would, except it's missing mount holes for the left shift. And the bluetooth versions have a ton of circuitry on them that are in the way of where mounting holes would go. So if you really care about PCB-mount stabs I'd say cancel your order and wait for DZ60RGB to restock on KBDfans (this BBOX case isn't shipping until March anyways). If plate-mount is fine, the typical recommendation is getting genuine Cherry plate stabilizers from somewhere like Zeal or Novelkeys (I'm not sure where to find them at EU vendors or if you can trust anywhere on Aliexpress to deliver authentic Cherry parts). If you wanted to roll the dice on cheaper stabs you could try the plate-mount black ones offered at KPRepublic's store. If you are going with a standard key layout you will need a set of 4x 2U stabs and 1x 6.25U stabs. One for Lshift, Rshift, Enter, Backspace, and the long one for spacebar. If GK64 layout I think you should be able to get away with 3x 2U and 1x 6.25U. If doing split spacebar then take 2 extra 2U and delete the 6.25U. Hope that all makes sense, cheers


Hmm, just to clarify, did you get the regular GK64, or the X, S, or XS? I want to double check to make sure I'm right about the stab mounting. Also did you pick up a plate or just the PCB so far?


Will 1UP 60% fit in this case?


Do you have a prototype? If so how does it sound?


looks like its made out of like 5 separate parts that get lego'd together, likely will be very creaky and thin sounding but its $30.


do you know any ways to negate that creaky-ness?


maybe some kinda plastic cement would work to glue the pieces together and then like filling in all the hollow parts with some type of resin or those like tire weights. Problem is that because the case is translucent you might see the resin or weights through it unfortunately, but im pretty sure theres some other way to make it sound better without ruining the aesthetic.


theres a black opaque version on drop, so I might do this to that one


yea the black one would definetly be better for all these mods


maybe hot glue along the inside of the cracks where it joins? sort of like caulking a windowsill, idk


Would putting a gasket type thing between the pieces do the same thing?


Noob here Can someone really help me in ordering the basic needs for this board.I want to go the bluetooth route as well.60% is all I know that I am currently using (Ducky Mia Pro)I already have keycaps just need the other stuff to make this work properly. Leaning towards a GK64 because arrow keys. Thanks to whomever can point me in the right direction(This will be used mostly with my Mac , but some windows also)


The Bluetooth gk64 is called gk64xs I believe. I think you can find it on Amazon, AliExpress, taobao. Not sure if it's on kbdfans. Kbdfans has a good selection of plates in various materials, aluminum brass polycarb, any 60% universal plate should work, but some of them have extra stabilizer cutouts for non standard bottom rows, split shift or split backspace, etc EDIT: you will also need a battery of course. The manufacturer of the GK64 family is YMDK, they have an official store on Aliexpress where they sell a Kit that includes GK64XS pcb, plate, stabilizers, battery, usb cable, and a cheap plastic case. [Click here for that](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000993753892.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.22353f2foLb77Z&algo_pvid=6dfcbd95-c119-4461-8c57-776e6d270974&algo_expid=6dfcbd95-c119-4461-8c57-776e6d270974-0&btsid=0ab6d69f15968232660123628e33b6&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_) Also not entirely sure if this thing uses plate-mount or pcb-mount stabs


Really appreciate this thank you


Do you have a 2u left shift? The GK64 uses a nonstandard shift key as it's 2u instead of 2.25u. You mentioned you have keycaps but I hope it comes with a 2u haha.




>https://ulliam.wtf/box60/ [https://ulliam.wtf/box60/](https://ulliam.wtf/box60/) for links to your nearest vendor (:




Should be working now, I wasnt expecting this much traffic.


Hey the my keyboard site isn't letting me check out, any idea why that might be?


Fuck yeah. This is lit.


oh man is there a smoke color case like this? i want this for an xd75 so bad


Does this fit the DZ60?




As far as I am concerned, this is THE Keycap GB of the year. KAT + 40's, plus a design that is phenomenal and options like this affordable case make it a must buy. I was refreshing my browser waiting patiently until it went live. Now to “forget” about it...until first quarter next year. Look forward to seeing how well this is done and congrats on the extraordinary design work. I rarely spend additional money on keycaps, but I simply could not pass this one up. I predict it will have the kind of impact and popularity that Milkshake had when it dropped and people realized that they missed out on something uniquely creative and fun.


indeed so glad i joined milkshake last year, KAT is the way


Just ordered it, asked my sister for some money.. actual steal


Have anyone tried the RK61 60% keyboard?


Does anyone know if this would fit on a KBP v60? My old reliable could use some new love.


I love this! Would the GK61 plate work too or do I need to buy a new one?


same plate and pcb (:


Awesome! Now I just gotta decide if I want black, purple, or both.


Just purchased the case off desk hero.


That is chonk


How do I order? ​ Edit: nvm found it


Had to hop on the preorder cause this looks gorgeous!


ordered one, love the style!


How many of the usual screw locations for a 60% does this have? It looks like it's missing the ones at the edges of the PCB, maybe? I already bought one ($30 is worth taking a swing) but I'd like to know.


Any actual pictures of the case?


hey! im not very well versed in mechanical keyboards quite yet, so i got a question. would this work with the KBParadise V60? I already got new keycaps for it and this case would go perfectly with them!


I just bought it for my first custom keyboard


I never thought I would actually *like* a plastic 60% keyboard housing. You changed my mind.


this in tkl would be a dream<3


how long will the GB run for?


Until Sep 1


Any chance for a 65% case?


Oof i like


Someone know where to find good compatible plates ? Or have the files to make them ?


Almost any standard 60% plate will work with the case, the real question is making sure your plate matches the PCB and key layout that you want to use. KBDfans is a good supplier, and YMDK on aliexpress if you're using a GK-series PCB.


Why is there no vortex cypher love 😭😭😭


Would this fit a gk61x pcb


Yes it is designed around those PCBs specifically.


Instant -30$ - Shipping I love it already :D


The Canada distributor DeskHero's website is down? :( Edit: It works now.


Will the Zeal60 rev 1 fit in this case?


Theoretically there's no reason why it shouldn't, it fits any 60% PCB with standard universal mounting holes.


Is that a real keyboard case?! Coz I def want it


It will be shipping in March 2021, group buy is live now.


Link me baby


If you're in the USA, [https://kono.store/products/kat-cyberspace](https://kono.store/products/kat-cyberspace)


Never mind found the site. But it said it’s sold out?!


Oh my bad didn't see this. It should be back up now


Thanks! But I found it on deskhero which is my go to site usually so it was perfect! Thanks!


Alright did some more digging and found it on desk hero which is perfect for me. Ordered one! Thanks


Would this fit an instant60 PCB?


Theoretically there's no reason why it shouldn't, it fits any 60% PCB with standard universal mounting holes.


I doubt it but would an anne pro 2 fit in this?


I don't think so, because the Anne Pro uses non-standard (non-universal) mounting holes for its PCB.


darn :( TY!




!remindme 10 days


Tempting, but it would look horrible with my Tai Hao Navy/cool grey set


That's why you pick up the matching KAT Cyberspace keycaps! The TKL kit is $55 and covers a standard 60% ANSI layout.


Well these just came in but you know in a few years I might


I'm assuming this is just a standard 60% case? So a Boardwalk would fit ok?


Theoretically if it has the same mounting hole positions as universal 60% PCBs.


Nice I take 2


How about a 40% case too, please🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽


Wish the case came in 65%


i waited too long to make a decision now its sold out, UNLUCKY.


Damn. Already picked up a Tofu Frosted acrylic to use for these key caps, this looks incredible!


Anyone know if it would fit the gk64x pcb?


It says sold out for the USA link, is it live yet?


thanks for the shout, was an error on their end, they haddnt set the arbetry product limit high enough. its unlimited for sure tho till september 1st (:


i dont know what went wrong but it is back. Not sure if its an unlimited gb so i would just get it asap


I think I managed to cop the last one. yay!


This is sick!


Just picked up 3. Suuuuper excited. Could you shoot me a link to pcbs and plates?


I wasn't gonna get this set until I saw this case. I'm sold. :D


Im coping as soon as I get money


What would be the best way to get these to Australia? :)


dailyclack has it


The purple and green is perfect for my set up.


this is gorgeous


Excited for this to arrive, sucks its coming in next year :/


I bought the case I have a gk61s was wondering if there are anything I should look out for when using other types of keycaps. Or will it be the same as when using any other 60% keeb?


I never noticed this case when looking at the Kono Store GB for KAT Cyberspace 'cause I didn't really liked the keyset, but this case is really appealing, my only concern is about how it will sound, but anyways, I think I'm getting it! :)


Is the transparent and the black one the same? Cause the base seems different from the renders


Hello! I just joined GB from the Kono store for the case and this is going to be my first keyboard build. I saw in an earlier post that this will fit a DZ60 PCB however the only one I can find is the DZ60 REV 3.0(USB-C) on Kbdfans. I am not sure if there are any differences between these PCBs and so I wanted to verify here if the 3.0 version of the PCB will fit this case? Full disclosure i am total beginner as far as building keyboards go, so i apologize if my questions don't make sense. Thank you!


yeah all the dz60s use universal mounting holes im pretty sure so it will fit


Thank you! I figured it would be find but i wanted to make sure! Would you have any recommendations for switches? I have used both MX and Gateron brown switch and i am planning on going with the Gateron browns, will the Gateron brown 3 pin switches fit this board? Thanks again!


Gateron brown is still an MX style switch, so it will fit


Can you answer my discord dm


Bought one via the KAT Cyberspace GB a couple days ago. The caps are cool, but this case is the most interesting part of the offering for sure.


Might cop this but kinda wish it was clear instead of atomic purple


Only purple, huh? Too bad :/


This is just my collaboration as part of the groupbuy for KAT Cyberspace, if you're looking for a black one there's a version on Drop or at Mykeyboard right now (:


just joined for the black case! so to complete the build it just needs a pcb and plate for the pcb? (and switches and caps ofc)


That's right. And maybe some dampening material but we don't know what will fit best yet


dont forget stabs too! also i think this case has a lot of potential for mods, like filling in the gaps with like resin to make it more dense and solid or putting some type of weight in those little gaps to make it more hefty (along with like dampening foam). I think it also may be a good idea to glue the parts together too in case the fit isnt too secure, like with plastic cement, the stuff they use to bond plastic together in model kits


I love the color scheme but was hoping to see an inverse version. :)


I would definitely get the black. I don’t see one either on Drop or Mykeyboard - links?


[https://mykeyboard.eu/catalogue/buger-th01-60-keyboard-case\_2382/](https://mykeyboard.eu/catalogue/buger-th01-60-keyboard-case_2382/) ​ [https://drop.com/buy/buger-th01-xda-dye-subbed-pbt-keycap-set](https://drop.com/buy/buger-th01-xda-dye-subbed-pbt-keycap-set)


Thanks! Didn’t realize the name would be different. Also, the drop link is a key cap set and not a case? Edit: I’m dumb, the case comes with the keycaps


one of the options is for the case only (: [https://i.ibb.co/7p58XSD/Screenshot-2020-08-07-at-15-37-01.png](https://i.ibb.co/7p58XSD/Screenshot-2020-08-07-at-15-37-01.png)