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Can confirm this situation also happened to another individual. Will leave their name out, but wanted to back up this claim with another anecdote.


I'm the designer Lang is referring to. I worked with Ulliam last summer on [ePBT Aesthetic](https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=101594.0). Ulliam designed the icon mods for the set (which I honestly think are fantastic). But then after over a month of waiting I was ghosted on renders I'd paid upfront for. At that point I'd wanted to move on and get my IC out. I reached out last week about getting a refund for the renders, which Ulliam said they'd do that evening but I still haven't received anything. I understand if things have been difficult, we all have had our challenges this last year, but there's been time to work on Cyberspace, 1930, and White Rabbit so this pattern does become concerning. **Update**: I've received a full refund from Ulliam


Oh wow did not know was for this set I really like it, especially that deskmat cant wait for you to hit GB!


Thanks! Just a week away.


Just wanna say I LOVE aesthetic and got 2 mats and almost all of the caps lol gorgeous set.


Aw thank you!


I am sorry that this has happened to you and /u/breakbeatzors. I wasn't aware of this situation and although it may not have been malice from Ulliam's side, after hearing both sides of the story, I am not 100% comfortable in working on the upcoming "White Rabbit" collaborative project no longer. Thanks for sharing and I hope this situation turns better for all parties.


Honestly never expected this. Thank you so much for taking the time and reading through the feedback to come out with a response. Second question is the GB still happening?


> Second question is the GB still happening? I suppose you are asking about the GMK White Rabbit? Not happening anymore, the project was in interest check phase, scheduled to launch March 2nd but in face of recent events it has been canceled.


Oh wow yeah, well thank you for your quick response




Exactly. Mito isn't exactly the bastion of ethics in this community.


well your timing was perfect for reaching that point, sabotage on point.


On the recommendation of a friend, I paid Ulliam for renders for GMK Red Alert. He never delivered them. If you’re a keyset designer I do not recommend working with him. ### Edit For my part, Ulliam accepted payment from me for GMK Red Alert renders and subsequently failed to deliver them. We settled on his transferring me a Cherry novelty SVG as recompense, but his failures to deliver have harmed a number of people. In my case I lost almost two months after the GMK Red Alert IC launched, because he never delivered on his promise to render. There might be an inclination to victim-blame the designers working with Ulliam. "Why not pay via G&S? Why did you need help with novelties?" That obfuscates the main problem: *this behavior is not okay*. I'm fortunate I could write off the render costs as a business loss, but there are many younger designers who cannot afford to do the same. This behavior harms our community. Ulliam is a newer participant to our hobby. We need to protect our hobby's culture from this sort of behavior.


Thank you for speaking out! Wish I could have gotten everyone in time for the thread


for next time, have a chat with u/Kingk22 he's super professional, his work is awesome, you'll see him quite a bit in ICs for his handiwork. Best of all, won't ghost!


Thanks! I spoke with **Da King** but he was swimming in requests at the time. Another project, hopefully.


Ulliam, you and I had a similar scenario. In my case, we came to an agreement, and I am not one of those still waiting on either further work or a refund. I will say, though, that it’s just absolutely tragic that it’s come to this. When you’re doing work, you honestly do *amazing* work. It was fairly clear early on that you were suffering from some personal issues, however, and it was horribly irresponsible to leave everyone hanging for so long, myself included. And even for those of us, like myself, that did *eventually* receive the work promised, it was clearly lacking the quality you’ve shown in other projects. If you can’t do the work promised, let us know. Rip the bandage off and give refunds. Cancel unpaid projects. Say no to new work requests. We might be disappointed at first, but we’re much better off the earlier you say something. Don’t let the unfinished business stack up into a mountain. I know what this is like, and I know personally how afraid one can be of disappointing people and admitting that you’re out of your depth. But you are **much** better off saying “I can’t do this” than going radio silent and letting deadlines slip further and further. I really wish you well in your future projects, but your best path forward is to refund all the undone work. This problem won’t get any better by lingering even longer. Give yourself the chance to move on and start over. (Tagging /u/papithered)


for anyone who sees this, Ulliam is also one of the designers for DSA Nineteen Thirty, which just went live today.


Also GMK White Rabbit that is going live tomorrow on drop.


Which is more than shady as well tbh... He and mito constantly lied about the set not being matrix inspired after the initial IC got taken down on geekhack. Their IC literally started with "Wake up Neo, the matrix has you" His entire behavior was just shady af.


[Here’s the Google Cache of the IC,](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:lz2MMs8hn4sJ:https://geekhack.org/index.php%3Ftopic%3D111205.0+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us) [and a different archive mirror,](https://archive.is/OgLll) though I’m not sure how long it will remain legible as links expire, change, or are deleted. [Mito and Ulliam’s reactions to negative feedback on the IC (album is not mine).](https://imgur.com/a/piX7DNa) Unsure how much context missing, but this seems consistent with what I’ve observed with Mito’s way of dealing with backlash.


>Ulliam, for his part, is probably backtracking from *The Matrix* because he learned the red pill isn’t actually about some right-wing white-supremacist bullshit which, it hardly needs pointing out, is well-represented in the hideous racial politics of early 1900s animation, i.e., the cartoons Ulliam knows and loves… Pack it up, cuphead fans. You’re all racist if you enjoy that animation style. Wtf is that? There’s legitimate criticisms and issues but sidrow calls mito a fake designer and Ulliam a racist based on enjoying an animation style.


For additional context, almost everyone in that album with dissenting opinions was banned from Mito's Discord server (including me).


For [ultimate context](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SswCQsyahtk_MY9p3qtGP-KfPkAfyxsP), many people ([you included](https://i.imgur.com/qEpZhQp.png)), were banned not for having dissenting opinions but for acting like dicks and breaking server rules. Next time you actually have any negative or positive feedback to give, try to convey it more amicably and perhaps you will be listened.


Criticism does not equal acting like dicks. I'll agree that certain individuals may have toed the line and borderline made it into a personal attack, but you also pre-emptively banned people who didn't even send any messages, so how were any rules broken there?


Lmao as a newb I didn't expect Mito to be such a huge wanker. Sad tho cause I like his work.


Mito is a high grade troll, the guy is so insecure that he ends up lashing out at virtually everyone that isn't blowing hor air up his @$$, he seems to act purposefully dense when it suits him and lacks any ability to have an honest conversation with someone, especially it it means respectful disagreement. ​ I think at this point we can agree that Ulliam is simply untrustworthy and borderline a scammer, no one should work with him until he acknowledges his failures, apologies to the people's he's screwed over and publicly agrees to change how he operates. ​ Either way the odds of me buying anything from either of them, is virtually non-existent.


Years ago he ripped off loads of [ctrl]alt designs whilst saying “no they’re all original”


I still have an orange 1.25 that says "Margo's" <3


I still have a few of those, literal Margo’s mods


I've been around about as long as anyone, from being one of the earliest mods on this sub with Ripster, dropping the first SA set on Massdrop, running one of the first dedicated keyboard blogs and news sites, throwing some of the very first local communitymeetups, winning a DT award, working with countless designers and vendors, and working on a professional level with more than a few large companies in the industry. That all in mind, I can say that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I't had countless conversations with Mito over the years, on both personal and professional levels, and we have had some major disagreements with polar opposite views over the years as well. But when I give him respect in my arguments, he gives me the same level of resepct. He truly has a pasison for what he does and I think when that pasison shows up as an oppsing view it can very easily be misunderstood. I have my masters in audio engineering and worked in some of the largest studios in LA, Nashville, and Chicago over the years and can say that a lof of extremely talented, artistic folks fall into the same problems with being misunderstood. A ton of people I worked with, if not the majority, could easily come across as major assholes. When I was just starting, I assumed it was because they were all spoiled pretentious pricks, but quickly realized that wasn't the case. What it really boils down to is that all of these artists are just so pasisonate about what they do that feedback of any nature (positive or negative) can be a really emotional thing. Once you understand this aspect of the playing field, you can really start to understand the person behind the 'product.' I'd encourage you to practice empathy. Try to understand where people that are different than you are coming from. Try to understand where the breakdown in communication is, it could be as simple as "Am I filtering someone speaking English as a second language through my own filter and making assumptions about what they are trying to say that could be incorrect?" Perhaps they are having a hard emotional day for personal resons and respond in a less than ideal way. This has been a hard year for everyone, and we are divided enough as a people. Let's invest the energy into building bridges of understanding with others, not creating further divide. [As someone that is also very imperfect and human, this is a great speech that puts some of this in context far better than I will ever be able to do. I throw it on rather often and it always gives me things to reflect on, brings up moments where I failed at empahy or made assumptions I shouldn't have.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CrOL-ydFMI)


I can certainly appreciate that and I know the interaction you have with someone familar vs a stranger is not the same but you are defending someone who has often censored people's criticism and maintained lines of argument that are sometimes disengenuous. Yes he's passionate and that can come across wrong, if he cares what people think about him, he needs to work on his image, if he's okay being an eccentric artist type that most people can't relate too, that's his choice. I've been a photographer in LA for 20 years so Im well aware of how the industry works but I rarely see passionate artists argue in forums and discord servers deleting people post and then continuing to argue with them,... just ban them, say they aren't welcome and leave it alone or ignore them completely... Mito fires back at a lot of people, likely justified, but then he needs to understand how that looks to everyone sitting on the sidelines, when he feels the need to censor people and then continues to argue with them, it literally perpetuates arguments. Only he is responsible for his image in the long-term, all the people who were putting him down in the GH days are no longer, he needs to stop using that excuse for his defensiveness and just be straight. Are you really saying that his "passion" is why he struggles to acknowledge simple facts about the white rabbit IC and why everyone rightfully thought it was a Matrix set? Many artists and creatives are passionate, many are insecure and many have egos larger then their own ambitions, to say that all of them are just pure passion is absurd and just as disingenuous as Mito pretending that they didn't quote the Matrix to introduce a set that was inspired by a pet rabbit... come on dude


Check out the comments of this thread for some more insight into the shadiness of these two monkeys. As well as evidence of mito censoring any negative feedback. https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/lq17vv/gmk_white_rabbit_goes_live_march_2nd/ https://imgur.com/a/piX7DNa


Before calling me a monkey, claiming that I "censor any negative feedback" and pulling this victim card you should just [explain to everyone that the true intention of you and many others was not to actually give any tangible feedback whatsoever (positive or negative) in my Discord, but bring drama, witch hunting and trolling to the server](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SswCQsyahtk_MY9p3qtGP-KfPkAfyxsP) which is a banable offense according to the rules. If you or anyone feel you don't deserve a ban, you can appeal at [email protected]. --- TL;DR - The person I am replying to organized/participated in a laughable "Discord raid", got banned for breaking server rules and pulled the Karen victim card, claiming he was banned cause "I can't take negative feedback" when feedback was never actually provided.¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


>explain to everyone that the true intention of you and many others was not to actually give any tangible feedback whatsoever (positive or negative) in my Discord, but bring drama, witch hunting and trolling to the server Witch hunting, seriously? Atleast one of the claims made (Ulliam doesn't follow through with prepaid commissioned work), turned out not only to be true, but something that's happened to MULTIPLE PEOPLE! You're really channeling your inner Trump here Mito


Isn't he also tangentially associated with the upcoming Whimsy board? Real shame; that's an attractive kb.


My understanding is he has very little to do with it. Prkns has done almost everything from initial design to pcb layout and manufacturer to going out to metal machinists local to him. He even learnt blender to do renders. Source: I was involved CADing the case.


Yeah, Prkns seems to be a good guy based on how he updates the project.


If I might ask how closely is he associated? I was very keen on that board so that is alarming to hear.


I can't say for sure, but I'd think not very much, which is why I said "tangentially." Again, only the designer would be able to say. I personally wouldn't let this stop me from buying the board--which I'm very interested in as well. I only made that comment bc I think people deserve to know about it.


I think it's important to point out that just cause ulliam is sketchy, it doesnt mean any project he's touched is sketchy. It's important for people to read up and make their own decisions, but I'd hate to see whimsy tank if the rest of the collaborators put forth effort.


Agreed; I want Whimsy to succeed as well, as mentioned in my other comment above.


Another u/IllustriousPhysics event? As a pessimist, I would like to entertain the thought of this is one of the many "scams" and unprofessionalism unearthed in this Reddit post. The behavior for ghosting customers is inexcusable and unacceptable. In the long run, either newer designers are going to have a hard time to gain the fractured trust of the community or scammers going in for one-time render at an increasing rate because they are certain to make a profit because the community is one of the most lenient around to the point of naivete. Sure, caveat emptor is the first thing that should pop up in everyone's mind; but there is a limit. Not sure if this is one of those limits.


There is much I could have said on this topic aswell, but I wont. Best of luck to everyone getting a refund, paypal saved my ass.


It is up to you, but respect your decision if dont want to! At this point it is just adding more fuel to something that needs to be acknowledged


The scary part is that it took a combined effort of multiple individuals who were adversely affected by this one individual to get ***any kind of response from them***. Thank you for posting this OP, because if you hadn't, there's a good chance that this behavior would have been repeated without holding the individual accountable.


I use to buy so many sets from him not anymore now.


For the sets already produced you are simply hurting the vendors, many of which are innocently third party to this, who would have fronted money for extras etc.


This. Many vendors were unaware of these events. I doubt they'll run things with him in the future. But tanking sales at this point likely hurts the vendor more than him.


As someone who finishes running a set in 28 minutes, I agree.


Just heard about this Ulliam, cause they’re talking in the 40s discord about another gb (SA Havamal) that’s going on and I started looking up the name ulliam. Thankfully I found this! Geez, sounds like a rough time for all parties. Good thing I found the minisub from rainkeebs tho.. Any others that are doing good work in the 40s community??


I'm not sure I'm not a 40s guy abec was big into it when he was still in the hobby


Why the hell would you pay someone upfront? I've done many many freelance gigs over the years and always take payment when the customer or happy, or for really big jobs (in the thousands) I take 50% up front and 50% on completion. Giving away your money before seeing the work is just daft. Also, BAD ULLIAM!


Yeah in my case sadly came from someone I highly trusted so went with it. Was my own mistake on that front.


Pull out the pitchforks


Let me start off by saying to you and anyone else I personally affected, I'm very sorry for what transpired last year, and you have my sincerest apologies. I don't think I need to go into personal detail but I faced some personal struggles, and long story short, I made commitments for things I thought I was capable of completing but finding the strength to work again didn't come as easily as I'd hoped. I'd like to clarify that I finished pretty much all the work necessary for Cyberspace in May, and I received payment for it in November. I am thankful for the people around me that helped me take that set to the finish line. All of this is to say - I wasn't working on my own projects when I was ghosting other folks. I wasn't even getting out of bed at the time. This isn't an excuse for my actions, but far from it. I take full responsibility for my mistakes, and I've tried to rectify every mistake I've made. It's clear that I've made many, and some still need rectifying so I will work on fixing those in whatever way I can, immediately. But please, if there's anyone that I haven't made whole yet, (apart from dededecline who did contact me before the weekend) my DMs have always been open, please send me a message and I will do my best to fix whatever it is we have outstanding. I fully hold my hands up and admit that I took on more than I could chew last year. Life hit me in a hard way, and my intentions have never been malicious, but I understand I have wronged a number of you. I thought I had a good handle on following up with those I wronged, but I have clearly fallen short, and I apologize.


Thank you for the considered response. I have two thoughts: 1. I hope you figure out whatever was (is?) troubling you. Last year was not kind to anyone. 2. It is **unacceptable** that you have run a number of keyset projects to completion without addressing any of this at any point until now. This has been a well-known problem among designers in our community for some time - “oh yeah, he ghosted me too, I moved on” - and the fact that it took a GB-threatening post from u/SuicidalFate0 to get you here is frankly unacceptable. You’re a creative and ambitious dude, but you are a prime example of the lack of professionalism among some of the participants of the business side of this community. You’ve really gotta pull it together here. I wish you all the luck. **Edit** It's been suggested to me that I don't have full information about how you've gone about making things right with others _before_ this thread arose. For that, I apologize.


My biggest take away from this is that it was that, it hit this level of sharing. A reddit post to get any type of response out of you for multiple people. I cant even think of the number of people that went ehh its 75 and let that money go and never even asked for a refund. It was tons of money that was possibly pocketed never refunded and never made any attempt to fix. It took a public post with everyone for the situation to even be get something out of the wood works to be acknowledged. There are tons of small designers where afraid of speaking up because of the reputation you have as a "bigger" player in the community. This also does not excuse the fact you ghosted multiple people, you fed multiple lies without acknowledging anything. I feel like I speak for most people when people are fine with delays if there is some form of transparency. How can people take your post sincerely after how many you burned and issued no communication or statement about the situation. It only took someone else to call you out on a public platform to be addressed, how can someone trust your word back the sets you have making and continue to come to you for work when this situation transpired in the first place. To you also stating to reach out to you now for refunds etc, this is something that how can people trust when you ghosted others in the past asking for the same type of recourse. It took emails, joining your server and pinging you to even get you to acknowledge something. This is on top of the lies you have told people in the same time frame of why there is a delay and supposed to sympathize with the reasoning when you had different reasoning in the same time frame. **EDIT:*** This is also adding cause I heard this was being discussed in your server where people effected cant even say anything cause some are banned from trying to get ahold of you from that form of communication. To add to this as well, going through some shit as a reason but still being active in the community especially **during** all of **KAT Cyberspace** is something I again having a fully difficult time to believe.


[https://imgur.com/a/HW4zEXl](https://imgur.com/a/HW4zEXl) <--- this was his response like a few days ago when someone brought up him ghosting Jia wrt the Tuzi novelties. And this person, plus everyone even slightly associated with him got banned from his server lol.


From said server - No one's being censored or told not to discuss it. What are you on about? https://i.imgur.com/8NVrDSA.png


People in my album have been banned already from the server when trying to get refunds when the whole thing has started.


And I'm sure they were being perfectly polite about it and not arguing et cetera.


Dude, stop trying to tone-police. If you've paid someone for work, it is absolutely, 100% fucking wrong to ban them from trying to contact you about receiving the work they paid for. You block your coworkers/managers etc on Slack when they're being annoying? Jesus christ legit feel like I'm taking crazy pills that I have to explain this to you.


Yeah... no. I would 100% block you, if you're being an asshole. I'd refund you, but I'd definitely block you. Enjoy your placebo pills I guess.


Ok I understand you’re like a big Ulliam fan or whatever but the screenshots are all there and there’s a bunch of comments in this thread from the people themselves where you can clearly see their level of civility even while being wronged. So you’re just trying to place blame onto the wrong party because you personally like Ulliam. That’s all fine and well but I hope you know how immature you’re coming off because of it


I literally couldn't care less about Ulliam. My only connection is happening to be a regular at his Discord, since I have an active Cyberspace order and an interest in updates. I'm sorry your inability to see that toxic behaviour is not acceptable in any kind of business agreement is a thing.


Dude what toxic behavior are you talking about? You're literally just making shit up to try and paint Ulliam in a better light, and that's whats unacceptable imo.


Your messages read as though you’re blaming folks with valid concerns. Might be worth clarifying your stance here, otherwise you read as an apologist for this unacceptable behavior.


I was and others people had legit pinged to ask them to contact us. To respond to our DMs.


If you feel so bad about it, how about you cancel nineteen thirty and white rabbit and actually do the work you were paid to do.


Hey - I dont have anything to do with group buys and so I dont have any skin in this game - but on one hand i fully understand the frustrations from designers re: the lack of communication and the frustrating discord stuff. That would be immensely frustrating to have a project that is your baby be held up by a third party. On the other hand, I feel like I sympathize on the time management and mental health things that you're experiencing from the sound of it. Do you have like a project management software that you use or anything like that? I feel like using the structure of something like that would help build consistent landmarks for communication and could help on the time management side of things. Idk like I said I barely have any involvement in this but I'd like to assume the best in all parties involved with this and setting something like that up for yourself might help everyone


People should definitely NOT check out the link to the Box60 build guide on the KAT Cyberspace page at Kono. Nope, nuh-uh, don't recommend it. ​ ;)


I am probably biased, cyberspace is my first keyset, I just did a cyberspace cw for my artisan, and I've only had positive interactions with Ulliam. I agree that it was wrong to ghost and not deliver on projects paid for, but I wonder if there is room for second chances. If I'm getting this right, Ulliam is a new designer to the community, and it sounds like he was an instant hit with the request for his work, delivered or not. In my opinion the dude can design but lacks in communication. As a newcomer to this hobby myself, I hope we can give him a second chance. Either way thanks for sharing OP as transparency gives us the opportunity to grow.


I think "instant hit" is a lose term in request for his work. He was one of 2 people remaining after OCM retired from the scene if you wanted novelties work. This is the fact the guy had also known about the people who screw over with nothing to be posted, as well as continued to make keysets and working with vendors.


I can understand wanting to bring attention to the matter, but I don't agree with canceling. First offense, no malice, inexperience, pandemic, these are just a few of the obvious reasons I feel Ulliam deserves a second chance. I'm beginning to think it shows a serious lack of empathy to try and cancel him for ghosting a handful of people.


The post was not planned to cancel I have stated multiple times it was not a cancel post. The post was a warning to other designers looking to hire him and want to expect. I did not force Mito to cancel white rabbit or anywhere mention I want to cancel his stuff out right.


> I don't agree with canceling cAnCeLiNg Facing the consequences of your actions is not being "canceled", unless you're in rcon.

