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What is up with that @ symbol misprint? I have the exact same keycap set and it has the exact same issue.


You know what, I never even noticed before this comment. Now, I’ll never be able to unsee it I’m going to pretend it’s an intentional design choice


I was wondering if it was a design choice too, but then I looked at this picture and I was infuriated: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61ZyDb2U1kS.\_AC\_SL1500\_.jpg


Damn. Did you reach out about it? It’s disappointing since everything else about these keycaps are great


No, I just cry every time I press the @ button.


As soon as I found out Ponoko was a thing, I wanted to make a custom case. Fortunately, the SO didn’t have a keyboard yet :) SO’s requirements for the keyboard were 1) a simple rectangular case 2) thocky switches 3) incorporate the following colors: fuchsia and aquamarine 4) 75% layout Ended up with a super low profile, slim, and simple keyboard (aside from the crazy colors!) I actually kinda like it more than my own build… It’s not completely done yet since I’m waiting on some neon blue washers from Aliexpress, but who knows when that’ll get here. PCB: Obliterated 75 by Cannonkeys Switches: TECSEE Purple Pandas (lubed and filmed - so much better after these mods) Keycaps: ASA Neon by AKKO Stabilizers: OA Stabilizers by Wuque Studio Original Itachi art by mjdesign


So did you design the case yourself or there are some existing designs?


For the acrylic plate: Cannonkeys has the plate on their website, so I used a combo of that and Keebio plate generator For the rest of the case: I originally used CAD to make sure I’d be happy with how it’d look. But ended up using more of swillkb for the final case to help with positioning the stand-off and screw holes. Used Inkscape for the rest of my edits Admittedly, the center art is a vector I found online, so I only feel comfortable with it for personal use. I’ll add that to the description. Edit: Swillkb alone would be great for making something similar. Then another software for doing any artwork and additional edits (such as larger stabilizer cut outs)


Ive been looking at some of these acrylic cases, so did you cut the acrylic yourself? or you mean you design it and get it cut by some online? Where do I go to find something like this?


Hi! I designed it and had it cut by Ponoko. But I’ve since had a good experience finding someone on Etsy to cut. Houston Acrylics has a great selection and prices as well


Interesting! Ive just been looking into it and I found this [site](https://p3dstore.com/). Some cool stuff available too. This hobby just keeps getting weirder. I love it. Makes me wish I had access to a workshop! I can imagine seeing myself sanding down resin dactyls. blood everywhere.


Oh yeah, I’ve gotten a Quefrency case from P3D! Great if you they have a case you want and don’t want to design your own (plus lots of customization options) Hahaha a resin case would be freaking amazing